The Bal'met event



  • edited November 2012
    I'm enjoying the event, (I haven't had that much to do with it) I'd actually prefer a few longer events if the detail and thought has been put into it, which this one obviously has and if it was too short it was just feel rushed and not as exciting.

  • But but logosmas!
  • @Xeran If you're getting that stressed out over a game, a period of dormancy would serve you well regardless of the event.
  • edited November 2012
    @Xeran If you're getting that stressed out over a game, a period of dormancy would serve you well regardless of the event.
    QFT.  We all need a ragequit from time to time, or cool off for a bit. I don't think anybody would blame you for doing so during this event.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Chryenth said:

    A question for the admins, and I fully understand you not being able to answer for reasons of mystery: How did this event come about? Were there a few event ideas lying around that all got melded into a super-event, or was it more 'Let's do this huge thing to shake things up. What else can we tie into it?' Were there other factors affecting the timings of it, ect? (Like, why now and not +/- 6 months, for example.)
    When Sarapis came back on the scene a while back he made an announcement(#3685) basically asking what we, the players, thought of the game and what we would like from it going forward. He has said this event is the result of the feedback we gave.
  • I remember that thread. I must have missed the point where he confirm this event was the result.

    Both of you make good points.
  • I don't think you all understand. The Hellrazor wants his bottle. This is serious.
  • Tvistor said:
    (Mhaldor): Cain says, "Does anyone have an bottle?"

    (Mhaldor): Cain says, "Jhui dropped his bottle, anyone want it?"

    or during the raiding today

    (Party): Cain says, "Dropped an bottle, go Tvistor!"
    What the hell is an bottle?
  • It would be 'an ember' you see, but only 'ember' got subbed. I like realism.
  • Rean seems like such a nice guy. A few novices have complained about Ashtani gank squads, but your name has not come up yet, so it's cool.
  • Yeah, if you don't want so strain your noodle too much, the simple version is: before messy pantheon; now not so messy pantheon; event good; Bieber bad.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Haha. Slightly off topic, but that was more Rean trying to get Daeir to leave a noncombatant alone than anything else. I'm careful with rising pvpers too, don't worry. :)

    Lets get back on topic! There wasn't anything new for the events tonight, hopefully tomorrow? I'm afraid everything is going to come to a massive epic head when I'm at class or something. D:
  • That was an ridiculous statement.
  • Tvistor said:
    (Mhaldor): Cain says, "Does anyone have an bottle?"

    (Mhaldor): Cain says, "Jhui dropped his bottle, anyone want it?"

    or during the raiding today

    (Party): Cain says, "Dropped an bottle, go Tvistor!"

    (Market:) Cain says, "Paying credits for a bottle."


  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    This event has led to a lot of really fun RP regarding the xorani sickness. There was even a nice admin behind the scenes that helped out without me even asking.

    To that admin I must say, image
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
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