Achaean Raves



  • Wheeeeeeeeeeeee.  Lots of hunting, lots of sanctifying, lots of defending, lots of defiling.

    Feeling super useful atm, even if I didn't really do anything!
    [2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited January 2015
    Herenicus said:
    Kuy said:
    I have fallen in love with poses all over again.

    When I got tired of the roleplay equivalent of walking out of a bathroom with toilet paper stuck to my heel, I set up a trigger so certain rooms (e.g. Archaic statues, adjacent to the library) unpose automatically.
    I forgot to change my voice back to normal. Which was awkward and embarrassing and nearly as bad as forgetting to change your pose. But not nearly as bad as those people who forget to change their description after um...private things...someone did that to me once...embarrassing for both of us as I was like...How are you naked and wearing clothes at the same time? >,<;;;

  • That's not @Sarapis‌'s mudsex description, that's just how he always is.
  • Woohooo! 

    Your idea #355 was deleted. The text was: how about removing a person's title when you send a tell to them? So it'd be a plain "You tell <name> blabla" instead of the current "You tell <prefix> <name> <suffix> blabla". It gets spammy when chatting and is useless. (and that is the case already for received tells anyways). The reason given was: Done!.
  • * New command arguments have been added to aliases, allowing variable information to be added into your server-side aliases. These are set to use %1, %2 and so on.

    For setup, try this: SETALIAS awesome say hey %1, %2 is awesome!
    To use it, type this: awesome {Sarapis} {Tecton}
    Which means you'll do this: say hey Sarapis, Tecton is awesome!

    %0 may also optionally be used to match everything outside of the braces ({}).


    I still want my "send multiple commands at once without making them into an alias first" idea to be implemented, but this at least allows it to be done in a limited way (setalias multi2 %1/%2, then you can do "multi2 {first command} {second command}).

  • Sena said:
    * New command arguments have been added to aliases, allowing variable information to be added into your server-side aliases. These are set to use %1, %2 and so on.

    For setup, try this: SETALIAS awesome say hey %1, %2 is awesome!
    To use it, type this: awesome {Sarapis} {Tecton}
    Which means you'll do this: say hey Sarapis, Tecton is awesome!

    %0 may also optionally be used to match everything outside of the braces ({}).


    I still want my "send multiple commands at once without making them into an alias first" idea to be implemented, but this at least allows it to be done in a limited way (setalias multi2 %1/%2, then you can do "multi2 {first command} {second command}).

    Okay this is going to sound like a stupid question but I use the queue without using serverside aliases. Is there a reason why everyone uses them?
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    You can put multiple commands into a single serverside alias, then queue that, rather than queuing multiple items.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • What's advantage of doing that over just queuing multiple commands?
  • so how does that go.
    send("setalias dummy1 stand;transmute;combo kick punch punch")
    send("addqueue eqbal dummy1")
  • Use / instead of ; to separate command
    [2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
  • Will have to set that up when I change class next time.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Tibitha said:
    What's advantage of doing that over just queuing multiple commands?
    Queue can contain a maximum of 6 commands. If you're super spammy, or include potentially redundant commands (eg stand), you may need more than 6.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Klendathu said:
    Tibitha said:
    What's advantage of doing that over just queuing multiple commands?
    Queue can contain a maximum of 6 commands. If you're super spammy, or include potentially redundant commands (eg stand), you may need more than 6.
    Ahhh alright! Thanks!
  • Wait until that happens when you're at <100 health. Then you'll really love your shield.

     i'm a rebel

  • ? I'm SnB, impossible to drop below 50% health. :s

  • Tibitha said:
    Klendathu said:
    Tibitha said:
    What's advantage of doing that over just queuing multiple commands?
    Queue can contain a maximum of 6 commands. If you're super spammy, or include potentially redundant commands (eg stand), you may need more than 6.
    Ahhh alright! Thanks!
    Besides that, when you're on balance (and so each queued command fires immediately) the lack of prompt makes certain things easier to script, and it's just cleaner and less spammy. For formulation for example, compare an alias:
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:35:28]
    You take a glass phial from a durable woven-kelp kitbag.
    You have 43 phials remaining.
    You remove 1 plumbum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2498.
    You remove 1 aurum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2499.
    You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 1880.
    You remove 1 ferrum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2497.
    You remove 1 argentum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2484.
    You remove 1 cuprum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2499.
    You remove 1 realgar, bringing the total in the Rift to 2499.
    With skill earned from many hours of meticulous study, you quickly amalgamate various alchemical minerals to create a destructive serum.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:35:35]

