@Ahmet I am currently quite literally seeing it the same way as Ferries were once used by Dajio. Remember how he used to board a ferry before the hp/mana/affliction restrictions so he could heal up on the ferry (which is a peace zone)? In a sense, the strongholds and mines have an even stronger sense of abuseability in this way (due to ferries atleast being predictable about when they arrive at the other side, and where they arrive), and given how quickly the ferries were patched after this was brought to attention, I have little doubt the strongholds and mines will be patched in a similar fashion in a similar timeframe.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
To expand my response to @Tharvis, HELP HONOUR specifically addresses using OOC methods to avoid IC combat. Strongholds don't fall into that category.
I.E. Thinking fully in character, if you attack someone standing outside a stronghold guarded by upwards of 500 soldiers under their purview, you can't really expect to follow them in without repercussions, or to successfully kill them.
perhaps the train of thought for referring HELP HONOUR in this case was inaccurate, yes. the comparison to ferries still stands, though
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Huh, I got some kind of mineral. Which one is this?
a pale green gemstone
Polished and shaped as if for elaborate beadwork, this pale green gemstone shines brightly and is long and slim. Veins of a white marbling ripple minutely through the mineral, lending a glitter to the pastel sheen.
Since the unique gems don't fade within a month and can be kept and eaten when it is a good time I can say that they will further ruin the combat scene when people start stockpiling them and taking them out at critical times such as CTF or world events, or even just for raids if they are common enough for that.
@Skye your mineral will be called Skystone. Called it.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
@Sarapis & co : will we be able to sell these raw materials to cities in time? For storage and such, a buffer cities can keep to refine if there's a sudden low.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
7/18/13:36 Your large coal mine at Between a pair of looming hills collapsed, depleted of resources. 1 a chunk of silvery ahmetite, 1 a chunk of xerthyst, 1 a piece of profithyst, 1 a small cube of gold-tinged stone, and 3556 coal has been transferred to your inventory.
Super sad. That gold-tinged stone vanished from my inventory.
@Kez I've found one of those too! I also thought I lost it, but I swear it found its way into one of my containers all on its own. That, or the lack of sleep is getting to me. Now I wonder which of us found it first! (or maybe it's a mysterious third party)
Don't you and Shunsui already have one named after you though? I'm done trying though. The mine I finally built was taken less than 2 hours after going up.
How about a small cooldown on how often a mine/stronghold can be attacked? Sure, rp-wise it wouldn't make much sense
for a more rp-wise cooldown in regards to the assault system, how about your legions refusing to attack another mine/stronghold within a certain time period of the last attack you did because of "morale issues" or "needing rest"
Right now there isn't much issue yet with the levels and such, but I do think the latter would not only make sense to all but Mhaldorians (FIGHT HARDER YOU SLAVES, YOU CAN REST WHEN YOU'RE DEAD!) while stopping spam attacks (even though they'd only be effective if your entire legion was level 2+)
Though the former would be better if, for example, a few friends came together and just took turns attacking say, a large mine, four friends sending max in would get .. 8 tries total?
Probably a non-issue, really, but worth suggesting/considering.
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Since mines are currently limited, can we get a way to upgrade mines? Even at the cost of just building the new size. Right now if I want to change a small mine I took over into a large, it isn't possible unless I lose most of my holdings.
I read through the thread and talked to a few people about the system. Although, the overall mechanics still allude me, it seems the major complaint among people is that the capitalist pigs are squishing the little guy and not giving them a chance! While it would be one thing if it was statistically impossible for anyone to work their way into the mining game, which again I am unclear if it truly is at this point, then I would agree that the system needs to be changed, BUT if you all are just being entitled babies and it is just really hard to edge into the market then I think that is pretty awesome.
This idea is sooooo much better than any other trade skill implementation in the history of Achaea solely because of its limited nature. For as long as I can remember trade skills have made most items dirt cheap because everyone and their brother can produce them if they have the time, and if you try to undercut them, they just devalue their own time and give them away cheaper or in many cases for free! This system will actually help create a more realistic economy in the game where commodities are actually...well commodities.
