Regardless of the amount, 60 gold, 600 gold, it gets a bit frustrating with these people who are either auto-hunting or have triggers to pick up gold no matter the reason it is on the ground. It is in essence stealing, and though some people kindly return the gold, others are complete dickheads about it. Why is it that people think because they can make some simple ass trigger that returns "GET GOLD;PUT GOLD IN PACK", this entitles them to just take your gold while you are hunting? My most recent experience is case and point:
42) You told Jonesey: Your follower stole my gold.
43) Jonesey told You: Oh?
44) You told Jonesey: I would like it returned.
45) Jonesey told You: It was 175ish, you'll live.
Sure, I'll easily live without 175 gold, but the principle of the matter is, this should equate to cause, right? Either way, a douchebag is a douchebag is a douchebag...but you're right, I'll live.
Aalm hit it right on the head, though.
Album of Bluef during her time in Achaea
Trigger on your own killing of a denizen activates a group of triggers "Drops".
"Drops" has stuff for gold, pearls, quest items, etc. Best to use SVO do for balance issues. Otherwise, just queue stuff.
Trigger on your prompt to turn "Drops" off.
Enjoy auto-looting without stealing other people's drops.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Generally I'll return gold if I do accidentally grab somebody else's for some reason, and from what I've found most people will do the same or will at least apologise/say "oops"/whatever. There are still the corner cases, though. I get much more irritated by kill-stealing. I get that sometimes it happens by accident, but when somebody walks into the room (usually shrouded), starts killing or waits until near death and jumps in to take it, walks out when it dies, and then proceeds to repeat that multiple times in a row even when asked to stop, I have to wonder if they're either doing it deliberately to annoy/instigate, or they're outright autobashing.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Oooh. I called @Jonesey an asshole.
Whatcha gonna do about it, bub? Wanna fite? I'll reck you right now. I swear on me mum.
Viva la Bluef.
Time for a reality check.
I get that it's frustrating, but perhaps you should re-evaluate your priorities. If you're willing to get upset over losing a resource that took about 10 seconds (a single keypress with the most basic basic aliases) to earn, consider this:
1) 100 gold is worth about $0.0032. If this situation happens to you once a day, and you play 4 days a week, it would take you one year, five months, and 11 days for this to cost you $1 of gold.
2) In the time it took you to make this thread, you could have bashed 10 times as much gold as you're upset about.
3) I'm sure you've played dozens of video games over your life that don't give you any long-term rewards for grinding - and yet they were still fun.
4) You waste hundreds of times as much gold by bashing inefficiently (not using queueing, handling shield properly, speed walking). For a two-hour bashing run that nets 30,000 gold, but you did not get a Jera rune (for str classes), you have essentially stolen about 15-20 times as much gold from yourself.
4b) I'd guess about 95% of the playerbase bashes below the level they "should" be bashing at, and bashes it about 30-50% as fast as they could/should be (measured in gold/exp per hour). Even a minor improvement in this would result in exponentially faster gold income, to the point of being quite literally 10,000+ times as much gold as what you "lose" when someone grabs your gold, in the long run. Are you going to claim PK cause on yourself for 10,000 instances of theft?
5) The difference this makes in your overall bashing efficiency is orders of magnitude smaller than the difference in class bashing speed.
6) You still got the experience.
7) Creating a beef with another player over a penny worth of gold is silly.
8) Would you give a dollar to a stranger who asked? That's the equivalent of having someone snatch your gold literally hundreds of times. Just accept it as a donation of a penny to a stranger, chalk it up for karma.
9) The situation created an opportunity for you to interact with a player in a game designed to interact with other players. If you want to have the world all to yourself and have everything your way, go play Skyrim
10) I just sent you 1 credit (for real). Shall I receive a reaction 60 times more profuse (a 600 line OP and a thread dedicated to the subject), of gratitude? If not, then perhaps reconsider how much you actually care about this.
12) If a bashing area hasn't been cleared in a few hours, you'll make more gold in the run than you'd lose if the gold from several NPCs is "stolen" from you, without you ever actually noticing.
13) If 35 people read this post (which takes about 1 minute), enough time I'll have burned approximately 210 times as much time as it took you to kill that denizen, not counting the time I spent writing it.
14 (bonus!) Deathknights used to drop like 2,200 gold. Each. If you want to be pissed at someone for f'king with your gold, be pissed at IRE for deflating gold to about 1/30th of its original price comparison compared to the USD.
At the end of the day, this just boils down to ego. Would you be upset if you and your friend at work simultaneously dropped your box of paper clips, and he accidentally grabbed one of yours while gathering them back up? Would you get online and make a forum thread about what a travesty it was for you? (paper clips cost about 1-2 times as much as the amount of gold you mentioned)
If you would, then you're crazy, and if you wouldn't then you should reconsider the level of emotional response you seem to experience from the loss of that one tenth of one lesson's worth of gold.
[ This isn't a reaction to just you, I've just been confused for years as to why people overreact so much to this ]
On the other hand @Ernam...thanks for the credit!
Considering that approximately zero people actually collect gold manually, and approximately everyone reaches a zombie-like state while bashing, and is usually encompassed in spam (perhaps even literally), when the heist occurs, I think it's safe to say that rarely if ever is it "intentional" (either grabbing it, or not returning it).
Consider also the fact that the time it takes both the person to stop bashing to give you the gold and the time it takes you to stop to receive it costs you (both) more gold than you exchange. I understand that for you this is a matter of principle, but it is a principle based purely on your desire to accumulate gold. If your desire is in fact to accumulate gold, please see my above points 1-14.
Also, on average, if everyone just ignored this when it happened (assuming it occurs accidentally), then theoretically it would even out to a zero loss for everyone (because you would occasionally get other people's gold too).
This was my favorite thing, both in PvE and PvP. Unity was so helpful to prevent people from straggling off on the way to combat.
And yes, I'm super bored. It was either go to work an hour early, or grievously overdo my response to your OP, and go to work 50 minutes early. (about 3,125 "gold snatches" worth of income lost on my part).
I have had people grab my gold, and they promptly return it, with apologizes or they will ask if I want it back and I generally say, no...As @Ernam stated it takes longed to actually get the gold back, than to walk into the next room and kill whatever is there.
@Masaryk, If you want to feel robbed...I will definitely help you out in-game.
It isn't like people are running around trying to snatch your gold. I would submit that 99.9% of the time this happens, it is automated, and about 50% of the time, they don't even notice.
But on the other hand, taking the 170 gold or a quarter is not really about 170 gold or a quarter. For example, I have a librarian's masters. You have a rich-as-hell neighborhood, and some lady that lives in a 2.4 million dollar house drives to the library on her Porsche SUV, dressed in her Gucci and Prada and whateverthehell else and proceeds to scream at the top of her lungs at the librarian over a 10 cent fine. Yeah, this happens. It's clear as day she doesn't care about 10 cents. But she didn't get her way for once, and that's a grave sin that can never be forgiven. Also, in road rage, does it really matter intrinsically who ends up 5 inches in front of whom at the next red light? And yet, people are doing crazy shit at 84 MPH on the highway to prove who has the bigger dick, and that can literally kill you.
Ernam is right in that logically the shit taken from you is rarely worth the reaction we give it. Masaryk is right in that such abuse often has nothing to do with the value of the shit taken from you and everything to do with power. When somebody wrongs you and tells you to blow it out your ass and especially if you can't do anything about it, it hurts you, and that has nothing to do with 170 gold or whatever.