OOC Raves



  • Tvistor said:

    Will using a second monitor make me kill moar mans in LoL?

    Dog man dies. Team lives.

  • Nono, you got it wrong.

    Good dog die for good mans.

    RIP Doomy, we will always remember you.

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ErasarielOfAchaea/
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • My laptop is now working how it's supposed to. I found out about a switch on it (that Lenovo representatives apprently had no clue was there) that activates my Nvidia card and lets me switch my main graphics processor to be it instead of Integrated Graphics. My games work on high and ultra now without any problems. :D
  • edited November 2012
    Sausage Egg McMuffins.
  • I don't understand. What.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    what she's trying to say is, she likes sausages with eggs in her mcmuffins.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Who doesn't like sausage egg mcmuffins?

    Besides nutrionists, doctors, fit people.
  • Achilles said:
    Who doesn't like sausage egg mcmuffins?

    Besides nutrionists, doctors, fit people.
    Me. And I am none of those things.
  • edited November 2012
    @Ruth! You need these!

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Emergherd, the blue rex is so pretty. :D  <3@Tahquil.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Black Ops 2 with wonderful people. Sticks and Stones is just absolute fun. PSN: UNST3R_BLICH

  • Mishgul said:
    what he's trying to say is, he likes sausages with eggs in his mcmuffins.

    They are the best and cheapest breakfast food out of all the fast food chains. Anyway, no new raves for now that aren't related to video games in some way.
  • The eff was that...

  • Why would you trust eggs from McDonald's? That's just a terrible idea.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    why would you trust anything from mcdonalds.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Same here. I pointed it out and they wanted to charge me extra.

  • So good though :(
  • With all the men come to my town with construction and industry there has been a large spike in drunk and disorderly, urination in public, assaults, and so on and so forth. The police have started an operation to qush a lot of the problems and my rave is to whoever decides the names of these operations. Starting next Monday, operation parasol is a go!
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Remember my profile picture of sad T-rex? ^_______^

    Someone linked me to the artist who did it, and the shop they own. Totally getting me a sad T-rex shirt. <3

    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • edited November 2012
    Life is more pleasant now that I've learned you're supposed to take one-half of a Percocet tablet and one Aleve tablet and not two whole Percocet tablets. These root canals may not ruin my Thanksgiving after all!
  • WOOOO I DIDN'T MISS THE EVENT (even though I have a five hour drive at like 5 AM now but it's WORTH IT)
  • Life is more pleasant now that I've learned you're supposed to take one-half of a Percocet tablet and one Aleve tablet and not two whole Percocet tablets. These root canals may not ruin my Thanksgiving after all!
    I know I've lost touch with people when I have to inquire why taking -less- percocet is a reason to celebrate.

  • @Velyse and @Anatral for keeping me posted on the events while I was at work.  I cannot thank them both enough.  

    Velyse literally gave me a play by play.  Even @Mishgul tried to help.  <3 to all.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Was completely unaware today is Thanksgiving. This means no work, lots of food, and lots of alcohol. I consider this to be a rave.

  • I had a lovely Thanksgiving at my great-grandmother's house. Now I must decide between getting more RAM or getting ARMA II for DayZ.
  • Am very jealous of the turkey-eaters, but I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

    Rave: I'm in the middle of trying out the breadmaker given to me at my wedding two and a half years ago and it smells -delicious- so far. Should have done this sooner, heh.

    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man." 

  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    My turkeys are raving that they didn't get sacrificed for Turkey Slaying day.
    Best sandwich meat ever.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Awesomely delicious turkey plus sweet potato fries. omnomnom

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