The Bal'met event



  • Kyrra said:
    And that person won't be @Arlanda!

    Beya, live feed bb?
    Oh, go on then. I'll be your reporter again.
    "Trust in me, Universe, I will deliver / the promise that no-one shall ever / set their mind to games or play / for Serious Order is the way. I will not rest until it is done; / rules will be made for everyone. / They will know Order and its graces - and just like me, all shall be Greyfaces." - The Heroes of Sapience, Act 5, Greyface.
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    @Sohl, that wasn't the comment that came to mind when I first read it :D
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Skye said:

    Silas said:
    Less of that liberal hippy crap on My forums, Sohl. [-X

    I'll have you hung if you continue.
    "Salzella shrugged. "We've got to do this properly. Did you know Dr Undershaft was strangled before he was hung?"

    "Hanged", said Bucket, without thinking. "Men are hanged. It's dead meat that's hung".

    "Indeed?" said Salzella. "I appreciate the information. Well, poor old Undershaft was strangled, apparently. And then he was hung."
    I thought men are hung. LOLzzz
  • Coolest deity (at least for Good, if not for the game in general) would clearly be The Man in Blue.  That has to be one of the most interesting adventurer-created supernatural beings in Achaean lore. 
  • edited December 2012
    I'd really appreciate it if someone could also log Ashtan's ct etc., as well as any little things that pop up about Mats. Crappy due dates for papers/finals, blah. Would be great to be able to see how you guys come up with a solution etc., always love those parts. :)
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Ffffffuuuuuuuuuuu. I'm at the MRI suite tomorrow and can't take a long enough break to catch the event, unless I call in sick as well.

    *hops restlessly on both feet*
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • I am trying to get someone to cover me at work tomorrow, lol. Hopefully I'll get someone

  • Talonia said:
    Coolest deity (at least for Good, if not for the game in general) would clearly be The Man in Blue.  That has to be one of the most interesting adventurer-created supernatural beings in Achaean lore. 
    What if it turns out that the Man in Blue from the Anointed desert is actually Good Itself?

    Saeva said:
    If Mathonwy is 2006 I wish 2007 had never come.
    Xenomorph said:
    heh. Mathowned.
    Message #12872 Sent by Jurixe
  • Rescheduled finally going to watch Skyfall with parents tomorrow so I could have a chance at not missing this. They were most displeased.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • If the playerbase pledges a total of 1000cr, @Tecton, will you include the word 'pwnt' into the deathsights tonight?
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • Jiraishin said:
    Rescheduled finally going to watch Skyfall with parents tomorrow so I could have a chance at not missing this. They were most displeased.
    Do not worry, Sartan is most pleased!
  • My "I'm about to become Orderless" sense is tingling.
  • Well the sun god thing went, so either moon will be going, or we'll get a new sun god. Right?
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Am thinking we're close to having things come to a conclusion.
  • Talonia said:
    Coolest deity (at least for Good, if not for the game in general) would clearly be The Man in Blue.  That has to be one of the most interesting adventurer-created supernatural beings in Achaean lore. 
    I couldn't find it on google. Can you enlighten us?
    "Trust in me, Universe, I will deliver / the promise that no-one shall ever / set their mind to games or play / for Serious Order is the way. I will not rest until it is done; / rules will be made for everyone. / They will know Order and its graces - and just like me, all shall be Greyfaces." - The Heroes of Sapience, Act 5, Greyface.
  • The Man in Blue is dead. I killed him.


  • Talonia said:
    A lot of this is murky in my memory, but the Anointed had player-written lore that told of visions of a man robed in blue, who may or may not represent the embodiment of Good itself (he doesn't have defined features, but definitely isn't a mortal, or at least not a normal one).  That part of Anointed lore never became canon as far as I know (in, say, the way that the Anointed's blue smudges or the Mark of the Twin were either written into the code of the game as actual objects or endorsed by Divine), but stories about The Man in Blue have appeared in player-driven storylines a few times over the years.  It'd be cool if at the point where Shallam was about to be destroyed time froze for a bit and everyone had a group vision like that Seleucar one, except this time The Man in Blue spoke to Shallam and explained just why everything Good has involved for the past 300 years has been terribly executed and how it was going to be better from now on.  And then Shallam got destroyed but there was a new city in El'Jazira for radical Good.  That'd be a fantastic next chapter / conclusion.    
    So does that mean it is time for the Shallamese to withdraw all their gold and credits? HAHA
  • No... he's literally dead. The Anointed is gone for good (Good?).

  • edited December 2012
    I wander if Shallam's going to be turned into a burning crater tonight... 
    I won a competition awhile ago to have Chris Bourassa paint a picture of Lodi. My profile pic is the end product. :)
  • Rave: getting an 8-8 schedule approved.

    Rant: serenade is at 7. Fffffffffffffffff.

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