The Bal'met event



  • An bottle*.

    So yeah, the event, am I right?
  • Tvistor said:
    An bottle*.

    So yeah, the event, am I right?
    I don't know, but stop putting 'an' before words it doesn't go with. It's giving me kidney problems.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • We need some more WWG.

    World Wrestling of the Gods.
  • Since some of us might not be around when the next part of the event for Bal'met occurs (either busy OOC or bored out waiting for the next part to arrive), when it happens could someone so kindly post what happened here? I'm up to my neck in revision for exams now.
  • Sarapis will post another "Be there or be square" message. (Right?)
  • edited November 2012
    . nvm.
  • Sarapis said:
    Sorry about things dragging a bit here! We were interrupted by the Thanksgiving weekend (many of us were busy visiting rl relatives, etc) and another unexpected behind-the-scenes factor. It may take a few days, but plans are afoot (or ahoof if you're a Satyr).

    What? You have a life outside of Achaea? I'm going to issue...oh wait...this may not be a good idea!!!
  • Just to clarify, by the way, this event has been awesome - between the interactions between the Order, the Gods, the Bal'met forces (for want of a better description), the various cities and even the conflict with other players. It reminds me why I've stuck around Achaea for going on nine years now :)
  • Daeir said:

    Never posted one for any other of the major happenings before, so I wouldn't count on it happening again.

    Beya and I both posted the last God smackdown.
  • edited November 2012
    Idelisa said:
    Never posted one for any other of the major happenings before, so I wouldn't count on it happening again.
    Beya and I both posted the last God smackdown.
    I think he means that @Sarapis didn't post a heads-up, not that the log wasn't posted.  Either way, I'd hate to see OOC heads-ups becoming the norm for events.  

    ETA: Ninja'd :'(
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • I would like to see it for major events.
  • edited November 2012
    Idelisa said:
    I would like to see it for major events.
    My problem is this:

    current: (logs in) Ocrap, I missed an awesome event because I was at work and couldn't be in.  That sucks.

    future: (sitting at work) Ocrap, I felt bad enough about being at work as it was, because it's work. But now I'm clock watching and thinking about how pwnsome that online event is likely to be!

    ETA: Should give an OOC warning for events that will result in 'free gimmes' being handed out.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • Meh. I can't be the only person that talks to people ooc and gets an IM/text when something is going down. So surely there are others sitting around cursing quietly to themselves at their desks at work.
  • Am going to write a huge list of what was wrong with the event the moment it finishes in its own thread, and it will be great. It will be filled with delete bard and Tagg you're it jokes.
  • Tvistor said:
    Am going to write a huge list of what was wrong with the event the moment it finishes in its own thread, and it will be great. It will be filled with delete bard and Tagg you're it jokes.
    If you handle all the complaining I'll have nothing to do.
  • I yield to your complaint superiority.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    Sylvance said:
    I'd hate to see OOC heads-ups becoming the norm for events.
    The norm, yes, but this is kinda a big one that far-reaching effects on both individual players and game mechanics in a number of ways, so I think the polite "Hey, some serious s***'s about to go down in a little while." is kind of them.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • delete bards is old news, they might as well be deleted for how many people play the class.

    delete ships*
  • If we delete ships Kinilan would have nothing to do.

    So yeah, no downsides.
  • edited November 2012
    I legitimately thought that was 'I am holding your mother hostage' for a moment.

    I'm not sure the realization of what Kinilan actually meant renders that implausible.
  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    30 comments pruned. Keep it on the rails, people.
  • The real question this raises is whether there's an estimate on the next time the train will be in the station.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Considering how long the passengers have been waiting, I'm assuming there's been a landslide on the line or something and the train is delayed. Perhaps the one behind it will catch up, and we'll get two at once.

    We're overextending this metaphor.
  • Nah, the train's drivers just had to much to drink over thanksgiving. Hangovers are a bitch.
    I won a competition awhile ago to have Chris Bourassa paint a picture of Lodi. My profile pic is the end product. :)
  • image

    Wherefore Art Thou Bal'met

  • Bonko said:
    With an indignant wave of His hand, Bal'met sends Pandora hurtling towards Delos.

    Pandora smashes into the estate of the Carnivalis Institute of Jestering where She is impaled by the carousel, leaving Her incapacitated.

    Strobes of multicoloured light begin to emanate from Pandora which fill the Heavens, and the land beneath Delos begins to violently shake.

    Almost instantly Pandora explodes, sending vasts amount of rainbows and unicorns to the Void forever, and destroying the Carnivalis Institute of Jestering.

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