I still just want groves to have the ability to turn a room in a city into an overgrown room with forest defenses. I think it would be pretty lol and just as griefy as exterms.
For myself, I don't mind playing the losing side. Jesus knows I have more than enough (anyone who knows anything about my history knows this). Part of the annoyance was the ... thought or lack thereof placed on starting this war. That's not Mhaldor's fault at all, and not anything they could have known about or helped. It's not something Eleusis is really talking about because no one likes airing that kind of dirty laundry on the forums.
@Herenicus touched on the core of the problem for me - I don't mind conflict at all, including combative conflict, I really don't. I wouldn't have joined the army if I didn't feel like I could learn from it and be able to deal with it. But that doesn't mean I was expecting the level of "absolutely no restraint" that's been presented so far. Some would quote history as such, but to be fair, as a Cyrenian-raised character, perhaps I was simply too optimistic about what could come out of it. I thought hey, Mhaldor's usually great to roleplay with when I'm able, perhaps this will be a cool thing, with more danger in Melodie's life, goals to focus on, and <insert expletive about serpents>.
I was not expecting the level of consist, on-my-ass attention that I (and we really) have gained, to the point of being literally trapped in half a dozen city rooms. With our (present) lack of clear goals for this war (and I think originally there wasn't any even planned, from what I can understand from the news posts), the suddenness of the decision without any discussion in any IC forum, and then a few of Dontarion's points (including the discare of making Eleusians miserable or their life hell), I'm just sort of sitting back and thinking, "Wow. I didn't realize to fight war on Achaea meant to make the fun disappear, too". Unfortunately I simply can't help my timezone.
Jurixe sums up the rest of my thoughts very well, pretty much. In the meantime, I'll await the outcome of the meeting, and hope perhaps other things can come of all of this that include more fun and less grief.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Err, what the hell, why did I say Dontarion. I meant Micositu's points in a previous post.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
I haven't been able to play much (and when I do I've been sucked into bashing or fighting which doesn't let me advance these other things, ugh) but I actually have been coming up with a lot of great things for this war to be fun for both sides. Am away this weekend but if the war is still on after that maybe I can see about implementing some of them. GUYS JUST PLAY NICE WITH EACH OTHER AND WE CAN ALL GROW FLOWERS.
You told Rom: You think this is the first time I've
exchanged arrows?
Rom told You: It was gonna be axes but can't throw them from
up high, otherwise they don't come back.
You told Rom: Hah.
You told Rom: I'm glad to see you are still in such high
spirits, truly you savour the art of war, and you have some decent soldiers,
You told Rom: A man so dedicated to the martial arts has no
better home than this, you know. Eleusis has only ever sought conflict with us,
but we fight the world. Imagine how much more you could test your mettle,
fighting against all kinds of foes.
Rom told You: Our forces grow as wartime calls! Rejoice at
the chance to spill your collective blood upon our leaves.
You told Xinna: Do you still have corpses?
Xinna told You: No. That's why I kept saying "Evade west
and get my corpses".
Rom told You: All kind of foe, eh? It is too, what we seek.
Rom told You: We being those who are more privvy to Nature's
Rom told You: Those who seek the easy life will come around,
or otherwise be purged.
You told Rom: Except you fight for nothing now.
Rom told You: For nothing? Perhaps in your eyes.
You told Rom: Tell me, are not the effects of our
necromantic sorties fended off by the forests themselves over time, as they
grow to heal the barrenness?
Rom told You: Only in the distant lands where our hands
can't often reach in their time of need, as the lowliest of your forces enjoy
to flaunt.
Rom told You: On the plane which our village resides, so too
resides our constant protection, as She needs to flourish.
You told Rom: My point is that Nature doesn't need you. If
you left the Eastern Ithmia or the Aalen unrejuvenated it would recuperate just
like those distant isles or realms your forestals are too lazy to travel to,
heh. That Nature needs preservation or defense is a hollow lie taught to you Sentinels
by selfish druids who seek to command impressive forces for their own purposes,
not because the wilds need defending. Rock and earth have stood the test of
time. They are older than any philosophy and older than men themselves.
Rom told You: How will Nature protect herself from
cobblestone and pavement? Should I expect It to burst forth from underneath
Cyrene and reclaim its rightful home oncemore?
