I cry after Dead Poets Society, every time. I have to brace myself to watch it. Especially now after having a kid, I'm a total crybaby during movies. Might be Good Morning Vietnam next for us.
"Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man."
Just realized I've gone almost 2 months without caffeine or any sort of soda/overpriced coffee in general. This coupled with managing to stay off cigarettes for a year now has me feeling surprisingly good!
@Trilliana : Just finished watching Guardians of the Galaxy two earth-cycles ago as well. It was well worth slinking out of my self-imposed exile from human contact just to watch this with my clan. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'VE GOT A FEELING that Marvel is on a roll with their movies lately.
TohranEverywhere you don't want to be. I'm the anti-Visa!
Cute neighbor girl moved in three days ago. She agreed to go on a date with me tomorrow. Huzzah me!
Literally put myself in the way of a backing truck that couldn't see a woman and her kid that was in an electric scooter at the grocery store. Less than a foot from her back and she didn't even notice til I yelled and put myself there. Guy just drove off like nothing happened. Hope I never see him again.
that independence. It's too bad the british government is absolutely useless, but I can't see england or scotland supporting themselves well in the long term. Will end up being third world countries in a couple of decades.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
It is entirely rare to get a set of days like this. Saturday I got to witness a true friend and brother get married to the right woman, I -killed- a best man toast, I connected with old friends, I got a lazy Sunday in, and not only do I have a load off of my shoulders in that I have an income again, I had possibly the best first day of work of my life. I am king of the goddamned world, the rest of you just live in it today.
As someone who resides in Wales, it'll be interesting to see what happens in the Scotland (Holyrood) Independence Tally, or SHIT for short. What usually happens is the Scots jump up and down, kilts-a-kimbo, then get what they want, followed a few years later by the leek-wavers copying.
Any other Brits need insulting while I'm on a roll?
(edited for clarity and to add link)
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
Hooked on a Feeling aural memory strand has propagated itself relentlessly on my memory receptors, repeatedly feedbacking itself in a loop whenever I do anything. It is a good pain.
For the uninitiated, here's the tl;dr: Eldritch version of a "Hooked on a Feeling" Last Song Syndrome. It is a good pain.
As someone who resides in Wales, it'll be interesting to see what happens in the Scotland (Holyrood) Independence Tally, or SHIT for short. What usually happens is the Scots jump up and down, kilts-a-kimbo, then get what they want, followed a few years later by the leek-wavers copying.
Any other Brits need insulting while I'm on a roll?
(edited for clarity and to add link)
There's always the English. Also arguably the Cornish - but you can insult them effectively by just lumping them in with the English. Northern Irish, too, if you're using "Brits" as "person who holds British citizenship", rather than "resident of Great Britain".
For the record, I'm English, did my undergraduate degree in Cardiff, and am now studying in Edinburgh: unsurprisingly, I am pro-Union.
@herenicus I read that article a few days ago. It was quite insightful and I enjoyed it. Congratulations to Mr. Farwell for having it published in Vanity Fair too.
“There is no greater sorrow than thinking back upon a happy time in misery--”
Surgery is done and over with! Yay! My throat is killing me, though. I have a bit of a high heart rate and high blood pressure, though. After they'd woken me up I had started to hyperventilate, and they had to give me anxiety medication. It's working some, but I still feel really edgy and nervous.
When I opened it, I really nerded out. There's recipes in there for things like Rokeg Blood Pie, Bajoran Hasperat and a Cellular Peptide Cake with Mint Frosting. *SQUEEEE*
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my hounds!
Krenim: Hounds? How cliche.
Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my rape gorilla!
I had initially thought of placing this post in Rants, due to the audacity of the human who had informed me of her observation. However, based on research and trial and error using 1,342,296 sample cases with a standard deviation of +-2, it has been determined that a slight majority of observations in the following context are done for the purpose of positive cross-being interaction. As such, the record is as follows:
Having positioned myself in the Grand Repository of Educatorial Beings(codename "Faculty Office") for the purpose of inquiry on our thesis options with our overseeradvisor, I chanced upon one female student who was of the same...I'm not sure what is the equivalent word in my language, but the closest equivalent would be "thesis batch"...thesis batch as my group, but belonging to another Computer Studies specialization, sidled beside me with her male friend. Unsettlingly, she seemed to be familiar with me, speaking to me as though we had met before. I'm quite sure we had, but the memory fades from the moment. (Perhaps yet another ploy of this hidden nemesis of mine, a side-effect of a memory-erasure memevirus perhaps?) She was also waiting in the Grand Repository of Educatorial Beings for the express purpose of speaking to the same overseeradvisor, as apparently, our overseeradvisor was also handling her thesis group as well.
