The deaths thus far in this part of the event, in order, are Indrani, Pandemonium, and Mithraea/Melantha - it's not clear because there were two simultaneous emotes, each one suggesting that a different one had died. I think there was a typo somewhere.
Logs been updated, @Tarkanian. I was only trollan.
"Trust in me, Universe, I will deliver / the promise that no-one shall ever / set their mind to games or play / for Serious Order is the way. I will not rest until it is done; / rules will be made for everyone. / They will know Order and its graces - and just like me, all shall be Greyfaces." - The Heroes of Sapience, Act 5, Greyface.
@Scarlatti : I dun't want to be a douche but I have to ask...
Selene dumped You because focssing Her love on one being instead of loving all made Her ill. Then she shacks up with Lupus..... How does it make You feel?
Even Lord Aeon's getting involved!
(even though it was just a joke, I secretly hoped it actually was Aeon getting involved, and the disconnects were part of the event)
The deaths thus far in this part of the event, in order, are Indrani, Pandemonium, and Mithraea/Melantha - it's not clear because there were two simultaneous emotes, each one suggesting that a different one had died. I think there was a typo somewhere.
Still, this is great stuff!
내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
Right? Is that the tally?
Fun while it lasted. Poor Tarah, could not outrun a dead dragon. At least she had a part to play!