Quick Combat Questions



  • Phone cut me off. If it's normal entities, disloyalty simply stops you from commanding them. Iirc you need to be on balance Eq etc to order them as well. 

  • edited April 2016
    Disloyalty slows down the commanding of them, as per ANNOUNCE 4339-
     * Disloyalty affliction now interacts better with Domination entities. Instead of refusing an active order, they will do it 
    begrudgingly at a higher cost to command balance. The passive effects have not changed.

    Don't need balance or EQ to order them, just need entity balance. Except Gremlin, which requires EQBAL but does not consume it (just consumes ent bal)

  • Gremlin consumes EQ, doesn't require ent balance.
  • I knew it was one of those two. Been a long time; you get an aff + super fast shield break either way.

  • Cool. I'm not sure when I'll use it as a BM but that's my newbieness talking.

    If you stack the same kind of affliction on someone where they need to spam the same cure (ex. paralysis via neck), does that increase the time it takes for your opponent to get their herb balance back?
  • No, it doesn't. Herb balance is always static, unless you are a class that has the ability to extend it.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Is lunge influenced by piety/gravehands? As in: If there is piety in my room, I go to lunge into an adjacent room, will I still be affected by the hinder? Suppose the question could be expanded to any room-based hinder affecting lunge. 
  • I believe it is, yes. Not 100%.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • edited April 2016
    Israyhl said:
    Is lunge influenced by piety/gravehands? As in: If there is piety in my room, I go to lunge into an adjacent room, will I still be affected by the hinder? Suppose the question could be expanded to any room-based hinder affecting lunge. 
    Don't know about piety/gh, but it bypasses frozen ground. So I guess lunge doesn't respect room hinder. Just need to try. 
  • I think it does. Will double check when I got back on.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Definitely affected by Piety, I'd assume most other forms of actual hinder are the same.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    Yeah, Lunge and similar attacks should all respect room hinder. Lunge bypassing frozen ground is just one of those weird exceptions.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • Dirge m8

  • edited April 2016
    New to 2 handed Paladin. How do I prone someone for a disembowel? How do I stick hellsight for Damnation?

  • You can use Upset to prone when they have at least one broken leg. It uses Battlefury balance rather than regular balance, so can be combined with devastate to break the legs.

    Sticking hellsight is a matter of sticking asthma. You can try your luck sticking asthma behind relapsing kelp affs from fractures, or you could try to riftlock using devastate to break arms. Probably not worth it, though.
  • Korrok said:
    New to 2 handed Paladin. How do I prone someone for a disembowel? How do I stick hellsight for Damnation?
    You use Devestate to break legs after stick 4 torn tendon fractures, and I think you can use Trip/Entangle or something like that. Can't recall the actual name, to prone. Damnation for 2h is going to be more difficult, since you don't have fast afflictions to kelp stack to keep Hellsight stuck. Hellsight is a smoke affliction, which means you need asthma, which means you also need two or three other kelp afflictions to keep it there. That's a tall order for 2h, but! You get relapsing afflictions from your fractures, so you could theoretically use those as a way to buffer your kalmia, then hellsight/arc another kelp affliction after the head break.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • It's there a list of all the fractures and what afflictions they give somewhere?

  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    Korrok said:
    It's there a list of all the fractures and what afflictions they give somewhere?
    You'd think it's listed in the ab files... .... riiiight.

  • Not that I see... unless I am not looking in the right place

  • edited April 2016
    2H infernal with Warhammer is pretty legit.

    Skull delays health sip balance
    Torso relapses sensitivity and reduces sip
    Wrist relapses lethargy
    Legs relapses clumsy and has a scaling movement hinder based on fractures

    As for the amount of fractures to mangle, I'm not exactly sure how that works but I believe 6 to 8 on legs is when you're a goner unless you have room hinder or are a monk. 

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  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo

    Tendon & wrist fractures:

    1-3: level one break on legs/arms 

    4-5: level two breaks

    6+: level three breaks 

    Also, if the limb is already damaged when you devastate, that pushes the break one level higher.

