Achaean Raves



  • JinsunJinsun TN, USA
    Huge thanks to @Shara and @Arditi for delivering Jinsun's kid tonight. Was weird and awesome!
  • Marisella said:
    After some hard work and effort, I graduated from my path in the Scions and finally earned HR8! I am very happy that my last task to wrap it all up was the presentation that I delivered for the Asterian Convention. I think that was a fitting finish to my efforts. :)
    With a work ethic like you've proven, I think this is probably not so much of a celebration of finishing your accomplishments so much as a celebration of a writ of passage as you go onto bigger and greater endeavors. Congratulations!

  • Rave and general heads up to all other servant owners.

    Your bug report (detail: HOUSING SERVANTS: When the denizen servants I hire gets killed, and respawns they are no longer loyal to me.) - has been fixed.

    This means that servants of yours that were killed, and no longer editable, should be after the next time they die and respawn.
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Yay for the new Mark system! Still wish I could pick my own Mark, BUT this is way better than the last major overhaul to the Mark system.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • New plan: Join mark and take all the Eleusis contracts >:D
  • You can't take contracts on city mates.

  • sadface :C 
  • Jonathin said:
    We attempted to raid Targ yesterday and got lolstomped. Then Targ counter-raided and got stomped (thanks guards). They came back 4 times. After the 4th time, I mentioned on a clan that I was getting bored and without another word, the raid stopped.

    I seriously appreciate it, even if you guys didn't get the chance to dish out what you guys got in losses, you'll probably get us next time pretty bad. 
    It was fun, but those guards yeesh.  Every time we left it was like " try again? Don't die to guards guys, c'mon"
  • Melodie said:
    Man, I have to admit, when @Aerek and I got started with the manor (which the plot by itself was expensive as hell, much less all the rooms we've built onto it), I was dubious how much use it'd see. FRATERNIZATION and all. Despite that, the day he built it was also the day he proposed to Mel and it stood steadfastly as an official commitment between them and the foundation of their family.

    But since especially going to Mhaldor, it's proven to be one of the biggest boons. It allows not only us (and the rest of the estranged family) to have a neutral grounds to talk, but also allows me to play hostess as Lady Ancyrion and entertain guests from all walks of life (including my own, which inspired this rave), friend and foe alike. Even better, we've had three long-term house guests (and one less-guest-more-frienemy) staying (of which I am now considering "guest rooms" for) which has just enlivened the whole experience whenever I take the time to stop in. It's also a practically never-ending project while always has something for me to spend on to add onto, to make more grand, more interesting, more interactive (even if I wish out of sub costs would get a downgrade).

    Overall I've just had so much damn fun playing house, I wish I had started it ages ago, and am continually excited to see what more I can do to make it a better experience for everybody, including myself. From a bloody wedding to private conversations, I intend it to remain a center hub in much of Mel's life.
    You guys would have more fun playing house on Harae, just sayin'.

  • KatzchenKatzchen Mhaldor
    @Melodie Out of subs cost did get a downgrade. Everything got a cost downgrade. It costs around 200k to build a room out of subs now instead of the previous 110 credits. That's under a third of the cost. I know some people relied on iron elite for upgrading, but I know there is so many things I want with credits that's not an issue, and it makes hunting up housing rooms a feasible option, especially upgrades. The most expensive upgrades are now around 1.3 mil. (these numbers are assuming you get the commodities first hand at the cheapest price from denizen shops, but when you're bulk buying like this, that seems reasonable)

                   Honourable, knight eternal,

                                            Darkly evil, cruel infernal.

                                                                     Necromanctic to the core,

                                                                                             Dance with death forever more.

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Trey said:
    You guys would have more fun playing house on Harae, just sayin'.
    Never! Adryn's will forever be ours!

    Tristitia said:
    That Scarlattan Theatre thread I made has ended up completely transforming my Achaea experience. I adore every damn person in that house, even in the moments I'm shaking my head at the screen laughing, "What a jerk!"
    You, especially, have really livened up the house so much since coming to join and watch our little masquerade of the most awkwardly somehow-still-a-family thing ever (I think a few people compared it to Days Of Our Lives more than once). I'm just glad the awkward did not scare you off!

