The Bal'met event



  • (clan): Carmain says, "Teehee."
    (clan): Carmain says, "I just withdraw 150k from shallam's bank."
    (clan): Carmain says, "If eel so badass."
    (clan): You say, "I'll deposit more."
    (clan): Carmain says, "Gdi thaumas."
    You deposit 1000 golden sovereigns at The Imperial Shallamese Bank in the Order of Shaitan account.
    (clan): Carmain says, "THAT GOLD WILL CEASE TO EXIST SOON."

    Some people were prepared.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway



    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • edited November 2012
    Arador said:
    Iocun said:
    I couldn't care less about the lost gold and such. What sucks though are the beautiful advancement reqs I worked on which nobody ever got the chance of going through :(
    You put lots of essays in, didn't you? That's why they killed her!
    I'm proud to say I never put any essay in any requirement I ever had a hand in creating!

    Also, she explicitly forbade me to put essays in.
  • @Thaumas Interesting that you made that point about Selene's Order- that's basically what Trilli's doing, and has been doing about all of the Divine. And I actually mentioned what you said to the Order clan and they're all trying to do the same themselves. 

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    You may want to be in-game approximately one hour after the Serenade today.

    I feel like the forums is trying to tell me something.......

  • Fatally pierced by the Flame-Bright Spear, Phaestus has been overcome by the God of Oblivion.

    The notes of a dolorous requiem pass through your mind as the essence of Scarlatti, the Great Bard is consumed by Bal'met.


    Wow, double-whammy...guess Cyrene is going back to Neraeos?  And what a plot twist...
  • edited November 2012
    The deafening sound of a pounding hammer rings out, and sparks flash like
    lightning through the sky.

    As each flash illuminates the heavens, the massive form of Phaestus, the Smith,
    is reflected upon the firmament, His brow furrowed in concentration as He

    [this is for real]

  • I only saw the deafening sound of a pounding hammer? Nothing about Phaestus yet

  • I saw the Phaestus thing. 

    This is the general feel in realms at 8:17: 

  • For those of you that are like me and missing this:  This is so far.

    The deafening sound of a pounding hammer rings out, and sparks flash like lightning through the sky.

     As each flash illuminates the heavens, the massive form of Phaestus, the Smith, is reflected upon 
    the firmament, His brow furrowed in concentration as He toils.

    Clouds part within the sky, and an immense arm of Yggdrasil can be seen stretching to the horizon, 
    illusory yet very real.

    Upon that massive branch the ancient figure of Agatheis manifests, His robes billowing in the 
    primordial winds that churn around the World Tree.

    The air grows thick with power, and the presence of Agatheis becomes pronounced in your thoughts as 
    His will seeks out the Arcane Kindred.

    The calm, calculating voice of Agatheis, the Elemental Lord, resonates, "Come, Bal'met. Make 
    Yourself known. I grow tired of this charade."

    The calm, calculating voice of Agatheis, the Elemental Lord, resonates, "If You are so intent on 
    ending Us, I will be claimed in the time and manner of My choosing."

    The air around the World Tree grows noxious and foul as Bal'met appears in a haze of poisonous fumes.

     A palpable, seething wrongness creeps through the ether, and Agatheis inclines His head at the 
    looming god.

    Bal'met stretches out an arm, rippling and shifting with boundless power, directing tendrils of 
    black vapour to coalesce around Agatheis, and the Elemental Lord's form blurs and distorts.

    The earth trembles and heaves.

    A sudden, primal gale whips across the planes with wild abandon.
    Rich, red-orange fire erupts with a radiance that briefly dispels all shadows.

    The thundering crash of the surf breaks loud and clear.

    You are gripped by an overwhelming sense of awe as Agatheis summons the raw elements.

    Driving His staff firmly into the World Tree beneath His feet, Agatheis stands tall, His eyes cold 
    with power and fury.

    Awash with power, the Elemental Lord extends His arm to ward off the squalid miasma that encroaches 
    upon Him.

    The calm, calculating voice of Agatheis, the Elemental Lord, resonates, "As I said, I will be 
    claimed in a time and manner of My choosing, Bal'met."

    The calm, calculating voice of Agatheis, the Elemental Lord, resonates, "But that moment is not now.