You told Rom: There is a rightful balance between the two.
That Cyrene exists does not mean anyone seeks to pave the Black or the
Rom told You: Indeed that is not what it means. What it
means is that Nature is disrespected by those it has given home and life.
You told Rom: At any rate, your rhetorical questions remain
farcical so long as you only war against Mhaldor and Ashtan. Ashtan, I
understand - the Nihilists are dangerous, rabid dogs, and all of Sapience has
an interest in seeing them put down as soon as possible. But Mhaldor only
despoils the land because it prompts fights against you, not because we prefer
the aesthetic necessarily. I actually enjoy walking Shala-Khulia sometimes.
Rom told You: I agree, if it were my choosing we'd war
against all of you alike.
You told Rom: If you meant what you said, you would march
against Targossas just as readily. They have been the most recent builders of
this stone and pavement - and continue to do so as they expand and build up
their city. Where do you think the logs and rocks for their new edifices comes from?
Rom told You: Targossas is as much an offender in that sense
as any other, certainly.
Rom told You: I wouldn't intend to spare them in this ideal
world, either.
You told Rom: You live in a world of your choosing with
every breath you take.
You told Rom: Don't give me this nonsense about your army
not being ready. We fought Targossas and Hashan in two formal wars while also
fending off you lot and Ashtan last go-around. Strength is achieved by
stretching your limits.
Rom told You: There are priorities to be considered.
Rom told You: I never gave you any clue as to our army not
being ready for anything, we are clearly formidable.
You told Rom: I confess I have not been overly impressed
thus far.
Rom told You: Are all willing for such an action? No.
Rom told You: That can be changed, and opinions can be
swayed with proof.
Rom told You: But as it were, those who stand to actively
oppose us take precedence. I assure you behind the scenes we are taking towards
razing all cities to their rightful place.
Rom told You: But in the current climate that takes time.
You told Rom: You think you're committed to the cause of
destroying cities, but you really aren't. You're a dog of war, I've seen too
many like you to be persuaded otherwise, really.
Rom told You: Whether you're impressed by our forces isn't
relevant really, as we stand we'd be prepared for anything.
Rom told You: A dog of war? Please, roll over and allow us
to cut your home down while spectating if you wish, it is not bloodthirst it is
a cause.
You told Rom: With
two traitors in your midst, among your army? The Babelonians and the Dark Father
have both been hard at work. I am annoyed I wasn't able to persuade the
weak-willed of Nature to my own banner, but I will relish seeing what happens
to your morale when the day comes for them to turn on you, like Aegoth and many
Rom told You: Haha, those who seek to betray hold no place
in my heart. From the moment they cut ties they are cut down.
Rom told You: However many acting classes they've attended
won't make them any more meaningful in the end.
Again, you put on a brave face. That is good, I am pleased. For many among you
will Suffer and fear. Some among you will embrace Strength and find cruelty. I
imagine that you will be in that latter group. And with every time you smash
your axe into the face of an enemy, Evil will grow in your heart, until it
consumes you and you embrace the one true God without even knowing how you got
But enough talk. The shrine at Steep mountainside stands. Let us see whether it
will fall or you will. Marshal your forces and let's dance, Guardian.
I thought the city destruction system change made it so rooms don't repair during wars? Or was that just something that was discussed and never implemented, because it seems like that would be a good way to win a war mechanically.
Destroy barracks -> No guards can be summoned
Destroy tank room -> No tanks can be fueled
Kill guards -> City now empty
Exterminate -> Exterminate -> Exterminate
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
I was not expecting the level of consist, on-my-ass attention that I (and we really) have gained, to the point of being literally trapped in half a dozen city rooms. With our (present) lack of clear goals for this war (and I think originally there wasn't any even planned, from what I can understand from the news posts).
I am not blaming you at all, but maybe we are simply trying to avoid reasons to be screwed one more.
I was not expecting the level of consist, on-my-ass attention that I (and we really) have gained, to the point of being literally trapped in half a dozen city rooms. With our (present) lack of clear goals for this war (and I think originally there wasn't any even planned, from what I can understand from the news posts).
I am not blaming you at all, but maybe we are simply trying to avoid reasons to be screwed one more.