    To separate commands:

    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:36:54]
    You take a glass phial from a durable woven-kelp kitbag.
    You have 42 phials remaining.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:37:30]
    You remove 1 plumbum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2497.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:37:30]
    You remove 1 aurum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2498.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:37:30]
    You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 1879.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:37:30]
    You remove 1 ferrum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2496.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:37:30]
    You remove 1 argentum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2483.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:37:30]
    You remove 1 cuprum, bringing the total in the Rift to 2498.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:37:30]
    You remove 1 realgar, bringing the total in the Rift to 2498.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:37:30]
    With skill earned from many hours of meticulous study, you quickly amalgamate various alchemical minerals to create a destructive serum.
    3980h, 3850m, 18800e, 16400w ex-[17:37:30]

  • I really would like to thank @Zuko for the short, but meaningful interaction when I was having a lousy day. Tristyn will miss you as Ambassador. 
    Focus on results and you'll never see progress. Focus on progress and you'll see results.
  • Kuy said:

    Ruth cityfavoured Kuy for: showing initiative and efforts upon the battlefield, worthy of Troni status.

    Brb dying of excitement
    You really deserve it. :)
    Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord's words quietly thrum through the air as he says, "No one panick." #2015PEACEthedream!
  • Rave for @Oceana above, I tried the command and my OCD for coloring communication can now be satisfied!!!
  • Rangor said:
    Ast said:
    - 2015/01/30 14:15:41 - Savira has bled out, slain by the might of Acolyte Ast, Herald of Iniquity.
    - 2015/01/30 14:15:51 - Rangor has bled out, slain by the might of Acolyte Ast, Herald of Iniquity.
    - 2015/01/30 14:16:09 - Rangor has bled out, slain by the might of Acolyte Ast, Herald of Iniquity.
    - 2015/01/30 14:16:23 - Rangor has bled out, slain by the might of Acolyte Ast, Herald of Iniquity.

    D: I'm a KSing noob, I'm sorry @Xer! I'll use the exp to become you when I grow up! 
    if == "ast" then
     send("pt changed target to ast")
    expandAlias("t ast")
    forgive me for dissecting your cute little script - is a type of a table and is not a string. just a clusterfoo of strings in a table. :p

    2015/01/12 Tecton, the Terraformer has bestowed His divine favour upon you. It will last for approximately 1 Achaean month.
  • edited January 2015
    Valaria said:
    Rangor said:
    Ast said:
    - 2015/01/30 14:15:41 - Savira has bled out, slain by the might of Acolyte Ast, Herald of Iniquity.
    - 2015/01/30 14:15:51 - Rangor has bled out, slain by the might of Acolyte Ast, Herald of Iniquity.
    - 2015/01/30 14:16:09 - Rangor has bled out, slain by the might of Acolyte Ast, Herald of Iniquity.
    - 2015/01/30 14:16:23 - Rangor has bled out, slain by the might of Acolyte Ast, Herald of Iniquity.

    D: I'm a KSing noob, I'm sorry @Xer! I'll use the exp to become you when I grow up! 
    if == "ast" then
     send("pt changed target to ast")
    expandAlias("t ast")
    forgive me for dissecting your cute little script - is a type of a table and is not a string. just a clusterfoo of strings in a table. :p
    if = "Ast" then
      send("pt changed target to ast")
      expandAlias("t ast")

    Edit: Only problem with this way, is that I'm pretty sure gmcp stores the last entry as AddPlayer, and keeps it as long as no one else enters. So, it probably wouldn't catch Ast in a group, let alone if it did, you'd be executing that on every prompt until someone else walked in.

    Also, I think Rangor was being silly.
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