  • Deafening roars rumble across the firmament as Agatheis raises His staff, commanding the elements 
    with supreme authority, then quickly vanishes from sight.

    The calm, calculating voice of Agatheis, the Elemental Lord, resonates, "How powerful are You, 
    Bal'met, if You so easily allow Your prey to escape?"

    Primal and terrible, a bellow of rage shakes the world.

     Spears of black lightning form at the behest of Bal'met, slicing through the clouds that obscure the 
    mountain peaks and revealing the Garden of the Gods.

    Tendrils of oily fire swirl toward the Garden, veins of pulsing power that twist and whirl about the 
    seat of divine power.

    The skies above the Pillars of Heaven grow dark, and an unnatural wind begins to howl with 
    unrestrained potency. 

    Relentlessly the monstrous storm batters the lofty peak, but the Garden remains untouched, shrouded 
    by an aura of divine protection that resists even the devastating power of Bal'met.

    Your spirits soar as the voice of Vastar, the Skylord rumbles through the sky, "Is that the best You 
    can do? I've seen worse storms weathered by pigeons!"

    High upon the firmament, the tranquil Garden is filled with prismatic light, and six figures appear: 
    Artemis, Goddess of the Cataclysm; Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons; Phaestus, the Smith; Pentharian,
    God of Valour; Ourania, Goddess of the Moon; and Vastar, the Skylord.

    Shoulder to shoulder, the Gods face Bal'met in full battle regalia, Their weapons ready and features 
    set in grim resolve.

    The skies are suffused with golden light as the voice of Pentharian, God of Valour, resounds, 
    "Picking on a wounded God and His heartbroken lover is one thing, but can You stand alone against Us,

    The earth rumbles ominously as the voice of Artemis, Goddess of the Cataclysm, booms across the 
    firmament, "No, this upstart lacks the courage to face the Wrath of Nature. He'll run and hide 
    behind his Masters in that abominable red fog."

    The aberrant storm abates as Bal'met gathers His power close, and the ephemeral ward that surrounds 
    the Garden of the Gods fades away.

     A deafening crack of thunder resounds as Artemis hurls a blinding bolt of lightning, tearing through 
    the heavens to strike Bal'met.

    The earth rumbles ominously as the voice of Artemis, Goddess of the Cataclysm, booms across the 
    firmament, "The Cataclysm does not forget your transgressions upon Nature and its protectors, vile 
    creature. Relinquish the power that is not yours to control!"

     Bal'met swells with scorn and rapacious hunger, becoming a great spear of destructive energy that 
    streaks toward the unprotected Garden, resolving as a billowing cloud before the six Gods.

    Hefting His hammer high, Phaestus slams it upon the ground, striking a massive blow that shakes the 
    very earth.

    The Garden of the Gods shudders and quakes, and a complex pattern of runes flares to life beneath 
    the fluctuating form of Bal'met.



  • Four spikes erupt from the ground, their polished surfaces etched with gleaming ancient runes, 
    towering above Bal'met and turning with slow, immutable purpose.

    With a cacophonous groan the four pillars grind to a halt, their rune-etched faces turned inward 
    toward Bal'met, whose vague outline sharpens in their midst.

    Carefully and deliberately the Gods surround the divine trap, and Ourania trains Her bow upon 
    Bal'met as He whirls about, apparently caught within.

    Cascades of quicksilver light sheet across the heavens as the serene voice of Ourania echoes, "You 
    took My child and slew My siblings. Now You come to Our home.... it is only right that You should 
    enjoy Our kind of hospitality."

     Mocking laughter scorches the heavens as the flames of Vengeance radiate outward from Mhaldor.

     A shiver of bloodlust pulses through the realm as the icy voice of Keresis, Goddess of Vengeance 
    reverberates, "That so-called lackey was able to best six Gods so far, Pentharian."

    Sanguine clouds billow and rise above Baelgrim Fortress, uplifting three figures who are surrounded 
    by a corona of necromantic power.

    Indrani, the Demon Queen thunders, "First You show Wrath with Your callous slaying of Apollyon. Now 
    You succumb to Pride? Such delightful potential for Sin, Pentharian."

