I'll take your word for the applications turned down. But when the number of -total- new people reaches half the number of people that made me make "who the ----" comments that got in during Kaevan's last reign, I'll start to take notice.
This is not a critique of Kaevan or the "who the ----" people he let in. I don't name names and I don't make scenes at the time because I am quite aware that I am a douche and will be frequently wrong.
Ok, I'm tired and am unable to word things very politely so I apologize. This - "In the past, Mhaldor has done quite well by being very elitist concerning the people who were allowed citizenship." statement is completely wrong. From there, any attempts to marginalize, hedge, or whatever, just make me disregard your point, and I'm trying not to. I've found that many times when I had the thoughts that you had there in that paragraph that it all came down to the fact that I did not like the people being inducted, which turned out quite correct in many cases and incorrect in others.
I did the job, for a gross amount of time and people. I'm not going to shame myself with some of the people who were let in during my tenure, but it was during Dethea's run amd trust me, unless you turned down Cooper's application letter, you are wrong.
This mythological Mhaldor elitism is actually a fairy tale we all want to believe is true tbh It's been that way since forever. Sometimes I hear that XX has gone to Mhaldor, and I pause and think 'wait, what?'
What is actually more amazing is the sheer number of 'second chances' a person can get in Mhaldor. For a city that expounds the virtues of an intolerance for weakness and the strength of discipline, they're all too willing to overlook infractions by those who engage in the group gangbang that is lolpkextermcausewe'rebored bunch.
This does not project any appearance of a disciplined militant city, it projects the image of a petty gang of thugs all just out there picking on people and protecting their 'brahs' rather than any real overarching ideal or vision.
People are given a fair shake. If they have a horrid record, or simply won't work, the council can block them from getting in. Its part of the Ambassador's Ministry. During my time as Tyrannus I've only interfered in one application to ensure the guy got into Mhaldor, other than that, who gets in is up to the diligence and memory of the Mhaldorian Government. 90% of these names don't ring a bell to me, hence the importance of a concerted decision. As Tyrannus, I'm responsible for anything the city does, or fails to do. Chalk this up how you want, if I'm in trouble for letting in sub performance citizens with long rap sheets, hearing about it in game would probably help the council make a more informed decision prior to letting window lickers get through the gate. Lord Shaitan's number one goal was to increase overall membership, but not at the cost of quality. Yes, I notice the trend too...I seem to listen to the Patron and do what I'm told without arguing.
Sort of a combination of respect and following orders
Heh, seems like there's hardly anyone in Mhaldor Mhaldor has a history of being awfully choosy about who gets in - to their credit at times, but sometimes I'm sure it's more to do with personality conflicts. Either way, with all of the posts I keep seeing about hardly anyone ever being around, now doesn't seem like a time to be exceptionally choosy.
I kind of wish I had an alt there with Vadi as the HL, but I've got plenty of work to do with Jules, and had a heck of a time getting her back to Cyrene even when relations between the two cities were considerably warmer. Cyrene really is the proper home for her, and for me, her noncom player who struggles with basic coding and already has a nearly all-consuming hobby 3/4 of the year.
Tvistor's thoughts around the Kick the Dog trope, along with what a few others said about the look and feel of the city being too cartoonish definitely hit home. The whole reason I came to Mhaldor in the first place was Vadimuses and the Maldaathi, as I remember, because he was just a great character I kept running into while hunting on the island. I really liked the honourable evil angle, and they embodied it. Once I'd come over, the Maldaathi had some really good HLs (Belzander and Lideron stand out in my memory). EDIT: Lideron was probably just a knight at the time, rather than HL... either way, he made an impression. Xenomorph was maybe either on a very different time zone or semi-dormant at the time I think? So I only really know him from his forum posts (Don't get banned! The forums will be far less entertaining). I have an exceptionally crappy memory, but I think it may have been August who took over and he had a *very* different take on what honourable evil meant than I'd got from Vadi or Belzander or Lideron, and it really seemed like a low point as far as the ethos of that house. I'd never really liked Mhaldor much as a city (it was "okay"), so without a good house, it was time to move back towards Jules' roots/family/home.
It's interesting to me that Xenomorph seems to have been picked by the Garden in spite of some of the more entrenched Mhaldorian player base, rather than because of them, and I sort of hope this is a positive indicator of what he might do with the city/what the Garden has in mind for its future. Part of what always held it back when I was there was the small player base, and that still seems to be the case. It's hard to be badasses when Ashtan can always just stomp you into the ground.
For the record, I quite like Mhaldor's policy on citizenship applications. Mhaldor is probably the only city in the game (and hopefully New Shallam will follow this model) where a person can be given the chance to redeem themselves with everybody being completely secure in the knowledge that if it doesn't work out they'll be beheaded and tossed to the wayside.
