I can think of at least seven things I guarantee nobody has tried that would probably advance the plot in some way if an Admin took notice. It could also be that we have to wait for the next takeover, so things are stalled as a result.
I can think of at least seven things I guarantee nobody has tried that would probably advance the plot in some way if an Admin took notice. It could also be that we have to wait for the next takeover, so things are stalled as a result.
Wait a second... did you just say shut up and then agree with everything that was said?
I want to see every city curb stomped and occupied, so that not only Cyrene is getting crapped on.
Something more for those who aren't into PvP than endless Tide that can't be stopped because there aren't enough people to deal with it. Not a lot of fun going on, until an admin hands over the ultimate weapon/spell/thought that will end this.
I can think of at least seven things I guarantee nobody has tried that would probably advance the plot in some way if an Admin took notice. It could also be that we have to wait for the next takeover, so things are stalled as a result.
Wait a second... did you just say shut up and then agree with everything that was said?
No, I said shut up to the person trying to drown us all in vitriol. The rest was mostly at @Keorin.
I want to see every city curb stomped and occupied, so that not only Cyrene is getting crapped on.
Something more for those who aren't into PvP than endless Tide that can't be stopped because there aren't enough people to deal with it. Not a lot of fun going on, until an admin hands over the ultimate weapon/spell/thought that will end this.
Welcome to Mhaldor for the majority of big world events.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Meld Shrines to disappear if no tide is on them and they are unwound completely.
Meld Shrines to spawn WITH tide on them.
Meld Shrines to spawn only in areas where the tide has reached.
It's kind of silly, as is, and someone issued themself last night to get an answer and it got immediately dismissed bcz #Mechanics.
Like, it's cool if you want them to be a threat and all.. but at this point, it's just a hassle because it's like "Well that Meld shrine is going to be there for a few years."
"Because we pushed back the tide so thoroughly that the shrine NEVER got to have tide on it."
That, or just have some way for shard fragments to have an alternative use that would destroy tide, make it easier (outside of erhmergerd +1 to a stat, but also Open PK to the entire world in a blackout hell!), or just let an entire area be protected.
Guard Bashing Hashan, at this point, is just tiring. Fighting tide (constantly), is tiring. I want something to progress outside of us literally leveling Hashan with an Earth-Shattering Kaboom w/ Hycanthus' help.
Yeah as for all those who feel like they doing nothing. Delphinus once told me he tried something over 100 times talking to denizens that dont respond. The point is creating your own RP, the more people the more the admin pay attention. Even if you are sitting in a room emoting for 8 hours, never give up. Create your own storyline!!!
I can think of at least seven things I guarantee nobody has tried that would probably advance the plot in some way if an Admin took notice. It could also be that we have to wait for the next takeover, so things are stalled as a result.
Wait a second... did you just say shut up and then agree with everything that was said?
No, I said shut up to the person trying to drown us all in vitriol. The rest was mostly at @Keorin.
Ahh, thought it was all directed at Keorin...was so confused...
Guard Bashing Hashan, at this point, is just tiring.
You realize that guard bashing a city isnt actually part of the event itself right? If you're expecting something more than the results of dead guards...not sure what to tell you.
I'm mostly frustrated because the loss of the city has added a lot of organisational overhead to those of us trying to lead the faction. Again, this isn't in itself a bad thing, but I hope there'll be the potential to make something more interesting out of it. It's a lot of work just to get things functioning at all for us, and that gets tiring fast.
I especially wish that there was more for people to do outside of combat/bashing. Mechanically, that's all this event has really provided so far for most people who aren't remotely power players, and the loss of usual routines only compounds on that. We have a fair few people who don't feel engaged, and who'd rather just barely be about until everything passes. I hate that, and I wish that kicking us all out of our city had been paired with a little more help with keeping things interesting for those players.
Also, meld shrine mechanics may as well have been designed to be as frustrating as possible, seriously.
