What Happened To You Today?



  • edited January 2017
    Greys said:
    @Ozmatiah what did you think people meant when they are asking for a used seastrider or a used windcutter?
    Makes me think windcutter has a double meaning.
  • Hung out with the fam, pondered design ideas for a water room in the back yard for the diving board @Epifania got me for Logosmas, stretched my jester-y muscles with some fun illusions (99% of the time I forget I have a second class). Got started on another path for the Order. Oriented a new recruit who seems like a pretty cool guy. Discovered @Zbaco is Aerei's great great great great something grandfather. Hunted up some essence. Sailed half a trade. Pretty great month.
  • After considering it for a while, moved to Hashan. Time for more adventures!

    (their welcome file has a bunch of ? instead of 's, so now some part of me will imagine them as all speaking like valley girls)
  • Vender said:
    blew a level 2 tank today, probably the first level 2 tank in targossian history
    lol no
  • Morthif said:
    Vender said:
    blew a level 2 tank today, probably the first level 2 tank in targossian history
    lol no
    I think it actually is
  • It's not.
  • You guys say that but fail to provide proof, when other Targs say it is. Step up, or step out
  • Aegoth said:
    You guys say that but fail to provide proof, when other Targs say it is. Step up, or step out
    Lying? On the internet? You really think people would do that?
  • (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Iakimen says, "Welcome to the Sentinels, Coamenel."

    Finally, after 361 IC years :p
  • edited January 2017
    Definitely the first one since I joined Targ about 15 RL months ago.

    @Kasa and the rest of Hashan definitely deserve a rave for it too, didn't need to keep coming back, could have accepted the loss of the room and moved on.

    ETA :
    Resolution Status  
    Armed And Ready                     5/10

         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Vallie said:
    (their welcome file has a bunch of ? instead of 's, so now some part of me will imagine them as all speaking like valley girls)
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Morthif said:
    Vender said:
    blew a level 2 tank today, probably the first level 2 tank in targossian history
    lol no
    Wait, @Morthif, did you guys blow a level 2 in a one exit room onto an already destroyed adjacent?
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • That's just called a really slow lvl 1.
  • Possibly but it was still a level 2 tank. 
  • Jonathin said:
    Vallie said:
    (their welcome file has a bunch of ? instead of 's, so now some part of me will imagine them as all speaking like valley girls)
    Sorry? But like, it's? Like too late? Darkness darkness Shadow Court, mmkay?
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Got a prismatic ring for 372 credits (yay, sale), spent hours at the roulette wheel and came out 60k up, plus over a third of the way through the resolution.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Delos guard buffs... yay.  :s
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • Been really craving a race change, and needed to racial respec anyways, so just went ahead and did it. Lots of fun writing a new desc (still needs touchup), but overall with the changes, really feeling it.

    Next step is to die a whole bunch so I suck less at living :)
  • edited January 2017
    Ignore me, was attempting to use spoilers here to no avail :(
  • Bade said:
    Spent most of the day hunting and reaqanting myself with how the game works, than spent a half hour going through all my hunting spots with no luck before I realized I was phased.
    I've sadly done this more times than I'd like to admit. My ic life is generally lived 75% in phase.

  • Aesgar said:
    Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power.
    You have advanced to level 105. You have reached the illustrious level of 1st Heir to Ashaxei's Legacy.

