Quick Combat Questions



  • That's what I thought, too. However, the log I've linked to doesn't have anorexia at 18, it has anorexia at 23. Maybe it's still hitting a focusable affliction (stupidity or dizziness) first and doing FOCUS for that, but that doesn't explain why it would then try EAT GOLDENSEAL too, unless the issue with not taking into account what the curing commands actually cured - and instead assuming it cured the affliction it was trying to - has been fixed.

    I think ideally it would start again from the beginning once it cures anorexia, but if I have to put every salve cured affliction before all of my herb cured afflictions to get it to work properly (and still be able to have other salve afflictions above anorexia), I guess I'll do that. Going to wait for Makarios' response so I know exactly how it's working, and therefore how I need to structure my priorities. 

  • I'd guess it just goes on the same number for each cure type factoring in what is cured. So focus got anorexia while trying to get dizzy with focus and gets to the eating cure type on 22 and hits dizzy for real.. But probably better to wait for his response ya
  • edited February 2016
    Serverside/svo just trolls me when I'm in aeon. Just cured asthma? Time to sip speed! I'll update someday, maybe svof has better communication with serverside.

     i'm a rebel

  • Qwyn said:
    That seems...imprecise? I can't wipe/envenom accurately if I'm using throwaways and vaguely sometimes picking stuff up.
    Afaik you'll both wipe, envenom, and throw the same weapon if you just use generic weapon name as a target, since it'll be the first in your inventory.
  • Tesha said:
    Serverside/svo just trolls me when I'm in aeon. Just cured asthma? Time to sip speed! I'll update someday, maybe svof has better communication with serverside.
    I've found that not to be the case. 

    Server side will start blasting me with cures ha

  • Server side does have a few glaring issues. It will be much better if priorities are separated into its own balances rather than in a single list. 
  • How do the Saturation, Diffusion, and Effusion abilities in Physiology work, syntax-wise?
  • They're passive abilities, you don't have to do anything to make them work.
  • I'm looking at pickup up a second class, but to do so, I'll have to trade in my level 2 gauntlets.  This would bring me to an 88% disembowel.  Will that be enough to manage dsb kills as a paladin?
  • Rouillier said:
    I'm looking at pickup up a second class, but to do so, I'll have to trade in my level 2 gauntlets.  This would bring me to an 88% disembowel.  Will that be enough to manage dsb kills as a paladin?
    I don't know knights super well, but I would think that'd be enough for an engage kill.
  • Cooper said:
    Don't trade in artefacts to add a class, you'll almost certainly regret it.
    If only I'd never traded in anything...

  • So, as a bard versus monks that guard left(no easy tremolo/epseth prep) and run away after every two jabs while trying to jpk/slow prep..
    • Aria randomly to change breakpoint
    • Jab rebounding on legs
    • Balancing/heartsfury 
    • Is wearing/re-wearing health altering arties legal?
    Anything else I'm missing while I gun for leg/arms rift lock before getting fast-prepped into axekicks by that lolclass?

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  • Wearing/rewearing health arties was illegal last time I remember it coming up, I believe
  • Target the leg they aren't guarding. Acciaccatura jab right/prefarar envenom/tremolo right. Riftlock? You're a bard! Just go straight to truelock. It's faster and more reliable. Trueparrying, balancing, heartsfury curare to interrupt combos.
  • Is bard's dodging good? Go raja trait lightstepper, use the dodging skill acrobatic? Stick clumsiness. I feel if I were a monk vs a Bard, I am gonna hate it.
  • I wouldn't mind being a Tekura monk vs a bard, assuming I fight like a bitch :)

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  • How to win as monk: kai cripple before any finisher. Spam mind batter during any lock
  • Mind disrupt spam is actually a bit more reliable if you time it just as your opponent is about to regain balance, by the time it wears off, your leg's usually (almost?) cured and can stand. If stupidity is stuck, can just kai cripple, it's almost impossible to stick epteth/stupidity at the same time. (single alias probs mind disrupt/kai cripple)

    Not impossible to kill/lock, just need to time attacks so the monk is still off balance from a previous combo, etc.

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  • edited February 2016
    You can't disrupt while prone, thankfully. Cripple and batter are annoying enough though. :(

    Jhui's prone defense made me cry as bard.
  • Oh I thought you could use all telepathy while prone, like mind crush etc. Is mind disrupt the only unusable one?

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  • Little known pro tip: stupidity blocks telepathy.

    So does head damage.
  • You missed the point of my epteth/stupidity statement. I suppose leg/arm/head is doable, just a lot of work.

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  • All you have to do is stick stupidity under impatience. Hinders telepathy and then!

  • What is the difference between snipe and shoot?  Is it simply more accurate, or does it do more dps?
  • Damage and speed is the same, snipe is just more accurate and more anonymous.
  • How complex is Bard combat?
  • Rodhel said:
    How complex is Bard combat?
    Probably top 3 in complexity.
  • @Kiet what are the other two?
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