What Happened To You Today?



  • The USD > most other currencies for the past year or so probably has a lot to do with it, more so than gold generation.

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  • Gah, damn it @Cooper.

    Right, here we are; simple economic theory states that supply when outweighed by demand increases the cost of the product.

    The demand for credits right now, particularly in the wake of Multiclass and the new class and the decision to Nerf the everloving fuck put of lucrescent nuts is probably at an all time high. Meanwhile the player base is likely unchanged and as such the amount of RL money available for investment in the game is likely not that much greater than before. 

    You can not fault the admin for seeing the opportunity to eke cash out of their customers, it keeps the game alive and prosperous, however, if you're someone who can't afford regular financial investment in a hobby then you will clearly feel the pain of these decisions.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • I don't fault them for the current promotions. I love them. I have made thousands of credits by utilizing them.

    But if they were credit sales instead of globe/giftbags/talisman pieces, credits would be a much lower price on the market. The supply of credits is what has changed, not the amount of gold people bash every day (would bet all the gold in my bank this amount has gone down in the last year anyway).

    Not sure why you are bitching at me when we are saying the same thing.

  • supply and demand is a weak, outdated explanation of economics. Human beings work on emotion, not logic... so if people feel they want to charge outrageous amounts for credits, they will in spite of all the math out there. 
  • Cooper said:
    I don't fault them for the current promotions. I love them. I have made thousands of credits by utilizing them.

    But if they were credit sales instead of globe/giftbags/talisman pieces, credits would be a much lower price on the market. The supply of credits is what has changed, not the amount of gold people bash every day (would bet all the gold in my bank this amount has gone down in the last year anyway).

    Not sure why you are bitching at me when we are saying the same thing.
    Only bitching cos I can't resist the urge to engage in the same argument every time, not because we disagree :)
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Xaden said:
    Driden said:
    Xaden said:
    I really enjoyed the early stages of the Tide, because you had to put effort in to stay alive (well, I did, anyway).

    Then bashing as Avatar for corpses was awesome, because a) it was tough, and b) you had to keep an eye out for gank squads.

    But in general, bashing is quite boring as you are almost never in danger of dying.

    I'm working to fix this problem for you!
    I just wish you'd stick around to duke it out afterwards :(

    I will man soon as I figure out a way to handle my offense and defense with my current issue I will fight you straight up!
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Cooper said:

    Credit prices had fluctuated between 5500-6600 for several real life years (at least 5).

    Then IRE started doing the awesome globe/talisman/giftbag promotions that increases their revenue but decreases credits coming into the game. In the last year credit prices have gone up over 60%, or about 4k each.
    The low end of credit prices was about 5500 in 2007. I came back in August to a low end of 7500, for a 3.5% inflation rate a year, not so bad. Now we've gone from 7500 to 9500 in three months. Something relevant happened in those three months.
  • Korben said:
    Cooper said:

    Credit prices had fluctuated between 5500-6600 for several real life years (at least 5).

    Then IRE started doing the awesome globe/talisman/giftbag promotions that increases their revenue but decreases credits coming into the game. In the last year credit prices have gone up over 60%, or about 4k each.
    The low end of credit prices was about 5500 in 2007. I came back in August to a low end of 7500, for a 3.5% inflation rate a year, not so bad. Now we've gone from 7500 to 9500 in three months. Something relevant happened in those three months.
    Prices definitely went above 7500 before August. They had just dropped a little bit in July and August due to a 30% credit discount all of July, and a Mayan Crown credit promotion in August.

  • I was enjoying talking to someone IC but then my internet died and I'm posting from my phone now so I'm just going to drink boxwine and watch Twin Peaks.
  • You rip into Lieutenant Serentesh with your massive, deadly claws.
    You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
    You have slain Lieutenant Serentesh, retrieving the corpse.
    Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 108.
    You have reached the illustrious level of 4th Stratum of Puissance.
    A chipped tangerine shard appears and clatters to the ground.
    A huge pile of sovereigns spills from the corpse.
    [Rage]: +6.0. Total: 102.9

    YES! Took me freaking long enough, mhm. I also got into two places fairly new to me, and one of them has these lovely squealers too!

