Quick Combat Questions



  • The tumble penalty isn't negligible. With 2 mangled limbs, it turns 4s tumble (out of room) to 5s, and increases the balance recovery itself from ~6s to ~7.5s. It's pretty good
  • Most of that has absolutely nothing to do with surge, level two breaks already increased tumble time. Surge just marginally increases that effect.
  • Mostly it's the whole prepping with sweepkick thing that bugs me. 25 seconds is way more than enough to prep someone and go through your finishers, and that's goofy.
  • They have to prep while dealing with burst affliction classes like serpent (where you have to spend a lot of time shielding/changing prios) or momentum classes like occie/alch etc though.

    Though yeah, that's why some people say it's the easiest class when played a certain way since all you keep track of is your limb counter and kai stuff.

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  • You can boil a lot of classes down to simple statements if you try hard enough. 

  • There's not really a good reason for monk to be balanced around someone having a mount (or multiples), other than 'its always been this way'. The difference was far too pronounced. Now that they have a definitive answer it'll be easier to make adjustments, since everyone will be (generally) on the same page.

    That said, I don't invision a ton of sweeping changes being necessary. Maybe a few tweaks to limb damage, but its too early to tell yet. I will say this was always the intent with old banish, and the multiple mounts meta is a relatively new thing to compensate. Basically, this is how it was meant to work.

  • edited May 2016
    Didn't know if I should put this in combat questions, or regular questions, but, whatever.
    Does anyone have info on what health sip amounts are based on? I assume it has a little to do with max health or stats, but what else?

    ETA: Assume no sip ring, please.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • Paging @sena or @Antonius . I've seen this info around before so they will undoubtedly have details.

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • 70+MaxHealth*(random integer from 81 to 120). Sip bonuses multiply the result of that formula (for example, *1.2 for a 20% bonus), some sip bonuses stack with each other additively and some multiplicatively (I don't know offhand which are which).
  • Sena said:
    70+MaxHealth*(random integer from 81 to 120). Sip bonuses multiply the result of that formula (for example, *1.2 for a 20% bonus), some sip bonuses stack with each other additively and some multiplicatively (I don't know offhand which are which).

    This is precisely what I was looking for, thank you.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • Pretty sure my minimum sip isn't in the 518k range, think you're missing some parts to that. From memory:

    (70 + (MaxHealth * 0.15)) * (random integer between 81 and 120 / 100)
  • Antonius said:
    Pretty sure my minimum sip isn't in the 518k range, think you're missing some parts to that. From memory:

    (70 + (MaxHealth * 0.15)) * (random integer between 81 and 120 / 100)

    I was actually just doing the math, like.. 'wait a sec, 70+maxhealth*120.. that's a fuck ton'. Adding the .15 makes more sense...
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • Oops, I did leave out a couple numbers. Antonius's formula is right.
  • Any tips against Alchemists? I've fought a couple recently and am dead before I get chance to blink. First time I was convinced my curing was disabled it was that fast. (it wasn't)
  • edited May 2016
    Your only real option as a knight is to slow prep them. Especially if they're going the temper/wrack method, that requires absolutely zero thought from them, rather than the truewracking one. Unless you want to shield 20 times, every 6-7 seconds.

  • Not sure about your spec.

     If you are S&B focus lock them with dedication. They can counter play with premature sanguine inundate or lethargy to discourage you/ slow you, but who does that. If you are 2H go wrist, lethargy hurts them a lot. If you are dualcut, didn't fight DC a lot when I was Alchie but I think you have the venom control to do your stuff. DWB is harder to play against Alchie but shielding and flying are good stoppers. 

  • edited May 2016
    Dochitha said:
    Not sure about your spec.

     If you are S&B focus lock them with dedication. They can counter play with premature sanguine inundate or lethargy to discourage you/ slow you, but who does that. If you are 2H go wrist, lethargy hurts them a lot. If you are dualcut, didn't fight DC a lot when I was Alchie but I think you have the venom control to do your stuff. DWB is harder to play against Alchie but shielding and flying are good stoppers. 

    I do that.
  • Zamora said:
    Any tips against Alchemists? I've fought a couple recently and am dead before I get chance to blink. First time I was convinced my curing was disabled it was that fast. (it wasn't)
    Learn what the different tempers do so you know when to bail and when not to.  You have to shunt their momentum as a knight and go for slow prep. (Meaning prep them while you do hit and run, then come in clean and stick around to finish your killer combo).
  • How much Dex does the "Light Stepper" trait add?

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  • 0 dex.

  • How much Dex does the "Light Stepper" trait add?
    I know what you mean. No idea if it's dex points or flat %.
  • Not sure how much Light Stepper adds, but I think it might be around the equivalent of ~2 points of DEX.

    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Anyway, raja racial dodge is spectacular. Adding light stepper and class dodge, it is absurd. I remember bm missing like 60% when I weave, raja and light step. 
  • Tecton said Light Stepper and Feral Spirit (raja bonus) are the equivalent of "multiple points of dexterity" for dodging, that's probably as specific as you'll get.
  • Do they stack?

  • Borran said:
    Do they stack?
  • Thanks. 

  • can someone tell me the requirement requirement to get turned into stone by the basilisk morph please? And once you've been turned into stone is that it? dead?
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