So what you don't get to play on even ground with others who have the advantage of time, resources, and a little luck. This opens all kinds of interesting opportunities for RP! Are you going to align yourself with these mining moguls are perhaps plot to unseat them? Build a mining empire and bring the city-state's to their knees(wouldn't this be awesome Merchants?) or build up a strategic alliance and steal mines away from the competition.
My only issue is how is it there are people who already have armies able to squash out mine.. when I was only an hour late to the show
welp determined that I will not bother with mining again after my last mine finishes. Made no where near what I invested, the fact I was an hour late to the show and already losing mines is just ridiculous. Seems I was wrong on how this would play out. And I doubt it really will balance out, The people at the top now woll stay there cus they will more likely find more of the rare minerals including the free level ups.
Also why cant the game just pull gold from a bank account when trying to claim storage if one does not have it on hand? I mean it pulls it from your bank for everything else
I've just finished splitting up the massive HELP MINING file into its own HELP section - you can see it under HELP 24. Now that it is in more manageable pieces, I'd love to work on improving the documentation. As people who've not been looking at the system for months, what areas did you find confusing? What would you like to see more documentation on?
Seems to be every ig day at dawn, based on how many mining squads you have working a mine. More squads mining = more experience. Took me a little under 48 hours using medium mines to get my squads to level 2, I imagine large mines go faster, while smaller mines go slower.
Seems to me like it would be better all around if things moved quite a bit faster than they do now. Faster clearing of mines, faster finding of new nodes would allow more people to get their foot in the door, so to speak, and would cut down on the absolute domination of the mines and such.
"Absolute domination" is already the case, clearly.
After spending 33k just to have a "starter legion" in my pocket and easily another 70k just -prospecting- alone, then the 300+ gold people are wanting for iron, I can say I am utterly frustrated by the current system. Don't get me wrong, that isn't to say I don't love the theory behind it, but the current practice is lackluster. (Yes, I realize these things take time to iron out.)
After finally finding a modest little coal lode, I was ridiculously happy. I figured I might actually stand a tiny little chance of leveling up the start of an army and be able to get in on the mining ordeal. Then... I went to sleep thinking people might actually be decent enough to let others go through their mining process naturally for a couple days. Wrong.
Message #122 Sent by Achaea
7/18/16:45 Your mine located at Amidst the Granite Hills is under attack by the Legion of Amranu!
Message #123 Sent by Achaea
7/18/16:46 Your mine at Amidst the Granite Hills has been taken by the Legion of Amranu.
So, in a matter of one minute, the mine was gone. Why? Because people who were online the second the system was put into play had an instant one-up on everyone else. The people, like say blacksmiths, who may have stockpiled iron had a one-up. The dragons of the game with hundreds of thousands of gold have a one-up.
The difficulty with this whole system is that the people who got the first mines had nobody to attack them. They could take as many lodes as they found, provided they had the gold to do so (and commodities, and stayed within their 1000 squad limit) and gold is a non-factor given that all they have to do is buy credits and sell them on market. One credit sold is another 6 squads. That said, those first uncontested mines allowed for a very small grouping of people to get their soldiers leveled up, and to start stockpiling on all of the commodities they got to keep since no one could attack their mines.
Now, those of us who are just finally finding mines to take stand absolutely no chance if someone like Amranu comes along and decides that your lonely little coal mine is the one he wants to steal. All we're going to do is lose money because our soldiers can't defend against someone who already has soldiers over level 1 - 2, which is obviously the case.
I admit I'm pretty down about this whole thing. All I could think when I saw those messages was, "Of all the mines in Achaea, why my piddly little singular coal mine?" There are people with droves of mines, I had one. Call it bad luck or whatever but it's just plain upsetting. It shouldn't come down to a handful of people already being able to wipe out any mine they feel like when the system has been up for less than two full days.
In a sense, the strongholds and mines have an even stronger sense of abuseability in this way (due to ferries atleast being predictable about when they arrive at the other side, and where they arrive), and given how quickly the ferries were patched after this was brought to attention, I have little doubt the strongholds and mines will be patched in a similar fashion in a similar timeframe.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
I.E. Thinking fully in character, if you attack someone standing outside a stronghold guarded by upwards of 500 soldiers under their purview, you can't really expect to follow them in without repercussions, or to successfully kill them.
the comparison to ferries still stands, though
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
does this following line mean there are no lodes available at the whole mining site? Or just that room..
