Achaean Raves



  • Targossas, and the 500 Spars event.  Really, wow.

    So many spars; so much opportunity for me to suck at combat.  Thanks to @Baenor‌, @Kellonius‌, @Lazarus, @Moco, @Sriax, @Tibitha, and everyone else who's taken the time to trounce me in the arena over the past few days (I'm going by names on logs, but Mudlet has crashed a couple of times so I lost a few).  It's slow going, but I do feel as though I'm gradually learning things.  Special thanks also to @Cadarus‌, for teaching me some Alchemist basics!
  • Tharvis said:
    You have found a Blue Dragon's scale (level 4) talisman piece!

    psst @Dunn :D

  • edited January 2015
    13 active bugs including pedantic ones like ab conjuration flame where I mention the missing appositive comma; still not shrubbed.
  • Rispok said:
    13 active bugs including pedantic ones like ab conjuration flame where I mention the missing appositive comma; still not shrubbed.
    I TYPOed a room description earlier today: fixed already!  Woo!

    Also, does TYPO HERE no longer automatically give the details of the room I'm standing in?  I'm sure it used to... but it doesn't look as though it's included in LISTBUGS (because the first word of the bug text is "here").
  • @Nilee :) 
    Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord's words quietly thrum through the air as he says, "No one panick." #2015PEACEthedream!
  • Since I sullied up the ranting section, I thought it was only fair to share a rave when the situation was resolved as well: 

    Major raves to @Makarios and @Tecton for their handling of my issues with the celestial quiver. I genuinely appreciate the time you spent talking with me in messages and fixing my quiver, Makarios. Also, Tecton you have once again shown that you are the epitome of fairness with the generous resolution you offered. Thanks to both of you and my apologies if I was a grumpy Bluef the last 24 hours. 
  • Bluef said:
    Since I sullied up the ranting section, I thought it was only fair to share a rave when the situation was resolved as well: 

    Major raves to @Makarios and @Tecton for their handling of my issues with the celestial quiver. I genuinely appreciate the time you spent talking with me in messages and fixing my quiver, Makarios. Also, Tecton you have once again shown that you are the epitome of fairness with the generous resolution you offered. Thanks to both of you and my apologies if I was a grumpy Bluef the last 24 hours. 
    I didn't think there was any other sort of Bluef
  • Rave: All the changes look SOOOOOOOOO cool! 

    They make me want to come back, but it's so hard to get back into it. :disappointed_relieved: 
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    @Chord omg.

    Come back to us! <3
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Mad shoutout to @Rangor and @Eleusis for the trials. The events were way cool. The first one was at night in the middle of S. Vashnars around a campfire! Was legit. Mad Rave to no forest defs

  • Trading barbs is deliciously good fun. Big thanks to @Vastar for putting up with @Taraus and me the other day.
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • TarausTaraus The Gypsy Wind
    Barbs is right; Atlalt doesn't pull those punches. D:

  • Taraus said:
    Barbs is right; Atlalt doesn't pull those punches. D:
    Pfft Vastar uses those foam tipped atlatls. He wishes He had my stockpile of the good stuff.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    You have no idea how much I'm tempted to post what took place, @Falthus.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Unexpected chats with @Verily last night! Enjoyable :).
  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited January 2015
    Rave for @Rangor and answering my questions and being relatively friendly. Thanks for the info. It helped a ton with my decision.

  • edited January 2015
    Oh, wow.

    You know who you are (even if I don't), and I'm sort of on the spot (and at a loss of words), so I don't really know what to say other than that both @Taraus and I are surprised and flattered and very, very grateful.

    So thank you, whoever you are.
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • TarausTaraus The Gypsy Wind
    ^ !!

  • Mathonwy said:
    Oh, wow.

    That console is never going to be usable again...

  • Muffle (Elementalism)                         Known: Yes
    Syntax:            CAST MUFFLE
    Extra Information: Channels: earth

    Using the power of earth, you may muffle all of your crystalline
    vibrations at your current location. This will result in them being put
    into a dormant state in which they will not do anything. However, while
    in this state they will not decay over time.

    This has made me the happiest person ever right now. Wheee!
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Seragorn got Doodles back! He killed Ugrach all by himself, which is pretty awesome.  B)

    You give a giant, double-tailed, obsidian scorpion a compassionate hug.
    A giant, double-tailed, obsidian scorpion dances delightfully.

    You wag your tail happily.

          Ever in motion, this huge, obsidian scorpion clicks its gigantic pincers as it flexes them. Its deep eyes ablaze with an angry red glow, the scorpion dangles its double tails in an arch above its head, impatient for the chance to use them. He is called 'Doodles.'
    A giant, double-tailed, obsidian scorpion exudes a quiet confidence.
    He has 100% health remaining.
    He weighs about 562 pounds.
    He is mountable as a legendary steed.
    He is loyal to Seragorn.
    You see nothing in it.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • for staying Apostate even though this class sux


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