Quick Combat Questions



  • edited April 2016
    Impale writhe time is only increased by having both legs broken (or mangled, though it's not increased further by having them mangled), though there's a small grace period after the first leg cures where you'll still get the bonus if you impale (to account for unartied DWC occasionally being too slow due to server side balance calculations).
  • I want soft focus  :s

  • Does anyone with better numbers then me have some idea what the axekick reduction was like? I didn't take good notes before it went through, which I'm kicking myself for, now.
  • Look likes 20-25% less damage now.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:
    Look likes 20-25% less damage now.

    I was getting around the same.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • 20-25% of the damage it did or 20-25% less max hp damage?
  • Kiet said:
    20-25% of the damage it did or 20-25% less max hp damage?
    Damage of AXK is 20-25%, I tested too, about there.
  • So essentially about half or less of the damage it did before?
  • More than half less, which is fair since it's intended more for scythe route + mental commands.

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  • Yeah it's more than fair.
  • No from my testing the full combo (axk/punch/punch) was doing 20-25% less than before.

    70% down to ~50%. Bbt at the same strength didn 53% no torso.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Oh :(   

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  • so its still ridiculous.
  • Not entirely, just meant to make head prio punishable since BBT is better for damage now

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  • What does Corrupt do, exactly, in Apostasy? Ab file states it removes all evileye curses, but "at a great price". 

    Also, thinking about giving Apostate a try some time in the future. Any thoughts on the class? Any major shortcomings? 
  • edited May 2016
    Israyhl said:
    What does Corrupt do, exactly, in Apostasy? Ab file states it removes all evileye curses, but "at a great price". 

    Also, thinking about giving Apostate a try some time in the future. Any thoughts on the class? Any major shortcomings? 
    Corrupt deals % mana and health damage based on the number of afflictions they have. It's more for certain kinds, but I think it's ballpark 4% per affliction. 

    I'm a new player to the game, so take this with a grain of salt. I started out as an Apostate and have recently switched to Jester. Apostate is incredibly strong and powerful, especially in groups. Soulspears, gravehands, soulcage, catharsis, beckon, vivisect, and blackwind are all super fun and useful abilities for raiding. You'll find yourself getting a lot of kills but more importantly you feel useful. Almost any raid composition or strategy will fit the Apostate, and I killed people with damage, vivisect, catharsis, and voyria. 

    In small group combat you pair well with any other affliction class. Being able to give impatience + another affliction on short balance means you'll work with almost anyone (as Jester, I wish I had an Apostate to jump people with).

    In 1v1 you'll be using afflictions primarily, which requires quite a bit of thought and preparation. This is where my personal opinions on the shortcomings come in. I found the lock or bust style of combat frustrating in its repetitiveness and in the easy counters of walking out of the room or looping curseward for a little while. However, you can punish either impatience or asthma priority pretty well. I was much better as an Apostate than I am as a Jester, but I didn't enjoy the style of 1v1 that much. Everything else was great though and I highly recommend it. Blackwind by itself is enough to make me miss Apostate, not to mention their plethora of insta-kills. 

    Edit: As Dochitha reminded me, I never used more than aliases before switching (must manage the stupid bombs). I have no idea how a competent level of coding would change things.
  • @Israyhl with the system you have, you will eat people alive with Apostate.
  • edited May 2016
    Corrupt heals the target of all their affs, that's the 'great cost.'

    I disagree that apostate is linear/repetitive or easily countered, though. Permanently cursewarding can be punished much easier than most classes can punish permanently shielding. Walking out of the room is also easier said than done with room hinder of course. Locking isn't the only route for apostate, since they have, at the very least, damage (in three styles! The basic/boring bashing macro way, corrupt setups if artied/high int, and sicken itself), sleeplock, cath setups (though they're less likely these days), etc.

    There is definitely an easier path to take with apostate that'll work with most people, but you can do a lot of things with it. Even locking there's more than one route to take, really.

    Of course this is all opinion and like Saea (and a couple of other people I know, she's not like the only one) you might not enjoy Apostate at all! Just figured two viewpoints might help you make a choice better. Apostate is definitely a very strong class right now, so it's more of a question of whether you'd personally find it fun.
  • I have always liked the overall 'class'. When I play Imperian years ago, they had an Apostate copy (still do) that I absolutely adored playing. Not just for all the fun utilities and tankiness, but for the combat aspects. However, I know games diverge, so I didn't want to solely base my opinion of Apostate off my time as a Malignist there, which is why I wanted opinions. And it sounds like something I'd really like

    @Dochitha, thanks for the vote of confidence. Sounds like a worthy investment when I get to Mhaldor and get settled. 
  • As far as I know the Imperian version is wildly OP compared to ours so that might be a bit of a disappointment :(
  • This was... seven years ago? The biggest thing the Imperian version had was artefact daeggers and the ability to have a daemonite and nightmare in the same room. Evileye looks about the exact same, with the current Apostate having more toys. Same with Apostasy. I'll probably see if I can't get my hand on a lucrescent nut and give it a spin before I invest. 
  • If you want to kill clueless people as apostate, you could bury hypersomnia and sleeplock and also cancel tumbles this way. Serps can do it too but it's harder because of lack of impatience control via 2 hypno affs.

    I'm guessing you're on AK41.. iirc Medi was on it too and rekt a lot but he used to track slickness with stain route really well, which probably made for the fastest locking route back then and doesn't exist anymore. Overall still a really strong class with op momentum.

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  • You didn't need aff tracking to track slickness with old stain. It's just never slickness cured!

    Apostate is fantastic if you like afflictions. It and bard were my favorites. Leaving and cursewarding are the main problems, but like Kiet said both are manageable.
  • Yush, what I meant was -> if stain == true, bloodroot == slickness false etc. so no 50/50 split.

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  • Bloodroot == slickness false... Your coding practices are horrible.

  • Oh yeah?! That's just the tip of the iceberg of my horrible/lazy coding practices.

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  • edited May 2016
    Edit: On second thought, nvm
    You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

    Yea, that one!
  • KenwayKenway San Francisco
    The fuck is AK41?

    - Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
    "Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
  • Austere's tracker. 4.1 version.

    It's what people who can't code / manually track properly use. :)

  • KenwayKenway San Francisco
    edited May 2016
    Cynlael said:
    Austere's tracker. 4.1 version.

    It's what people who can't code / manually track properly use. :)
    Oh an aff tracker? Meh, to each theit own. I find the mental tracking to be the fun part for me but whatever works for people. Just means more spars. I'll have to get a copy from someone so I can see if it has any ways to confuse it. I remember @Dochitha tried aff tracking once (maybe still does? Idk) but I was able to illusion focus and just make him loop impatience on me forever.

    Edit: I should add, he then fixed it and kicked my ass.

    - Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
    "Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
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