I had to take some time to consider your comment. Do you mean you just have been very proactive because you don't want to get screwed over again (i.e. Mhaldor's always the villain and the villain eventually loses, see: Bal'met), or did you mean something else? If the former, I can definitely understand that, but I don't think you guys need to exterm 100 rooms a day (I'm not exaggerating here) to avoid such a situation! You really already have the advantage in quite a few ways, if you break down what matters in Achaea wars, from more numerous experienced generals that are currently active and engaged, to a larger percentage of army to population rate (most of Mhaldor is in the army as it's required, whereas Eleusis, I'd say it's about 1/3 of the population, which means we have more of the burden of the war being pressed on a smaller group of people, for the majority of things. Take timezones into account and it gets drastically worse).
Like I said, I have not a problem with losing, I'd just also like to have fun too. If that's not going to be possible, then I'll just go play Child of Light and maybe dig up Dwarf Fortress for the first time in a few years, and lessen my login time.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
I was not expecting the level of consist, on-my-ass attention that I (and we really) have gained, to the point of being literally trapped in half a dozen city rooms. With our (present) lack of clear goals for this war (and I think originally there wasn't any even planned, from what I can understand from the news posts).
I am not blaming you at all, but maybe we are simply trying to avoid reasons to be screwed one more.
I had to take some time to consider your comment. Do you mean you just have been very proactive because you don't want to get screwed over again (i.e. Mhaldor's always the villain and the villain eventually loses, see: Bal'met)
Yes, I meant that.
[...] from more numerous experienced generals that are currently active and engaged, to a larger percentage of army to population rate (most of Mhaldor is in the army as it's required, whereas Eleusis, I'd say it's about 1/3 of the population, which means we have more of the burden of the war being pressed on a smaller group of people, for the majority of things. Take timezones into account and it gets drastically worse).
Not blaming you again at all, for you are not personnaly responsible, but that was maybe to take into account before declaring a war with us?
Man if I had a sniff of what was going to happen, trust me, I would have raised hue and cry to prevent this. Nothing to be done now, though. Can't stop what's started.
Edit: By the way, I wanted to thank the very few people who have taken the time to help distract me ICly from the war and to help me enjoy a couple of moments of peace, when I can. Won't name names, but there's a particular one or two who have been nothing but supportive and with a listening ear, while others simply sat with me to talk or enjoy small things. It's appreciated more than you know, and helps keep my temper in check.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Exterminations are only as disheartening as you let them be. If I were able to repair I'd repair them all (Come on Multiclass) and it's not very expensive, attrition by exterms would take hundreds of years.
I do however think they're a badly used mechanic if it's a single player exterming a room and then running away. Make this like city destruction? Exterm starts, takes like 5 minutes to go through? Can be stopped by a forestal channel that takes 1 minute to finish? That way it's exciting, entices conflict, but doesn't force forest wide reconstruction for those people who are unhappy with it.
I'm enjoying the war, but we haven't been able to hit the offensive lately with very little time for some of our fighters being around. All in all, if you're not having fun take a step away and take a deep breath. We should all have fun, but if winning is your sole purpose for participation in the fun interactions, then you're in the wrong place.
We never put in the no rooms reparing due to the inevitable issues of gaming a key location off hours. I would be very interested in seeing someone finally get a level 3 tank though! (Or a level 2 in a room with more than one exit, Mhaldor! I was heart broken I tell you.)
We never put in the no rooms reparing due to the inevitable issues of gaming a key location off hours. I would be very interested in seeing someone finally get a level 3 tank though! (Or a level 2 in a room with more than one exit, Mhaldor! I was heart broken I tell you.)
We did that level 2 tank once in Cyrene, Makarios! It was glorious! Does it not count until we do it to Eleusis?!
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
We never put in the no rooms reparing due to the inevitable issues of gaming a key location off hours. I would be very interested in seeing someone finally get a level 3 tank though! (Or a level 2 in a room with more than one exit, Mhaldor! I was heart broken I tell you.)
We did that level 2 tank once in Cyrene, Makarios! It was glorious! Does it not count until we do it to Eleusis?!
@Etoile asked me for sponsoring for Oakstone, I told her to write up a ritual to use the elements to strengthen a newly rejuvenated grove. This' the result! I swear she wrote it up in 15 minutes.