    You see Soldier of War, Jamethiel Windsong, Kyra's Son shout, "Silence yourself, Keresis. The only 
    vengeance we'll have is upon You."

    Your spirits soar as the voice of Vastar, the Skylord rumbles through the sky, "Indrani and Keresis, 
    You err in standing with Sartan. Wisely have you remained apart from the fray, and You still have 
    the chance to step back."

    You hear a high-pitched screaming noise and instantly, a bolt of red, crackling energy strikes 
    Jamethiel. His body arches as his mouth opens in a noiseless scream. Crimson fire erupts out of his 
    eye sockets and mouth and his charred body crumples to the ground.
    Jamethiel has been slain by Keresis.

    The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "Reconsider Your 
    choice. You are still Our Sisters, but We will not let You stand in Our way. Bal'met must be put 
    down like the dog He is!"

     Indrani, the Demon Queen thunders, "You are wrong. We stand together. Such a glorious world We will 
    rule once We have achieved Dominion over all."

    As the words of the Demon Queen fade away, two more figures appear in the Garden of the Gods: 
    Mithraea, luminous Goddess of the Sun.

    Beside the Sun stands Tarah, radiant Goddess of Harmony.

    Phoebus Mithraea, Ardoris Sidere thunders, "The path You have chosen leads not where You think, Gods 
    of the West. You charge foolishly toward Your own undoing."

    Lady of Vundamere, Tarah Concordia thunders, "You hunger for reckless carnage and the slaughter of 
    innocents, siding with an abomination of warped divinity. We shall not endure it."

    A shiver of bloodlust pulses through the realm as the icy voice of Keresis, Goddess of Vengeance 
    reverberates, "Endure it You shall, for My lash will render no quick mercies, soft-hearted Goddess."

    A challenge is roared across the planes as Aegis, God of War, appears among the rest of the figures 
    in the Garden. Beside Him stands Pandemonium, God of Strife, ready to fight at His father's side.

     Eldritch fire blooms above the Garden of the Gods, and Babel, God of Oblivion, steps through a rift 
    in space to join the assembled immortals, an imperious frown on His face.

    The heavens shiver with foul portent as the rumbling voice of Babel resounds, "You meddle with what 
    Fate has woven, Bal'met. I will not allow You to disrupt what must be. Oblivion will come, and it 
    will come on My terms, not Yours."

    Snarling in rage, Sartan draws His swords, His dark eyes burning with bloodlust. To each side, 
    Keresis and Indrani ready Themselves for battle, and the three vanish in a gust of crimson fog, 
    reappearing a moment later within the Garden of the Gods.

     Battle cries shake heaven and earth as the immortals rush together, meeting in a clash of 
    supernatural might.

    The skies flash as Artemis and Vastar release a volley of lightning bolts toward Their enemies. 
    Indrani steps before Her allies, turning each bolt away with swift strokes of Her blades.

    A cacophony of howls and shrieks rends the air, and what few clouds remain above the Pillars of 
    Heaven disperse as a swarm of daemons answers the call of Sartan, the Malevolent.

    Descending upon the Garden of the Gods, the daemons surge forward, and six fearsome Dreadlords 
    alight from their backs. Following closely behind are a dozen Dala'myrr, slithering sinuously 
    through the firmament to circle above Bal'met.

     Pressing forward with the Sabre of Dawn held aloft, Mithraea cuts down a swathe of daemons, leaving 
    a carpet of crimson flesh in Her wake.

    Whirling Her sickle about, Melantha sends a blast of verdant energy to sear the carapace of a 
    Dala'myrr, sending it crashing to the ground.
  • Striking out with the Lash of Discipline, Keresis lands a well-timed blow upon Lady Sol, who roars 
    in outrage but continues onward.

    Arcs of healing light stream from Tarah's fingertips as She bolsters Mithraea's strength. Without 
    missing a beat, the Lady of Vundamere raises a radiant shield around Aegis and Pandemonium, who move 
    together through the horde.
    Giving a nod to the God of Strife, Vastar hurls a lightning bolt into a thick pack of daemons that 
    swarm near the Goddess of Sin. The ground explodes beneath them, sending them flailing through the 
    air, out of the Garden, to land upon Sapience with savage screeches of ire.

