Achaean Raves



  • go away @Sefnir I don't like you

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Don't worry @Sefnir, later I'll take you mule bashing.

  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    I was so bummed when you left. I am way glad you are enjoying M-town, though, and look forward to getting ti interact with you more!
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited January 2015
    Rave for Cadarus and always being my friend through thick and thin even with all the crazy stuff that has happened with me and others lately. Rave for @Zenui and whoever else who is always the for me. People like you make it possible to move forward regardless. Rave for @Bahtell and @Havyn reminding me of my faith and helping me stay strong even if I never return to targ. And @Halos for giving new a glimmer of hope to hold onto and treating me like person. And @Dairune for being my hunting buddy and getting my mind off things.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    @Jinsun Who says Ashtani don't RP. You da real MVP.
  • Oceana said:
    For my wonderful @Druids: @Athelas for making a Druids are awesome thread, @Aelyn for her support, @Segnault for being an awesome protege , @Vesios for the ritual I sadly missed, @Guhem for keeping my rift in check, @Lannah and @Lala for the banter on house channels... and many others who may or may not be on forums. 
     Rave right back to @Oceana and everyone in the Ancient Circle! Thank you for all of your time and dedication for the House. Druids -are- awesome, you're awesome. I hope all your hard work comes to fruition. Looking forward to more fun times!
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Rave for @Hasar and @Rastriana for helping me harvest with their pom poms and dance mo es


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Also @Mathonwy‌ for Blackthonwy


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    @Mishgul‌ takes awesome things and makes them every more awesome. So much <3
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Shara said:
    I hope you get more time to come back to us Austere. Shara makes lots of jokes about Ryl and Austy's love, but she has only few moments of being in the presence of it. In the meantime, enjoy being a dad!

    I could fill a thread with all my holiday antics now. Did Erhon show you the magic letter from Jonesey, @Austere? Ryldagh couldn't even get mad at me it was so cute.

    Anyhow, from the Ironbeard poems about riding crops (if Askiva doesn't guess it was me, I'm going to be sad) to the House party invitation mentioning naked dwarves... and even the silly one I just sent to Kresslack about sticky rice, I'm really glad everyone on the receiving end has been entertained. I've had a great year on Achaea and I'm always looking for ways to reach out and entertain more people. Shar's not a bard by any means, but she can be a laugh as the drunken Siren in the Deli handing out booze and getting old timers to tell her tailjob stories. (That's an open invite to everyone to come on by: Unless you are a Precautionary enemy. If you are, just don't tell Nemu I invited you.)

    @Crixos: Because I ate that marshmallow and I'm still hungry. I wish you would come back so I could be your Pack Shara again and get dragon.

    @Saurrocene: Hey, hey, look, listen! I'm glad we bumped into each other. I know I'm the best, but you are adorable.

    @Krux: I left a very large sum of gold in the Delos Bloodline Registry office safebox. I mailed you a key, but you will need me and possibly that controversial guy @Jonathin to be there to sign it over. Your destiny awaits.

    @Elazar: Because Buffalo Soldier seems to confuse and bewilder people, keep shouting it at me.

    @Skarash: You scare me when you veil me things. Just trade me talisman pieces, okay? Okay!

    @Daslin: because that thing that time that you told me to mention to that guy about, HAHA. That guy got all weirded out and took off like his arse was on fire. Good times.

    @gleam: because you are one hell of a drug. Why do people keep sending you to me when I was giving you away as gifts? Clearly they want me to keep giving you away as gifts. >.>

    @Tharvis: Look at me, Mentor. It says there are nine books, but I can only see five. Don't tell me that you aren't hiding smutty journals and I should be able to see everything on the bookshelf. There are FOUR I can't see. I can count, okay. Justletmeseeyoursmuttyjournals.

    @Nadria: You crack me up. <3
    Just saw this. Your "the best" title is slipping since I have not seen you in a bit! Hope all is well :)
  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited January 2015
    Ephram said:
    Having already written about this in rants, let me post the flip side here in raves. First of all, thanks to @Melodie who opened the door to Eph's conversion, and @Saeva for being supportive as well. @Florentino‌ is everything a city ambassador should be and bloody hell, returning to Caer Witrin expecting to see Florentino and instead being met by @Ruth was brilliant. The task she set before Ephram was so damn daunting and yet perfect.

