Quick Combat Questions



  • Does xoran fire breathing do everything a firelash enchantment can do?
  • I don't think it can melt frozen ground or clear overgrowth and reclamation or hit at 1 room range. It's been a while since I combated so things may be different now
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Vokun said:
    Does xoran fire breathing do everything a firelash enchantment can do?
    Can light pipes without a tinderbox and take down icewalls. That's it.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Can you specify a direction for the icewall using Xoran fire breath, or am I imagining things?
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Antonius said:
    Can you specify a direction for the icewall using Xoran fire breath, or am I imagining things?
    Yes you can.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Klendathu said:
    Vokun said:
    Does xoran fire breathing do everything a firelash enchantment can do?
    Can light pipes without a tinderbox and take down icewalls. That's it.

    And set people on fire,  right?

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Borran said:
    Klendathu said:
    Vokun said:
    Does xoran fire breathing do everything a firelash enchantment can do?
    Can light pipes without a tinderbox and take down icewalls. That's it.

    And set people on fire,  right?
    Forgot about that, yes, you can for lols if they're locked

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Zamora said:
    I've returned after a break and switched to Dual Blunt Infernal. Anyone willing to help me out combat wise in Mhaldor? I'll ask IG too, but the only people around at the moment at novice Alchemists
    I have also just returned and would really like to catch up on combat again. Havent really fought since 2007 or so.. I would also like some help on getting into combat again and someone to practide with.

    I can't decide if i want to stay twohander or go dwb, Im infernal and have around 3000 credits for artifacts. Since I havent fought for ages I would like some input from those more experienced, especially om dwb.
  • 2h has more options in combat, gives you more control over combat and handle more situations.
  • DWB can ass blast almost anyone without a decent level of tank to them too. 

  • Is there an accurate assess counter out there for dual cutting?
    Kenway, Austere, SVOf? All the potential ones out there, right?

  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    @Ebor I would characterize 2H as easier to learn, it's a momentum-based style that's pretty forgiving once you get into the patterns of it. Takes a little bit of work to set up proper/efficient battlefury usage, but doesn't need as much scripting help as others. (Limbcounter/frack tracker help, but you can still do pretty well without either) DWB has no hinder and you need a solid understanding of limb damage mechanics to get the most out of it, but the damage is outrageous and its prep time is fast. It also takes some work to set up combos to hit different combinations of limbs with the right Expends on demand, lots of flexibility which makes initial alias/key making a little complicated, but it has strong end-game setups that are difficult to avoid, even by skilled opponents.

    Both classes are offensive howitzers. They'll struggle with certain opponents, mainly high-hinder classes with large health pools, but both will outright destroy anyone with low-to-mid health that doesn't know how to play defense. DWB meshes better with Infernal in my opinion, (mostly for Vivisect options) but 2H benefits from Necromancy a fair bit too, in the form of Deathaura and Gravehands. Personally, I think DWB Infernal is an evil that has not been properly unleashed on the world.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    Aquil said:
    Is there an accurate assess counter out there for dual cutting?
    Kenway, Austere, SVOf? All the potential ones out there, right?

    Like gives their actual breakpoint on Assess? Not that I know of, but Knight breakpoints have been pretty standardized lately, they don't range as much as they used to. Most <4000 folks break in 10 scimitar hits, around >4k is 11, and <5k will usually break in 12. After 5k you get into 13-15 hits. I think most of our resident coders have given up trying to "crack formulas" with how often back-end mechanics have changed in the last few years, so you just kinda have to get a feel for it and set your own breakpoint.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • Thanks @Aerek!

    What would be the best way to spend around 2k credits on offensive artefacts for 2-hander? Level 3 sword or a level 2 sword and a level 2 gauntlet? Or something else? Warhammer?

    I will spec for strength at level 85-90 or so.
  • Aquil said:
    Is there an accurate assess counter out there for dual cutting?
    Kenway, Austere, SVOf? All the potential ones out there, right?

    @Aquil : Antonius' limb counter is the best freely available counter and very well coded, by a long shot. You will likely need to do testing and configure your own breakpoints for more accuracy.

