Quick Combat Questions



  • Szanthax said:
    What do monk every class do against occies... I we just have no idea..

  • Correct answer: run away

  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    Cooper said:
    Correct answer: run away
    i just run into tentacles... and then die...

    one time  Iran away a few rooms and then died.

    a few other times I teamed them like 5 v 1 (@seragorn... @dalran) and had success... 

    haha... i lvoe that its a secret... kinda like priests.

  • Tumble away then run!

  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    if i'm a serpent i can evade away and sometimes live. if i'm a priest i can turn on bedevil and they kill themselves. If i'm a monk i can... try to run away and just die.

  • As a Runie I just get thrashed.

    clumsy gg
  • How's the state of Druid?  I played it once a long time ago, and I remember being frustrated that if someone cured well it was nearly impossible to kill them.

    Is Druid any decent 1v1?  I know they're great for groups.  What about bashing?

    @Rom @Rangor @Exelethril
  • They are certainly decent, if not better than that. Their damage output can be immense when utilized completely (gonna need Reclamation down, which is much easier with the newest classleads). The passive damage of lash + bees + pollen puts in a LOT of free damage.
    They are one of the best classes at halting enemy momentum, and they also have a lot of defensive options versus more prep/damage classes. They bypass parry 100% of the time, they only have to count to 4 for their breaks. If you want to pull off their instakill (4 restoration breaks) then you will -require- transcendent weaponry, class skills simply aren't fast enough.

    The damage route is seriously potent, I've killed dragonformed people with it quite a few times, and the instakill is also very doable against most classes. They are fantastic at surviving, and have a ton of utility too. Hydra heads can be a bit confusing at first, but I think it's a great class that is also artie independent. The bashing is average, tanky but low damage.
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  • Rom said:
    They are certainly decent, if not better than that. Their damage output can be immense when utilized completely (gonna need Reclamation down, which is much easier with the newest classleads). The passive damage of lash + bees + pollen puts in a LOT of free damage.
    They are one of the best classes at halting enemy momentum, and they also have a lot of defensive options versus more prep/damage classes. They bypass parry 100% of the time, they only have to count to 4 for their breaks. If you want to pull off their instakill (4 restoration breaks) then you will -require- transcendent weaponry, class skills simply aren't fast enough.

    The damage route is seriously potent, I've killed dragonformed people with it quite a few times, and the instakill is also very doable against most classes. They are fantastic at surviving, and have a ton of utility too. Hydra heads can be a bit confusing at first, but I think it's a great class that is also artie independent. The bashing is average, tanky but low damage.
    Thank you so much for the reply!
  • Yeah no problem, if you have any more questions lemme know.
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  • It's a really fun class and you can gank insta-kill anyone with a 3-person group of Druid/STR Monk/Dragon, just as long as they keep letting axekick/bite be usable within the time frame balance of each other without penalty(trample/hydra bind -> axekick/bite -> dead). Which is weird, since BBT is weaker and can't be combo'd with Bite.

    Speaking of which, I keep forgetting to switch parry on hit against the super easy but deadly monk/dragon combo.

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

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  • BBT is also faster bal. By like 2 and a half seconds or so.

  • * DOUBLEWHIRL (Dual Blunt) damage has been increased.

    Someone help me understand. Was this really an issue? I'm not super familiar with the spec, I admit, but it seemed like no one was saying "this doesn't quite do enough damage yet."

  • edited April 2016
    Nakari said:
    * DOUBLEWHIRL (Dual Blunt) damage has been increased.

    Someone help me understand. Was this really an issue? I'm not super familiar with the spec, I admit, but it seemed like no one was saying "this doesn't quite do enough damage yet."

    There was actually a classlead asking to nerf it, if I remember. Edit incoming with the number.

    Edit: CLASSLEAD SHOW 147. Was approved, then rejected after testing, I guess. Idk.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • We'll have a better idea once the spec change artefact is released this month and more people are using the spec, though with Tecton heading to Australia that might not be for a couple of weeks.