    Caught off guard, the Demon Queen quickly recovers Her footing, whirling about to face Pandemonium, 
    who has swiftly snuck up behind Her.

    Pandemonium, God of Strife thunders, "At last, the reckoning I have waited for since My birth. Many 
    a time did I dream of this moment."

    Malice gleams in the eyes of the God of Strife as He draws the links of a great chain through His 
    hands, casually swinging the end, where a massive, spiked ball exudes a fiery glow.

    A score of daemons falls to the skilful slashing of Aegis' blades.

    Pandemonium, God of Strife thunders, "For too long have I been biding My time, watching You go 
    unpunished for Your theft."

    Narrowing Her eyes in contempt, the many-armed Goddess of Sin does not deign to answer the God of 
    Strife. Instead She brandishes eight flashing scimitars, and the two begin to circle one other with 
    deadly intent.

    Anatral has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon.

    Anatral has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon.

    Impaled by a bolt of lightning, a colossal Dala'myrr has been vaporised by the Skylord.

    Solias has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon.

    The God of Strife lets the head of His massive chain flail fall from its chain to His feet, then 
    begins to swing it in a slow circle above His head.

    Pandemonium, God of Strife thunders, "I will destroy you..."

    Indrani cackles with confidence as She swings scimitars in a dizzying display of scintillating 
    blades. Bearing quickly down upon Pandemonium, she lands the first strikes of Their deadly match, 
    and the God of Strife howls in pain.

     Undaunted by the sting of Indrani's swords, Pandemonium proves himself the Son of War by dancing out 
    of the cloud of blades and striking at the demon queen with the heavy, spiked head of His flail, 
    catching the blades in the chain and abruptly halting Her attack.
  • With a massive heave, Pandemonium wrenches the flail away, disarming Indrani completely as Her 
    swords fall from the heavens.

    Pandemonium, God of Strife thunders, "As Father taught, and as Mother would have wished..."

     Unleashing a mighty battle cry, the God of Strife whips the flail in a swift upward arc, then casts 
    out with the spiked ball, driving it into Indrani's stomach and tearing it away. A blaze of flames 
    erupts in its wake, searing the Demon Queen from the inside out.

    Indrani staggers backward, Her eyes blazing as She clutches at Her side with three hands. Shaking 
    with fury, She raises a single arm and points toward Pandemonium.

    Indrani, the Demon Queen thunders, "Look at how heavily the Envy of My power sits upon Your 
    shoulders, foolish child. Feel the weight of Your Avarice."

    Pandemonium slows, His eyes growing unfocused as the handle of the flail falls from His grasp.

    Shaking the Pillars of Heaven, Phaestus' powerful hammer fells a dozen daemons with each steady blow.

    Raelynn has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon.

    Indrani, the Demon Queen thunders, "Even now You surrender to the Wrath You have embraced in the 
    name of Strife, and I grow more powerful yet."

     Pandemonium stares about Himself, swiping weakly at the empty sky as the Goddess of Sin stalks Her 
    prey like a stealthy panther.

    Indrani, the Demon Queen thunders, "See Yourself for the Sinner that You are. Tremble in terror of 
    the truth, godling!"

     Anatral has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon.

    Indrani quietly closes in, smirking at the confusion that overwhelms the God of Strife, and draws 
    close behind Him for the killing blow. Drawing a uniquely curved blade from Her breastplate, she 
    tenderly traces the tip of a serpentine kris along Pandemonium's jawline.

    Hanley has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon.

    Kazu has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon.

    Ayleth has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon.

    Indrani, the Demon Queen thunders, "You were but a babe when first You tasted this blade. And now...

    Hanley has been slain by the might of a crimson-skinned daemon.

    Gibbering with madness, the Dreadlord Vaori has succumbed to the power of Babel.

    Snatching upon the falling dagger from Indrani's broken hand, Pandemonium swiftly turns and slices 
    through the Demon Queen's neck with a single, smooth stroke, lopping off Her head.

  • Finally fulfilling His quest for retribution, Pandemonium has slain the Mistress of Sin.

    Pandemonium, God of Strife thunders, "I am Chaos and War! I am Strife!"

