What Happened To You Today?



  • Krypton said:
    No, his price to buy 1000 potash was 45000.
    The line in his post says groups, not a group. Admittedly been a while since I bought either herbs or minerals, but I thought it said "a group" if you only bought one?
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    I bought one group, and:

    You pay 225 sovereigns and receive groups of 10 pieces of irid moss.

  • TIL Exxia is Krypton?
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Krypton said:
    I bought one group, and:

    You pay 225 sovereigns and receive groups of 10 pieces of irid moss.

    Weird... Somebody should TYPO that.
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    One time I yelled "Hi" while sailing, but everyone else on the seas heard "Sartan", so...

    It is possible
  • I've picked up 400k+ from her dying before and she never asks for it back. I would call it fair play if that happened to me. 

  • Ahmet said:
    Exxia said:
    #2 Folks you got a ton of great people in this game, but then you have a person like Lisbethae. Stating stuff like, I won't give runes unless I'm paid for it

    Has Lisbethae been a runewarden? Ever? Serious question.
    I charge people at times if they aren't Eleusian (I only charge Eleusians inks), does that make me an asshole for charging people for my convenience skills that I had to invest lessons in?
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    TIL Datrius is Lisbethae?
  • edited December 2016
    Aodfionn said:
    ITT: @Exxia is trying to claim some RP cause because he didn't check the prices at a shop before buying

    in totally unrelated news, I feel like No Man's Sky was not worth the price. Anyone know if there are any Army Surplus stores near the Hello Games HQ?
    actually buddy, in Directory it had NO SUCH PRICE, I'm hearing now that you can instill a % increase for enemies or noncitymates etc. and instill discounts? I don't know personally, am a scrub in the shop stuff. Chalked it up as a loss, and to be completely honest, in the way you stated it,  I could be killed everytime I left Mhaldor because of my faith, etc. 

     Antonius said:
    He paid 45000 gold for groups - note plural - of 1000, not a group of 1000. That means the price is at worst 22.5 per.
    No I bought 1 group of 1000 at 45k meaning 45 per

    Dunn snagging a ton of gold off her one time brings ease to this situation.

    Kinda BS cuz when I talked to her about it she flat out refused a refund so tell me if you're not going to kill someone in that situation. Come on.

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    I used 1400 applications of caloric salve on snow blossoms and I'm still not finished detoxing. Scarlatti deliver me from this hell.
    Huh. Neat.
  • It's really been like three times... and usually happens when I am flat broke and feeling too lazy to bash. 

  • Dunn said:
    It's really been like three times... and usually happens when I am flat broke and feeling too lazy to bash. 
    lazy pos
  • No  u. 

  • Ahmet said:
    I used 1400 applications of caloric salve on snow blossoms and I'm still not finished detoxing. Scarlatti deliver me from this hell.
    Ask around in Caer Witrin, and you might find someone willing to help you out with a cure.
  • ITT : not very observant guy gets cucked by the free market, threatens illegal violent reprisal
    Spot on.
  • Morthif said:
    Right but within 24 hours of release everyone knew no man's sky was trash. 
    My 11yr old son is adamant it's what he wants for Christmas, As much as I try to suggest otherwise. 

    Looks like I'm buying a back up present too

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    I hear the "foundation" update they released for it made it much more playable, but can't say I've bought it myself to verify that.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • @Exelethril You talking trash to anyone is hilarious

    in relevance to the thread though, picked this lil guy up today

  • Pancakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • 1500gp     a group of 100 potash crystals     The Azure Falcon
    1500gp     a group of 100 potash crystals     The Azure Falcon
    15000gp    a group of 1000 potash crystals    Crimson Arsenal
    15000gp    a group of 1000 potash crystals    Crimson Arsenal
    15000gp    a group of 1000 potash crystals    The Azure Falcon
    15000gp    a group of 1000 potash crystals    The Azure Falcon
    3750gp     a group of 250 potash crystals     Crimson Arsenal
    3750gp     a group of 250 potash crystals     Crimson Arsenal

    This was what I saw

  • Maybe instead you coukd file a bug report, idea or issue informing our coders that directory command isn't applying 'discounts' when a person is using it and is leading to false information.

    Here, i'll even tag @Makarios for you.
  • Exxia said:
    1500gp     a group of 100 potash crystals     The Azure Falcon
    1500gp     a group of 100 potash crystals     The Azure Falcon
    15000gp    a group of 1000 potash crystals    Crimson Arsenal
    15000gp    a group of 1000 potash crystals    Crimson Arsenal
    15000gp    a group of 1000 potash crystals    The Azure Falcon
    15000gp    a group of 1000 potash crystals    The Azure Falcon
    3750gp     a group of 250 potash crystals     Crimson Arsenal
    3750gp     a group of 250 potash crystals     Crimson Arsenal

    This was what I saw

    Hmm you should bug that. Also why you shopping in Cyrene! Oust the non believer oust him!
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Tahquil said:
    Maybe instead you coukd file a bug report, idea or issue informing our coders that directory command isn't applying 'discounts' when a person is using it and is leading to false information.

    Here, i'll even tag @Makarios for you.
    Pretty sure that would be an upcount
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • I imagine it's too much coding for directory to take into account your discounts/price increases
  • Directory does not take into account discounts/maluses in pricing policies, this is not a possibility at the moment.
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