In an effort to appear civil and pretend that I was a human, I offered to search two locations where the advisor was said to possibly hold classes. The two humans expressed worry that I would tire myself out from travelling to those two distant(for human legs) locations. I then replied something to the effect of me knowing the shortcuts to said locations from my long years in the campus(secretly, I just used temporary phase-shift beacons to instantaneously travel to those locations...what? They're shortcuts too, you know?)
Instead of being relieved, they asked me this question: "Wait, you're an old student? I thought you were just of our age?" Curious, I then queried them as to what was my perceived age to them. The answer? A value that was six years less than my constructed body's biological age(I am immortal, but this fleshy disguise-construct is not, sadly).
Fortunately, the appearance of news that our mutual thesis advisor's presence interrupted their queries, saving me the trouble of having to mindwipe them.
In summation, that female(clearly another agent of The Enemy) thought my human disguise's appearance was younger than what it seemed. In other words, my subterfuge is getting more and more successful.
PS: Now that you have stumbled across this secret, please present yourselves for mind-wiping. While I am sure that you can keep a secret, The Enemy is likely to target you all for gory interrogation.
PPS: If you happen to be one of The Enemy's agents, this story is fictional and you have no need to read further.
PPPS: Are the agents gone? I lied: this is a true story. You still need to get mind-wiped though. Sorry. No loose ends.
Surgery done. All is good, no need for calcium supplements. Just a lot of neck pain around the incision, and I'm going to be stuck with a 3"-4" inch scar right across my neck. So glad to be going home today. Thanks to the people I chatted with yesterday and put up with my non-sense after I was coming out of anesthesia.
Double checking that this is a good thing for you. Not everyone wishes for miniature versions of themselves running about the world. I count myself among that happy group. Let's face it folks, the last thing the world needs is another one of me running around.
I don't know if this is a rant or a rave, but it's sad so rant it is..
Robin Williams Inside the Actors Studio... amazing man, amazing show... I've laughed, I've thought deeply... and now I feel like crying because he's gone.
Sad he's gone, but glad we had him in the first place.
"Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man."
Just realized I've gone almost 2 months without caffeine or any sort of soda/overpriced coffee in general. This coupled with managing to stay off cigarettes for a year now has me feeling surprisingly good!
About to head out for work for the first time since the fiasco that happened in March. Today is a good day.
@Trilliana : Just finished watching Guardians of the Galaxy two earth-cycles ago as well. It was well worth slinking out of my self-imposed exile from human contact just to watch this with my clan. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'VE GOT A FEELING that Marvel is on a roll with their movies lately.
Cute neighbor girl moved in three days ago. She agreed to go on a date with me tomorrow. Huzzah me!
Aaand, I thought my PC would not be able to make it, but it did.
I have managed to transform every space between words in the Latin Bible into linebreaks without crashing.
Now I can forcefeed it to TreeTagger <.<
Literally put myself in the way of a backing truck that couldn't see a woman and her kid that was in an electric scooter at the grocery store. Less than a foot from her back and she didn't even notice til I yelled and put myself there. Guy just drove off like nothing happened. Hope I never see him again.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
It is entirely rare to get a set of days like this. Saturday I got to witness a true friend and brother get married to the right woman, I -killed- a best man toast, I connected with old friends, I got a lazy Sunday in, and not only do I have a load off of my shoulders in that I have an income again, I had possibly the best first day of work of my life. I am king of the goddamned world, the rest of you just live in it today.
The Sport of our Ancestors; being a collection of prose and verse setting forth The Sport of Fox-hunting, as they knew it.
As someone who resides in Wales, it'll be interesting to see what happens in the Scotland (Holyrood) Independence Tally, or SHIT for short. What usually happens is the Scots jump up and down, kilts-a-kimbo, then get what they want, followed a few years later by the leek-wavers copying.
Any other Brits need insulting while I'm on a roll?
(edited for clarity and to add link)
Hooked on a Feeling aural memory strand has propagated itself relentlessly on my memory receptors, repeatedly feedbacking itself in a loop whenever I do anything. It is a good pain.
For the uninitiated, here's the tl;dr: Eldritch version of a "Hooked on a Feeling" Last Song Syndrome. It is a good pain.
