Discuss here!
I fully expect the first reactions you guys have as you read the help file and start using the system to be:
First: "This is really complex." It's actually not all that complex once you get your head around it, though there are a lot of variables in it.
Second: "These battles have no skill." That is, in fact, true. The skill in mining comes in making a string of decisions where you make more good ones than bad ones. Those decisions include things like what comms to mine based on player demand for those comms, how big a mine to open on what size lode for what comm, the mix of squads (soldier and mining) to stick in a mine, when to attack another player's mine, when it's worth taking a stronghold, and so on. It's all about whether you're good enough to turn a profit over the long-run, not about whether a single mine turns a profit or not.
And I'm amazed you managed to avoid the temptation to let anything slip in that war thread! The legion/stronghold system here is awesome.
And I love the idea of naming the rare minerals after the players who discover them.
My only question is about the rare minerals and the impact you expect them to have on combat - is this going to be another thing that people will need to stockpile to remain competitive? Another "upkeep cost" to participate meaningfully? Some of these bonuses seem very significant.
I just want to say that it looks amazing. Cities are going to have a very stressful start I think. The rush to claim territory is going to be rough. Thank you for a decent break down on how the battles take place in the help file. No one likes ambiguity when it comes to losing gold (or gaining).
Apologies for not searching for the help file first. I never think to look on the website as the search function doesn't always work for me(took me four hours to find "city destruction" one day)
Yea, that one!
I do have a few questions, sorry if they're answered in the helpfile and I didn't see!
- Can only one mine be established on a lode?
- Do you have to be logged in and claim storage every hour?
- If your mining squads digged up a rare mineral overnight and your mine gets attacked while you're not there, does the attacker get that rare mineral (and the naming privilege) too?
- If only one mine can be established on a lode, does that mean there can ever only be 20-30 people with mines active (fewer if they make multiple mines)?
Only one mine per lode.
If you claim storage every hour, you're going to lose money. You do have to be logged in to claim storage, but you can do it whenever you want. The less often you claim, the more profit potential, but the less often you claim, the juicier potential target you offer to others.
It's whose mining squads dig up the rare minerals first.
I'm not sure where you got 20-30 from (there are 27 just raw stone lodes in the game currently for instance) but there is an upper limit to how many mines there can be at once, determined by the number of lodes in the game. Different comms will have differing numbers of lodes available too.
I don't think so, because there is inevitable attrition with legions if they're used for defense or attack, but we'll see.
Yea, that one!
Yea, that one!
Is it justifiable then?
EDIT: Also, if a mine runs out of mineables and collapses, does anything in storage automatically get shipped to you, or do you lose it?
Only one question so far. Can you dismiss squads from your legion or do I need to just go get them killed somewhere? I couldn't work it out or see if it is even an option.
Other than that just waiting on everyone collecting data about the intricacies and stats around the system so we can get a better understanding. It looks like a great addition to the game and should be fun for those who want some different aspects to conflict.