@Cinya totally went to the midnight release for black ops 2 last night. played till like 4 am, its pretty awesome. Good job to everyone who worked on it
I promise to shut up about it after this, but I'm ecstatic, so please humor me. The game I've been working on just broke entertainment sales records - Black Ops 2 made $500 million in 24 hours. That's more than any other entertainment property in the world - movies, TV shows, anything.
I got some really bad news earlier, but when my best friend, Erika, got home from work, it was immediately to the bar. Now I'm nursing a double Captain and Coke, and she's paying for my tab. This is why I love this girl, haha. It's like having another sister.
My avatar is an image created by this very talented gentleman, of whose work I am extremely jealous. It was not originally a picture of Amunet, but it certainly looks a great deal like how I envision her!
Finally quit one of my jobs, about to quit another.
At the job I'm going to stick with, two people resigned and two got fired (not by me [thought this dumb chick is about to get axed because she doesn't work, she just plays on facebook]). Now I have a ton more to do, but I smell (was told I'd be getting) a sizable bonus in my near future.
'nother rave: my doctor prescribed me custom orthotic shoe inserts so insurance will pay for them.* My left foot has almost no arch due to a pretty bad injury awhile ago and my right foot has sort of adapted to match my left.
*he doesn't see any of the money from my insurance for this prescription, he's just doing me a big favor.
Mum and I watched what we thought was a movie but turns out was just one episode of a tv series called "Black Mirror". Basic plot was the prime minster of England shut down a controversial art exhibition and for revenge the artist kidnaps the princess of England and demands that he have sex with a pig on live TV for her safe return. I actually recommend people watch the series, it's pretty interesting.
Later we watched "Quantum of Solace" and my mum pointed at the screen at some character and screamed"PIG F*****!!!".
Black Mirror is excellent. It's like british twilight zone with a focus on the role of technology in society. Too bad they only made three episodes and aren't planning to make any more as far as I know.
Going home to Minneapolis for Christmas to see my family..Potentially trying to fly solo with an 8 month old baby would fall more under the rants category.
omg how did I ever play achaea without two monitors?!
I know, man. My lower main is a 22in widescreen, the top is a 27in LCD tv I inherited when a friend of mine impulse bought a 42in.
EDIT: Censored for the clutter on my table. And yes, that is a signed picture of Bruce Campbell (Burn Notice, the Evil Dead trilogy, Jack of All Trades) on my wall. I'm not an ultranerd or anything. (The Star Trek trading card signed by George Takei under it might make me one though)
I was feeling a little disheartened and disappointed by some people today, and was thinking about what friendship actually means.
This led to thinking about some (very few) people that I will actively search for and like talking to on a regular basis.
So this is for you. I can talk to you about almost anything for hours, you know how crazy I can get and we've even vehemently disagreed on some issues a few times, but in the end somehow we're still friends. More than once I've jerked awake from a bad nightmare and poured it all out to you, and you've kept me company until I'm calm enough to go back to sleep. You (mostly) don't seem to mind when I prattle on excitedly/endlessly about Achaea stuff, when my storytelling imagination goes into overdrive, when I say the most random things, when we have the most obscure conversations, and when I spam your wall with stuff because I'm dead bored at work. Sometimes I have mood swings and get upset/mad about strange things, but you seem to deal with that okay too.
You make me think of solo drifting in a car, pancakes with butter on them before syrup, cranberry sauce, steak on berries before sleep (I'm sure you won't remember this one), buttercups, and being kepochi. If any of the former makes sense to you, then yes, I am talking about you.
A little sentimental, but I seem to be in the mood for it tonight. So this is a rave for you, for being awesome. Also I will remember that butter goes on before syrup now.
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One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
"Slowly disappear. Never really here."
Also, got to play with power tools for another upcycling project.
I'm such a freaking nerd.
My rave is for people like the ones who adopted Oskar. A good, loving home for a defective pet is a wonderful thing.
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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