The Bal'met event



  • Hahah, ty Sena. Ty Cardan as well for messaging me the gif <3
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • For some reason I did not see quite a few of the lines, so the entire thing was a little lackluster to me. I might have missed it in raid spam.
  • edited December 2012
    soooooo, guess Shallam lost its core figures of faith.

    Time for a God of Glitter.
  • Tvistor said:
    Pretty sure she will come back with new Gods/rezzed old Gods/army of new dudes later.

    I imagined an army of strapping young men carrying Lorielan on their shoulders, and then suddenly I imagined Nicki Minaj.

    The horror.

    @event: Hory sheet. I was not around and "Whoa what the Nelly" and this happens. 

    Next up: Shallam will now be the city of atheism.

  • edited December 2012
    Kyrra said:
    Asmodron said:
    soooooo, guess Shallam lost its core figures of faith.

    Time for a God of Glitter.

    Low blow, @Kyrra and @Asmodron, low blow. [-X

  • Slight derail: Can we still solve Lorielan's Mazes with Her absent? I nearly had the third one figured out :(
    "Faded away like the stars in the morning,
     Losing their light in the glorious sun,
     Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
     Only remembered for what we have done."

  • Most public parts of the temples are still accessible and work as they used to work, so I'd assume that it's still possible.
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Library. :C
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Mizik said:
    We win.

    Shallam still standing. We gonna be the city of good nonbelievers. 

  • Oh I thought Lorielan said a really obscene swear word and it got Meletus'd.
  • Draekar said:
    Lorielan must have read my forum posts, that shit was harsh!

    Planning pre-emptive blaming of @Draekar for ruining my Logomas.
  • THIS:
    Then, a cold voice, infinitely austere, intones into your ear: "No."

    . . . I think everyone online at the time jumped a little in their chairs when it fired. . . Incredibly good stuff.

    A little??
  • This is awesome, if probably not exactly a surprise for Lorielanites of long standing like Valeo, and makes me want to log in and go Babelite.
  • Nothing for this weekend except for boring Lorielan. Darn
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Arlanda said:
    Nothing for this weekend except for boring Lorielan. Darn
    Wasn't that boring for Shallam :(
  • edited December 2012
    The weekend isn't over yet, there's still hope. Maybe they'll kill off the rest of the gods tomorrow.
  • Maybe they'll kill Lorielan. HAHAH.... Joking.. It won't happen
  • I wouldn't rule that out entirely!  It is interesting that they did that betrayal with her...I always did think better of Mithraea/Pentharian.  Not so much Miramar, though - for whatever reason the realm just didn't appeal to me (nor did the symbols, temple design, denizens, etc).  Gladius and Roshai were certainly not characters on the level of Mordanyconus (though they'd match denizens like Sharbrena or Polynikes, I think), but they were pretty good nonetheless.  Who the heck was Miramar's denizen high priest?  All those critiques apply to Lorielan too.  Crystal just isn't as cool as fire.     
  • Tahquil said:

    Those look like taxxons from Animorphs.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • edited December 2012
    Talonia said:
    I wouldn't rule that out entirely!  It is interesting that they did that betrayal with her...I always did think better of Mithraea/Pentharian.  Not so much Miramar, though - for whatever reason the realm just didn't appeal to me (nor did the symbols, temple design, denizens, etc).  Gladius and Roshai were certainly not characters on the level of Mordanyconus (though they'd match denizens like Sharbrena or Polynikes, I think), but they were pretty good nonetheless.  Who the heck was Miramar's denizen high priest?  All those critiques apply to Lorielan too.  Crystal just isn't as cool as fire.     

    I'd disagree. Gladius and Roshai have amazingly rich histories, are awesomely well developed characters and have played part in a number of epic events over the years.

    Likewise Lorielan has the Kx'Krah and those things are awesome.

    The reason why you might have a different view though is basically Mordanyconus = Babel, because Babel isn't a God that hangs out with his people or gets his hands dirty in events. A bit like Twinkles is with Dusk.

    Every Divine is different though and for the Te'serra they have always been a lot more personal so you 'll have them turn up themselves more often than they would send a denizen, and so this leaves those denizens out of the spotlight too often.

  • Well Achaea already have Lord Twilight, what would the name of a possible "Lord of Sparkles" be when He's still around?
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