The Bal'met event



  • At least use spoiler tags if you're gonna give away the ending, Vasool. [-X

  • Draekar said:

    I know this event is traumatic for a lot of players (like losing the Church was for me), and there are a lot of parts of this event people can and will quible over but regardless I think the overall direction of this is a good one.

    The growth of the Garden has been mostly organic and there are now a large number of inactive Gods who have the playerbase spread across them in such a way that it isn't always helpful to the individual factions or the achaean community as a whole.

    With a smaller number of neutral Divine and each faction cut back to what looks like it might be one or two Divine each the focus of each faction and the community will improve for sure.

    With a smaller pool of Divine it will be more likely that they will be all active, and I am sure between them they can cover those faction baseds ones that aren't. Each faction should be really strengthened as well by being able to focus behind one or two Divine.

    For me I don't even need an "after the event plan" because the pruning is going to be healthy in and of itself in the long run. I just hope they don't alienate too many players in the process. Small and simple things like giving the active order members all the library journals, gold and credits from the order back to distribute would have been a great step in easing this process, maybe even leaving the temples intact as special areas is cool too.

    Other than that I hope they keep up the good work because I am enjoying the epic nature of the events so far, not fussed at all that we don't get much interaction in the Divine vs Divine fights, and I can't wait to see the conclusion!

    I agree with everything you said.

    But why did they pick Miramar to axe instead of Mithraea/Lorielan :( Miramar's order was best order in Shallam ^_^

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Cooper said:
    Draekar said:

    I know this event is traumatic for a lot of players (like losing the Church was for me), and there are a lot of parts of this event people can and will quible over but regardless I think the overall direction of this is a good one.

    The growth of the Garden has been mostly organic and there are now a large number of inactive Gods who have the playerbase spread across them in such a way that it isn't always helpful to the individual factions or the achaean community as a whole.

    With a smaller number of neutral Divine and each faction cut back to what looks like it might be one or two Divine each the focus of each faction and the community will improve for sure.

    With a smaller pool of Divine it will be more likely that they will be all active, and I am sure between them they can cover those faction baseds ones that aren't. Each faction should be really strengthened as well by being able to focus behind one or two Divine.

    For me I don't even need an "after the event plan" because the pruning is going to be healthy in and of itself in the long run. I just hope they don't alienate too many players in the process. Small and simple things like giving the active order members all the library journals, gold and credits from the order back to distribute would have been a great step in easing this process, maybe even leaving the temples intact as special areas is cool too.

    Other than that I hope they keep up the good work because I am enjoying the epic nature of the events so far, not fussed at all that we don't get much interaction in the Divine vs Divine fights, and I can't wait to see the conclusion!

    I agree with everything you said.

    But why did they pick Miramar to axe instead of Mithraea/Lorielan :( Miramar's order was best order in Shallam ^_^
    Agreed.  Now we have 10 active players on the sideline (they can't just switch to Mithraea or Pentharian without a respectful mourning period).  I'm hoping one of the absorbs Miramar's essence and just creates a new order like they did with Sartan.
  • Sartan is not a new Order what are you talkin bout willis.  Its a old, but now improved Order.
  • I was also surprised to see that, of the Te'Serran Orders, Miramar's was the one they decided to weed out.

    Of the Good theologies, I always thought Mithraea's was the most problematic (chaos = good in the early days).  Lorielan's is probably the most undefined.
  • Cain said:
    Sartan is not a new Order what are you talkin bout willis.  Its a old, but now improved Order.

    Tell that to the temple-less, order-items-vanished, order-funds-lost Adikoi.

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    we'v ebeen templeless for years.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • I have a temple on my head.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Not anymore.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • edited November 2012

    In response to Cooper, Yen, Synbios and others. I have no idea why Miramar was chosen to fall first, only Sarapis, Tecton and co can answer that. But I do feel that perhaps if a larger change is coming then starting with the largest order gets the event over the biggest playerbase hurdle first, in a space where they can recover and perhaps even help lead the rest of Good through whatever else may happen next.