Seems like the admin decided to boot my city out of their normal routines, while just kinda assuming that the player leadership would step in to try and keep people having fun and engaged, with no admin support to even allow for interesting developments. Meanwhile, Hashan continues to get showered with attention and goodies.
Out of general curiosity, what have you tried new for new development? Are you waiting for some miracle or sign or are you actively attempting new things? As has been showcased with logs, new ideas are entertained by the admin.
Also...attention isnt always a good thing. Mhaldor and Hashan are getting lots of painful 'attention' but it is a byproduct of -choices- by actions they undertook. Just my 2 cents.
So far I've spoken to/mailed denizens, got a message to our patron, and emailed the admin. Maybe they just don't like that particular suggestion, I dunno. A lot of the rest of the work has just been trying to create some semblance of organisation. We may be without a physical city, but we're still having to do many of the same things that cities always do, just without all the tools we normally have to do them.
Also, it was the admin who approached Hashan in the first place, Hashan really just had to say yes to things, from what I've read, and have gotten a fair few fun toys in return. Which is cool, really, don't get me wrong, and I'm sure the admin team is damned busy with what's going on. I'm just quickly feeling pretty burnt out, since my leadership workload expanded massively while thus far there's been little ability to do a whole lot with the city's status.
So far I've spoken to/mailed denizens, got a message to our patron, and emailed the admin. Maybe they just don't like that particular suggestion, I dunno. A lot of the rest of the work has just been trying to create some semblance of organisation. We may be without a physical city, but we're still having to do many of the same things that cities always do, just without all the tools we normally have to do them.
Also, it was the admin who approached Hashan in the first place, Hashan really just had to say yes to things, from what I've read, and have gotten a fair few fun toys in return. Which is cool, really, don't get me wrong, and I'm sure the admin team is damned busy with what's going on. I'm just quickly feeling pretty burnt out, since my leadership workload expanded massively while thus far there's been little ability to do a whole lot with the city's status.
What you have to remember around here is the people who have tried stuff and gotten a response think that is the only way it goes and that people who aren't getting a response aren't doing it right.
I say it pretty much every event (not the elemental invasion though, I liked that one) but I wish the Admin would put a bit more interactivity into the mechanics, because they are what take up 90% of the time. In this one for instance clearing the tide completely isn't going to happen because there aren't enough cooldowns available to unwind everything. Maybe if the whole world is covered there will be a failure condition but so far it seems that the only purpose of the tide is to collect shadows. It has also been shown that it only takes one shrine worth of shadows to destroy the barriers. So it -appears- there is nothing to do but keep the tide at bay and wait until the Admin step in to move it along. Maybe there is more. Maybe not enough people have played keyword bingo with the fragments yet to find what blows stuff up. Though if that is the case I would argue after 5 days of not being discovered that a couple of hints might be in order.
People play Achaea every day without events and so when these things are happening and it is a major deviation that stops them doing what they usually come here to do it needs to do enough to keep the interest that would normally be focused on what they actually come here to enjoy. When it is a week long of 'Your city has been occupied so instead of chatting with friends or mudsexing you have to go out there where any room spawns stuff that is going to attack you' it is pretty obvious that people will start to be burnt out. If there was some concrete goal they were working towards it would probably be different. If say the meld shrines couldn't spawn in consecrated areas so people were working claim all the areas for their gods with the tide slowly eating essence then once all the world had been claimed the teth would be forced to move on to plan B. Basically anything saying 'this is the goal, and this is the progress we are making'.
As it is though, it will be great for the one or two people who work it out or get an admin reply, good for people who want to bash endlessly, and frustrating for those who enjoy vanilla Achaea until the payoff. If the payoff is good then everyone forgets the monotony and it is forever remembered as a great event, if it is bad then people remember it as a bad event. And Achaea returns to how it always was because people enjoy doing what they were doing before the event or else they wouldn't be here.
tl;dr - If you are putting in inconvenience events make the mechanics of them more transparent so people feel like they are contributing.