    You see Soldier of War, Jamethiel Windsong, Kyra's Son shout, "You are My Brethren and I 
    congratulate you!"

    Pandemonium looks on with a slowly growing smile as the form of the Demon Queen falls to Sapience, 
    erupting into scarlet flames.

    Lifting the dead-eyed face of Indrani to His own, Pandemonium whispers a quiet word that no mortal 
    can hear before it, too, is overcome by fire.

    Crimson light suffuses the skies as Keresis surges with strength, the act of divine Vengeance 
    bolstering Her power. Scowling, Pandemonium takes up His mighty flail, swinging it above His head 
    once more as He turns back to the battle.

    As havoc is wreaked throughout the Garden, the Goddesses of the Sun and Moon battle beside one 
    another. Ourania's silvery arrows streak through the air, matched by flashes of gold as Mithraea's 
    bright sabre sunders the attackers with searing flame.

    The moon eclipses the sun and, for a desperate moment, the land falls under a cloak of darkness. The 
    sun's shining corona surges with fierce brilliance, rekindling the light of day, and the two 
    celestial bodies move apart.

     A colossal Dala'myrr has been charred to ashes by the fury of Lady Sol.

    A silver arrow loosed from Ourania's bow has fatally pierced the heart of Dreadlord Baalath.
    Ascending upon grey wings, the Skylord rises into the sky and outstretches His hands to gather 
    stormclouds from the far reaches of the world.

    Below, the Goddess of the Cataclysm draws down the clouds, stirring them about Herself into a 
    violent and lethal cyclone. As Artemis stands firm at the eye of the twisting gale, daemons around Her are lifted into the air and flung from the bounds of the Garden.

    An ominous chuckle rumbles across the world, striking terror into even the bravest of souls.

    Hurled from beyond the Garden by an unknown assailant, an ephemeral lance of pure flame flies unerringly at Vastar, trailing sparks behind like a comet.

     The projectile strikes the God of the Sky in the shoulder, whistling out His back and singeing His 
    wings. Shocked, Vastar is knocked from His roost upon the clouds and plummets like a stone to the 
    Garden far below.

    The clouds thicken and froth with the Skylord's fall, and the battle fades from mortal view with the 
    coming storm.

    Overcome by the tenacity and might of Nature, Dreadlord Accroth has been dispatched by Melantha, 
    Goddess of the Seasons.

     Clashes of metal and screams of pain and triumph reverberate through the heavens.

    A shout of anger resounds behind the clouds, and is suddenly cut short.

     With a ringing blow from His hammer, the Smith has ended the life of a colossal Dala'myrr.

     Lightning strikes the high places of the world, and the wind begins to whip through the whispering 
    trees of the forests.

    A massive clash of metal scraping on metal grates the ears as the immortal battle rages back and 

    The storm begins to lose strength for a moment, and again the forms of the struggling deities become 
    visible in the cloud-streaked greyness. Thunder booms mercilessly throughout the world, and 
    lightning scorches the heavens where the Gods go to war.

    Grim but resolved, the Gods close in on Their foes, striking out at the invaders who have violated 
    the sanctity of Their Garden.
  • Pandemonium stands locked in combat with Keresis, a dreadlord at Her side and a band of daemons 
    clamouring for a chance to lacerate the God of Strife.

     Staying close to the trap that has ensnared Bal'met, Phaestus swings His mighty hammer against 
    daemon after daemon. Meanwhile, Tarah divides Her efforts between bolstering the Gods' strength and shielding the wounded Skylord from further harm.

    Though the Smith's attention never wavers from the God confined within the four spears of stone, He 
    is powerless to stop Bal'met from crying aloud with bitter wrath.

    Screeching voices twine together into a discordant cacophony as Bal'met roars, "SYCAERUNAX!"

    A massive, skeletal claw pierces the boundary between the planes, and a lurid portal opens in the 
    heavens. Yellowed bones and decaying sinew form the gargantuan shape of a long-dead dragon.

    Responding to his Master's call, Sycaerunax fixes his empty gaze upon the Pillars of Heaven and 
    dives into the fray, tearing apart the prison that holds Bal'met at bay.