Etoile says with a cheery, Atavian accent, "As you can see, it has been rejuvenated and replanted."
Etoile says with a cheery, Atavian accent, "But it has seen great fighting too."
Etoile says with a cheery, Atavian accent, "Let us begin."
Etoile bows her head in meditation and relaxes her mind, soaking in the peace of the space around
Etoile brings her focus back to the moment, a concerned look in her eyes.
Etoile raises her eyes to the sky, extends both arms out to the side, palms raised, and murmurs
under her breath, "I evoke the power of the Air to blow away the memory of harm done in this place .
" A soft breeze rustles the leaves nearby as if the plant life is applauding with relief.
Etoile extends her arms straight out, palms facing forward and murmurs under her breath, "I evoke
the power of Fire to burn away any trace of damage done in this place." The temperature surrounding
her seems to increase slightly.
Etoile raises her hands overhead and murmurs in a louder voice, "I evoke the power of Water to pour
life into this place and restore it to wholeness." Droplets start forming from the humidity in the
air and create a soft, gently restoring rain that soaks into the ground and completely wets the
Etoile kneels and gently places her hands, palms down, onto the ground in front of her. She softly
murmurs, "I evoke the power of the Earth to provide fertility and strengthen the living things that
walk and grow here. A brief, gentle vibration seems to emanate from the ground beneath.
Quarterstaff aglow in one hand, Etoile performs a series of ceremonial actions, speaking in a low
The nearby plants flourish in response.
Etoile pauses in silent meditation, hands still on the earth. With a satisfied nod, she slowly
maybe it's time you just chopped your own goddamn trees.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Don't they grow back after IC year or something? I recall that being the resolution to some massive 15 page thread on exterms
I still just want groves to have the ability to turn a room in a city into an overgrown room with forest defenses. I think it would be pretty lol and just as griefy as exterms.
(╯° _°)╯︵ ┻━┻ THAT IS ALL!
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Err, what the hell, why did I say Dontarion. I meant Micositu's points in a previous post.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Sounds like someone has a crush.
Don is hot stuff, ngl.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
It is amusing to see all these forestals out on islands now. They've been pushed off the continent in less than a week.
I haven't been able to play much (and when I do I've been sucked into bashing or fighting which doesn't let me advance these other things, ugh) but I actually have been coming up with a lot of great things for this war to be fun for both sides. Am away this weekend but if the war is still on after that maybe I can see about implementing some of them. GUYS JUST PLAY NICE WITH EACH OTHER AND WE CAN ALL GROW FLOWERS.
You told Rom: You think this is the first time I've exchanged arrows?
Rom told You: It was gonna be axes but can't throw them from up high, otherwise they don't come back.
You told Rom: Hah.
You told Rom: I'm glad to see you are still in such high spirits, truly you savour the art of war, and you have some decent soldiers, too.
You told Rom: A man so dedicated to the martial arts has no better home than this, you know. Eleusis has only ever sought conflict with us, but we fight the world. Imagine how much more you could test your mettle, fighting against all kinds of foes.
Rom told You: Our forces grow as wartime calls! Rejoice at the chance to spill your collective blood upon our leaves.
You told Xinna: Do you still have corpses?
Xinna told You: No. That's why I kept saying "Evade west and get my corpses".
Rom told You: All kind of foe, eh? It is too, what we seek.
Rom told You: We being those who are more privvy to Nature's needs.
Rom told You: Those who seek the easy life will come around, or otherwise be purged.
You told Rom: Except you fight for nothing now.
Rom told You: For nothing? Perhaps in your eyes.
You told Rom: Tell me, are not the effects of our necromantic sorties fended off by the forests themselves over time, as they grow to heal the barrenness?
Rom told You: Only in the distant lands where our hands can't often reach in their time of need, as the lowliest of your forces enjoy to flaunt.
Rom told You: On the plane which our village resides, so too resides our constant protection, as She needs to flourish.
You told Rom: My point is that Nature doesn't need you. If you left the Eastern Ithmia or the Aalen unrejuvenated it would recuperate just like those distant isles or realms your forestals are too lazy to travel to, heh. That Nature needs preservation or defense is a hollow lie taught to you Sentinels by selfish druids who seek to command impressive forces for their own purposes, not because the wilds need defending. Rock and earth have stood the test of time. They are older than any philosophy and older than men themselves.
