The Bal'met event



  • I honestly thought they would kill Keresis. I was not one who was rooting for it however, but I am biased.
  • @Lodi not to mention the infamous 'boat parties' the followers of the Order liked to arrange.
    "Trust in me, Universe, I will deliver / the promise that no-one shall ever / set their mind to games or play / for Serious Order is the way. I will not rest until it is done; / rules will be made for everyone. / They will know Order and its graces - and just like me, all shall be Greyfaces." - The Heroes of Sapience, Act 5, Greyface.
  • @Beya Still though, I offer my condolences to Her followers. Having a Divine die on you sucks big time. :(
    I won a competition awhile ago to have Chris Bourassa paint a picture of Lodi. My profile pic is the end product. :)
  • Wynedere said:

    I'm excited! Shallam is going to get a kick-ass God who will whip the city into shape, while politely nudging all the pansies Cyrene's way.


    Not gonna happen.

  • Such a weird time to try to come back again. Thanks for this, though. Since I wasn't able to be on when it happened.
  • Lodi said:
    @Beya Still though, I offer my condolences to Her followers. Having a Divine die on you sucks big time. :(
    The deaths haven't stopped yet. Don't get too comfortable.
    "Trust in me, Universe, I will deliver / the promise that no-one shall ever / set their mind to games or play / for Serious Order is the way. I will not rest until it is done; / rules will be made for everyone. / They will know Order and its graces - and just like me, all shall be Greyfaces." - The Heroes of Sapience, Act 5, Greyface.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    edited November 2012
    Veldrin said:
    Wynedere said:

    I'm excited! Shallam is going to get a kick-ass God who will whip the city into shape, while politely nudging all the pansies Cyrene's way.


    Not gonna happen.
    Too early Veldrin.

    To everyone sad, watch this part. (skip to 3 minutes)

  • Beya said:
    Tarkanian said:
    Curious: was Jamethiel really part of it in an official capacity (per @Beya's logs), or was that just random joining-in-on-the-fun?
    I literally have no idea. It seemed to prelude some sort of battle somewhere, so I included it regardless. Not at all sure what it was about.
    Yeah, figures. Anyway, thanks for the great updates!
  • Tarah getting ganked almost made up for Keresis not getting got.
  • I was suitably terrified of the Heavens and shaking when I was meant to shake.
  • edited November 2012
    Achilles said:

    To everyone sad, watch this part...
    Damn you Achilles! Now I'm going to have to watch the whole film... :)
    I won a competition awhile ago to have Chris Bourassa paint a picture of Lodi. My profile pic is the end product. :)
  • edited November 2012
    happy freaking thanksgiving. i can't believe tarah, mithraea, melantha, and selene are ALL dead. off to cry in my pie. *sniffle*
  • I was expecting Aeon to just rewind time and undo everything, using this as a warning of what to come if we didn't stop Mhaldor/ormyrr from summoning Bal'met. When I saw Sarapis, I thought he'd call Aeyr or something. Now I have no idea what to think. War of the Gods was awesome, great job admin.
  • edited November 2012
    I haven't been a fan of the on-rails feeling of these events, but that was actually really, really awesome. I don't even care about the DCs, I was too busy wondering what was going to happen next. :)

    Edit: My kingdom for a preview button.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Yeah, I'm about to log out and go play minecraft or something.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    Sothantos said:
    I am bewildered. What was the point of giving Shallam an artefact to defend after our gods died, sending us denizens as reinforcements, and warning us... only for us to sit here for two hours with nothing happening, and then having the denizens leave with nothing progressing at all?
    Yeah that was weird. It was pretty epic then poof, nothing happened. Was very anticlimactic.
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • XerXer Langley
    We were waiting for a raid, you made me use a lot of inks :(
    e^(iπ) + 1 = 0
  • First we had Harry Potter with Lupus guarded by Selene's love. Now we have Sword in the Stone, a sword that can't be moved....
  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    It was funny too because we had lots of people ready in a party, just checking the Shallam crowd. And then cwho dwindled to its normal size lol.
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • Idelisa said:
    Anatral has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon

    Wooo... First player killed by the latest batch of unkillable things.....
    Tvistor said:
    Achievement Unlocked : Made A God Feel Guilty.
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    What Nizaris said.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Just re-read Beya's logs... and I'm still in awe.

    My excitement from the sidelines is a lil bit creepy, though.
  • Lucine said:
    I have to admit that I cried like a baby when Melantha died.  And even though I had left the order about a month earlier, she gave my character one of her forehead kisses she gave her Horai.  It meant the world to me.
    You weren't the only one I'm sure of that. I honestly had tears in my eyes whenever this happened as well
  • @Veldrin what did you expect. You spent RL years camping an angry red dragon. Of course the first thing a super-powered zombie dragon is going to do is kill your God. I saw this whole series of events playing out a mile away.

    Also @Nizaris, we kind of interrupted any Shallamese offensive that might have happened, though I think they got told to sit back with Sword.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Tbh, not sure what certain people want. The exact same people complaining about no player influenced componenets to the events are now the one's complaining that they didn't get swarmed by npcs or whatever. The bit where Shallam defended was the first really major potential divergence so far from what I can tell, and the way it turned out will likely shape what happens next.

    Personally, I had an awesome time (6 v 40 is actually fun when you are on a divine mission), and it reminded me how much I <3 Babel's order.

    Event was awesome, totally did not see some of those deaths coming (namely Pentharian, that was a shock). I think if anyone thought certain divine were safe for sure, that idea got thoroughly dispeled. No point freaking out though, Mhaldor lost Apollyon and got Sartan out of it (they seem to think they're better off). Best to trust that the administration know what they're doing, as has been shown to be the case so far.


  • That was the most amazing thing I've experienced on Achaea. Was pretty great, though I wish there was a -bit- more guidance on 'is the event over for today, or are the players supposed to do something now?', but still great fun was had and lots of great rp.

    Plus Ashtan pulled off the most coordinated thing ever on Achaea.

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