What Happened To You Today?



  • Oh that shit got implemented finally? Very cool. I was a big fan of the idea. Getting there seemed rough though. 
  • Morthif said:
    Oh that shit got implemented finally? Very cool. I was a big fan of the idea. Getting there seemed rough though. 

    It's still in transition, but much much closer. Haha.
  • edited December 2016

    lol'd. after i finished pissing my pants.
    eta: ignore svo's 4/10 thing that's obviously wrong
  • Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 91.
    You have reached the illustrious level of 5th Order of the Hyperphysical.

    You are level 91 (5th Order of the Hyperphysical) and 0% of the way to the next level.

    Here we go, almost at the tip of the rollercoaster, soon it'll all be downhill from there.

    Obligatory rave to @Aegoth for probably owning me at this point. Dragging me around just before/during bed time has been a huge boon.
  • Obligatory log of me owning @Kythra:

    (Party): You say, "Minion Kythra: apply restoration to head."
    13861h (94%), 9349m (98%), 14339w  cdbk|ex|w   (04:07:52.626)- [?]
    Kythra takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on her head.
    13861h (94%), 9349m (98%), 14339w  cdbk|ex|w   (04:07:52.855)- [?]
  • Tried to copy my profile over to my mediacenter, copied my Coa module (which has all my offensive triggers, aliases scripts, etc) and fucked it up. I now have lost three months of development on my coa-system. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, I've jumped out of the window :(

  • Well, thanks to the creators of Mudlet, I am saved. It turns out there is a 'moduleBackups' directory in your .config, which had numerous backups of my module WITH all my work in it.

    Creator of Mudlet, whoever and whereever you are, I <3 you so much!
  • AktillumAktillum Philippines
    Today I started making a blackjack GUI.

    Downloaded some .pngs of playing cards.

    Whipped up some fancy buttons in Photoshop.

    Grabbed all the necessary lines from casino in Thera.

    Made a container.

    Made some labels.

    Did something wrong.

    All the elements fell apart.

    Said fuck this and deleted everything.

  • @Kythra Innersight in vision makes the last stretch not so torturous because you can actually see the .1% the mobs give you!

  • edited December 2016
    You pay 45000 sovereigns and receive groups of 1000 potash crystals. <<From Lisbethae's shop. Ridiculous. Refused to give money back.
  • edited December 2016


    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • edited December 2016
    "Moss/potash/curatives have to be expensive for the gatherer/synthersiser to actually have it be worthwhile to do!"

    That's her logic like every time I have asked about the insane prices.

    Be a part of Cyrene/MSC and you get a 30-40% discount tho.

    Edit:  You forgot to mention that price was at 200% or whatever due to you being an enemy.
  • #1 @Sobriquet it's not, I checked DIRECTORY, didn't see any outlandish price. So SHRUG, tried it, was looking at another shop, should've went to that one.

    #2 Folks you got a ton of great people in this game, but then you have a person like Lisbethae. Stating stuff like, I won't give runes unless I'm paid for it, I price potash like that so city enemies are deterred from shopping here (got enemied for killing someone hiding in Cyrene which was illegal on their part I thought but oh well)

    I for one have only seen people say how much of a bummer it is to interact with this person. Even her citymate above said something about unreasonable logic. Just terrible folks.
    There is something great going on though, and it's HELP PK, which stated YOU MUST HAVE AN RP REASON TO ATTACK SOMEONE. Which I certainly do now.
  • u should kill everyone that has those shops with those expensive eye sigils too
  • @Jhui

    I hear it's only 1 obsidian or something per sigil.

    FInd a friendly enchanter
    give obsidian
    eye sigils for like 30 gold per.
  • One of the benefits of this game is people like her being able to charge what they like, I'm surprised she sells anything though given the market and traders we have. 45k for potash is insane 

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Frederich said:

    I hear it's only 1 obsidian or something per sigil.

    FInd a friendly enchanter
    give obsidian
    eye sigils for like 30 gold per.
    you missed the joke
  • Well they go over a dwarf's head pretty easy.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    edited December 2016
    Exxia said:
    #2 Folks you got a ton of great people in this game, but then you have a person like Lisbethae. Stating stuff like, I won't give runes unless I'm paid for it

    Has Lisbethae been a runewarden? Ever? Serious question.
    Huh. Neat.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Frederich said:
    "Moss/potash/curatives have to be expensive for the gatherer/synthersiser to actually have it be worthwhile to do!"

    45 per moss is crazy I'll admit. But to be honest, I can sympathise with the sentiment.

    The price of curatives don't even really make a dent on what bashing brings in. When you compare the money earned per time spent replenishing stock vs walking around killing things, it's a wonder anyone bothers with the former.

    I find that I'm asking myself the same thing whenever someone complains about prices, but I need to pay my shop rent and income from food sales alone won't pay it. :(

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Also, how is 45 per 200% more than 30 per (the base price) :confounded:

    I'm getting more and more confused as time passes.
    Huh. Neat.
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    edited December 2016
    And it's actually 45 per for potash, note.

    But that's because the shop perms tripled the price for Cyrene enemies.

    ETA: The base price is 15 per potash, Ahmet.
  • He paid 45000 gold for groups - note plural - of 1000, not a group of 1000. That means the price is at worst 22.5 per.
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    ITT: @Exxia is trying to claim some RP cause because he didn't check the prices at a shop before buying

    in totally unrelated news, I feel like No Man's Sky was not worth the price. Anyone know if there are any Army Surplus stores near the Hello Games HQ?
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • Right but within 24 hours of release everyone knew no man's sky was trash. 
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    No, his price to buy 1000 potash was 45000.
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