The Bal'met event



  • edited November 2012
    Forgive me if this seems too critical. I felt like Selene's death was far too forced. I don't think Bal'met was allowed anything other than the pre-determined emotes, which evokes more a sense of OOC helplessness than IC helplessness. Makes me wonder what the purpose is to actually showing up to the event if I'm really just getting a real-time log rather than a copy/pasted one. I like the concept of the event, I just wish we were able to do something. Don't get me wrong, the event has been amazing storytelling, it just seems like every player is irrelevant, which is a crappy feeling. Would be nice if that changed soon.

    (also wtf @ divvying up order credits, I'm so jealous of you guys it's unbelievable :( I'm just hoping to get one Order book back from the library that (accidentally?) got deleted.)
  • Rean said:
    Forgive me if this seems too critical. I felt like Selene's death was far too forced. I don't think Bal'met was allowed anything other than the pre-determined emotes, which evokes more a sense of OOC helplessness than IC helplessness. Makes me wonder what the purpose is to actually showing up to the event if I'm really just getting a real-time log rather than a copy/pasted one. I like the concept of the event, I just wish we were able to do something. Don't get me wrong, the event has been amazing storytelling, it just seems like every player is irrelevant, which is a crappy feeling. Would be nice if that changed soon.

    (also wtf @ divvying up order credits, I'm so jealous of you guys it's unbelievable :( I'm just hoping to get one Order book back from the library that (accidentally?) got deleted.)
    Our library immediately got deleted when the Order was dissolved. If I had KNOWN that you wanted it back, I'd have gotten it for you. Traelor has copies of everything that was there though.

  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    edited November 2012
    Regarding Selene's ocredits, they were left over from the 500 credits that I donated in Y602 for the lottery that the Beloved held.

    They were pretty evenly distributed between the active order members, which is pretty cool. :)

    Edit: A week or so ago, I was discussing events with Kayeil, and I asked her what she'd be willing to sacrifice out of love. I knew exactly how Selene was going to be going out, and I think it was rather fitting, so far as circumstances go. Watching that actually play out, though, was terribly emotional for me. Kyrra was just 23 when she joined Selene's order, and that's like almost a decade of interaction with the same player. Selene and the Order were very much a part of Kyrra's life.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    When you say the library was deleted, was it like, when you probe the bookcase it shows no books or is the bookcase entirely gone?
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Oooh, I see what @Ruth's getting at. If that is the case they might still be there just inaccessible because you are no longer members of the order thus having access.
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    The library in Selene's temple was accessible to everyone. It was a public room. Unless the deletion of the Order somehow messed with visibility settings or something? I don't have experience with bookcases and nobody will let me waste the gold on one :(
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Beya said:
    If you thought this was the last of the Gods to fall, you have another thing coming.

    As to Bal'met, he'll absorb so many Divine that he'll explode, like a tick swollen with blood.

    Or Krabby Patties.


    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Iocun said:
    I couldn't care less about the lost gold and such. What sucks though are the beautiful advancement reqs I worked on which nobody ever got the chance of going through :(
    You put lots of essays in, didn't you? That's why they killed her!

  • I so did not see Selene's death coming. That was a huge shock.
  • -Is sitting impatiently on a lecture to give, but doesn't want it to be interrupted by god things-
  • Hold on a minute. Does that mean it's theoretically possible for Cooper Harry Potter to exist with Selene's help?
  • edited November 2012
    Just to verify.. the bookcase is -gone- Or it was when I went around the temple

    Edit: Yep, it's completely gone. There's nothing in the room now except the monolith and totem

  • Rean said:
    Forgive me if this seems too critical. I felt like Selene's death was far too forced. I don't think Bal'met was allowed anything other than the pre-determined emotes, which evokes more a sense of OOC helplessness than IC helplessness. Makes me wonder what the purpose is to actually showing up to the event if I'm really just getting a real-time log rather than a copy/pasted one. I like the concept of the event, I just wish we were able to do something. Don't get me wrong, the event has been amazing storytelling, it just seems like every player is irrelevant, which is a crappy feeling. Would be nice if that changed soon.

    I'll be happy to talk about that after the event is over. Summary for now though: This is a very difficult event for us to pull off as it is.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Kind of seems like the divine will be, in a sense, eradicated in the end. As if this is all leading up to a large battle where both sides lose to heavily to recover, and we perhaps face a time of godlessness. Until time passes and perhaps new ones ascend. All speculation, of course.

  • Bal'met is going to eat all the divine essence and overstuff himself.  And then he'll explode and release new gods into the world.
  • Yeah, Bal'met is collecting Divine Embers and @Veldrin has shown us all how hoarding works out for your health.

  • edited November 2012
    Sarapis said:
    I'll be happy to talk about that after the event is over. Summary for now though: This is a very difficult event for us to pull off as it is.
    @Sarapis : I'm sure it is, and I appreciate the scope and the effort that has been put into it. I really don't want to seem ungrateful, that is not my intention at all. That was how I felt with that one sliver of the event, it would be unfair to expand that to the entire event, especially when it isn't even over yet. I'm sure you guys have something epic planned, the death of gods people have worshiped ig for centuries is a pretty huge buildup.

    @Trilliana : I meant one of my books from Matsuhama's bookcase, sorry!
  • For the first time, a Divine falls after an attack of Bal'Met, and not after attacking Bal'Met (and friends). I do not know if many people noticed it.
    Every day sends future to past 
    Every breath leaves me one less to my last
  • I've been thinking, that can't really be Tagg. I just watched Star Trek for the first time, and I'm thinking Tanris has assimilated Tagg.
  • Just realized that Penth killed me during the Aetolian Saga with the same sword he used to bisect Apollyon. Woooo.
  • Have to agree with the people saying that, by and large, the feeling of helplessness at the god vs god level of the current conflict adds rather than detracts from the event and the atmosphere it's cultivating. There are quibbles with the event, of course, but that's really all they are - quibbles - and I'm sure they'll be addressed, discussed and built upon whenever the dust finally settles from Bal'met destroying the world.

  • I, for one, will fully support the administration allowing Silas to ascend into godhood, assuming his divine form perfectly replicates his forum avatar.

    I'm going to stockpile cigars just in case.
  • I think it's possible that new gods ascend later on (depending on how many more they remove). But on the other hand, part of the mass deicide is to make the existing pantheon more filled out I think, due to our previous problem of not seeing enough god activity or enough active gods. So if anything they may be wanting to keep a fully staffed pantheon at all times and are currently making that easier.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Resistance is futile.
  • So... If we do get new gods, what do you think they'll be like?
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