Achaean Raves



  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Everyone in the Mhaldorian Army except @Hasar are still maggots. I feel like Private Pile in FMJ, except there's rum and dice in my footlocker instead of jelly donuts.

    Who am I kidding? There's jelly donuts too.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Hasar said:
    Kresslack said:
    Everyone in the Mhaldorian Army except @Hasar are still maggots. I feel like Private Pile in FMJ, except there's rum and dice in my footlocker instead of jelly donuts.

    Who am I kidding? There's jelly donuts too.

    The army of Mhaldor:
    The Lord Marshal: Hasar
    Rank 1: a Maggot
    Rank 2: a Maggot
    Rank 3: a Maggot
    Rank 4: a Maggot
    Rank 5: a Maggot
    Total members: 154 (ARMY MEMBERS to see a list).

    You bastard! You confiscated my jelly donuts too, didn't you?

  • SharaShara Midlands
    edited December 2014
    Raves for @Erhon @Skarash @Drohgnor for the hammock swing and cookies in the market. Thanks, boys.

    @Kresslack for on-going poetry which makes my Housemates give Shara the side-eye when your gremlin pops up. Lo mai gai recipe is coming too because after thinking about it... I don't think Ruth would like the naked siren sticking rice bowl? Or would she? Might have to make something a little more Bistro and less pirate.
  • Aodfionn said:
    It is amazing what happens when people are willing to roll with impromptu RP.   Truly the best experiences come from people who are willing to roll with whatever wjthout pitching a fit.
    This, exactly this. It's why I thoroughly enjoy the RP moments I've had with @Tharvis, @Daslin, @Amarillys, and so many others lately. It's one of the big reasons I haven't given up on playing Achaea again.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Shush up there. I'm just over here, poking at keys until changes are dropped.
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Shara said:
    Raves for @Erhon @Skarash @Drohgnor for the hammock swing and cookies in the market. Thanks, boys.

    @Kresslack for on-going poetry which makes my Housemates give Shara the side-eye when your gremlin pops up. Lo mai gai recipe is coming too because after thinking about it... I don't think Ruth would like the naked siren sticking rice bowl? Or would she? Might have to make something a little more Bistro and less pirate.
    Naked... Siren sticking rice bowl? I don't even want to know what the siren added in there to make the rice stick!
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • SharaShara Midlands
    edited December 2014
    Ruth said:
    Shara said:
    Raves for @Erhon @Skarash @Drohgnor for the hammock swing and cookies in the market. Thanks, boys.

    @Kresslack for on-going poetry which makes my Housemates give Shara the side-eye when your gremlin pops up. Lo mai gai recipe is coming too because after thinking about it... I don't think Ruth would like the naked siren sticking rice bowl? Or would she? Might have to make something a little more Bistro and less pirate.
    Naked... Siren sticking rice bowl? I don't even want to know what the siren added in there to make the rice stick!

    Ruth, hear me out. Firstly, that was a mobile error. I meant Sticky Rice. Sticky Rice, Ruth. Secondly, the sirens are carved and painted onto the lid of the bowl of said rice. Does that make it more or less classy than Siren "stuff" in the sticky rice? Or would you rather just have lo mai gai... on a plate with... your beautiful likeness? I can make it happen.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Shara said:
    Ruth said:
    Shara said:
    Raves for @Erhon @Skarash @Drohgnor for the hammock swing and cookies in the market. Thanks, boys.

    @Kresslack for on-going poetry which makes my Housemates give Shara the side-eye when your gremlin pops up. Lo mai gai recipe is coming too because after thinking about it... I don't think Ruth would like the naked siren sticking rice bowl? Or would she? Might have to make something a little more Bistro and less pirate.
    Naked... Siren sticking rice bowl? I don't even want to know what the siren added in there to make the rice stick!

    Ruth, hear me out. Firstly, that was a mobile error. I meant Sticky Rice. Sticky Rice, Ruth. Secondly, the sirens are carved and painted onto the lid of the bowl of said rice. Does that make it more or less classy than Siren "stuff" in the sticky rice? Or would you rather just have lo mai gai... on a plate with... your beautiful likeness? I can make it happen.
    No because if Kresslack has to look at the likeness of his sister in a compromising position every time he eats mai gai, he'll just have to refrain from it. This is unacceptable!

  • SharaShara Midlands
    Kresslack said:

    No because if Kresslack has to look at the likeness of his sister in a compromising position every time he eats mai gai, he'll just have to refrain from it. This is unacceptable!
    Aye, aye, Admiral!

    /tosses the red clay plate with Ruth's likeness out of a nearby window. It manages to brain a Warlock Novice named @Safys in the head as Shara shouts, "In Suffering, Fledgling!"

    So no Ruthiness. Nude Sirens, MerSirens, daemonic serpents, krakens?


  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Krakens are nice.

  • Rave: Tradeskill split and Knight Changes that just went into effect. Thanks IRE! Well done
  • - Magi have had their enchanting skill replaced with Artificing, a new skill in which they create and control a large crystalline golem! HELP ARTIFICING!

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    - All adventurers have been given a trait reset, if they did not have one already!

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Got a sweet new combat skill
    Got my old alchemy trade skills back
    Got my old venom making skill back
    Got armoursmithing because it sounds fun
  • Was anxious all day. Got two jewellery designs back within 20 minutes (yay, got it before changes happened!) Waited for changes, went hunting (*gasp*) on Meropis (*double gasp!*) Lost trade skills, regained them after figuring out how to do it. Got nifty crafting things (I wonder if they have reactions...) Spent time with @Kardal, tried to figure out new Magi skill, got stolen away to stop worrying about things.

    and I don't think today is done :/

  • Despite the changes taunting me at every turn, everything looks pretty awesome.
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    Happy as hell about all the changes <3

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited January 2015
    The credits I used on mini skills I hardly ever use can be put to good use even if I don't get all that I  wasted back.(I am unsure.hence why I say this) While the mini skills are cool,I am going to redeem my tokens for credits and get myself nice. Maybe be my start for saving for level 3 knuckles. I appreciate being given the option to redeem the tokens.. so..raves for that!

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Really liking the new forging process, as well as the results it produces. Reached the next rank while fulfilling my first order. Those descriptors are like Pokemon, you gotta catch 'em all (even the ones you'd probably never use but get anyway just to say you did).

  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    Right back at you, dude. Triftee, @Tibitha‌, @Kendrick‌ , @Daeir‌ , @Antidas‌ , @Greys‌, @Melodie‌, and so many others have just made this a wonderful few months/new year.
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
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