Achaean Raves



  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    I have things to do. Lots of things to do. I haven't once had to sit and ask myself "What can I do now?" and I'm not asking everyone around me for things to do because now I can do all the things. I'm so happy and so busy, and life is wonderful.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Kind of echoing what Kyrra was saying but I feel fortunate that, I had enough credits and left over lessons from months and months of elite that Rinzai is now more self sufficient than ever. Making my little family and happy home in Actar even more perfect. 

    I'm sure I'll find a city to join one year, but I am really happy that all of these changes didn't force that. Now... who wants 200 suits of crappy leather armour!

  • @Daslin, @Tharvis, @Trilliana  and @Hoi, . Holy crap you guys. Intense rp...sheesh. you guys are amazing. 

  • While I was dormant, they put in an artefact that allows sketching runes in a watery environment. Yes, this is a rave. 
  • This third preview release of Mudlet 3.0 fixes an important issue from the beta – one where the content of an alias/trigger/script could be wiped depending on the way you’ve navigated.


  • Rave for everyone who humored me for a duel. Helped me with my resolve and was a lot of fun. Even though I literally lost 50% experience. Haven't had such an adrenaline rush in forever. Made me remember I love combat. All of you were respectful of what I was trying to do and I appreciate it. 

  • Kicked your ass heathen!


    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • @Aurora, @Deucalion, @Sarapis, @Tecton, @Triftee, you guys made last year awesome for me. I'd left Achaea for a while, but it always brought me back. And taking this one little change to a different name, different city, different class, has made everything so much better. Seriously you guys, thanks! Keep up the good work.

  • You said @Triftee, don't you mean @Siduri?

  • Siduri said:
    You said @Triftee, don't you mean @Siduri?
    Too many wanting to get in mah pants jokes. >.>

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Kyttin said:
    Siduri said:
    You said @Triftee, don't you mean @Siduri?
    Too many wanting to get in mah pants jokes. >.>
    Who even wears pants these days? That's so 500 AF.

  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited January 2015
    Rave for not being publicly attacked on public news for my post like I thought would happen. Also rave for random encouragement from Targossians like @Tesha and @Kendrick making me believe I can find redemption and join again some day.  I can't explain how much it lifts my spirits and helps me try  harder.

  • Caoimhaen said:
    Rave for not being publicly attacked on public news for my post like I thought would happen. Also rave for random encouragement from Targossians like @Tesha and @Kendrick making me believe I can find redemption and join again some day.  I can't explain how much it lifts my spirits and helps me try  harder.
    Yeah, I was hoping you wouldn't be discouraged by my post a few weeks back - I tried to make explicit that there was a way to redemption for you that you weren't pursuing.  So seeing the apology post was exactly what I had hoped for.

    I don't really have the authority to say on behalf of Targ/Bloodsworn "WELCOME BACK BRO" but I wish I could.
    ~Kresslack's obsession~
  • Aodfionn said:
    Oh man. @Aurora. and @Kyttin. So hard. The statues, the beacons, everything. So much fangirling. 

    So much.
    GEEE! I'm so happy with them, like seriously hard core. First thing I ever contributed to Achaea that will hopefully be there for a long time to come.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Kyttin said:
    Aodfionn said:
    Oh man. @Aurora. and @Kyttin. So hard. The statues, the beacons, everything. So much fangirling. 

    So much.
    GEEE! I'm so happy with them, like seriously hard core. First thing I ever contributed to Achaea that will hopefully be there for a long time to come.
    Oh look, something new and shiny to go break! -collects warhammer and sets off-

  • Kresslack said:
    Kyttin said:
    Aodfionn said:
    Oh man. @Aurora. and @Kyttin. So hard. The statues, the beacons, everything. So much fangirling. 

    So much.
    GEEE! I'm so happy with them, like seriously hard core. First thing I ever contributed to Achaea that will hopefully be there for a long time to come.
    Oh look, something new and shiny to go break! -collects warhammer and sets off-
    The Aurora statue will turn you into a molten puddle of gold, and the Deucalion one will turn you into a pile of Ash. Go ahead ;)

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Kyttin said:
    Kresslack said:
    Kyttin said:
    Aodfionn said:
    Oh man. @Aurora. and @Kyttin. So hard. The statues, the beacons, everything. So much fangirling. 

    So much.
    GEEE! I'm so happy with them, like seriously hard core. First thing I ever contributed to Achaea that will hopefully be there for a long time to come.
    Oh look, something new and shiny to go break! -collects warhammer and sets off-
    The Aurora statue will turn you into a molten puddle of gold, and the Deucalion one will turn you into a pile of Ash. Go ahead ;)
    Hence the warhammer. Duh!

  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited January 2015
    Addama said:
    Caoimhaen said:
    Rave for not being publicly attacked on public news for my post like I thought would happen. Also rave for random encouragement from Targossians like @Tesha and @Kendrick making me believe I can find redemption and join again some day.  I can't explain how much it lifts my spirits and helps me try  harder.
    Yeah, I was hoping you wouldn't be discouraged by my post a few weeks back - I tried to make explicit that there was a way to redemption for you that you weren't pursuing.  So seeing the apology post was exactly what I had hoped for.

    I don't really have the authority to say on behalf of Targ/Bloodsworn "WELCOME BACK BRO" but I wish I could.
    @Addama My enemy status is 20 years. Lol. Not sure I will ever come back. Especially not with what was said to me. Heh. I got enemied to everything again and then they were like, by the do know there is no getting around your enemy status. When we says redemption. We meant we would allow you to in 20 years...Maybe..if we see you as worthy.hehe. So I gotta figure out something else. I appreciate the sentiments though. Rave for auntie @Bluef for being there for me when I needed someone badly. Who knows maybe Curia will work out for me. You helped me push forward. Along with people like @Naomh and @Dairune

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