    Probably only time will explain that one, and perhaps after all the dust is settled we might even get some behind the scenes reasoning for how the event was played as it was. The way Sarapis has been so open and engaging with players I can only hope he will continue and discuss things a bit more openly after this event is complete.

  • edited November 2012
    It could have been that it was Miramar's player's choice. Ever consider that?
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Peak said:
    It could have been that it was Miramar's player's choice. Ever consider that?
    I believe no one was playing Miramar full-time for the past year or so.  At least that's the rumor.  She never completed the house stuff I sent her :(
  • If Lorielan dies, I'll be angry. I simply can't roleplay someone who worships a knight in a shiny armour thing like Pentharian. That's paladins' fetish.
  • I personally think Pentharian is the most badass Good Divine role in existence. But then I like knights.
  • This is actually my main fear regarding the "pruning": that only the big, extremely faction-centric gods remain, and no more subtle, ambiguous ones. Yes, a focus on main factions like good/evil/chsos/nature makes for more "epic" and pronounced conflicts, but many players, myself included, simply don't feel comfortable playing a stereotypical hero or villain for long. I'm sure it would be fun to be a militant fanatic for a while, but I just couldn't pull it off credibly for more than a few weeks, nor could I really form a relationship with my character if he were like this.

    The depth and colourfulness provided was the positive side of having many gods of rather particular realms, and I hope we aren't just going to lose this completely for the sake of strengthening the main factions.

    What I truly like about this event is mostly the interesting impact it has on many characters's histories and the incentives for new personal developments it provides.
  • And once again, I officially protest the damnatio memoriae imposed on dead gods.
  • I like the idea of Gods that are Active, and that are protective/striking dead from a distance. Impressive figures, not your friends, accountants or lawyers.

    To follow ideals, we can do it without a God. My IC ideals have no God (Freedom).

  • JurixeJurixe Where you least expect it
    edited November 2012
    Rovelda said:

    To follow ideals, we can do it without a God. My IC ideals have no God (Freedom).

    Yes, it does.
    If you like my stories, you can find them here:
    Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2 

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  • edited November 2012
    Jurixe said:
    Rovelda said:

    To follow ideals, we can do it without a God. My IC ideals have no God (Freedom).

    Yes, it does.
    Who is my God? And is he/she already dead?

    At first I had thought Hermes was the one more related to Freedom.
  • More fridge brilliance: Selene actually planned to leave the ultimate task for her order: to find beauty in its destruction. Innit beautiful :')
  • Ok, I think I've found him.

    Vastar, the Skylord
    Freedom is one of Vastar's core tenets, though His definition of it transcends that which is normally given unto it by mortal minds. His Order exists as the Skylord's living example of this tenet, individuals united with an uncanny knack to bring out the best from themselves in order to reach their aims and desires, as well as defend the interests of the Skylord.

    I like the title of Skylord. No wonder there is a shrine in Ashtan. I guess now I only need him to come back. :)
  • Thaumas said:
    More fridge brilliance: Selene actually planned to leave the ultimate task for her order: to find beauty in its destruction. Innit beautiful :')
    I can't decide whether to laugh or cry at this.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • edited November 2012
    Maybe it's the good place to ask this. I have not noticed any god for blood.
    Every day sends future to past 
    Every breath leaves me one less to my last
  • Shahai said:
    Maybe it's the good place to ask this. I have not noticed any god for blood.

    Blood for the blood god, etc.

  • edited November 2012
    Synbios said:
    Cain said:
    Sartan is not a new Order what are you talkin bout willis.  Its a old, but now improved Order.

    Tell that to the temple-less, order-items-vanished, order-funds-lost Adikoi.

    They never heard of pre-emptive money laundering and foresight. Who didn't see that sh** coming?
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