Just aside: even if you throw cool ideas to admin, making sure you are doing stuff with other players as well is important at the same time. You may not always get responses from denizens and such, but setting up things with other players can flesh out stories, interactions and actually push characters and players together. Hoping most actions lead to admin interaction isn't the best way forward, but making your actions potentially involve them while still being part to your faction and community is better. I've sent lots of letters and random says to denizens over my time, but for the most part I try to include housemates or citymates too so we can discuss it, broaden knowledge and if we don't get a response, at least we built some IC camaraderie and education.
Guard Bashing Hashan, at this point, is just tiring.
You realize that guard bashing a city isnt actually part of the event itself right? If you're expecting something more than the results of dead guards...not sure what to tell you.
"You realize that guard bashing a city isn't actually part of the event."
I never said it was, however.. Due to IC reasons, we have to murder your guards etc. So, y'know. It actually is part of the event.
Tide is annoying, and while it was fun the first.. week of doing it.. it's gotten to the point where it's like.
Fight tide for 2 hours. Play games with BF for 2 hours. Come back for 1 hour before bed to check on tide. (No progress, or lost progress).
Go to sleep for 7~8 hours. Check progress on tide. (No progress, or lost progress).
Go to work for 9 hours.
Come home, check progress on tide (miniscule progress or severe setback). Rinse, repeat. I don't get time to do "much cool shit", and I'd love to do a ton of things, like the anti-Litany idea I had, or speaking with Hycanthus on how to explode an entire city. The loss of an entire city, while not an entire subset of the playerbase, has turned Cyrene into a mess. Which, sure I guess. That's the point. Who knows. However, it just is shitty, because they can't tend to their shops, or do what makes the game enjoyable to them. (To which your response will be WAHHHHHHHH THE GAME ISNT MEANT 2 B ENJOYABLE 4 EVERYONE AT ALL TIMES).
I just want to go back to logging in every now and then and having a bit of happiness to my game day instead of "oh boy. the 3+ hours of work I put in was literally useless."
Stop stressing about the tide. If you don't find it fun and fulfilling to keep it pushed back, then simply don't. Bad things might happen. That's fine! Bad things have the potential to be just as exciting and engaging as simply keeping the tide cleared - maybe even more so. Maybe other people will pick up the slack. Maybe they won't. Maybe the tide covering 70%+ of Sapience is a win condition for the Tsol'teth. Maybe it's meaningless. Who knows! Regardless, it's an event, and I feel confident in saying that the admin probably don't want people burning out over it. I think they'd rather people have fun. Find the fun!
I stopped seriously bashing tide after the novelty wore off. >_> I clear certain rooms and stick around to use my unwind but trying to clean room by room isn't good for anything but lining pockets tbh.
I went extracting the other day and felt much happier for it. <_<
Stop stressing about the tide. If you don't find it fun and fulfilling to keep it pushed back, then simply don't. Bad things might happen. That's fine! Bad things have the potential to be just as exciting and engaging as simply keeping the tide cleared - maybe even more so. Maybe other people will pick up the slack. Maybe they won't. Maybe the tide covering 70%+ of Sapience is a win condition for the Tsol'teth. Maybe it's meaningless. Who knows! Regardless, it's an event, and I feel confident in saying that the admin probably don't want people burning out over it. I think they'd rather people have fun. Find the fun!
This is the trouble I had with the last black wave, too; it makes roleplay conflict with enjoyable gameplay, which isn't a whole ton of fun. At least speaking personally, ignoring the tide completely doesn't make a whole lot of sense for my character, but it's such a damned frustrating mechanic that it sucks to actually engage with. I don't really know anyone who -likes- fighting the tide, but playing a character who just shrugs at a huge threat isn't a lot of fun for people either.
