Achaean Raves



  • Being in the Merchants house has been a blast this past year! Here's to a new year and a lot more memorable moments! Thanks @Laytron @Alea @Alarke @Gawi @Tharvis @Eisa @Valgon @Ayleth @Jamethiel @Rispok @Xax @Xith and anyone else I might have missed!
  • edited December 2014
    Jarrod said:
    Eh, I never really saw it that way. House credits are there to help the House, not the House Leader specifically. You can 'sell' them to the House at cheap prices, that's what House credit sales are for. Giving them to yourself then selling them to House members seems pretty selfish. There's enough to spend gold and credits on for the House that taking away House income for yourself can stunt House growth pretty spectacularly, and is a good way to make people talk about you taking gold/credits behind your back, another good way to mess up a House. I think I spent ~4.5 million gold in 2-3 months buying changes and upgrades for the Shadowsnakes, there are plenty of ways to gold sink to boost the House if you look.

    That being said, small bonuses to yourself in credit sales are simple, small, and are more than enough. Still benefits the House to some degree because you're still buying from the House.
    I'd guess that when a HL leader does sell those credits to house members, it *is* generally to help the house yes, rather than to generate gold for some sort of personal purchase.  In short, when I first heard how things work over in Imperian (and apparently used to work in Achaea, and perhaps all IRE games), I *was* initially somewhat taken back.   "Hey, what, the org leader gets all the org credits and can KEEP them if he wants"?  Then I thought about it some more, and you know what, I don't mind the idea of my GMs getting some cold hard credits along with the pat on the back and constant demands they usually get ;)

    And that's not to say they don't sometimes have org credit sales as well over in Imperian, but I think this setup does does lead almost inevitably to the general population eventually *expecting* that leaders won't really pay themselves for the job they're doing, which seems to be what happened here in Achaea.  It also, very rarely, seems to lead to abuse... I'm now wondering if the ideal situation might be to divide the credits an org gets from, say, one of my online credit purchases between the GM and the org itself in some agreed upon amount (both of which would show up in org logs as member purchase credits do now), and it would be understood that the credits the GM gets really are a sort of paycheck.  It also just means that all of the credits would be explicity and formally earmarked, which surprisingly, sounds like it's not the quite case?
  • BluefBluef Delos
    edited December 2014
    I felt the same way as Jarrod when I was HL. House credits can be used to further an organization in so many ways:

    Add on to your House hall or re-decorate it (or your ship), design and purchase unique items and denizens for it, bankroll events (and the items you need to make them truly unique so that they become a part of your House stores and history).

    You can do things for the players too that is entirely IC and related to the House. For example, Bluef had a tradition in the Walkers that whoever was the Spirit Guardian (top fighter) could pick their own reward; many times this meant purchasing legendary beasts and collars of Lupus for them or buying top notch armour and customising it.

    I always thought of the credits as something at my disposal to do far more than pay myself for the service I was providing because in the end I enjoyed it so darn much that I didn't feel like payment in addition to that was required.

    Should HLs get paid? Maybe, yeah. They do A LOT that people don't realize. I think the really great leaders (ie. Viera, Aneila, and others come to mind), especially in Autocracies, stay leaders for a long time because they are admired due to what they are able to do with House stores that doesn't involve indulging in just themselves though. 
  • That's the problem, actually... If they have the choice to pay themselves or not, anything but the tiniest pittance eventually becomes "greedy" in the eyes of the general population.  That actually speaks very highly of the level of transparency that must exist in funds tracking, and of the ethics people have built into their orgs.  Also, frankly, only the most candid current or even former GM would *ever* say "yeah, I'd like to get paid".  This really is a situation where other players (and ultimately) admin would need to advocate for you and come up with a plan.  That's not to say that I don't want or expect many of the org credits from my online credit purchases to go into goodies that benefit the org members, since we're spending real money, and the whole org credit thing inherently *should* have a symbiotic quality to it, but again, I would be happy to see GMs get a real paycheck. 
  • It could, surely.  I do worry about the push and pull of just that.  I think there are leaders who take almost nothing for their efforts.  Some of them possibly even pay large sums out of pocket in addition.  I actually feel pretty bad for these people, the more I think about it.  And then there are the people you're talking about, and a paycheck model should actually limit the damage those people could do while in office.
  • edited December 2014
    Jarrod said:
    You already have multiple Houses run by power-hungry people who legitimately hurt the Org because they want to be a leader.

    If you think that people won't go to extreme lengths to win elections for piss-poor reasons, then you're either naive or ignorant.

  • So I am generally not one for public raving, but due to a recent out cry about a post I made regarding secret Ironbeard that was misinterpreted, I felt obligated to:

    @ronit thank you for putting the warlocks secret Ironbeard together.  I know being a HoN sucks at times,  but you do a very good job. I think the event was a hit, even though someone (not naming names) didn't send me mine.  Thank you. 

