Year 700!



  • I received a few talisman pieces, yeah 


  • Was really looking forward to Valkyn's first greathunt... sounds like this is nothing of the sort.

    Are we still going to have them in future, or are they replaced by these struggles for xp?

  • KasyaKasya Tennessee
    Yeah, I was really looking forward to Double XP to push me to 100. 
  • I normally don't like bashing much, personally and I'm super burnt out on it now.

    However, this was a very fun way to do the bashing portion of Y700, there were enjoyable moments and a lot of strategy to use with it. A+ implementation.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • KasyaKasya Tennessee
    I do like that the competition bit is only 6 hours. So if you can't stay awake 48 hours or even 24, you still got a shot. 
  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    Valkyn said:
    Was really looking forward to Valkyn's first greathunt... sounds like this is nothing of the sort.

    Are we still going to have them in future, or are they replaced by these struggles for xp?
    Yes, there will still be Great Hunts, this is just a special championship game for the Year XXX games.
  • edited December 2015
    There are 4 spindly cloth golems here. Hunched, raggedy, and stinking of the grave, this animated 
    deckhand is long dead. For want of a burial, the tattered remains of a rank pirate stand sentinel, 
    surrounded by the stench of decay. A strange cloud floats here, flickering with multicoloured lights.
    You see exits leading southwest and west.
    7595h, 6126m, 99% cexkdb- 201084 - 19:47:35.05 [46] SW|W (-10m, 0.2%) 
    Narrowing your eyes, you squint off toward the southwest.
    A long stone corridor (indoors).
    A lava wyrm rests nearby, its presence filling the room with intense heat. There are 2 bubonises 
    here. Threadbare and worn, a spindly cloth golem exudes an air of ragged menace. Hunched, raggedy, 
    and stinking of the grave, this animated deckhand is long dead. Shrouded in a ghostly luminescence, 
    a spectral shipmate stands watch.
    You can see no further.
    7595h, 6126m, 99% cexkdb- 201084 - 19:47:35.05 [46] SW|W 
    A decrepit deckhand closes in with his arms held wide to catch you in a crushing grip before 
    dropping you to the floor.
    A spindly cloth golem lashes out at you with its flaccid limbs, beating you viciously about the body.
    A spindly cloth golem lashes out at you with its flaccid limbs, beating you viciously about the body.
    A spindly cloth golem darts past your defences with preternatural speed, bringing his gangly limbs 
    down upon your head with brutal, incapacitating force.
    You crumple to the ground, winded and gasping, as a rank pirate lifts his leg and firmly kicks you 
    in the stomach.
    4196h, 6126m, 99% cexkdb- 201084 - 19:47:35.34 [46] SW|W (-3399h, 44.8%) 
    In a ragged blur, a spindly cloth golem slips behind you and wraps a length of cloth around your 
    neck, mercilessly strangling you.
    A decrepit deckhand closes in with his arms held wide to catch you in a crushing grip before 
    dropping you to the floor.
    Drawing his cutlass with a roar, a ghoul pirate slashes brutally at your chest, drawing blood with 
    the stinging cut.
    With disturbing agility, a spindly cloth golem drops to the floor and strikes a crushing blow to 
    your leg with his pendulous limbs.
    Your right leg breaks with a loud crack.
    A spindly cloth golem lashes out at you with its flaccid limbs, beating you viciously about the body.
    615h, 6126m, 99% cexkdb[rl1]- 201084 - 19:47:35.36 [46] SW|W (-3581h, 47.1%) 
    Endlessly moaning, a decrepit deckhand shuffles in from the southwest.
    615h, 6126m, 99% cexkdb[rl1]- 201084 - 19:47:35.61 [46] SW|W 

    A decrepit deckhand closes in with his arms held wide to catch you in a crushing grip before 
    dropping you to the floor.
    You have been slain by a decrepit deckhand.

  • Yeah, definitely doesn't have the advertised waves of starting easier - unless it's not meant for anybody under 80 at least.

