Achaean Raves



  • It's possible, it just won't have stats or be a weapon anymore.

  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    @Aurora‌. Also, the ever-flirtacious Triftee, Evony, Tibitha, and all the folks working on Logosmas stuff. 
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    The tree and Triftree are back?

    After my rants post?

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    that's what you get, heathen
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • The timing of that post was super funny, @Melodie‌ !
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    I will consider all things forgiven if I can also obtain one of these glorious ornaments. Pretty please.


    ( >:) )
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    The Logosmas present that I received today just rocked my world and there's no words to express just how much I love it.  <3
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • I got the cutest, most horrific letter -ever- for Logosmas!

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Amarillys said:
    I got the cutest, most horrific letter -ever- for Logosmas!
    Wasn't me!

  • Daeir said:
    I got a lingerie Ironbeard costume set

    Which I may or may not be wearing
    Silas always buys the best gifts.
  • Ask @Halos about his HoHoHo halfling outfit  :)

  • TerranceTerrance Mhaldor, Sapience
    Not five seconds in the realm before Ironbeard comes lumbering into the library with a heap of gold and a drunken smile. Happy Logosmas indeed.
  • edited December 2014
    Oh sure, everyone loves the lingerie set, but none of you Targossians appreciated my Logosmas gift :(
    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • TerranceTerrance Mhaldor, Sapience
    @Mathonwy‌ ... Was your gift a raid?
  • TerranceTerrance Mhaldor, Sapience
    Mathonwy said:
    Terrance said:
    @Mathonwy‌ ... Was your gift a raid?
    You put the corpse of a sad little girl into a Logosmas gift box.
    10/10. Kek'd.
  • On my alt I got, rainbow socks. Lol

  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    Seriously though... to whoever is doing Triftee, you play the role hilariously well and have made for one of the most awesome denizen interactions I've had pretty much ever. Thank you, and merry christmas!
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited December 2014
    Raves for friends like @Dairune. A few people gave me reason not to go dormant despite problems. @Kaiu for one. She is just a sweet heart. Fascinating  conversations with @Zenui. @Will for always being there regardless of what an ass I am you are an awesome brother. @Xien who speaks eloquently as well as he is a just joy to teach and very intelligent. You are very wise and thank you for surprising me with that. Made my day.  Gave me another reason not to go dormant. Belated rave for @Kendrick for just being an inspiration and like a brother to me.  And rave for my  @Sunny. Always there and knows just what to . Rave for @Rohai, @Aelios, and @Aodfionn  and any other Targossian I missed who has been awesome. Regardless if hard times, you guys make me want to keep playing. All of my friends in the game.

  • CylaCyla Yggdrasil
    Rave for @Ourania for making my dreams come true with house rings again. And for designing them and making them look amazing. Oh and patiently explaining how to add powers to positions in the house since the current Shadow Matrix is a complete noob and doesn't know how/doesn't have jewelry license.

    Also a rave to the Warlocks and @Ryldagh for being exceptionally fun as of late.

    And Murry Logosmas to everyone else.

    (Party): Marcalo says, "You will want hypno in place."

    (Party): Marcalo says, "When you attempt this lock."

    (Party): Marcalo says, "So as to make it roughsex."

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Cyla said:
    Rave for @Ourania for making my dreams come true with house rings again. And for designing them and making them look amazing. Oh and patiently explaining how to add powers to positions in the house since the current Shadow Matrix is a complete noob and doesn't know how/doesn't have jewelry license.

    Also a rave to the Warlocks and @Ryldagh for being exceptionally fun as of late.

    And Murry Logosmas to everyone else.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • RyldaghRyldagh Ontario, Canada
    Cyla said:

    Also a rave to the Warlocks and @Ryldagh for being exceptionally fun as of late.
    I'm always this much fun.  (Except when I'm not.)
    You're usually just too busy asking me how to withdraw from your house coffers, transfer cr to housemates, create positions, give people boarding perms on your ship, embezzle money, etc, to notice.

  • CylaCyla Yggdrasil
    Jonathin said:
    Cyla said:
    Rave for @Ourania for making my dreams come true with house rings again. And for designing them and making them look amazing. Oh and patiently explaining how to add powers to positions in the house since the current Shadow Matrix is a complete noob and doesn't know how/doesn't have jewelry license.

    Also a rave to the Warlocks and @Ryldagh for being exceptionally fun as of late.

    And Murry Logosmas to everyone else.
    ohmygosh you're right. And thank you so much @Jonathin for giving me a LOT of awesome help and advice for things to do as HL. You're A-okay, bub.

    (Party): Marcalo says, "You will want hypno in place."

    (Party): Marcalo says, "When you attempt this lock."

    (Party): Marcalo says, "So as to make it roughsex."

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