    @Ryldagh‌ best house leader a fellow could ask for.  You put up with my complaints like a boss and I know you are always in my corner should I need you.  We got off to a very rough start so the fact we can even remain in the same room, let alone be besties is crazy.  Love you, bro. 

    @Erhon‌ best adopted father a guy could have.  Even though we have butted heads on occasion,  I know have always wanted nothing but the best for my character.  Very glad that you came back,  as you have really helped me turn over a roleplaying leaf.  Much love. 

    @jadys behind every good (debatable) man is a woman making sure he stays in line.  You continue to be a driving force behind me not going dormant.  The roleplaying we do is very limited, but very gratifying.  I appreciate your understanding of my need to put real life first.  Being a father is not always easy,  but I want to make sure I am one of the best, as my father can't say the same.  I can't wait to get hitched! Love you

    @Jonesey‌ speaking of leaves. .. Damn you for getting shrubbed.  I know you can't help yourself sometimes,  but dude, we can't bring down the thunder if you are busy collecting rain.  We grew up together,  so I don't really feel the need to publicly inflate your ego,  so just know: I love you and am always here for you.  

    @Shara‌ I don't really know you ic, but reading about some of your logosmas antics on forums have been the highlight of my days.  Thank you. 
  • @Shara because I love you Shara! And you make lots of tasty things for me to put in my mouth (minerals)
    @Raphaen everyone needs a favorite procrastinating protege. 
    @Jinsun the Chaos is strong with this one.
    @Falthus cause you are my boy! 
  • Self-rave for this awesome thing I made to help with recruiting.

    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Nadria said:
    @Shara because I love you Shara! And you make lots of tasty things for me to put in my mouth (minerals)

  • Ellodin said:
    back in my day, it took hours and it was illegal to be AFK, and we was better for it
    Just don't forget to eat Myrrh......
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Huuuuge rave to whoever is doing all the crafting guilds right now. I wish I knew who so I could offer a more personal thank you, but this will unfortunately have to do.

    I was having a panic attack last night when I realized half a dozen things needed for Mhaldor's ball weren't back from tailoring, not to mention a very last-minute gift needed for said ball in jewellery. Submitted an issue, woke up today to everything back, except two needed revisions. Revised those, gave a few important things to people, got one of the revisions back approved, noticed a typo, typo'd it, got the other back approved just now. So so thankful, I know it's a bitch to bust out for events like that, and now that everything's in I'm resting much easier knowing I'm going into the event prepared.

    Thank you for being so quick and attentive!
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Felt like I had nothing to do until Knight changes come along (feels silly to refine an offensive system that I probably won't be using in a few days), then I checked my messages and had a TF.

    Can't really pass on tanking huge manticores, can I?
    ~Kresslack's obsession~
  • SharaShara Midlands
    Atalkez said:

    You are now wearing the Ice Crown

    Carved from ice into a perfect replica of a crown, this gelid sculpture is a work of art, four
    prongs representing the Houses of Hashan extending upwards from the circlet. Preserved by some
    arcane cantrip, the ice of the crown refuses to melt, instead glittering with jewel-like brilliance.
    Inscribed upon the inside of the ice is a legend commemorating the Crown's presentation.
    It weighs 2 ounce(s).

    Pimpin' auction @Falthus

    @Bluef is so going to hire a dozen thieves to get that! Watch out nao!
  • Shara said:
    Atalkez said:

    You are now wearing the Ice Crown

    Carved from ice into a perfect replica of a crown, this gelid sculpture is a work of art, four
    prongs representing the Houses of Hashan extending upwards from the circlet. Preserved by some
    arcane cantrip, the ice of the crown refuses to melt, instead glittering with jewel-like brilliance.
    Inscribed upon the inside of the ice is a legend commemorating the Crown's presentation.
    It weighs 2 ounce(s).

    Pimpin' auction @Falthus

    @Bluef is so going to hire a dozen thieves to get that! Watch out nao!
    I thought this said "Preserved by some arcane catnip..." Moldy Saramy food preserves Hashan.....hrm, what?

    I don't know what this is but the ice also confuses me. Ice is Cyrene's thing, no?
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    There was a lot of really cool things at the auction. City also raised a shitton of money.

    Definitely seeing that happening again in the future and I am excited for that. Auctions are too much damn fun.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • @Thieves - I am waiting :)

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    You pull an arrow from your quiver and nock it to your bow.
    You train your expert eye on Vithincus and let fly an arrow with breathtaking precision.
    Your arrow strikes true!
    You have slain Vithincus.
    [SLAIN] Vithincus
    Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 81.
    You have reached the illustrious level of 5th Circle of Celestial Power.

    Woo! I'll probably lose it soon, but still.

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