    And of course @Dairune. You're a legend. I love you. Sorry about that murdered in cold blood business. 
    Okay. Don't mean to derail. But ha! Called it. As far as what you did being a task. Dairune was asking my character why icly and he told him a little about Mhaldorian nature and what he might have been asked to do in the name of sufferings sake. Anywho. Sorry! I was pleased with my deduction powers even though it wasn't that hard to figure out. Going back to my corner now... (Goes back to lurking )

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Kinilan said:
    You are now wearing an Azatlani Headdress of the Eagles.

    That took you...what, a RL year to assemble? You going to go dance around a fire chanting now? Or pretend to be Vastar?

  • Kresslack said:
    Kinilan said:
    You are now wearing an Azatlani Headdress of the Eagles.

    That took you...what, a RL year to assemble? You going to go dance around a fire chanting now? Or pretend to be Vastar?
    Over a year. Level 100.56 to 102.04 off just the islands. With   blue(13)   green(16)  red(10)    yellow(6)  orange(2)  black(2)  extra, And I never did find the last 3 purples I needed I needed. I haven't seen a purple feather drop in over 8 months. I had to trade for them because  the drop chance is so fucked up.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Melodie said:
    You dive behind cover as the massive flame-infused creature reaches critical mass. Screaming in rage and pain, a flame-wreathed hellion explodes with a massive blast, decimating almost everything in the surrounding area.
    As the elating experience of victory washes over you, you feel your understanding of the world improve.
    (svo): The room has been destroyed!
    You have advanced to rank 3 in your city's army!
    You gasp with the realisation that Carbine has reached the level of Transmortal.

    She is an Envoy of the West in the army of Mhaldor.

    Whee naturally earning rank in the army! That feels awesome. :blush: 
    Holy shit, so we actually -can- advance in army rank. #ForeverMaggot

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Kinilan said:
    You are now wearing an Azatlani Headdress of the Eagles.

    #BitchIWillCutYou #NotReally #IHadAPurpleFeatherDropJustYesterday

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Kresslack said:
    Melodie said:
    You dive behind cover as the massive flame-infused creature reaches critical mass. Screaming in rage and pain, a flame-wreathed hellion explodes with a massive blast, decimating almost everything in the surrounding area.
    As the elating experience of victory washes over you, you feel your understanding of the world improve.
    (svo): The room has been destroyed!
    You have advanced to rank 3 in your city's army!
    You gasp with the realisation that Carbine has reached the level of Transmortal.

    She is an Envoy of the West in the army of Mhaldor.

    Whee naturally earning rank in the army! That feels awesome. :blush: 
    Holy shit, so we actually -can- advance in army rank. #ForeverMaggot
    Lol at people who actually have to do stuff to get army rank. I'm rank 4 and I don't think I've been around for a single raid since city destruction and all that jazz were invented. I don't even know how it works, or what a tank looks like.
  • Kresslack said:
    Melodie said:
    You dive behind cover as the massive flame-infused creature reaches critical mass. Screaming in rage and pain, a flame-wreathed hellion explodes with a massive blast, decimating almost everything in the surrounding area.
    As the elating experience of victory washes over you, you feel your understanding of the world improve.
    (svo): The room has been destroyed!
    You have advanced to rank 3 in your city's army!
    You gasp with the realisation that Carbine has reached the level of Transmortal.

    She is an Envoy of the West in the army of Mhaldor.

    Whee naturally earning rank in the army! That feels awesome. :blush: 
    Holy shit, so we actually -can- advance in army rank. #ForeverMaggot
    That's my thought! I wanna advance in rank... :cry: 

  • Was seriously a pleasure. Such a strange interaction. Dig it.

  • Saeva said:
    Was seriously a pleasure. Such a strange interaction. Dig it.
    It takes a special person to dig Amari's brand of self-loathing so I'm happy you had fun!

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