    With a forbidding cry of triumph Bal'met vanishes from sight, but His foul presence remains palpable 
    among the warring Gods.

     As clouds roil and churn about the Garden of the Gods, glimpses of the frenzied battle are 
    illuminated with scintillating flashes of lightning.
  • edited November 2012
     Pitch-black and fearsome, the silhouette of the dragon Sycaerunax flashes upon the clouds, tearing 
    savagely through the Garden with power equal to the Gods Themselves.

     Pandemonium ducks to avoid a savage swipe of Sycaerunax's deadly claws, and Keresis makes Her move, 
    driving the Blade of the Dreadlord upward into His gut and ruthlessly disemboweling Him.

    The God of Strife has been brutally slain by the Goddess of Vengeance.

    cross the battlefields and plains of Achaea, the voice of Aegis, God of War resounds like thunder, 
    "No! My Son!"

    Arrow after arrow is loosed by the Goddess of the Moon, and daemons fall around Her in droves. 
    Artemis compels the very ground to tremble and shake, causing Sartan to lose His footing.

    Warm sunlight blazes in the heavens and Mithraea charges toward Sycaerunax with Her blade afire. 
    Melantha follows at Her side, radiant with vitality as She readies Her sickle.

    Attacking together, Lady Sol and the Goddess of the Seasons strike with ruthless force at Sycaerunax.
     A terrible bellow shakes the world as the Father of Dragons is wounded, and he lashes out with 
    untempered rage.

    Impaled on the claws of Sycaerunax, Lady Sol perishes, the immortal fires of the Sun forever 

    <aaaand server crashes??>

  • Divine war! /big O

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    edited November 2012
    anyone else get d/c?

    nevermind, back

    LOL Mithraea dying is breaking Achaea

    Impaled on the claws of Sycaerunax, Lady Sol perishes, the immortal fires of the Sun forever 
    H: 6375 (100%), M: 3897 (84%) 19586w, 27440e 91.1% ex|cdbkrh- 17:49:54.330  -
    (Antlion's Den): Ryukishi says, "I still have defs, hah."
    H: 6375 (100%), M: 3897 (84%) 19586w, 27440e 91.1% ex|cdbkrh- 17:49:54.607  -
    Silas creases his brow in a frown.
    H: 6375 (100%), M: 3897 (84%) 19586w, 27440e 91.1% ex|cdbkrh- 17:49:55.482  -
    Draekar raises an eyebrow and exclaims, "What the foozle?!" in confusion.
    H: 6375 (100%), M: 3897 (84%) 19598w, 27440e 91.1% ex|cdbkrh- 17:49:56.124  -
    (Antlion's Den): Eld says, "Heh, yeah."
    H: 6375 (100%), M: 3897 (84%) 19598w, 27440e 91.1% ex|cdbkrh- 17:49:56.929  -
    Sothantos lays his fingers upon a string of crystalline prayer beads, flicking the next bead along 
    the strand. At once, an expression of great pain and loss crosses his face, and he falls to his 
    knees and begins to retch.
    H: 6375 (100%), M: 3876 (84%) 19594w, 27440e 91.1% ex|cdbkrh- 17:49:57.774  -(-21 Mana) 
    Sothantos takes a drink from a cedarwood vial.
    H: 6375 (100%), M: 3876 (84%) 19594w, 27440e 91.1% ex|cdbkrh- 17:49:58.029  -
    [ INFO ]  -                 
    [ INFO ]  -  Socket got disconnected. The remote host closed the connection
    [ INFO ]  -  connection time: 00:01:18.165
    [ INFO ]  -                 
  • edited November 2012
    So, I wasn't the only one disconnected, right?

    Apparently, Mithraea dying destroys the entire game.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Can't connect. Lovely.
  • edited November 2012
    Yes, looks like it...I just got back on and it looks like this happened to a lot of people, including all but three of the gods...oops!
  • Impaled on the claws of Sycaerunax, Lady Sol perishes, the immortal fires of the Sun forever 

    GG Achaea

    Can't live with no Sun. Fun while it lasted. Good end to an event.

  • can't connect either
    "I keep having these weird thoughts lately, like is any of this for real..or not?"
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