    My initial gut reaction wasn't that it needed a straight damage increase, though. Reducing the pre-resistance damage, and reducing the effect of blunt resistance on it, perhaps.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    I didn't expect it, but we'll see how it plays out. For as much as we talk about how much it hurts, the only thing I've really seen dishing out that damage is Runewarden with Hugalaz flails. I've never seen anyone damaged out by morningstars, and I've never seen Infernal/Paladin DWB go for damage, so don't know if that was really viable. Speaking strictly for myself, I never actually damaged out anyone "impressive" with DWB, even with flails and leg mangle setups; the folks I see doing that are all packing L2/L3 flails and STR guantlets, so it may have been a buff intended to help the little guy. (Though it's still hard to imagine those artied up Runewardens dealing more damage.)

    Or they're trolling us. Who knows.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • Tried fighting 2 flail Runies at once as 4k health Serpent. 

    Did not go well.
  • I've been hoping for a while that they'd make dwb scale more, but if they've just given a flat damage increase then that's a bit frustrating to hear. Flail/mangle setups feel like pretty much the silliest thing out there, and that they almost essentially require you to come into a fight with a big enough health pool to have a chance has always felt rather frustrating to me. I'm hoping that the strategy hasn't been to just make that even more viable, because I'm starting to think that I just won't be able to reasonably fight against them, period.

  • Do mounts and increased dexterity give a higher chance of evading projectile attacks?
    That is not an ordinary star, my son. That star is the tear of a warrior. A lost soul who has finished his battles somewhere on this planet. A pitiful soul who could not find his way to the lofty realm where the great spirit awaits us all.
  • Depends on the projectile. Thrown weapons use the normal accuracy system, so yes. Arrows work differently, so dex/dodging bonuses won't help.
  • DWB's biggest weakness is rebounding and shield.  They have no razeslash, and lose momentum easily when forced to raze. Don't break your own rebouding, force them to do it. What's more, if you're employing a damage start, if they hit rebounding they take all the damage.
  • Ainly said:
    DWB's biggest weakness is rebounding and shield.  They have no razeslash, and lose momentum easily when forced to raze. Don't break your own rebouding, force them to do it. What's more, if you're employing a damage start, if they hit rebounding they take all the damage.
    * FRACTURE (Dual Blunt) will now reset the momentum decay timer when successful.

    Shield and rebounding are certainly still a challenge, but it doesn't have quite as large of an effect on momentum anymore. That being said, it's probably still a good way to slow them down.
  • Is there a counter to Enervate vs an occie that auto-follows? I guess spamming fly outdoors might work with mana prio since they'll have to use ent balance to tentacle versus hellhounding.

    Though indoors, beyond pummeling them hard into a focuslock with shieldstrike lows, I don't really see how they can be hindered..?

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

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  • The way I look at it, there's no need to stop enervate. It doesn't lead to a kill on its own like absolve or catharsis. Just don't die to the truenames.

    My biggest problem vs Occultist is being unable to attack at 0 mana, so I sometimes have to run to heal up just to be able to go back on the offensive. I would definitely mana prio pre-enervate while you can, as long as your health doesn't get too low. But ultimately, you're only seeking to delay it, not necessarily stop it, in my view. You don't want to be getting hit with truenames all the time, but you can survive them, akin to a limb prep setup.

  • 1) Do cohosh and kola count against herb balance in regards to cures?
    2) Does losing balance/eq while writhing reset or stop the timer on writhe? Furthermore, is there anyway to stop someone from writhing once they start?
  • edited April 2016
    No about kola and cohosh. 

    Resets writhe timer when you writhe while writhing only. Losing EQ or balance doesn't reset it. And the only way to stop someone would be to force writhe. 

  • Cohosh used to require herb balance, but not use it. No idea if that's still the case as I've had insomnia for years.
  • Noted.

    1) Does commanding ents require balance/eq/etc.
    2) Does disloyalty prevent you from commanding ents? (I'm assuming it does but the wiki didn't mention it.)
  • Entities are on their own balance. I think the function of disloyalty was changed recently... It either slows down the balance substantially or prevents it. I'm leaning towards the former. 

    The above applies if you're referring to commanding occultist entities. 

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