Yeah, their OOC PT is one of the biggest turn-offs for me with Ashtan. Seems like such a weird way to play the game, to me.
ETA: Good lord, Jules, those are some golden oldies you're name-dropping there. The Maldaathi produced a shitload of awesome players, thinking about it.
I have seen people who I thought would flourish, fail spectaculary. I have also seen people who I thought would never fit in becoming great Mhaldorians. Trying to block someone on personal bias is stupid and ironically the people who do it are the ones who cry "favouritism" the loudest at @Xenomorph.
This is a game, not your wedding day. Give someone a chance and if they fail, kicking someone out of Mhaldor is not as messy as a divorce.
I would rather kick 9 bad ones out to discover 1 great one than deny all 10 because dey be threatnin mah 1337n355.
If someone screws up and proved you right, well done. I still don't care.
I agree that giving people a chance doesn't hurt. Mhaldor can either make or break a player, and you can never really guarantee which in advance. As long as you don't give too many chances, it's a good thing.
I would have liked to put Carmain to bed on a lighter note, but he will forever be that guy with issues it seems.
Mhaldor will always be what it is, it's not going to change. It seems that once you become a part of it, it narrows your view rapidly. That's not to say that it is wrong, or right. You can't go around flaunting opinions and proclaiming your way, I learned that one a little too late.
I don't hate people. Whatever crap comes out of my mouth to please one person, you can guarantee I am saying the exact opposite thing to someone else somewhere else. If I really was as vehemently opposed to all the things I said I was, I would have stopped playing sooner.
I can owe whatever credibility Carmain had or has to Xenomorph. Before Mhaldor, I was just an ego trip, and then I was an ego trip with a purpose, and eventually an ego trip with the cunning, skill and smarts to compete with all the other ego trips around. He is a good guy at some deep level that he does not like to show, so deep even someone who has been as close to him as I have can forget it is there.
Mhaldor is fine. OOC clans are fine. The Mhaldorian Government is fine. The biggest problem really is people forgetting that they are part of a game and they should try playing the game, and instead, trying to play the people. That's not cool, take it from me, I have been there.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Give someone a chance and if they fail, kicking someone out of Mhaldor is not as messy as a divorce.
Hmmmm. I seem to know a few recent situations that proved otherwise.
Nonetheless, it's never a 'no, never' to people who apply to Mhaldor. Even Mhaldorian enemies who get unenemied to try and join us is given a chance too (see: Santar). If they're determined, they'll make it a second time round. Unless the CL blocks you. Then you're kind of screwed.
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
I always thought IC: You are a slave if you follow a person (not to be confused with follow command). You were a servant of evil if you follow the seven truths. And you were the guy who played Sartan if you dictated the truths.
In Mhaldor, rules are bound to be used and abused (recommended when you are having a bad day and want to pick someone off the list), bent and broken but eventually cast aside when the God of Evil speaks.
I used to play on good factions on browser-based games before I turned to Achaea. Players were so friendly that they'd dictate a list of things that should be done in order to win. Or they were the kind who looked down on others because they had better language skills. It'd take me about two to three weeks to leave the faction and play game on my own. Browser-based games are easy to win.
Here in Mhaldor, it took me three years to go from a novice to a novice aide. I blame real life problems for the delay. IC individuals have acted bad sometimes, confusing even, but they've always showed the way out of an IC problem without patronizing. Second, Mhaldor is actually a very clean place. Every IC citizen is one part nobility (I imagine so, as Maldaathi was one of the first house in Mhaldor. Maldaathi = Chivalry = Nobility.), therefore, there is much restraint on how every character expresses himself/herself. Even when complaining.
Problems with Mhaldor are not any problem at all. Sometimes a person wants to vent. Someone wants to act wild. Another wants to follow their own dream. Go ahead and do it with gusto. No one is stopping you. None of the laws of Mhaldor place any restraint over how a citizen must conduct himself/herself (there is another scroll for that). It only defines crime and punishment. Just remember that today, tomorrow or at some point in future someone is going to have a bad day.
Or rather Ashtan/Eleusis/Shallam/somebody destroyed it ages ago, and then I just had it poofed for real! (Thanks Iaeum) You can all hate me now, but I regret nothing!
I wrote a tl;dr post about the points suggested in this thread, then deleted it because I keep making tl;dr posts on this subject. Anyone who'd like to discuss it further is welcome to PM me, especially Mhaldorians that I don't usually talk to, it'd be nice to see other perspectives.