Rom told You: How will Nature protect herself from cobblestone and pavement? Should I expect It to burst forth from underneath Cyrene and reclaim its rightful home oncemore?
You told Rom: There is a rightful balance between the two. That Cyrene exists does not mean anyone seeks to pave the Black or the Aureliana.
Rom told You: Indeed that is not what it means. What it means is that Nature is disrespected by those it has given home and life.
You told Rom: At any rate, your rhetorical questions remain farcical so long as you only war against Mhaldor and Ashtan. Ashtan, I understand - the Nihilists are dangerous, rabid dogs, and all of Sapience has an interest in seeing them put down as soon as possible. But Mhaldor only despoils the land because it prompts fights against you, not because we prefer the aesthetic necessarily. I actually enjoy walking Shala-Khulia sometimes.
Rom told You: I agree, if it were my choosing we'd war against all of you alike.
You told Rom: If you meant what you said, you would march against Targossas just as readily. They have been the most recent builders of this stone and pavement - and continue to do so as they expand and build up their city. Where do you think the logs and rocks for their new edifices comes from?
Rom told You: Targossas is as much an offender in that sense as any other, certainly.
Rom told You: I wouldn't intend to spare them in this ideal world, either.
You told Rom: You live in a world of your choosing with every breath you take.
You told Rom: Don't give me this nonsense about your army not being ready. We fought Targossas and Hashan in two formal wars while also fending off you lot and Ashtan last go-around. Strength is achieved by stretching your limits.
Rom told You: There are priorities to be considered.
Rom told You: I never gave you any clue as to our army not being ready for anything, we are clearly formidable.
You told Rom: I confess I have not been overly impressed thus far.
Rom told You: Are all willing for such an action? No.
Rom told You: That can be changed, and opinions can be swayed with proof.
Rom told You: But as it were, those who stand to actively oppose us take precedence. I assure you behind the scenes we are taking towards razing all cities to their rightful place.
Rom told You: But in the current climate that takes time.
You told Rom: You think you're committed to the cause of destroying cities, but you really aren't. You're a dog of war, I've seen too many like you to be persuaded otherwise, really.
Rom told You: Whether you're impressed by our forces isn't relevant really, as we stand we'd be prepared for anything.
Rom told You: A dog of war? Please, roll over and allow us to cut your home down while spectating if you wish, it is not bloodthirst it is a cause.
You told Rom: With two traitors in your midst, among your army? The Babelonians and the Dark Father have both been hard at work. I am annoyed I wasn't able to persuade the weak-willed of Nature to my own banner, but I will relish seeing what happens to your morale when the day comes for them to turn on you, like Aegoth and many before.
Rom told You: Haha, those who seek to betray hold no place in my heart. From the moment they cut ties they are cut down.
Rom told You: However many acting classes they've attended won't make them any more meaningful in the end.
Again, you put on a brave face. That is good, I am pleased. For many among you will Suffer and fear. Some among you will embrace Strength and find cruelty. I imagine that you will be in that latter group. And with every time you smash your axe into the face of an enemy, Evil will grow in your heart, until it consumes you and you embrace the one true God without even knowing how you got there.
But enough talk. The shrine at Steep mountainside stands. Let us see whether it will fall or you will. Marshal your forces and let's dance, Guardian.
Okay, I understand there's a war going on, but don't bring non-Eleusian army and non Eleusians into the fray.
Nothing I said in that log is admissible in a court of law.
Come join the Achaea discord!
I thought the city destruction system change made it so rooms don't repair during wars? Or was that just something that was discussed and never implemented, because it seems like that would be a good way to win a war mechanically.
Destroy barracks -> No guards can be summoned
Destroy tank room -> No tanks can be fueled
Kill guards -> City now empty
Exterminate -> Exterminate -> Exterminate
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
I am not blaming you at all, but maybe we are simply trying to avoid reasons to be screwed one more.
@Klendathu if you look forward to being molested, does that make you a masochist?
