What Happened To You Today?



  • I think I blinked twice, attempted to run (failed obviously) and blinked one more time before I died again after bursting. :3
  • edited January 2017
    Don't AFK and always keep selfishness up?

    Talk/relax on a guard stack?

    If you're talking somewhere, why would you lose your items? You're not AFK, you shouldn't get pickpocketted, no?
  • Ahmet said:
    Frederich said:
    Know what's a fantastic storage place now that your ship can't be boarded?

    A ship.
    Know what's a helluva lot more expensive than a subs house?

    A ship.
    It is still less expensive than having your secret dwarven sex dungeon discovered by a "passing" serpent.

  • Asmodron said:
    Ships are all well and good, but frankly too expensive for most up and comers. We tend to forget that the usual main target and victims of thievery are individuals that dont know better yet or dont have the means to counter. Eye sigil in a house to stop souls entering, prism NOT countering monolith (I recently had to explain this one..), purchasing a ship for safe storage, keeping your gold in another container within a container, keeping selfishness constantly up and putting your gold always inside a container (basics learnt early those last 2).

    Most of these individuals would think along the lines of "I got a nice plot of land for myself for privacy and safety", not realizing or having experienced the immense dangers of sub houses. Hell, I recall several raids that occurred in sub houses...

    It's just a shame that the price of their ignorance can be so staggeringly steep, to the point many just lose interest to play.

    I've been playing for 13 years and can't afford a ship...

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    To be completely fair, a ship (in terms of credits) is extremely cheap. 300 credits should cover everything you could possibly want for someone who's getting started. The problem most people run into is those have to be 300 unbound credits so you can sell them off for gold.
    Huh. Neat.
  • Bored got into realms caught up on a bunch of HoN stuff and fought to first ranked combatant in new season
  • edited January 2017
    Telinus said:
    Don't AFK and always keep selfishness up?

    Talk/relax on a guard stack?

    If you're talking somewhere, why would you lose your items? You're not AFK, you shouldn't get pickpocketted, no?
    This. This so much. It drives me absolutely nuts when people whine about getting robbed blind but they were afk in some obscure room in Eleusis.

    Mass up, afk on guard stack, keep selfishness up and you don't have anything to worry about.

    (Also, make sure you have proper anti-theft in general, kids.)
  • The excited clapping of a middle-aged woman echoes from near the eastern markets on Centre Street, followed by deliciously new scents wafting through the streets of the city.

  • Ahmet said:
    To be completely fair, a ship (in terms of credits) is extremely cheap. 300 credits should cover everything you could possibly want for someone who's getting started. The problem most people run into is those have to be 300 unbound credits so you can sell them off for gold.
    Unless you want to make anything permanent, in which case you're spending figurines or credits. But then if someone's just using their ship as a super sekrit sex haven I doubt they need a permanent figurhead or anything since the likelihood of it staying docked is pretty high. 
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Yeah. "Figurehead play" is a real thing, u guyz.
  • Spent most of the day hunting and reaqanting myself with how the game works, than spent a half hour going through all my hunting spots with no luck before I realized I was phased.
  • Led a brief Eleusian excursion into the Underrealm wastelands. Kinda fell apart at the end when we all got split up and then Hashan showed up to the party, while I and @Heawon were stuck in a bugged room.

    Things I have determined:

    1) Whoever made the Underrealm is a genius.

    2) That bridge is hilariously awesome.