On culture, I do get a lot of comments that Mhaldor should be less 'cartoony evil', blood and death and gore and decay etc, as @Trey put it, but others think that image suits Mhaldor fine (and it's historically always been that way). Even Herenicus's efforts to clean up the city were more or less denied, I was told. I have worked to some extent to try and find what balance I can between the two, but I don't have a whole lot of control over the actual aesthetics of the city - I just suggest to the denizen in charge that 'hey, X would be nice' and if it's approved, by and large they decide how it'll turn out - unless it's small things like items.
Given that the two - maybe three - buildings in Mhaldor that could be classified as 'opulent' were all destroyed (coincidence?), maybe the prevailing sentiment just is that Mhaldor shouldn't be too fancy, I dunno. I do agree that 'nicer' places in Mhaldor would be good to have, though (thank you to whoever took note for the common room renovation!)
In regards to the actual culture of Mhaldor itself, I don't think diversity is a bad thing as long as there are certain base rules that everyone understands and knows how to follow. Sipping tea on a throne of skeletons can be a nice change from swinging swords bathed in gore around and grunting, because ideally, it would be just different flavours of the same kind of jelly. It only starts being a problem when the tea-drinkers refuse to participate in raids because it'll get blood in their tea, and the sword-toting musclemen start beheading people for making them read an essay on the Seven Truths or something.
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ETA: Good lord, Jules, those are some golden oldies you're name-dropping there. The Maldaathi produced a shitload of awesome players, thinking about it.
ETA: Good lord, Jules, those are some golden oldies you're name-dropping there. The Maldaathi produced a shitload of awesome players, thinking about it.
ETA: Good lord, Jules, those are some golden oldies you're name-dropping there. The Maldaathi produced a shitload of awesome players, thinking about it.
I hear that Luggs guy was pretty amazing too.
Man I used to own that guy all the time!
That's blasphemous.
Dragonknight tells you, "SAIBEL SAIBEL BO BAIBEL FE FI FO FABLE."
I think that Mhaldor's blood and gore is just riiiight on the cusp of being too much, without going that far. The actions that certain Mhaldorian players make IG are usually what take it over the edge, in my experience. Eating the flesh of the sentient and promising to bathe the world in the blood of the innocent is all well and good, but its absolutely ridiculous if you're yo-ing each other while trying to stop the refugees from giving Logosmas gifts to orphans. I get that they were trying to oppose the refugees at every turn, but Mhaldor was just laughably cartoony during that time. From the perspective of a Cyrenian priest, that sort of stuff does more to harm the image of "Mhaldor as the evil elite" than anything, because it's so casual. There was no religious zeal behind it. It was just moustache-twirl monday.
I really hate Mhaldor's physical aesthetic. Yeah, it may have suited us at the start. It really felt like a distant and dirty western outpost inhabited by a group of desperate, religious fanatics. But Evil and Mhaldorian culture outgrew the look fast.
A 'Temple City' aesthetic formed from combining Gothic and Classical architecture would be far more fitting.
I won a competition awhile ago to have Chris Bourassa paint a picture of Lodi. My profile pic is the end product.
I think Mhaldor should aim to follow the aesthetic model of Apollyon's temple. Moving away from its past and building a city the world can gaze upon with awe would be a step in the right direction.
I really hate Mhaldor's physical aesthetic. Yeah, it may have suited us at the start. It really felt like a distant and dirty western outpost inhabited by a group of desperate, religious fanatics. But Evil and Mhaldorian culture outgrew the look fast.
A 'Temple City' aesthetic formed from combining Gothic and Classical architecture would be far more fitting.
I strongly, nay, fiercely and vehemently oppose Mhaldor taking any Gothic architectural elements (I suppose it makes sense to people because Gothic art = Goth subculture = Evil) because I've decided to finally do my best in something in Achaea - and that's attempting to influence and make builders incorporate certain elements of Abbot Suger's possible interpretation of the works of Pseudo-Dyonisius the Aeropagite, that is, use of LIGHT in having the architectural manifestation of Heavenly Jerusalem as the goal of the Gothic sacral architecture. In the new city, yes.
@Thaumas: I know you were building up to a joke, but just to clarify, I didn't suggest a Gothic aspect to Mhaldor's aesthetic because of ''lol gofic init?'. A flavor of that particular architectural style would just suite us culturally. This is due to the christian religious iconography we have heavily ripped off over the years. There's a certain bleak, heaviness to Gothic cathedrals, for example, that just fits. Gothic architecure dosn't really have anything to do with modern day Goth culture anyway, apart from maybe the fact that some Goths like it.
I won a competition awhile ago to have Chris Bourassa paint a picture of Lodi. My profile pic is the end product.
Use Romanesque. It's bulky, sturdy, functional. You can also use it as a fortress. Just leave Gothic architecture alone. Stained glass makes no sense in red fog anyway.
