Achaean Raves



  • The killing-undead part of the event is definitely good fun.

    My only wish (right now, anyway) is that we could have our crits back against them. Ugh.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Undead are always immune to critical strikes. I was shocked when zombies in Achaea weren't.

  • Borran said:
    Undead are always immune to critical strikes. I was shocked when zombies in Achaea weren't.
    Critical Strikes assume that there is some sort of weakness or pain that when the strike hits it does extra or special damage. Since undead are usually unfeeling walking bags of dead flesh and bone, there is no way to give special damage because they would just shrug it off.

    In other games undead are immune to critical strikes but often weak to holy magic and fire. Since PvE is mostly balanced (maybe not so much with the battlerage changes, but that's a different conversation) you can't give one or a few classes special benefits without having to do the same for other classes and other denizens
    You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

    Yea, that one!
  • edited May 2015
    Love Battlerage. Love the undead scurvy dog invasion. Awesome!

  • edited May 2015
    Ruth said:
    3 hours. I've bashed the undead in Tasur'ke for 3 hours. And all that time, my eyes were glued to bashing. O_O
    Ur marmot is a fuxing beast.

    rave @marmot


  • Daeir said:
    Cool event. Three thumbs up. You get four if Neraeos comes back.
    plot twist. @Deucalion is coming back
  • where is lol button
    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Lifting the cowry in both hands, you take a deep drink from the tropical shell.
    The heady mellow rum leaves a mild rasp in your throat, and the play of spice upon your tongue.

    mm, free rum.

    Also rave to Anytus and the rest of the admin for the quick fixing of the hanging lights!
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • Despite all of the Battlerage hoopla, three customisations returned in under five hours makes me happy.

  • UtianimaUtianima Norway and Austria
    You rip into a steel-encased Death Knight with your massive, deadly claws.
    You have scored a WORLD-SHATTERING CRITICAL hit!!!
    You have slain a steel-encased Death Knight, retrieving the corpse.
    A mountainous pile of sovereigns spills from the corpse.

    Mountainous pile. I like.

    Battlerage = awesomesauce!

  • AereidhnaAereidhna Dallas
    edited May 2015
    Double xp, fighting the zombie hordes, battlerage is fun as hell, THANK YOU @Tecton @Sarapis

    Group bashing Sea Lion Cove last night was so awesome, thanks to @Krypton @Kisharo @Makaela @Lavakhi @Azelhu @Rien @Valkyn and everyone else who was there. It's been awhile since I could lose myself in bashing for hours like that. So much fun.
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    Captain Maelstrom smiles and hands a worn hurdy gurdy to you.  <3

    I did not even know something like that existed, but I might be falling in love now.  So raves to this game for making me discover such  an odd instrument  :3

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • @Aereidhna funny how an undead threat make enemies team up!

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Shirszae said:
    Captain Maelstrom smiles and hands a worn hurdy gurdy to you.  <3

    I did not even know something like that existed, but I might be falling in love now.  So raves to this game for making me discover such  an odd instrument  :3
    Now you need to paste its description! I can't decide between lights and hurdy gurdy first.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Here's the lights! I haven't messed with them yet, keep bashing because addicting.

    A simple length of fisherman's net has been repurposed into a decorative furnishing, with a differing array of shells interspersed along the rope. A tiny enchanted flame burns within the depths of each of the gleaming, hollowed-out basins.
    It has 120 months of usefulness left.
    It weighs about 1 pounds and 2 ounce(s).
    A string of running lights is holding:
    It can contain of a total of 1 items.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Wait these are things you buy with esteem? If so super excited :3

  • How the hell did you get 500 esteem already? Damn, I'm going to be up all night hunting now.
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    That's an awesome mount. Anyone know yet if the moth is tradeable?
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • Naverre said:
    How the hell did you get 500 esteem already? Damn, I'm going to be up all night hunting now.
    Knowing how to bash effectively and being a part of a bunch of different groups over very long hours.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • I just hope this event isn't over before I'm able to join in the fun... Nobody in Eleusis was able to join me last night, so I tried to solo Tasur'ke. That didn't go too well. I probably should've just put an ad on the market channel- I'm sure the cities have plenty of participants. Someone in Eleusis actually said something to the extent of "Who cares if the undead kill off the cities?" I'm not sure I like this new Loosis RP- hating on the city folk. 

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    You should inform them they come for crazy savages first.

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Anyone mind posting what the hurdy gurdy does?
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    edited May 2015

    pull hurdygurdy
    You gently pull on the strings of a hurdy gurdy, the tension creating a strangely buzzing, 
    percussive sound.

    turn hurdygurdy
    A low, sonorous wailing pitch rolls out from a hurdy gurdy, your fingers dancing in a slow, 
    melancholy waltz across the keybox as you turn the handle in slow revolutions.

    push hurdygurdy
    A hurdy gurdy produces an upbeat, jaunty tune as you rapidly push your fingers over the keys, 
    quickly turning the wheel in tandem. Beneath the melody a deep, undulating droning sound hints at 
    hidden dangers. 

    touch hurdygurdy
    An ear-gouging, discordant twang resonates as you experimentally pluck the strings on a hurdy gurdy.

    fixed for @Ruth!
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    You forgot touch.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


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