    About time... Guess my new years resolution is to only die 100 times on level 105...
    You have been slain by: 180
      [     2] Aylek                           [     4] Antidas
      [     2] massive, black and white war beetle
      [     2] Invictus                        [     1] Unsidhe Banshee
      [     1] hybrid Tsol warrior             [     1] Ada
      [     1] Marv                            [     2] Farrah
      [     1] Jinsun                          [     3] Talamond
      [     1] Driden                          [     1] Bleak
      [     1] Mathilda                        [     2] Zenui
      [     1] the Keeper of Nishnatoba        [     1] Halos
      [     1] withered husk                   [     4] shifting mass of shadows
      [     1] Exxia                           [     1] Oberion, King of the Fairies
      [     1] Roagnak                         [     1] Seragorn
      [     1] Miriew                          [     2] Cailan
      [     1] Reilyn                          [     1] Shornwall defender
      [     1] Morthif                         [     1] Rangor
      [     1] flesh-eating slug               [     1] War Witch
      [     1] Mako                            [     2] Lylith
      [     2] Dalran                          [     1] Austere
      [     1] Sethra                          [    56] Karren (Some are arena but still :()
      [     1] Rexak                           [     3] exsanguination
      [     1] Laniara                         [     2] Chris
      [     2] Somerled                        [     4] Hirst
      [     1] Qwindor                         [     1] Cooper
      [     2] Ashtani corsair                 [     2] Krizal
      [     1] Mycen                           [     1] Helewys
      [     2] Vender                          [     1] Atalkez
      [     3] Sarathai                        [     1] Jarrod
      [     1] thrall of the wheel             [     1] Omor
      [     1] Szanthax                        [     5] goblinoid soldier
      [     1] Iakimen                         [     1] Naxian mistweaver
      [     1] the sacrificial flames of Aegis [     4] Jhui
      [     1] Caelan                          [     4] Dunn
      [     1] Lyrin                           [     1] the Grandmaster of the Quisalis
      [     1] Ellodin                         [     5] Aegoth
      [     3] fairy Knight of Sidhe           [     2] Proficy
      [     1] Gavriil                         [     1] Coamenel
      [     1] fairy Lady of Sidhe             [     2] Emilea
      [     1] Datrius                         [     2] Riverwall bow-maiden
      [     2] Zaeka                           [     1] Lilian

    Is that just at level 104?
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Xaden said:
    Aesgar said:
    Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power.
    You have advanced to level 105. You have reached the illustrious level of 1st Heir to Ashaxei's Legacy.

    About time... Guess my new years resolution is to only die 100 times on level 105...
    You have been slain by: 180
      [     2] Aylek                           [     4] Antidas
      [     2] massive, black and white war beetle
      [     2] Invictus                        [     1] Unsidhe Banshee
      [     1] hybrid Tsol warrior             [     1] Ada
      [     1] Marv                            [     2] Farrah
      [     1] Jinsun                          [     3] Talamond
      [     1] Driden                          [     1] Bleak
      [     1] Mathilda                        [     2] Zenui
      [     1] the Keeper of Nishnatoba        [     1] Halos
      [     1] withered husk                   [     4] shifting mass of shadows
      [     1] Exxia                           [     1] Oberion, King of the Fairies
      [     1] Roagnak                         [     1] Seragorn
      [     1] Miriew                          [     2] Cailan
      [     1] Reilyn                          [     1] Shornwall defender
      [     1] Morthif                         [     1] Rangor
      [     1] flesh-eating slug               [     1] War Witch
      [     1] Mako                            [     2] Lylith
      [     2] Dalran                          [     1] Austere
      [     1] Sethra                          [    56] Karren (Some are arena but still :()
      [     1] Rexak                           [     3] exsanguination
      [     1] Laniara                         [     2] Chris
      [     2] Somerled                        [     4] Hirst
      [     1] Qwindor                         [     1] Cooper
      [     2] Ashtani corsair                 [     2] Krizal
      [     1] Mycen                           [     1] Helewys
      [     2] Vender                          [     1] Atalkez
      [     3] Sarathai                        [     1] Jarrod
      [     1] thrall of the wheel             [     1] Omor
      [     1] Szanthax                        [     5] goblinoid soldier
      [     1] Iakimen                         [     1] Naxian mistweaver
      [     1] the sacrificial flames of Aegis [     4] Jhui
      [     1] Caelan                          [     4] Dunn
      [     1] Lyrin                           [     1] the Grandmaster of the Quisalis
      [     1] Ellodin                         [     5] Aegoth
      [     3] fairy Knight of Sidhe           [     2] Proficy
      [     1] Gavriil                         [     1] Coamenel
      [     1] fairy Lady of Sidhe             [     2] Emilea
      [     1] Datrius                         [     2] Riverwall bow-maiden
      [     2] Zaeka                           [     1] Lilian

    Is that just at level 104?

    Yeah lol
  • @Aesgar woohoo, I'm in there!
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    I won an auction today so I have a pretty gold brush to go with the purple brush that I stole from @Torrent a while ago. I like that he never lets me forget it, either.

    I got to totem somewhere super secret and I also got to cross a couple items off my Shop of Wonders wishlist, that unexpectedly resulted in another addition to my Tundra estate which I also got to totem!

    Also this, every time, never ceases to amuse me:
    Your totemxxxxxx has been successfully claimed by Lady Kyrra de Wydd, the Storm Maiden. You are 
    no longer the owner of this totem.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Kayeil said:
    Delos guard buffs... yay.  :s
    They're pretty great. Delos guards are closer to a legitimate challenge for dragons now.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

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