Sorry, but no way does Romanesque cut the mustard. Its just so... plain.
Edit: Reply to your above edit: Ha! You know we're going to have to go down the Gothic root just to piss you guys off now don't you? We'll do it better anyway.
I won a competition awhile ago to have Chris Bourassa paint a picture of Lodi. My profile pic is the end product.
What is actually more amazing is the sheer number of 'second chances' a person can get in Mhaldor. For a city that expounds the virtues of an intolerance for weakness and the strength of discipline, they're all too willing to overlook infractions by those who engage in the group gangbang that is lolpkextermcausewe'rebored bunch.
This does not project any appearance of a disciplined militant city, it projects the image of a petty gang of thugs all just out there picking on people and protecting their 'brahs' rather than any real overarching ideal or vision.
People are given a fair shake. If they have a horrid record, or simply won't work, the council can block them from getting in. Its part of the Ambassador's Ministry. During my time as Tyrannus I've only interfered in one application to ensure the guy got into Mhaldor, other than that, who gets in is up to the diligence and memory of the Mhaldorian Government. 90% of these names don't ring a bell to me, hence the importance of a concerted decision. As Tyrannus, I'm responsible for anything the city does, or fails to do. Chalk this up how you want, if I'm in trouble for letting in sub performance citizens with long rap sheets, hearing about it in game would probably help the council make a more informed decision prior to letting window lickers get through the gate. Lord Shaitan's number one goal was to increase overall membership, but not at the cost of quality. Yes, I notice the trend too...I seem to listen to the Patron and do what I'm told without arguing.
Sort of a combination of respect and following orders
Keep the OOC players out though. Too many OOC party tells mid-raid makes me :C.
This is a game, not your wedding day. Give someone a chance and if they fail, kicking someone out of Mhaldor is not as messy as a divorce.
I would rather kick 9 bad ones out to discover 1 great one than deny all 10 because dey be threatnin mah 1337n355.
If someone screws up and proved you right, well done. I still don't care.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Mhaldor will always be what it is, it's not going to change. It seems that once you become a part of it, it narrows your view rapidly. That's not to say that it is wrong, or right. You can't go around flaunting opinions and proclaiming your way, I learned that one a little too late.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Nonetheless, it's never a 'no, never' to people who apply to Mhaldor. Even Mhaldorian enemies who get unenemied to try and join us is given a chance too (see: Santar). If they're determined, they'll make it a second time round. Unless the CL blocks you. Then you're kind of screwed.
I always thought IC:
You are a slave if you follow a person (not to be confused with follow command). You were a servant of evil if you follow the seven truths. And you were the guy who played Sartan if you dictated the truths.
In Mhaldor, rules are bound to be used and abused (recommended when you are having a bad day and want to pick someone off the list), bent and broken but eventually cast aside when the God of Evil speaks.
I used to play on good factions on browser-based games before I turned to Achaea. Players were so friendly that they'd dictate a list of things that should be done in order to win. Or they were the kind who looked down on others because they had better language skills. It'd take me about two to three weeks to leave the faction and play game on my own. Browser-based games are easy to win.
Here in Mhaldor, it took me three years to go from a novice to a novice aide. I blame real life problems for the delay. IC individuals have acted bad sometimes, confusing even, but they've always showed the way out of an IC problem without patronizing. Second, Mhaldor is actually a very clean place. Every IC citizen is one part nobility (I imagine so, as Maldaathi was one of the first house in Mhaldor. Maldaathi = Chivalry = Nobility.), therefore, there is much restraint on how every character expresses himself/herself. Even when complaining.
Problems with Mhaldor are not any problem at all. Sometimes a person wants to vent. Someone wants to act wild. Another wants to follow their own dream. Go ahead and do it with gusto. No one is stopping you. None of the laws of Mhaldor place any restraint over how a citizen must conduct himself/herself (there is another scroll for that). It only defines crime and punishment. Just remember that today, tomorrow or at some point in future someone is going to have a bad day.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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Not sure if proud or disappointed.
That and fake vampire fangs. Ugh.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
A 'Temple City' aesthetic formed from combining Gothic and Classical architecture would be far more fitting.
Tl;dr - want evil architecture? Add more spikes.
Use Romanesque. It's bulky, sturdy, functional. You can also use it as a fortress. Just leave Gothic architecture alone. Stained glass makes no sense in red fog anyway.
Reply to below, so I don't spam with this derail:
Mhaldor (Romanesque):
Rayonnant Gothic (New Shallam):
Edit: Reply to your above edit: Ha! You know we're going to have to go down the Gothic root just to piss you guys off now don't you?
Both of you can wear a pink dress.
But my one has to have the pretty bow, not his! *pout*