I suggested awhile-ago
that each city should get its own subforum. The idea was rejected for
a variety of reasons (most of which I agree with), but it was
suggested instead that city specific threads could be started up. So
here's one for Mhaldor.
This thread is an open discussion that everyone (not just Mhaldorian players) can voice their opinions on. It may be a success, it may not, but I thought it could be helpful none the less.
To my fellow Mhaldorians, please don't post sensitive material up here. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but I thought it best to put it in righting anyway.
So, to get the ball rolling, here's my personal opinion on Mhaldor at the moment.
Mhaldor has a very
special place within my heart. Always has done, always will. At the
moment I think we are doing an absolutely blinding job, all things
considered. We are in a much stronger position than we have been for
a long time.
The mass exodus of more established 'leaders' has opened up avenues for a host of new faces to show their worth, which can only be a good thing. I have so much respect for everyone that didn't leave. Your loyalty proves you to be far, far more valuable than those that did. Your not in it to be part of the 'cool crowd', but are instead genuinely interested in RPing Evil. You want to make Mhaldor strong, not just bath in glories earnt by previous generations. Big kudos for that!
We need an active Divine. Its that simple. With our re-built internal dynamic as good as it is at the moment, now is the perfect time for an active Sartan to take us to the next level. I, like all the rest of you, was filled with massive excitement when Sartan 'returned'. However, his activity has not really been... well... 'active' since then.
I'm sure things are going to improve. Perhaps the Sartan role has not been fully occupied yet (see Celani callout), but will be sometime over the coming months. I doubt the Garden would have taken away Mhaldor's only active Divine and replaced her with a semi-active one. They have our interests at heart (as they do the entire playerbase) and they wouldn't betray us like that.
So here's to Lord
@Sartan! We need you at the moment mate Your a fundamental element
to Mhaldor's equation that we can't really do without.
I do have to say part of that was player restraint. Honestly if all the various factions -had- dogpiled, we (or anyone) would have buckled but most faction leaders kept it on an even keel.
We still did well though. Well I say we, even though I only randomly log in to defend >.>
The way we responded to the pressure was amazing imo. It showed me that at Mhaldor's heart still beats the very same thing that made us so awsome in the past. Like no other city does Mhaldor come up trumps when facing overwhelming odds. Its impressive.
@Mhaldor: I should have probably included a question in my opening post to better stimulate conversation. So here's one to get things going. Better late than never.
What do you want to see happen in Mhaldor over the coming year and how do you propose to achieve it?
I want to see more Mhaldorian culture/design things that don't conform to the usual daemons/blood/stygian black theme. The scroll @Jurixe raved about is a good example of what I'd like to see more of. To this end, I need to get over my burnout with Mhaldorian design and design work in general and start writing things, I guess.
I want to see cool city-level Divine interaction, like Keresis did somewhat. I also want individual Divine interaction, but I've sort of given up hope on that one. I have no idea what I can do to facilitate this.
I want Iaeum to tell me where the bloody library went and how I can get back into the Temple. He talks to Jurixe, apparently, but he never ever responds to me.
Most of the rest of what I want is too general or too silly to bother posting. Basically I want Mhaldor to be an awesome place I can brag about being part of.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Beyond that, I'd like to see more public sermons or debates. That one debating Evil vs Good (and how Good were following the Truths) was pretty bloody interesting, if a bit too focused on one particular thing.
@Beya: 'Interaction with the outside world.' Totally agree that this is something that needs to be improved on. A lessening of Mhaldor's current isolationist stance would help us greatly. More public sermons/talks/prayer sessions/combat tournaments/events wouldn't hurt either. Edit: Nellaundra ninjad me a bit on this one. Good to see I'm not alone in feeling this. @Nellaundra There's a little project of mine in the works that's awaiting clearance from Tecton and Sartan. If it is accepted, then there will be more debates coming (I hope).
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Also. Mhaldor thrives on adversity, applied properly.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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Remember after stunning her with a "Hail m'Lady" and hand kiss, and after breaking her resolve with a mysterious, dark smile to wait for the swoon before moving in for the kill.
On the topic of advancement, keep in mind that most do not step up because they do not want to lead. Honestly, most people play Achaea without the urge to take on responsibility. Most do not even consider it. This is not a bad thing. People who like doing that can achieve it. Those who do not like administration would probably suck at it or go dormant.
I can and do blame people, but that's mostly just bitterness on my part; their leaving and having fun tends to make my game even less fun, but it is always my choice to keep playing.
There have been (thankfully brief) points where the only thing that kept me from quitting Mhaldor and/or the game was knowing how destructive it would be and that I wouldn't be able to live with myself after. Forcing yourself to work under those circumstances because you know it will continue getting worse if you don't isn't fun at all. But someone has to work or it won't get better. Thankfully, it has, and continues to.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Putting your propaganda out there best face forward in public seems like a good strategy to me, anyway.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."