The Bal'met event



  • Harmonia said:
    The notion of bringing the dead ones back or allowing 'new gods' to grow from the ashes of the old would be silly too as it would be simply replacing what is being weeded out.
    If you think they're going to leave Lorielan as the only god of Shallam, well...

    Harmonia said:
    (Note- Please leave Slith out of this event).
    Slith events are not really all that bad. You know we haven't seen him in five years, right? If the stupid jokes and old-guard cynicism never die, we're not going to actually see closure on that.
  • Pandora's character could be tweaked, but mischief is a good thing on a godly level. Even when you don't have a specific god devoted to it like Loki, you still look back and the Greek pantheon and laugh all the little "just becauses". Granted every god can play out their own whimsy, but mischief with a direction would be something good to see.

    I'm just sayin let's keep jester hate on the mortal level. *wink*


    As for the event, we're all eager to know the conclusion(s), but I'm not bored with it. Partly because I'm still interested in involved as a player. And unfortunately with my reflexes out of the picture, the only way I'm doing that is through roleplay opportunities.

    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Harmonia said:
    (^) text
    How is it going viewing the event from the forums? I wouldnt want to lose any exp either. ; )
  • Delphinus said:

    Harmonia said:
    The notion of bringing the dead ones back or allowing 'new gods' to grow from the ashes of the old would be silly too as it would be simply replacing what is being weeded out.
    If you think they're going to leave Lorielan as the only god of Shallam, well...

    Harmonia said:
    (Note- Please leave Slith out of this event).
    Slith events are not really all that bad. You know we haven't seen him in five years, right? If the stupid jokes and old-guard cynicism never die, we're not going to actually see closure on that.
    Not really that bad, but they NEED TO HURRY THE HELL UP
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    If you think Harmonia's primary concern is conserving txtp, @Cain; you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
  • edited November 2012
    Cain said:
    Harmonia said:
    (^) text
    How is it going viewing the event from the forums? I wouldn't <sic> want to lose any exp either. ; )
    It's qoing quite well, @Cain. Thank you for asking. Since I am somewhat dormant, it's good to keep up on events and the comings and goings. I believe the only time I had to come in was when I nearly had a fit of apoplexy regarding your "get out of jail free and come ally with Mhaldor card" posting on news-boards. Since it was not clear as to who, what, how, or why, you were going to handle the situation, I found myself back in game for a while attempting to figure it all out. Lemme know when you figure it out and how it works for ya.
    “There is no greater sorrow than thinking back upon a happy time in misery--”

  • Delphinus said:
    Slightly off topic, but Wynedere's random WTF-ing and disagreeing is getting a bit obnoxious.
    Everyone's rnadom disagreeing and wtfing is obnoxious.

  • NizarisNizaris The Holy City of Mhaldor
    edited November 2012
    Delphinus said:
    Slightly off topic, but Wynedere's random WTF-ing and disagreeing is getting a bit obnoxious.
    No alt speculation, please.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    we can haz event nao?


  • Skye said:
    we can haz event nao?


    I'm afraid you just gave some of the event-hosters heart attacks. Thus, no event for you, kitty!

  • Lothien said:

    Your eyes momentarily grow heavy and the image of Valnurana, Goddess of Sleep and Dreams

    appears in the back of your mind. As the Goddess gives a graceful sweep of Her hand, the

    memories of Gods departed are fixed within the Dreamrealm, and the brief feeling of

    drowsiness dissipates.

    *cry* why, oh Sarapis why!

    *runs off weeping and complaining about Mhaldor bullies*
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Lothien said:

    Your eyes momentarily grow heavy and the image of Valnurana, Goddess of Sleep and Dreams

    appears in the back of your mind. As the Goddess gives a graceful sweep of Her hand, the

    memories of Gods departed are fixed within the Dreamrealm, and the brief feeling of

    drowsiness dissipates.

    Are there new dreams about the fallen Gods now? If not, that would be really cool.
  • One can only wait.. The question is only whether we have to wait long or short
  • There are.  I saw a few about Lupus and Hermes earlier.  Not seen the rest just yet.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
  • edited November 2012
    They had best stay out of my head. It is not my fault they were too lazy to ink starbursts.

    I miss them so much.
  • Tvistor said:
    They had best stay out of my head. It is not my fault they were too lazy to ink starbursts.

    Too soon.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • @Xeran - I don't think that buying credits gives you (or me!) any more of a right to comment on the game.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • I just want to throw in, in defense of @Xeran, that if I was still waiting to find out if my character's Goddess was going to die, I'd be enjoying this less too. I have a lot of feelings about the fact that she did, but the not knowing made it worse. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be for some players.

    As it is, this way I at least know and I can deal with it IC and out of game. But yeah, I can understand where that feeling would come from.
  • As a character who owes some allegiance or other to multiple Gods - including Pandemonium - I can say that the waiting, unknowing, if they're all going to be alive tomorrow is rather exciting.

    This inability to log in because of IRL time constraints is -ing awful, but so it goes.

    A question for the admins, and I fully understand you not being able to answer for reasons of mystery: How did this event come about? Were there a few event ideas lying around that all got melded into a super-event, or was it more 'Let's do this huge thing to shake things up. What else can we tie into it?' Were there other factors affecting the timings of it, ect? (Like, why now and not +/- 6 months, for example.)
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