    Gil, the Quisalis Enforcer says, "Graaaaaaah, shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT YOUR CRAVEN MOUTH AND FIGHT ME."

    I mean, aww  <3
  • The short of it, the other half of my DNA became legit today!  It was awesome to see you @Jym  And it was so fortunate that were able to coincide within the same few days, @Aethele, @Honoka, and @Sorrel.  I have more to say, but it should go in raves.  

    And.. Yes... credits are expennnnsive!  So I never get them!  
    Live simply so other may simply... witness the economic stagnation of the realms?
    Thanks Gods for those industrious people keeping the realms afloat (Hurray for @Datrius!)

    In the meantime, I loiter unartied and snuggle family.   That's what it's about for me... till I have an offense and defense, and a duck and a run and a whatever one will need to do to get away from DWs...
  • Datrius and company collecting splinters and I walk in:

    Reaching out to the darkness surrounding Datrius, you cross the distance in a single step.

    In an earthen tunnel (indoors).
    Dug through packed earth and sand, this tunnel has a much more pleasant temperature than the harsh desert above. While tall enough to allow a troll to barely stand upright, these tunnels are not regular in that the walls sometimes narrow considerably and often the floor rises and falls. Piles of sand and dust have collected at the base of the walls and often stir into clouds when movement though the room becomes increased. Some irid moss gives off dim light. A bloodroot plant is growing here. A patch of lumic moss is growing here. A splinter of Deus belonging to the Jade Empress is haloed in a pulsating aura of cold green. An enormous yellow labrador waits patiently, his tail occasionally thumping against the ground in anticipation. An unnatural darkness cloaks the location. Argent Hand, Xaden Ashture, Song of the Lightbringer is here. He wields an Eagle's Scream in his left hand and a Shield of Absorption in his right. Scorpion King Datrius Tolmach is riding on Heureux, an enormous yellow labrador. He wields a runic totem in both hands.
    You see exits leading southeast and down.

    6750h, 5568m, 28450e, 23815w xkdb-

    Directing your voice so only Datrius may hear, you command him to serve.

    Imbuing your voice with power, you intone, "Thir".
    Datrius follows you ether.

    Isolated cave high on a peak (indoors).
    The ground is slick with ice. Quietly tucked away on the mountain peak, this cave lies far above the reaches of civilisation and wildlife. From the entrance, a bird's eye view of the craterous area below can be seen. Elements of nature have long worn away any blemishes on the cave's stone walls, and no evidence of past residents, plant or animal, exists. A crystalline pool of water, formed from winter frost and snowmelt, lies at the back of the cave. Its still surface captures and refracts wayward sunbeams onto the surrounding walls, creating a breathtaking spectrum of colours that brings a sense of serenity to the small enclosure. A deep-blue valerian plant grows here. A hardy blueberry bush is growing here. The crumbled leather scroll lies exposed to the elements. An enormous yellow labrador waits patiently, his tail occasionally thumping against the ground in anticipation.
    You see a single exit leading west (hidden).

    6750h, 5285m, 28450e, 23597w exkdb-

    The mount of Datrius slips and falls on the ice.
    6750h, 5285m, 28450e, 23597w exkdb-

    You grow very still, focusing on summoning forth your Aeonic might to bring about the doom of Datrius.