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Korrok said:
    New to 2 handed Paladin. How do I prone someone for a disembowel? How do I stick hellsight for Damnation?
    I put some 2H logs in the combat thread a few weeks back, feel free to take a look and give me a shout. I'm Runie though not Paladin

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Skull fractures also relapse nausea.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    Korrok said:
    It's there a list of all the fractures and what afflictions they give somewhere?

    Aerek said:
    For 2H, I'd say an artefact sword helps more than anything, even STR. Don't get me wrong, STR helps Disembowel a lot, and you should spec for it as soon as you can, but the higher damage and speed on a sword is unmatched in getting fracks to stick. Warhammer is a proficiency you should pick up, but the warhammer's greatest strength is just that it breaks everyone in 3 or 4 hits, and even an L3 hammer still breaks most in 3-4 hits; you're paying large amounts of credits just to move more folks from the "4" side to the "3" side. That's good and all, but I don't find that really worth it; carrying a forged one is fine. You may want to invest in some tanking arties instead of just an L3 sword, though. Apart from high hindrance, one of 2H's weaknesses is that its emphasis on balls-out offense mean you can't really stop and go defensive when your health is getting pummeled, so some classes like Monk or other knights can race you to 0 health and win.

    If you're set on 2H, just a few helpful tips:
    • Speed deals full damage with 1 fracture. Precision deals half damage (including limb damage) with 2 fractures. As a rule, Speed is good when they have low max health, or any time they are sipping health to cure damage instead of applying it to cure fracks. Precision is opposite, better against high max health, or any time they're applying to fracks instead of sipping health.
    • Battlefury Perceive requires Battlefury balance, but doesn't consume it. It's how you track fracks and see parry, so use Battlefury Perceive before each attack, (Can Perceive/Stance/Attack) and when you regain Bfury balance.
    • Hitting your opponent's "sip threshold", where they start sipping health to stay alive instead of curing fracks, is the name of the game. Never pass up any form of passive damage that will help force them to start sipping. Deathaura and your falcon are huge boons to 2H in this regard. Highlight/echo health sips and health applies so that you know what your opponent is doing and can adapt your offense.
    • Also highlight salve applies to limbs, as these are the best indicator of limb breaks. Even if you don't have a limbcounter, if you see them apply to legs because you just broke one, you can Upset/Overhand through parry on the next attack. (It's generally better to break leg/upset, then Precision/Overhand through parry, but you'll want a limbcounter to help count leg hits for that)
    • If they aren't parrying head, punish that.
    • Head fracks make sip balance 1 second longer per frack. Torso fracks make sipping health heal 8% less per frack. Leg fracks keep opponents from moving, with the block rate scaling up for each frack. (At 3-4 fracks, it's like a second Gravehands) Each type of fracture has a certain affliction that it gives every 5 seconds at 1 frack, and 1 second faster for each frack. (Minimum 1 second at 5 fracks.)
    Enjoy. 2H is a fun class, probably my 2nd favorite Knight style. Next to the frantic, fast-balance classes, 2H's slow balance but unstoppable momentum is relaxing and leisurely in a way. Just remember it feels Achaea's rock/paper/scissors aspect keenly, so a couple of classes will feel helpless against you, and you will feel helpless against a couple of classes. Don't get frustrated by those folks, and enjoy rolling through everyone else like a runaway freight train.
    Since I left them out in that post, head fracks give nausea, torso fracks give sensitivity, arm fracks give lethargy, and leg fracks give clumsiness.

    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • How does blackout effect gmcp data here?  Is it still accessible/reliable?  
  • In Aetolia, I know balance and equilibrium weren't (at the time I played) trackable through gmcp during blackout.   Was kinda hoping we could track them here.
  • About AB files, that's the good thing in Achaea (though at times bad), that you can't read it all up, you actually have to play to find out.
  • Unless you have the AB script that lets you check it anyway, which is publicly available if you just search through Antonius's comments.

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