The Bal'met event



  • edited December 2012
    When do you expect the next event? Everything has been really slow with the event for a little while, ready to roll for another event!
  • edited December 2012
    Delphinus said:

    Draekar said:

    Wherefore Art Thou Bal'met

    Because Mhaldor and the ormyrr summoned him.

    I normally have mixed feelings about Delph's posts, but I wish I could like this twice. Any volunteers?

  • There have been some mini-events here though, with Mhaldor moving about and other things, so I don't think the event has stagnated just yet.

    I do love the new weather messages though. Feels a lot more grimdark now.

  • Delphinus said:
    Draekar said:

    Wherefore Art Thou Bal'met

    Because Mhaldor and the ormyrr summoned him.

    He is going to leave Mhaldor and join with his true love Lorielan, the war will continue and both will die, get with the script!

  • Trey said:
    Draekar said:

    Wherefore Art Thou Bal'met

    Because Mhaldor and the ormyrr summoned him.
    I normally have mixed feelings about Delph's posts, but I wish I could like this twice. Any volunteers?
    Did it preemptively.
  • Housedisfavour Daeir Blasphemy
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    edited December 2012
    Then, a cold voice, infinitely austere, intones into your ear: "No."

    A cold wind blows from the Vashnars, and the glittering Citadel of Shallam goes chill and dark at the abandonment of the last of the Te'serra.

    Thousands of daemons howl and shriek as Sartan, the Malevolent roars above the cacophony, "So the Jade bitch shows her true colours."

    The heavens shiver with foul portent as the rumbling voice of Babel resounds, "And so the Jade Throne sits occupied once more, in accordance with fate. Long live the Jade Empress! Long live the lightless Jewel of the abandoned East!"

  • LothienLothien Montréal, Québec
    To be honest, I was flabbergasted at this. Great job.
  • This came before:

    A pillar of jade flame shoots skyward from the region of Shallam, setting the sky ablaze.

    Curtains of greenish fire dance in the skies, mingling with the redolent, never-changing storm clouds that hang in the skies of Sapience.

    With a great shudder, the clouds part, revealing a glittering aperture to a realm of crystal and jade.

  • edited December 2012
    I was like 'Oh hey, event during my timezone.'

    Then I was like 'It was just world emotes and some yelling, nevermind.'

  • Delphinus said:
    Curtains of greenish fire dance in the skies, mingling with the redolent, never-changing storm clouds that hang in the skies of Sapience.
    I'm not sure what redolent means here. Even if we can smell the clouds (have any of the new weather-ish messages mentioned that and I missed it?), it seems like a strange way to describe them.
  • I really liked this, it seemed very in character with Lorielan's past.  I think this was my favorite part of the event.  Though I feel bad for Shallam.
  • She took Her city... and threw it on the ground!

    You can't trust the heathens.

    Welcome to the text world, jackass!
  • LothienLothien Montréal, Québec
    Xith said:

    So... when does the weather change again? I think if I see the word "aubergine" again, I might puke blood.

    Googling it didn't help. Got a picture of an eggplant. Sky is full of eggplant lightning.

    Eggplant purple!
  • Spectacularly stunning turn of events for Lys.  Never been so excited and mad at the same time. Mind is still racing on how to play this through. +1 for melodrama.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    was looking forward to defiling all of lori's shrines (the same ones I sanctified all week for)  Oh well at least I got 105 from it
  • Pretty sure she will come back with new Gods/rezzed old Gods/army of new dudes later.
  • I am a little confused over what this means. So Lorielan is now a baddie?
  • Oh, man. - is going down.

    That was beautifully cold and entirely unexpected. I'm really wondering what happens with Shallam now. Can't decide if I should call off work 'sick' tomorrow or not just in case the event progresses, because I really don't want to miss it. :(
  • Lorielan must have read my forum posts, that shit was harsh!
  • This is a request to @Bonko, I need Lorielan characterized by a gif but I can't figure out what to search for to find it. It's a black guy sliding open the 'screen', seeing something, freaking out, and closing the 'screen' again. It's an older gif but I believe in you.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Aww it's Semmi off Coming to America, classic film!
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