I had to take some time to consider your comment. Do you mean you just have been very proactive because you don't want to get screwed over again (i.e. Mhaldor's always the villain and the villain eventually loses, see: Bal'met), or did you mean something else? If the former, I can definitely understand that, but I don't think you guys need to exterm 100 rooms a day (I'm not exaggerating here) to avoid such a situation! You really already have the advantage in quite a few ways, if you break down what matters in Achaea wars, from more numerous experienced generals that are currently active and engaged, to a larger percentage of army to population rate (most of Mhaldor is in the army as it's required, whereas Eleusis, I'd say it's about 1/3 of the population, which means we have more of the burden of the war being pressed on a smaller group of people, for the majority of things. Take timezones into account and it gets drastically worse).
Like I said, I have not a problem with losing, I'd just also like to have fun too.
If that's not going to be possible, then I'll just go play Child of Light and maybe dig up Dwarf Fortress for the first time in a few years, and lessen my login time.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Yes, I meant that.
Not blaming you again at all, for you are not personnaly responsible, but that was maybe to take into account before declaring a war with us?
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Exterminations are only as disheartening as you let them be. If I were able to repair I'd repair them all (Come on Multiclass) and it's not very expensive, attrition by exterms would take hundreds of years.
I do however think they're a badly used mechanic if it's a single player exterming a room and then running away. Make this like city destruction? Exterm starts, takes like 5 minutes to go through? Can be stopped by a forestal channel that takes 1 minute to finish? That way it's exciting, entices conflict, but doesn't force forest wide reconstruction for those people who are unhappy with it.
I'm enjoying the war, but we haven't been able to hit the offensive lately with very little time for some of our fighters being around. All in all, if you're not having fun take a step away and take a deep breath. We should all have fun, but if winning is your sole purpose for participation in the fun interactions, then you're in the wrong place.
this about sums it up.
As an aside, I've found some fun ways to participate in this that have zero to do with pk, and it's been thoroughly enjoyable thus far.
Let's get our fisticuffs on with philosophical debates. Gogogo!
Edit: In all honesty, I love this to death. INTERACT WITH ME MOAR HEATHENS.
Hmmmm... this war is waking me from my slumber. Time to bring some knowledge to these bitches. Down with oakstone, Aepas is the only true druid.
Shut it, runie.
Woah seftin and rangor are on their A-game.
20 seconds in annwyn and they appeared out of nowhere!
We did that level 2 tank once in Cyrene, Makarios! It was glorious! Does it not count until we do it to Eleusis?!
Everybody knows raiding Cyrene is just practice!
@Etoile asked me for sponsoring for Oakstone, I told her to write up a ritual to use the elements to strengthen a newly rejuvenated grove. This' the result! I swear she wrote it up in 15 minutes.
Etoile says with a cheery, Atavian accent, "As you can see, it has been rejuvenated and replanted."
Etoile says with a cheery, Atavian accent, "But it has seen great fighting too."
Etoile says with a cheery, Atavian accent, "Let us begin."
Etoile bows her head in meditation and relaxes her mind, soaking in the peace of the space around
Etoile brings her focus back to the moment, a concerned look in her eyes.
Etoile raises her eyes to the sky, extends both arms out to the side, palms raised, and murmurs
under her breath, "I evoke the power of the Air to blow away the memory of harm done in this place .
" A soft breeze rustles the leaves nearby as if the plant life is applauding with relief.
Etoile extends her arms straight out, palms facing forward and murmurs under her breath, "I evoke
the power of Fire to burn away any trace of damage done in this place." The temperature surrounding
her seems to increase slightly.
Etoile raises her hands overhead and murmurs in a louder voice, "I evoke the power of Water to pour
life into this place and restore it to wholeness." Droplets start forming from the humidity in the
air and create a soft, gently restoring rain that soaks into the ground and completely wets the
Etoile kneels and gently places her hands, palms down, onto the ground in front of her. She softly
murmurs, "I evoke the power of the Earth to provide fertility and strengthen the living things that
walk and grow here. A brief, gentle vibration seems to emanate from the ground beneath.
Quarterstaff aglow in one hand, Etoile performs a series of ceremonial actions, speaking in a low
The nearby plants flourish in response.
Etoile pauses in silent meditation, hands still on the earth. With a satisfied nod, she slowly
I thought this was the place where I see Mhaldor gank longs not Eleusian RP logs
Everything war related!