What Happened To You Today?



  • edited January 2017
    Frederich said:
    I left Cyrene.
    There gonna lure you back with cookies. Cyrene does that. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • I got the to work on my resolution of terminating undead, had @Keorin with me, met up with a friend after ages and got to see @Severina. Woo. A good day :)
  • I'm hunting again, I'm hunting again! *dies* Oh... 

    I'm hunting again, I'm hunting again!!!1!
    Torinn Chiragh, Herald of Fire says, "Good, darn it."
    Talamond Averial says, "You are the least charming siren ever."
  • 2 days ago, 97
    Yesterday first offical members (besides those that originally helped me form it) of the Mitran clan joined and I got through 95% of the history of the order wrote out
    Today,  hunting
  • Started researching Sentinel combat techniques - decided to search for logs while at work.

    Turns out searching '"site:pastebin.com "you cock back your arm and throw an"' in google returns some really interesting results, and not all of them based on Achaea...

    Also coded lots.
  • Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeee.............................
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Watch out for Exelethril's logs if you do implement it... :D

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • I need those rainbows...

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • https://ada-young.appspot.com/pastebin/IOHg5MTR

    I've always hated mosquitoes, can't hit them hard enough!
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    You better stop animating each line after like 20 seconds.
    Huh. Neat.
  • Ahmet said:
    You better stop animating each line after like 20 seconds.
    The way it'll work is, there will be a queue of animations, and when a new animation is added to the queue that occurs on a line that's 100 more than existing animations, those existing animations will be taken off. That way, there will be a limited number of animations running at any one time, but should allow for at the very least a full screen of animations (if you're really that insane). I'll include it as an option to change the number, but 100 as default should be sufficient to keep displaying text effects while on screen without bogging down mudlet with a million animations after a few hours of play. Most people's windows won't display more than that, and I'm fairly certain now that I can't animate stuff in the history scroll anyway.
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Kythra said:
    Lol, I need to make this so I don't miss my fires in all the spam.
  • Heh, more fun than what I do. I just keep a count of shots fired.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    2000 undead are no longer undead. On schedule to finish at least one resolution before the auctions, so that's good. :relaxed:
    Huh. Neat.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    edited January 2017
    Not sure what's more impressive, that daring escape or the lung power of Phelio with his announcements.

    Also, @Tydas, is there a way to make breathing highlights in a single colour?

    I really wish Mudlet would fix the sound issue with triggers. I used to use sound alerts for a lot of things.

  • Kresslack said:
    Not sure what's more impressive, that daring escape or the lung power of Phelio with his announcements.

    Also, @Tydas, is there a way to make breathing highlights in a single colour?

    I really wish Mudlet would fix the sound issue with triggers. I used to use sound alerts for a lot of things.
    Breathing highlights? And yeah, it's pretty easy to do a single colour change for just about anything, even if you don't want to use the built in way with mudlet's triggers. Make a thread in the coding section describing exactly what you mean and I'll take a look at it, so we don't clog up the wrong thread.
  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    Kresslack said:
    Not sure what's more impressive, that daring escape or the lung power of Phelio with his announcements.

    Also, @Tydas, is there a way to make breathing highlights in a single colour?

    I really wish Mudlet would fix the sound issue with triggers. I used to use sound alerts for a lot of things.
    @Kresslack have you tried this:  http://forums.mudlet.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5675&hilit=windows+10&start=30#p24527
  • Kresslack said:
    Not sure what's more impressive, that daring escape or the lung power of Phelio with his announcements.

    Also, @Tydas, is there a way to make breathing highlights in a single colour?

    I really wish Mudlet would fix the sound issue with triggers. I used to use sound alerts for a lot of things.
    I think they fixed sound in the latest version of Mudlet - I have about a dozen set up for various things, and they work just fine now.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    That's good to hear. I'll have to try it out when I get home.

  • Yeah, I use them for fishing having a reeling sound for when I hook something, and sound effects from The Price Is Right for landing a fish or losing one.
  • Had some shrine skirmish time and realized I needed to update my system. I wasn't healing like... a lot of things. That made for a lot of running and going whaaaaa!? Going back in and doing a few things, then running away again trying to figure out how to heal things I had never heard of.
    Depressoin!? That's just depressing.

  • I've been sick for 3 work days, still coming into work. I hinted to my boss and coworkers, but everyone there has already been sick and they're the ones that gave it to me, so they don't really care. 
    Today I was told I'll be training all my coworkers on a topic I've no clue about, so I have overnight to become a master at this complex topic while fighting symptoms that make me feel like a dolt. 
    And today my symptoms worsened so I'm almost incapable of doing my job at all, let alone teaching others to do it. I just hope I don't sneeze/puke all over during the lesson because that'd be embarrassing for me and my boss.

  • @Frederich only got chewed on a little. I was impressed
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Bought an urn today, finally. Want to say they cost too much, but dammit I love it. Best purchase yet.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Omor said:
    Bought an urn today, finally. Want to say they cost too much, but dammit I love it. Best purchase yet.
    What does that do?

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