    6750h, 5217m, 28450e, 23515w xkdb-

    As the doom of Datrius draws ever closer, your Aeonic power swells to yet greater heights.
    6750h, 5217m, 28450e, 23527w exkdb-

    The mount of Datrius slips and falls on the ice.
    6750h, 5491m, 28450e, 23527w exkdb-

    The mount of Datrius slips and falls on the ice.
    6750h, 5491m, 28450e, 23527w exkdb-

    The mount of Datrius slips and falls on the ice.
    6750h, 5489m, 28450e, 23526w exkdb-

    The mount of Datrius slips and falls on the ice.
    6750h, 5489m, 28450e, 23526w exkdb-

    As your power reaches its peak, you will the end of Datrius to come to pass.
    A spiderweb of cracks begins to race across the form of Datrius. As he opens his mouth, grey light
    pours forth along with a unearthly keening shriek. The cracks widen, the ineffable glow building
    until in a single brilliant flash Datrius is eradicated from existence.
    You have slain Datrius.

  • @Zulah, my dear friend... you're a genius, but aren't kill rooms illegal?

  • and the fact that it's a bug that Datrius was even able to follow him....

  • thats not a bug. works like raido
  • @Aegoth I think they are. But I don't think that was a kill room as there was an exit. I did preset the hinder before I kidnapped him though.
  • @Aegoth it is a bug.  Datrius was an avatar 

    ANNOUNCE NEWS #4652                                     (10/08/2016 at 23:33)  
    From   : Nicola
    To     : Everyone
    Subject: Splinterfalls, an Alteration
    After monitoring the Splinterfall action over this past week we've got a few 
    alterations to announce!

    Avatars and players subverting or gathering splinters are Open PK. This means 
    that someone who is an Avatar (or who is in the process of becoming an Avatar) 
    can be attacked by anyone, for any reason. If they so desire, they can seek 
    retribution for attacks upon their person.

    If you are actively defending an Avatar you are opting into combat and all 
    normal guidelines apply.

    Splinterfall locations will not be deemed Open or Free PK, this is too 
    detrimental to those who might want to extract, harvest, or simply walk through 
    one of these larger areas in order to get to other places.

    The shattered Master Shrine locations can be considered defendable to 
    appropriate forces (if you have reasonable roleplay reason to be 
    defending/attacking there).

    Avatars can no longer utilise most forms of teleportation, they also cannot 
    follow other players, nor can they be empressed or delivered.

    Penned by My hand on the 5th of Glacian, in the year 724 AF.

  • Aegoth said:
    @Zulah, my dear friend... you're a genius, but aren't kill rooms illegal?

    Not a killroom, technically. He could have escaped if he'd known where to go. That looks like he panicked.

  • No, it looks like he just got screwed by RNG.

    Unless I'm mistaken, him slipping was him attempting to leave. You don't get the slip on ice message if you try to walk a direction that isn't available.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Went to work tired, came home tired. :|

  • edited November 2016
    Trey said:
    Aegoth said:
    @Zulah, my dear friend... you're a genius, but aren't kill rooms illegal?

    Not a killroom, technically. He could have escaped if he'd known where to go. That looks like he panicked.
    Nah. I recognized the room as soon as I got there. Hidden room in Siroccians with a west exit. Tried to get out, but had no way to firelash since Avatar.
  • Tumble is a thing.
  • No timestamps, and not sure if Zulah just gags the line for increased age, but it doesn't look like it was boosted doom, so possibly plenty of non-leaving the room ways to stop it, too.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Melodie said:
    You should have listened to him the first time.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • skirmished eleusis and got issued by 4 of them because they got outplayed :( feel bad for admin having to deal with this
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Just link this as your replyissue:

  • Melodie said:
    Did... you should have killed him

  • Yeah, except that's not so much why they issued. I personally didn't, but I can understand their frustration. The group had chosen to stop engaging you and pulled further back into Eleusis and you chose to send someone in to force the entire group up to clouds where your whole group was sitting with a totem waiting. That's gonna piss people off.
  • Datrius said:
    Yeah, except that's not so much why they issued. I personally didn't, but I can understand their frustration. The group had chosen to stop engaging you and pulled further back into Eleusis and you chose to send someone in to force the entire group up to clouds where your whole group was sitting with a totem waiting. That's gonna piss people off.
    Yeah but once a fight starts you don't get to say okay that's enough getting my ass beat. Finish what you start! Or you know be like me and phase
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
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