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  • Svof's limb counter is probably better code than mine, but I'd say mine surpasses it greatly in terms of functionality (there are a lot of poor design decisions in Svof's counter). I have no idea about Kenway's having had no real reason to use it, though I think he may support a greater number of classes than mine currently does.

    Link to mine is in my signature. On the topic of an assess formula, I've never seen anybody with an accurate formula to convert maximum health to break values for dual cutting (though I've seen plenty of people claim to have one!), especially since there have been two increases to dual cutting limb damage since Weaponmastery was released.
  • @Antonius : Do you plan on scripting a monk limbcounter in the future? I'd pay for one.

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  • Adding support for Monk is on the list of things to do, it's just more complicated than most classes due to varying damage between kicks and punches (and stances?). Basically Blademaster all over again, which I haven't quite finished yet (and uses Dorn's numbers, which aren't totally accurate); I still need to figure out determining when limbs are prepped due to the difference in limb damage between the main/off target limb.

    If anybody has (semi-)reliable data for breakpoints as Monk (based off of maximum health) that I can use then it would go a long way to pushing that up the priority queue in terms of coding.
  • edited March 2016
    Stances don't affect limb damage, anymore. For Monk, at least. It's all standardised.

    vvvv that though, is annoying vvvv

  • Knuckles annoying. 

  • Is it not just * 1.35?
  • As far as I have been able to tell ... no, not quite.  It's like it applies only to a certain part of the limb damage formula, but I can't tell whether it's because artie power transferred knuckles are bugged, or if it's just that they changed the limb damage formula and nobody has it quite right yet.  It's really, really confusing.
  • Here's my Excel sheet for what data I had for monk. I also have an AutoCAD file if anyone's interested. Excel file says it was last modified May 2015... I don't know if monk limb damage has been changed since then, so I'm not sure that the data is still valid.
  • Mizik said:
    Is it not just * 1.35?
    My memory is very fuzzy on it, but I remember being pretty certain that the knuckles multiplier only applied to either the static or scaling portion of the equation, not both. I could definitely be wrong though.
    Without knuckles, these were the equations I had

    -- HFP and SPP --
    5/4/2015 12:51 AM
    Between 0.079h + 237.3 0.083h + 217.0
    Mid Value = 0.081h + 230
    -- UCP --
    5/4/2015 12:51 AM
    Between 0.0804h + 257.5 and 0.0838h + 240.3
    Mid Value = 0.082h + 250
    -- SNK and MNK and WWK --
    5/4/2015 12:51 AM
    between 0.161h + 428.5 and 0.171h + 393.4
    Mid Value = 0.166h + 412
    -- SDK --
    5/4/2015 12:51 AM
    Between 0.182h + 568.1 and 0.0208h + 461.3
    Mod Value = 0.196h + 516

  • Mizik said:
    Is it not just * 1.35?
    If that was in response to @Antonius's comment about blademaster on/offside damage, for limbslashes onside is 1.5x offside. 1.35 sounds about right for compass (i.e., compass damage being 1.35x offside limbslash damage), but the health scaling is different for compass than for limbslashes, so it depends.
  • Nah, spiked knuckles +35% punch damage.
  • Any chance I can get help coding a toggle in mudlet? Like say for staffstrike where the code sets a default element but switches to one of the different elements when the toggle is hit? I realize I'd probably need a table for this but that's as far as my knowledge actually goes.
  • edited April 2016
    Kaden said:
    Any chance I can get help coding a toggle in mudlet? Like say for staffstrike where the code sets a default element but switches to one of the different elements when the toggle is hit? I realize I'd probably need a table for this but that's as far as my knowledge actually goes.
    if not strike_element then strike_element = "earth" end
    if strike_element == "earth" then
       strike_element = "air"
       strike_element = "earth"
    cecho("\n<green>Changed staffstrike element to <white>"..strike..".")

       send("staffstrike "..target.." "..strike_element.." left leg") - example

    Forgot the other thing you wanted. To make it set automatically just add that first line to your attacks.
         if not strike_element then strike_element = "earth" end

  • if focus == "precision" or (not focus) then focus = "speed" else focus =

    "precision" end

    cecho("\n<yellow> FOCUS is now " ..focus)

    I do this to use F11 to toggle whether i'm using Speed or Precision, then put that var into my aliases. Does that help at all?

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
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