    @Katzchen, yeah I know it did get a downgrade in terms of switching to gold and commodities, don't get me wrong at all, not the costs I meant! Some things still require credits, like making items reset/immovable in a house. Right now I'm looking at 500cr to get some interesting, interactive items put in there, which is making me cringe, and creating other stuff also takes credits. It remains one of the last things I'm hesitating about in terms of expenditure.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • KatzchenKatzchen Mhaldor
    edited May 2015
    @Melodie It is a little rough they pretty much changed rooms and upgrades to 1/3 the cost without any bonuses for people with current housing though. I'm more than a little miffed at having spent around 1850 credits on a house which would now cost maybe 1000 to create, since the 1260cr worth of rooms/doors/upgrades I have would have been more like 400cr worth of gold. Hell, it's cheaper now to build out of subs/on a ship than it used to be in subs. This is both awesome, and really bitter-sweet looking at how much I've already spent. Not to mention they no longer have any trade-in value beyond more building tools. :( If they'd done this to an artefact, or artefacts, people would be tearing the roof down to complain.

                   Honourable, knight eternal,

                                            Darkly evil, cruel infernal.

                                                                     Necromanctic to the core,

                                                                                             Dance with death forever more.

  • KatzchenKatzchen Mhaldor
    Whoops.. followed you linking me here @Melodie and forgot this was raves. Sorry.

    Rave: inspiration to play!

                   Honourable, knight eternal,

                                            Darkly evil, cruel infernal.

                                                                     Necromanctic to the core,

                                                                                             Dance with death forever more.

  • Raves for @Rinzai for being so kind with praise after touring my family chalet. I had a lot of fun with making the house and am still coming up with ideas, but to hear that someone else enjoys it makes me feel really good. It's not often that praise is heaped on, so thanks! (Oh, and all the butler names and post office pick-up lines) <3

  • thanks to @Tael putting up your room descriptions from your house, because of that I found  It's purty
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    Daeir said:
    I'd always wanted to be in an events post, but little did I think I'd BE the events post.

    Holy shit I can't believe it THIS EVENT IS AWESOME
    And it was an awesome read, too

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Tahquil said:
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.

    Your voice quietly thrums as you tell GenerousSoul, "How much?"

    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's heart' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's heart' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's heart' to you.

    GenerousSoul tells you, "Nothing."

    Your voice quietly thrums as you tell GenerousSoul, "Oh?"

    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's scale' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'Gold Dragon leather' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'Gold Dragon leather' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'Gold Dragon leather' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 3 piece 'Gold Dragon leather' to you.

    GenerousSoul tells you, "You were nice enough to me while I lived in Mhaldor, and these are just 
    things gathering dust after my hunts."

    GenerousSoul has traded the level 3 piece 'a Gold Dragon bone' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 3 piece 'a Gold Dragon bone' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon bone' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon bone' to you.

    Your voice quietly thrums as you tell GenerousSoul, "Thank you so much."

    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.

    GenerousSoul tells you, "I hope they bring you more joy then they brought me."

    They know who they are. Thank you so much. This practically doubles what I had.

    It doesn't help unless they give you teeth.
  • Tahquil said:
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's claw' to you.

    Your voice quietly thrums as you tell GenerousSoul, "How much?"

    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's heart' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's heart' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's heart' to you.

    GenerousSoul tells you, "Nothing."

    Your voice quietly thrums as you tell GenerousSoul, "Oh?"

    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's scale' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'Gold Dragon leather' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'Gold Dragon leather' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'Gold Dragon leather' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 3 piece 'Gold Dragon leather' to you.

    GenerousSoul tells you, "You were nice enough to me while I lived in Mhaldor, and these are just 
    things gathering dust after my hunts."

    GenerousSoul has traded the level 3 piece 'a Gold Dragon bone' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 3 piece 'a Gold Dragon bone' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon bone' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon bone' to you.

    Your voice quietly thrums as you tell GenerousSoul, "Thank you so much."

    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 1 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.
    GenerousSoul has traded the level 2 piece 'a Gold Dragon's eye' to you.

    GenerousSoul tells you, "I hope they bring you more joy then they brought me."

    They know who they are. Thank you so much. This practically doubles what I had.

    You can buy these talismans from others for probably 250 gold per if you are good friends, 500 from regular friends, or 1000 from people who dislike you. The gold teeth/blue scales/other rares are the ones that cost you. I sold a couple of scales at 7 credits per about a month ago.

  • Let us misrepresent what someone else said to put them in a bad light.

    What a good response.

  • Cooper said:
    Let us misrepresent what someone else said to put them in a bad light.

    What a good response.

    Spoken like a true Targossan.
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