       You have entered the XP event maze!
       3482h, 4059m, 16310e, 17420w [storm] ex-----
       Pulling out a rusted cleaver, a bloated cabin boy throws it at you. The corroded blade digs        deep into your flesh.
       You are confused as to the effects of the venom.
       A gout of flame sprays out from an enormous firelord to scorch your flesh.
       A revenant dockworker feints a punch at your face before lifting a tattered boot and    
       bringing it sharply down into your knee.
       Your right leg breaks with a loud crack. 
       An obscene belch ripples through a ghoulish merchant's immense form, his robes fly apart
       as his immense, worm-ridden gut explodes outwards.
       A putrid rain of coins, parasites, and rotten flesh pelts you.
       Disorientation overwhelms you as a dervish captures you, a partner in its tornadic dance.
       The flames within an enormous firelord pulse with sudden blinding radiance.
       Gripping your arm in bony fingers, a revenant dockworker squeezes painfully, fingers  
       digging into your flesh as the bone gives way underneath.
       Your right arm breaks with a loud crack.
       A revenant dockworker feints a punch at your face before lifting a tattered boot and    
       bringing it sharply down into your knee.
       Your left leg breaks with a loud crack.
       Gripping your arm in bony fingers, a revenant dockworker squeezes painfully, fingers
       digging into your flesh as the bone gives way underneath.
       Your left arm breaks with a loud crack.
       Eyes flashing, a pale vampiress leaps toward you with a hiss, knocking you to the ground
       and slashing her sharp claws across your face.
       You have been slain by a pale vampiress.
       0h, 4059m, 16310e, 17420w [storm] ex-----
       Eerie blackness surrounds you; no light penetrates the endless gloom. Only a faint wind    
       makes itself known, drifting across your beaten body with a silken touch.
       0h, 4059m, 16310e, 17420w [storm] ex-----
  • I'm pretty sure you don't really stand a chance before 99, no. Unless you're heavily artied or something.
  • The waves are going to be zone-wide rather than every person having their own anyway. So even if there are sub-80 appropriate waves, that doesn't mean those will be the ones that are alive when you enter.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Some waves were (relatively) easily tankable in (heavily artefacted) lesserform, but when the mobs were bunched up, or spawning in the the current location, it got hairy fast

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."

  • a lava wyrm
    a grizzly bear
    a ghoulish merchant
    a ghoulish merchant
    a ghoulish merchant
    a pale vampiress
    a pale vampiress
    a phantom captain
    a phantom captain
    a phantom captain
    a pit demon
    a pit demon
    a wraith of the admiralty
    a wraith of the admiralty
    a wraith of the admiralty
  • AnnwylAnnwyl Vancouver, B.C.
    Hubris will bite us in the nether regions eventually, right?

    I thought that hunting was something I do pretty well. But I find it very hard to see what's going on or what's in the room, which makes it hard to target. And after dying 10 times, I'm losing XP instead of holding steady. So, I'm not such a good hunter after all.
  • AnnwylAnnwyl Vancouver, B.C.
    And after walking around in the maze for 10 minutes and finding nothing, I'm out.
  • That XP Event was a ton of fun for me. Granted I was lucky enough to get in on a reset, so I had an easy start.

    @amanu @dochitha were awesome fun. We didn't kill each other, and even helped each other out near the end.

    I thought it was really well done. Maybe only suggestion would be to further instance it so everybody starts on an easy wave.
  • The hunt for sure is a lot of fun! The difficulty was manageable, just don't walk into the stacks. Other than that, I find myself spending ~30% of the time walking around looking for things to kill. My impression was they should spawn very quickly and get distributed across the rooms more evenly, but no, you get some wandering and then some just stack in a room. In order to go to another side of the maze I have no choice but to run past the stack, it's a fine escape on most waves except the final one...

    I did most of mine in Alchie, dragonformed during the final wave. I think if I am not tanking the wraiths, I can really do entire maze lesserformed. Granted I am artied.

    @Aesi @Amanu were awesome! We grouped to take on earlier stacks. @Aesi even bought extra health supplies just in case we need them. There was no killing, you guys are awesome!

    It's definitely not a boring 6-hour hunt. I have my eyes glued to the screen to manage it efficiently, I felt time flies every time I do xpevent status.

    Good work Gardens!
  • I quit after less than an hour for various reasons, but ultimately it just wasn't worth spending 6 hours of my day on. The respawn rate seemed like it's not really sufficient to accommodate more than a couple of people at a time in the maze. Also seems like it's really more luck than skill involved in getting a high score. If you have a lot of people during your run, or you have people who seem primarily interested in just killing everybody else rather than actually competing, it doesn't matter how good you are at hunting.

  • KasyaKasya Tennessee
    edited December 2015
    I had plenty of respawn while I was in there, but not so much waves, which I think worked to my advantage. Considering this is what I started with:

    There are 2 yellow-spotted salamanders here. There are 3 grizzly bears here. A tundra mercenary vigilantly patrols here. His many-pocketed coat pulled tightly around his corpse, a ghoulish merchant slouches here. Quivering in gelatinous fury, a pit demon stands guard here. There are 2 phantom captains here. There are 2 wraiths of the admiralty here.