At this point, it feels like the only point of the tide is to be busywork and to nudge us into the direction they want us to take things, and that's really the trouble. While it's definitely true that bad things have the potential to be exciting, people -want- to be engaged with a crisis event like this. After all, from an IC perspective, you don't fight against endless hordes of enemies to try and protect the world because it's fun. But as players, the only reason we play is because it's fun. So when people find themselves in a position where they can't engage in the roleplay they want to engage with because the mechanics just suck, that's not a great experience.
The old event adage was that if the denizens are ignoring you, keep at it until they tell you to shut the fuck up and go away. With the exception of one really horrible event, my experience is that until they explicitly tell you that or that it's a dead end, it's considered an option.
Also I'm pretty sure I've said this somewhere before but I can't stress how much easier it is to work with things if you have members with active patrons. It is a horribly meta approach, but if you see your God, don't bother talking to your God. Because ICly they can only offer so much assistance and are otherwise useless (sorry Neroes ily). Seize the opportunity to talk to the denizens. Because then you know 100% that there are at least people on the other end listening and you are more likely to get a response be it positive or negative.
ETA: The important thing here is that you get the denizens to say things straight to your face. Have an open list of agendas for anyone with an active patron to see so that anyone of them be it Nereian or Aegean or Phaestian will know to act on it.
Experience: I've worked with super elusive bosses before whom I sometimes don't see for days.
So, on a different note, I'm curious what people think about raid etiquette and such in light of events like these. I got into a bit of an argument about it earlier, so I'm curious if my thinking on it is a bit off.
How fun do people find one sided raiding in events like this? Normally I'd try and avoid the practice, but I've sort of been of the opinion that it's part and parcel of playing the villain in events like this, and that if I were the receiving end, I'd probably enjoy it (I fondly remember being on the defending side when Mhaldor got tag-teamed in the Bal'met event, for instance, though I didn't know what I was doing there). On the other hand, I can understand this being unfun for people, because there's not always really a way to win.
I'm particularly curious how Hashan feels about all this. I know a lot of people there went into the mindset of wanting to use this to better factionalise the city, but have things gone further then is fun? What do people think the balance here should be between our IC roles and gameplay that's fun for everyone?
I am going to weigh in a bit here on it: I don't mind it happening from time to time, especially when a City does something that actually can be construed as something every city can put aside differences for a short while to gang up on them. Tsol'teth alliance, Bal'met, Unnamable are good examples, but I think people can be more inclined to pick and choose when their characters should react to such, and sometimes people itch for a reason at all. As long as the reasoning is sound, a good pummeling for a day reminds players and characters their decisions matter, and have consequences.
In saying this, there is a point where your characters have made their stance and position known, and when you go past it I see it less as IC potential growth and just using an excuse to grief beyond what is acceptable. Mhaldor did this against Hashan, and some may vouch that I pulled out of the fights at that point and had enough of it. The other part is that if 5 cities crap all over one, and that one city comes to each to exact their own state of revenge, it's best not to respond by escalating, instead just taking it on the chin and brawling it out. Escalating these things only leads to player burnout, and the game doesn't benefit from going above and beyond to burn players out. No enemies to fight = no conflict, and that's a shitty AF direction for the game. I will say, though, that seeing people as "villains" may not be wrong, but it's better to always shuffle being protagonist vs antagonist. Sometimes you should rally your city to be the assholes and push forward an agenda that will piss everyone off, and be ready to also take that brunt on. When the playerbase placidly waits for another city to do it just for "the easy fights", cities don't really push identity forward other than being placid IMO.
To add on to what Skye mentioned earlier, talk to denizens and send letters even if you don't see any Divine visible or whatever. Some of us (myself included) can't often be visible IG often even if we are actually around due to the constraints associated with the role.
You may not always (or even often) get a response, but we try our best to keep abreast of those things and engage with people where we can. It's also really helpful if you have existing support, relationships or any sort of rapport with said denizens (or the faction they belong to) before proceeding with these things.
