Achaean Raves



  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Daeir said:
    Caoimhaen said:
    Addama said:
    Caoimhaen said:
    Rave for not being publicly attacked on public news for my post like I thought would happen. Also rave for random encouragement from Targossians like @Tesha and @Kendrick making me believe I can find redemption and join again some day.  I can't explain how much it lifts my spirits and helps me try  harder.
    Yeah, I was hoping you wouldn't be discouraged by my post a few weeks back - I tried to make explicit that there was a way to redemption for you that you weren't pursuing.  So seeing the apology post was exactly what I had hoped for.

    I don't really have the authority to say on behalf of Targ/Bloodsworn "WELCOME BACK BRO" but I wish I could.
    @Addama My enemy status is 20 years. Lol. Not sure I will ever come back. Especially not with what was said to me. Heh. I got enemied to everything again and then they were like, by the do know there is no getting around your enemy status. When we says redemption. We meant we would allow you to in 20 years...Maybe..if we see you as worthy.hehe. So I gotta figure out something else. I appreciate the sentiments though. Rave for auntie @Bluef for being there for me when I needed someone badly. Who knows maybe Curia will work out for me. You helped me push forward. Along with people like @Naomh and @Dairune

    You should try speaking to the people of the House that actually have Redemption in their name.

    Especially that guy who is a Lumarch and leads the damn thing. I bet he can do something about that if you are legitimately considering coming back.
    @Caoimhaen didn't you say that 20 years reply came from the dawnlord?
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited January 2015
    Tharvis said:
    Daeir said:
    Caoimhaen said:
    Addama said:
    Caoimhaen said:
    Rave for not being publicly attacked on public news for my post like I thought would happen. Also rave for random encouragement from Targossians like @Tesha and @Kendrick making me believe I can find redemption and join again some day.  I can't explain how much it lifts my spirits and helps me try  harder.
    Yeah, I was hoping you wouldn't be discouraged by my post a few weeks back - I tried to make explicit that there was a way to redemption for you that you weren't pursuing.  So seeing the apology post was exactly what I had hoped for.

    I don't really have the authority to say on behalf of Targ/Bloodsworn "WELCOME BACK BRO" but I wish I could.
    @Addama My enemy status is 20 years. Lol. Not sure I will ever come back. Especially not with what was said to me. Heh. I got enemied to everything again and then they were like, by the do know there is no getting around your enemy status. When we says redemption. We meant we would allow you to in 20 years...Maybe..if we see you as worthy.hehe. So I gotta figure out something else. I appreciate the sentiments though. Rave for auntie @Bluef for being there for me when I needed someone badly. Who knows maybe Curia will work out for me. You helped me push forward. Along with people like @Naomh and @Dairune

    You should try speaking to the people of the House that actually have Redemption in their name.

    Especially that guy who is a Lumarch and leads the damn thing. I bet he can do something about that if you are legitimately considering coming back.
    @Caoimhaen didn't you say that 20 years reply came from the dawnlord?
    @Tharvis Indeed it did. @Daeir‌ also...I now have no ic reason to speak you. Caoi gave up due to cruel words said by the dawnlord. If you want to try icly. That's fine. But essentially I was told no exceptions and my kind isn't wanted.

  • Tael said:
    Back in Mhaldor. Have a House again (with people actually in it). Can actually learn Alchemist skills after changing class a week ago without knowing you can't even learn skills without a city.

    You could have found another alchemist to learn from.
  • Tael said:
    Back in Mhaldor. Have a House again (with people actually in it). Can actually learn Alchemist skills after changing class a week ago without knowing you can't even learn skills without a city.

    Didn't even have to use your AK?
    ~Kresslack's obsession~
  • Nexes said:
    Tael said:
    Back in Mhaldor. Have a House again (with people actually in it). Can actually learn Alchemist skills after changing class a week ago without knowing you can't even learn skills without a city.

    You could have found another alchemist to learn from.
    Doesn't alchemy still require you to be a citizen somewhere to gain access to your third skillset? Or did that all change with trade skills (if so, all the more reason for @Vayne's thread on the Cauda Pavonis to gain some traction/interest). 
  • Alchemy requires that you be a citizen somewhere to learn anything. I didn't try learning from another player, but I doubt it would work - you don't get a "This person won't teach you" message, you get a special "You're an alchemist without a city and you can't learn anything." message.
  • Deucalion said:
    Kyttin said:
    Kresslack said:
    Kyttin said:
    Aodfionn said:
    Oh man. @Aurora. and @Kyttin. So hard. The statues, the beacons, everything. So much fangirling. 

    So much.
    GEEE! I'm so happy with them, like seriously hard core. First thing I ever contributed to Achaea that will hopefully be there for a long time to come.
    Oh look, something new and shiny to go break! -collects warhammer and sets off-
    The Aurora statue will turn you into a molten puddle of gold, and the Deucalion one will turn you into a pile of Ash. Go ahead ;)
    Good idea. I'll have to put that on my list of "random things to program when I have only a couple minutes". Question is, what triggers it? Maybe being too inquisitive...
    I can help with this! Not being inquisitive, I have more diabolical plans for this -insert evil but good laugh here-

  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    My rave is that I am getting better at combat. Supposedly. 

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • Shirszae said:
    My rave is that I am getting better at combat. Supposedly. 
    I bet I could shoot you with my bow.

  • SharaShara Midlands
    Kresslack said:
    Teaching people to sail, and as an addition to that -having- people to teach to sail. 
    Woot! I mean, I hope this is about other people because...

    No. Haven't you heard about what happens when Asian women have anything to do with transport vehicles? You don't want this, I assure you. :|
    Ask @Tharvis how expensive Shara is as a protege. Like I said, we have a dragonskin pack bond of trust, and even he won't let me captain his ship.
  • Shara said:
    Haven't you heard about what happens when Asian women have anything to do with transport vehicles? You don't want this, I assure you. :|
    They become the next Ching Shih?
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • SharaShara Midlands
    Sarathai said:
    Shara said:
    Haven't you heard about what happens when Asian women have anything to do with transport vehicles? You don't want this, I assure you. :|
    They become the next Ching Shih?
    Pretty sure that statistical anomaly is named @Ruth.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    I'll go sailing with @Ruth, but what I won't make the mistake of doing again, is playing darts with her. She's a very sore loser!

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    I swear I just had terrible dart aim! Never meant to hit the eye, you see... But you were just standing there..
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


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