    Edit: At which point, I promptly died. Twice. That being said, I enjoyed it immensely, but at any given time there were no more than three of us in my maze, I don't think. And generally it was just me and @Dortheron and I was trying to be mindful of which group he was running and hitting and he was doing the same. So I got lucky there too. 

  • Antonius said:

     or you have people who seem primarily interested in just killing everybody else rather than actually competing, it doesn't matter how good you are at hunting.

    Since when has this not been the case, when there's an open PK XP event?
  • Aegoth said:
    Antonius said:

     or you have people who seem primarily interested in just killing everybody else rather than actually competing, it doesn't matter how good you are at hunting.

    Since when has this not been the case, when there's an open PK XP event?

    It's always been the case, and I'm definitely not saying that it hasn't been. It's just one of the factors that goes towards making it more about luck than about skill, especially this time around. In the past everybody was competing at the same time, so they all had to (mostly) equally deal with the people who were just there to PK. This time some people might get a 6 hour slot where they don't have to worry about people who want to PK at all, and others might get a 6 hour slot where they're getting killed the entire time.

  • I think a bigger influencer is that stuff has apparently been getting fixed/tweaked throughout the event, which has noticeably given a huge advantage to people who tried later rather than earlier.
  • Yes I am actually really curious about this. Have any tweaks been made to the spawn rates? Because these people are flying through the ranks like butter. When we went through last night, actually finding things to kill, even in a relatively empty zone, was a constant battle in itself.

    I feel like if there were bugs to the spawn rate, surely you admin would not tweak it mid event?

  • edited December 2015
    Definitely feels like something was changed hugely from last night to today. I died 0 times across 6 hours, was in combat with things for 98% of the time in there or more. Bashed hardcore from start to finish with priority targeting and a target script.

    Today I see people dying 5-10 times and still easily passing my score. Yeah, the hell.

    Seeing people getting over 8.5+mil xp an hour when Seragorn, who was taking kills from others and skipped 30m was averaging around 7.3mil an hour.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Nothing has been changed with the spawn rates. spawnings, or mazes (barring the the leave bug being fixed) since the event has started!
  • Then RNG has a bigger impact than anything else, that's a bit disheartening given the other events basically involved/involve none.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • We had a solid 2-3 hours of killing of the most shit xp denizens. It wasn't till the last two hours we were fighting vampires, fiends, ghouls etc and getting some seriously amped xp. 

    Did... these things not rotate on a schedule? Did some people just face the same waves the whole time, having a better change at high xp denizens?

  • KasyaKasya Tennessee
    Saeva said:
    We had a solid 2-3 hours of killing of the most shit xp denizens. It wasn't till the last two hours we were fighting vampires, fiends, ghouls etc and getting some seriously amped xp. 

    Did... these things not rotate on a schedule? Did some people just face the same waves the whole time, having a better change at high xp denizens?
    I'm going to guess not. Because I saw one wave the entire time, as far as I can tell. Six hours of it. Which makes me sad because I bashed like crazy for six hours and like my score, but it looks like I just got lucky as to where I was dropped and when.
  • Saeva said:
    We had a solid 2-3 hours of killing of the most shit xp denizens. It wasn't till the last two hours we were fighting vampires, fiends, ghouls etc and getting some seriously amped xp.
    I remember the occasional vampire near the start (while Aegoth was chasing me). But yeah, most of the stuff was little, or in giant stacks. Or wraiths.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Kasya said:
    Saeva said:
    We had a solid 2-3 hours of killing of the most shit xp denizens. It wasn't till the last two hours we were fighting vampires, fiends, ghouls etc and getting some seriously amped xp. 

    Did... these things not rotate on a schedule? Did some people just face the same waves the whole time, having a better change at high xp denizens?
    I'm going to guess not. Because I saw one wave the entire time, as far as I can tell. Six hours of it. Which makes me sad because I bashed like crazy for six hours and like my score, but it looks like I just got lucky as to where I was dropped and when.
    We saw numerous waves. It started with one thing, you'd see a room echo across the grid, it would switch to a different sort of wave. That would happen about once every few hours. The last wave was our only real solid xp gain. This makes me....almost angry to hear. But I still want to know specifics, I guess, before I go hurling any stones.

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