Consider that we respond to such requests ICly, and think about whether it makes sense for a particular denizen to even want to help you, especially since all of them have their own goals and motivations. Bring something to the bargaining table to offer! That sort of thing.
It's also really helpful if you have existing support, relationships or any sort of rapport with said denizens (or the faction they belong to) before proceeding with these things.
Which honestly nicely summarizes my personal criticism about how events largely blow over rogues or less "important" citizens. Can't build rapport with someone who doesn't want to talk to you in the first place because you're not, well, important enough for them.
It's also really helpful if you have existing support, relationships or any sort of rapport with said denizens (or the faction they belong to) before proceeding with these things.
Which honestly nicely summarizes my personal criticism about how events largely blow over rogues or less "important" citizens. Can't build rapport with someone who doesn't want to talk to you in the first place because you're not, well, important enough for them.
Pretty sure he is saying 'Try talking to denizens outside of events to build support for when events happen'. Also, of course leaders will have more luck, they have more to offer as they have an organisation behind them to do stuff. It makes sense that those who put more into the game get more out of it. I still think more work should go into the mechanics of events though.
I can think of at least seven things I guarantee nobody has tried that would probably advance the plot in some way if an Admin took notice. It could also be that we have to wait for the next takeover, so things are stalled as a result.
Something more for those who aren't into PvP than endless Tide that can't be stopped because there aren't enough people to deal with it. Not a lot of fun going on, until an admin hands over the ultimate weapon/spell/thought that will end this.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Meld Shrines to disappear if no tide is on them and they are unwound completely.
Meld Shrines to spawn WITH tide on them.
Meld Shrines to spawn only in areas where the tide has reached.
It's kind of silly, as is, and someone issued themself last night to get an answer and it got immediately dismissed bcz #Mechanics.
Like, it's cool if you want them to be a threat and all.. but at this point, it's just a hassle because it's like "Well that Meld shrine is going to be there for a few years."
"Because we pushed back the tide so thoroughly that the shrine NEVER got to have tide on it."
That, or just have some way for shard fragments to have an alternative use that would destroy tide, make it easier (outside of erhmergerd +1 to a stat, but also Open PK to the entire world in a blackout hell!), or just let an entire area be protected.
Guard Bashing Hashan, at this point, is just tiring. Fighting tide (constantly), is tiring. I want something to progress outside of us literally leveling Hashan with an Earth-Shattering Kaboom w/ Hycanthus' help.
Ahh, thought it was all directed at Keorin...was so confused...
I say it pretty much every event (not the elemental invasion though, I liked that one) but I wish the Admin would put a bit more interactivity into the mechanics, because they are what take up 90% of the time. In this one for instance clearing the tide completely isn't going to happen because there aren't enough cooldowns available to unwind everything. Maybe if the whole world is covered there will be a failure condition but so far it seems that the only purpose of the tide is to collect shadows. It has also been shown that it only takes one shrine worth of shadows to destroy the barriers. So it -appears- there is nothing to do but keep the tide at bay and wait until the Admin step in to move it along. Maybe there is more. Maybe not enough people have played keyword bingo with the fragments yet to find what blows stuff up. Though if that is the case I would argue after 5 days of not being discovered that a couple of hints might be in order.
People play Achaea every day without events and so when these things are happening and it is a major deviation that stops them doing what they usually come here to do it needs to do enough to keep the interest that would normally be focused on what they actually come here to enjoy. When it is a week long of 'Your city has been occupied so instead of chatting with friends or mudsexing you have to go out there where any room spawns stuff that is going to attack you' it is pretty obvious that people will start to be burnt out. If there was some concrete goal they were working towards it would probably be different. If say the meld shrines couldn't spawn in consecrated areas so people were working claim all the areas for their gods with the tide slowly eating essence then once all the world had been claimed the teth would be forced to move on to plan B. Basically anything saying 'this is the goal, and this is the progress we are making'.