It's the 'no point looking for one' that throws me off..
a pale green gemstone
Polished and shaped as if for elaborate beadwork, this pale green gemstone shines brightly and is long and slim. Veins of a white marbling ripple minutely through the mineral, lending a glitter to the pastel sheen.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Super sad. That gold-tinged stone vanished from my inventory.
for a more rp-wise cooldown in regards to the assault system, how about your legions refusing to attack another mine/stronghold within a certain time period of the last attack you did because of "morale issues" or "needing rest"
Right now there isn't much issue yet with the levels and such, but I do think the latter would not only make sense to all but Mhaldorians (FIGHT HARDER YOU SLAVES, YOU CAN REST WHEN YOU'RE DEAD!) while stopping spam attacks (even though they'd only be effective if your entire legion was level 2+)
Though the former would be better if, for example, a few friends came together and just took turns attacking say, a large mine, four friends sending max in would get .. 8 tries total?
Probably a non-issue, really, but worth suggesting/considering.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
This idea is sooooo much better than any other trade skill implementation in the history of Achaea solely because of its limited nature. For as long as I can remember trade skills have made most items dirt cheap because everyone and their brother can produce them if they have the time, and if you try to undercut them, they just devalue their own time and give them away cheaper or in many cases for free! This system will actually help create a more realistic economy in the game where commodities are actually...well commodities.
So what you don't get to play on even ground with others who have the advantage of time, resources, and a little luck. This opens all kinds of interesting opportunities for RP! Are you going to align yourself with these mining moguls are perhaps plot to unseat them? Build a mining empire and bring the city-state's to their knees(wouldn't this be awesome Merchants?) or build up a strategic alliance and steal mines away from the competition.
welp determined that I will not bother with mining again after my last mine finishes. Made no where near what I invested, the fact I was an hour late to the show and already losing mines is just ridiculous. Seems I was wrong on how this would play out. And I doubt it really will balance out, The people at the top now woll stay there cus they will more likely find more of the rare minerals including the free level ups.
After spending 33k just to have a "starter legion" in my pocket and easily another 70k just -prospecting- alone, then the 300+ gold people are wanting for iron, I can say I am utterly frustrated by the current system. Don't get me wrong, that isn't to say I don't love the theory behind it, but the current practice is lackluster. (Yes, I realize these things take time to iron out.)
After finally finding a modest little coal lode, I was ridiculously happy. I figured I might actually stand a tiny little chance of leveling up the start of an army and be able to get in on the mining ordeal. Then... I went to sleep thinking people might actually be decent enough to let others go through their mining process naturally for a couple days. Wrong.
So, in a matter of one minute, the mine was gone. Why? Because people who were online the second the system was put into play had an instant one-up on everyone else. The people, like say blacksmiths, who may have stockpiled iron had a one-up. The dragons of the game with hundreds of thousands of gold have a one-up.
The difficulty with this whole system is that the people who got the first mines had nobody to attack them. They could take as many lodes as they found, provided they had the gold to do so (and commodities, and stayed within their 1000 squad limit) and gold is a non-factor given that all they have to do is buy credits and sell them on market. One credit sold is another 6 squads. That said, those first uncontested mines allowed for a very small grouping of people to get their soldiers leveled up, and to start stockpiling on all of the commodities they got to keep since no one could attack their mines.
Now, those of us who are just finally finding mines to take stand absolutely no chance if someone like Amranu comes along and decides that your lonely little coal mine is the one he wants to steal. All we're going to do is lose money because our soldiers can't defend against someone who already has soldiers over level 1 - 2, which is obviously the case.
I admit I'm pretty down about this whole thing. All I could think when I saw those messages was, "Of all the mines in Achaea, why my piddly little singular coal mine?" There are people with droves of mines, I had one. Call it bad luck or whatever but it's just plain upsetting. It shouldn't come down to a handful of people already being able to wipe out any mine they feel like when the system has been up for less than two full days.