    3) It is the bashing ground of grown-ups. Case in point.
    Before the shadow bridge (indoors).
    This room has not been mapped.
    An ominous creep of amaranthine vapour pervades, its shifting tendrils seeking and spreading across the ground. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the north. The vast serpentine bulk of a dala'myrr towers over the surroundings, its horrifying form only worsened by the eight additional hydra-like heads sprouting from its armoured body. A fury of primal daubings writhe across the bulk of the Dragon Patroklos. Heawon, Initiate of the Ithmia is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench. He wields a Hellforge Hammer in both hands. Aureate Shield, Senoske Rainshilde is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench. The Blue Dragon Rexak's imposing form looms. Mycen Winterspur, Tihuna Awha is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench. The Red Dragon Aelyn's imposing form looms. Scion Iakimen Longshanks, Verdant Champion is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench.
    The entire colossal length of this equal parts awe-inducing and completely terrifying monstrosity is comprised of dozens upon dozens of armoured black chitinous segments. Stretching well over two hundred yards as it vanishes into the distance, the dala'myrr is too vast for you to even spy where it ends and far too large around to even begin guessing at its bulk. The inky black carapace gleams with streaks of oceanic blue, fiery red, and polished amaranthine beneath the light while wicked black vertebrae, each one spine-tipped and leaking sulfurous poison into the air, extend from the comparatively small cracks in its armoured form. All nine monstrous heads are eyeless yet similarly vast, six pairs of razor-sharp mandibles endlessly grinding and gyrating around the massive, circular pits serving as mouths. Rows upon rows of teeth line the inside of each maw as they snap open and closed, resting at the end of the giant, muscled necks that shift and move as one.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Sarathai said:
    Led a brief Eleusian excursion into the Underrealm wastelands. Kinda fell apart at the end when we all got split up and then Hashan showed up to the party, while I and @Heawon were stuck in a bugged room.

    Things I have determined:

    1) Whoever made the Underrealm is a genius.

    2) That bridge is hilariously awesome.

    3) It is the bashing ground of grown-ups. Case in point.
    Before the shadow bridge (indoors).
    This room has not been mapped.
    An ominous creep of amaranthine vapour pervades, its shifting tendrils seeking and spreading across the ground. An icewall is here, blocking passage to the north. The vast serpentine bulk of a dala'myrr towers over the surroundings, its horrifying form only worsened by the eight additional hydra-like heads sprouting from its armoured body. A fury of primal daubings writhe across the bulk of the Dragon Patroklos. Heawon, Initiate of the Ithmia is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench. He wields a Hellforge Hammer in both hands. Aureate Shield, Senoske Rainshilde is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench. The Blue Dragon Rexak's imposing form looms. Mycen Winterspur, Tihuna Awha is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench. The Red Dragon Aelyn's imposing form looms. Scion Iakimen Longshanks, Verdant Champion is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench.
    The entire colossal length of this equal parts awe-inducing and completely terrifying monstrosity is comprised of dozens upon dozens of armoured black chitinous segments. Stretching well over two hundred yards as it vanishes into the distance, the dala'myrr is too vast for you to even spy where it ends and far too large around to even begin guessing at its bulk. The inky black carapace gleams with streaks of oceanic blue, fiery red, and polished amaranthine beneath the light while wicked black vertebrae, each one spine-tipped and leaking sulfurous poison into the air, extend from the comparatively small cracks in its armoured form. All nine monstrous heads are eyeless yet similarly vast, six pairs of razor-sharp mandibles endlessly grinding and gyrating around the massive, circular pits serving as mouths. Rows upon rows of teeth line the inside of each maw as they snap open and closed, resting at the end of the giant, muscled necks that shift and move as one.
    10/10 would do again. 
  • You pay 725 credits and receive a pair of eagle's wings.

    Eyeing this artie since @Baldazar showed it off to me, finally made the purchase. Got a shitload of chips and vouchers from the giftbags on top of a load of MC too. Pretty good day so far!
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    @Sarathai Ahem. You went without me? Heartbroken.

    I wasn't tired at midnight so I went rummaging in the kitchen. 2 hours later here I am with three and a half pans worth of sea salt whiskey caramels wrapped up and ready to go to family.

    Don't ask where the other half-pan went.
    Huh. Neat.
  • Ahmet said:
    @Sarathai Ahem. You went without me? Heartbroken.
    I actually did try sending you a tell to see if you were logged in and wanted to come along to help us explore.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    Dala'myrr are baaaaaack <3
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • edited January 2017
    Ryzeth said:

    Does anyone else get those feelings of, "Why do I read forums?"
    Not at all, i just learned I'm definitely not having enough sex on my ship, and it needs more decorations.
  • Gross.
  • Ryzeth said:
    That's what crews are for. Why else would you pay them if not to make sure everything's squeaky clean after you hire their lazy asses?
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