The Bal'met event



  • I don't think I've ever seen an active Oneiros in the time I've played, but I think the idea of a God of Peace with a rather warped view of the concept (Peace through force/oppressing those who would be the aggressors in a situation) would be sorta neat.


    Granted after reading HELP ONEIROS I'm pretty sure that would never happen, but the idea of it is kinda neat to me.

  • Favonius said:
    Sidebar: some stronger links between Lupus and the Forestal community would be nice. I've never interacted with the God and had limited interaction with the Order. That's kind of telling for someone who's played a Forestal for three years.
    To be fair, I've never interacted with him either and I'm ... well yeah.
  • Aerek said:
    I always felt it odd that the Goddess of Knowledge, which sounds like such a neutral realm, was Good-aligned. I honestly felt that they did that as a sort of "proof" that she was redeemed after betraying the Gods as part of the Triumvirate, not because it made sense for her realm.
    @Aerek actually when I joined her order (way back when) I recall her asking us if we would be willing to follow her to Mhaldor, if she chose to realign herself again.  So in the earlier days that was definitely within the realm of possibility.  Can't imagine that happening now though.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Has anyone else considered what membership will be like now that the number of available orders has been and may be still reduced. I would assumed the major factional orders, Sartan and whatever Shallam ends up with will have a general membership per city requirements. I would hope orders would become a lot more...selective in who they admit which will hopefully be tempered by a full complement of active and involved God players, making them a bit more focused and efficient in churning out their brand of RP.
  • Favonius said:
    Tvistor said:
    I thought Nature ideology was 'moar trees is better trees'?
    Forestal ideologies (lazy version):

    Melantha = this
    Artemis = this, plus frequent killing sprees of forest enemies
    Lupus = we can't hear you, we're compulsively hunting everything that moves

    Sidebar: some stronger links between Lupus and the Forestal community would be nice. I've never interacted with the God and had limited 
    interaction with the Order. That's kind of telling for someone who's played a Forestal for three years.
    Favonius said:
    Tvistor said:
    I thought Nature ideology was 'moar trees is better trees'?
    Forestal ideologies (lazy version):

    Melantha = this
    Artemis = this, plus frequent killing sprees of forest enemies
    Lupus = we can't hear you, we're compulsively hunting everything that moves

    Sidebar: some stronger links between Lupus and the Forestal community would be nice. I've never interacted with the God and had limited interaction with the Order. That's kind of telling for someone who's played a Forestal for three years.
    Stronger links? He's the Patron of Oakstone and a previous Patron of the Druid House... I played a forestal for several years myself, and things may have changed in recent times, but I know when I was younger finding Lupines to interact with in the forestal community wasn't exactly hard.. it's how I ended up Lupine after all ;)
    "All men must die.. But first we'll live."
  • Few roles are innately bad; it has everything to do with writing and execution. I pointed this out with Pandora a bit earlier in the thread. (If the role survives this event, it's my sincere hope that it'll be transformed in some way.)

    A more immediate example: Kastalia 1.0 had no depth to her order, and had a fairly underwhelming, shallow religion (no pun intended) as a result. Kas 2.0 took the best parts of Neraeos and Ourania, attached them to a balance-of-nature deal, and produced something of worth -- and for that, I'm grateful.

    @Darlah: Lupus basically shunned the orgs that weren't his order, regardless of patronage or forestal status. I should know; I was in the Druids for his whole tenure as patron.

  • Vayne said:
    Has anyone else considered what membership will be like now that the number of available orders has been and may be still reduced. I would assumed the major factional orders, Sartan and whatever Shallam ends up with will have a general membership per city requirements. I would hope orders would become a lot more...selective in who they admit which will hopefully be tempered by a full complement of active and involved God players, making them a bit more focused and efficient in churning out their brand of RP.
    Having it be a requirement of the city to be in an order doesn't really fit well with that order being selective. I get what you are saying, but something in the middle is most likely.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island

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    Leighann said:

    Vayne said:
    Has anyone else considered what membership will be like now that the number of available orders has been and may be still reduced. I would assumed the major factional orders, Sartan and whatever Shallam ends up with will have a general membership per city requirements. I would hope orders would become a lot more...selective in who they admit which will hopefully be tempered by a full complement of active and involved God players, making them a bit more focused and efficient in churning out their brand of RP.
    Having it be a requirement of the city to be in an order doesn't really fit well with that order being selective. I get what you are saying, but something in the middle is most likely.
    Right, I meant the less strictly controlled cities(not Shallam and Mhaldor).
  • Cain said:
    Finish, this event already. Already bored with it.
    I agree!
    "Faded away like the stars in the morning,
     Losing their light in the glorious sun,
     Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
     Only remembered for what we have done."

  • ILY Wysteria.
  • edited November 2012
    Dumbing down is stupid. Lorielan ≠ Goddess of Knowledge. She's an elder deity with a bit more complex past and nature. No god should be a one dimensional character.
  • I'm enjoying the event in general. I also recognize that they managed to create just enough scandal to pull a lot of dormant, bored players back into the fray.  But, I don't like the thinning out of the Garden -- popular opinion or not.  I think this will limit RP and event/story options for the future. I really did enjoy the fact that some gods go dormant and others awake. It offers a lot of options for continuing story lines. 

    It almost feels like all the dying gods are being erased -- which jacks up (and hijacks!) a lot of RP that people worked on--disappearing marks, libraries &c.   I get that this is exciting. I'm enjoying everything.  I just wish it wasn't so permanent.

  • So many gods have died and just on the time I was considering to join Daedalus' Order, he died. I don't know if the Achaea Team is cutting people or if the gods (or at least some of them) will come back. Well, I think we will need to wait to know what will happen, but really, I'm so curious about it. Perhaps new gods will born? Let's see!
    Undoubtedly it is a very interesting event, so many people were complaining that Achaea wasn't that fun anymore, and now it is dragging more action to Achaea. With the new PK rules I think it gives lot of roleplaying options on this matter, but it really can't be permanently since as @salvar said, it reduces a lot the RP options.
    I just hope @artemis don't die...

    You notice a terrible smell in the air and see that Zoot, a leafy humgii is trying to look inconspicuous.
    A Tsol'aa archer exclaims, " nice to breathe the fresh air of the forest!"

  • How were you planning on joining Daedalus's Order? He's been dormant...well, for 350+ years now?

  • Carefully.
  • I like the event, does feel like it's dragging on though. Still miss the possibility of Mats coming back and the Order being deleted, but I'm still hoping for something to make up for it. I'm sure the admin had all the work people put into all the orders that got deleted in mind when they were thinking about this event. 
  • Rean said:
    I like the event, does feel like it's dragging on though. Still miss the possibility of Mats coming back and the Order being deleted, but I'm still hoping for something to make up for it. I'm sure the admin had all the work people put into all the orders that got deleted in mind when they were thinking about this event. 
    Or maybe the admin all have Naga alts and learned how to grief....
  • If there were nagaalts for the all the admin, the house would have some activity, surely?
  • To grief thine enemy, thou must first grief thy self.
  • Cooper said:
    How were you planning on joining Daedalus's Order? He's been dormant...well, for 350+ years now?
    I really... didn't knew that. I just read about him and I thought it would be a good idea, but I really didn't knew he was dormant xD

    You notice a terrible smell in the air and see that Zoot, a leafy humgii is trying to look inconspicuous.
    A Tsol'aa archer exclaims, " nice to breathe the fresh air of the forest!"

  • It doesn't actually matter if the divine is dormant as long as there are followers. Agatheis had a strong following of players, even though he had been gone for over 100 years. They even had a clubhouse in the Cyrene subs.
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