As it is though, it will be great for the one or two people who work it out or get an admin reply, good for people who want to bash endlessly, and frustrating for those who enjoy vanilla Achaea until the payoff. If the payoff is good then everyone forgets the monotony and it is forever remembered as a great event, if it is bad then people remember it as a bad event. And Achaea returns to how it always was because people enjoy doing what they were doing before the event or else they wouldn't be here.
tl;dr - If you are putting in inconvenience events make the mechanics of them more transparent so people feel like they are contributing.
I never said it was, however.. Due to IC reasons, we have to murder your guards etc. So, y'know. It actually is part of the event.
Tide is annoying, and while it was fun the first.. week of doing it.. it's gotten to the point where it's like.
Fight tide for 2 hours. Play games with BF for 2 hours. Come back for 1 hour before bed to check on tide. (No progress, or lost progress).
Go to sleep for 7~8 hours. Check progress on tide. (No progress, or lost progress).
Go to work for 9 hours.
Come home, check progress on tide (miniscule progress or severe setback). Rinse, repeat. I don't get time to do "much cool shit", and I'd love to do a ton of things, like the anti-Litany idea I had, or speaking with Hycanthus on how to explode an entire city. The loss of an entire city, while not an entire subset of the playerbase, has turned Cyrene into a mess. Which, sure I guess. That's the point. Who knows. However, it just is shitty, because they can't tend to their shops, or do what makes the game enjoyable to them. (To which your response will be WAHHHHHHHH THE GAME ISNT MEANT 2 B ENJOYABLE 4 EVERYONE AT ALL TIMES).
I just want to go back to logging in every now and then and having a bit of happiness to my game day instead of "oh boy. the 3+ hours of work I put in was literally useless."
I went extracting the other day and felt much happier for it. <_<
Also I'm pretty sure I've said this somewhere before but I can't stress how much easier it is to work with things if you have members with active patrons. It is a horribly meta approach, but if you see your God, don't bother talking to your God. Because ICly they can only offer so much assistance and are otherwise useless (sorry Neroes ily). Seize the opportunity to talk to the denizens. Because then you know 100% that there are at least people on the other end listening and you are more likely to get a response be it positive or negative.
ETA: The important thing here is that you get the denizens to say things straight to your face. Have an open list of agendas for anyone with an active patron to see so that anyone of them be it Nereian or Aegean or Phaestian will know to act on it.
Experience: I've worked with super elusive bosses before whom I sometimes don't see for days.
In saying this, there is a point where your characters have made their stance and position known, and when you go past it I see it less as IC potential growth and just using an excuse to grief beyond what is acceptable. Mhaldor did this against Hashan, and some may vouch that I pulled out of the fights at that point and had enough of it. The other part is that if 5 cities crap all over one, and that one city comes to each to exact their own state of revenge, it's best not to respond by escalating, instead just taking it on the chin and brawling it out. Escalating these things only leads to player burnout, and the game doesn't benefit from going above and beyond to burn players out. No enemies to fight = no conflict, and that's a shitty AF direction for the game. I will say, though, that seeing people as "villains" may not be wrong, but it's better to always shuffle being protagonist vs antagonist. Sometimes you should rally your city to be the assholes and push forward an agenda that will piss everyone off, and be ready to also take that brunt on. When the playerbase placidly waits for another city to do it just for "the easy fights", cities don't really push identity forward other than being placid IMO.
You may not always (or even often) get a response, but we try our best to keep abreast of those things and engage with people where we can. It's also really helpful if you have existing support, relationships or any sort of rapport with said denizens (or the faction they belong to) before proceeding with these things.
Consider that we respond to such requests ICly, and think about whether it makes sense for a particular denizen to even want to help you, especially since all of them have their own goals and motivations. Bring something to the bargaining table to offer! That sort of thing.