There's always the English. Also arguably the Cornish - but you can insult them effectively by just lumping them in with the English. Northern Irish, too, if you're using "Brits" as "person who holds British citizenship", rather than "resident of Great Britain".
For the record, I'm English, did my undergraduate degree in Cardiff, and am now studying in Edinburgh: unsurprisingly, I am pro-Union.
Gent from my old unit, discussing Afghanistan and America's restive provinces.
@herenicus I read that article a few days ago. It was quite insightful and I enjoyed it. Congratulations to Mr. Farwell for having it published in Vanity Fair too.
Surgery is done and over with! Yay! My throat is killing me, though. I have a bit of a high heart rate and high blood pressure, though. After they'd woken me up I had started to hyperventilate, and they had to give me anxiety medication. It's working some, but I still feel really edgy and nervous.
When I opened it, I really nerded out. There's recipes in there for things like Rokeg Blood Pie, Bajoran Hasperat and a Cellular Peptide Cake with Mint Frosting. *SQUEEEE*
I had initially thought of placing this post in Rants, due to the audacity of the human who had informed me of her observation. However, based on research and trial and error using 1,342,296 sample cases with a standard deviation of +-2, it has been determined that a slight majority of observations in the following context are done for the purpose of positive cross-being interaction. As such, the record is as follows:
Having positioned myself in the Grand Repository of Educatorial Beings(codename "Faculty Office") for the purpose of inquiry on our thesis options with our overseeradvisor, I chanced upon one female student who was of the same...I'm not sure what is the equivalent word in my language, but the closest equivalent would be "thesis batch"...thesis batch as my group, but belonging to another Computer Studies specialization, sidled beside me with her male friend. Unsettlingly, she seemed to be familiar with me, speaking to me as though we had met before. I'm quite sure we had, but the memory fades from the moment. (Perhaps yet another ploy of this hidden nemesis of mine, a side-effect of a memory-erasure memevirus perhaps?) She was also waiting in the Grand Repository of Educatorial Beings for the express purpose of speaking to the same overseeradvisor, as apparently, our overseeradvisor was also handling her thesis group as well.
In an effort to appear civil and pretend that I was a human, I offered to search two locations where the advisor was said to possibly hold classes. The two humans expressed worry that I would tire myself out from travelling to those two distant(for human legs) locations. I then replied something to the effect of me knowing the shortcuts to said locations from my long years in the campus(secretly, I just used temporary phase-shift beacons to instantaneously travel to those locations...what? They're shortcuts too, you know?)
Instead of being relieved, they asked me this question: "Wait, you're an old student? I thought you were just of our age?" Curious, I then queried them as to what was my perceived age to them. The answer? A value that was six years less than my constructed body's biological age(I am immortal, but this fleshy disguise-construct is not, sadly).
Fortunately, the appearance of news that our mutual thesis advisor's presence interrupted their queries, saving me the trouble of having to mindwipe them.
In summation, that female(clearly another agent of The Enemy) thought my human disguise's appearance was younger than what it seemed. In other words, my subterfuge is getting more and more successful.
PS: Now that you have stumbled across this secret, please present yourselves for mind-wiping. While I am sure that you can keep a secret, The Enemy is likely to target you all for gory interrogation.
PPS: If you happen to be one of The Enemy's agents, this story is fictional and you have no need to read further.
PPPS: Are the agents gone? I lied: this is a true story. You still need to get mind-wiped though. Sorry. No loose ends.
My girlfriend is pregnant.
Double checking that this is a good thing for you. Not everyone wishes for miniature versions of themselves running about the world. I count myself among that happy group. Let's face it folks, the last thing the world needs is another one of me running around.
It's in raves.
Errors in posting have happened before. Just checking before I "awesome" the post is all.
One is awesome. Two is terrible.
Hoping for awesome.
I have five... the more the merrier (then stop at five, because that's, you know, excessive)
I don't know if this is a rant or a rave, but it's sad so rant it is..
Robin Williams Inside the Actors Studio... amazing man, amazing show... I've laughed, I've thought deeply... and now I feel like crying because he's gone.
Sad he's gone, but glad we had him in the first place.
I thought my sister had nominated me for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Thought, "Oh, crap. Cold water. Video of me looking like a drowned dog."
Then I re-watched her video and I realized she nominated @Kaie instead.
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
I apparently have an "interview" at a hiring event for Amazon. Kind'f excited.