Memorable quotes



  • The purpose of that quote was the size, but that's cool. 

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Fuck 2nd shift.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Right? ANYTHING at Serenade is shit for me.. I mean, good job devs ( @Nicola ) for doing all this fun stuff, but the timing always being Serenade sucks for some of us. That's 2am for me. I have a baby.. I can't stay up that late. :(

    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • But you willlllllll
  • Midnight... Again...

    At least it's a Friday I guess
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Xaden said:
    Midnight... Again...

    At least it's a Friday I guess
    You're on at all hours anyways!
  • Apparently I'm an asshole.


    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Datrius said:
    But you willlllllll
    Nah. I've yet to stay up till Serenade for an event thing. It's too late for me man. I usually just check here (forums) to see what happened. 
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Another event scheduled at nope o'clock. Give us Europeans some sugar!

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Puxi said:
    Xaden said:
    Midnight... Again...

    At least it's a Friday I guess
    You're on at all hours anyways!
    I was off work this past week - so was kinda on it at crazy times - for crazy lengths of time. 10pm is my cut off Sunday through Thursday.. Friday I can push 1-2am before I pass out :D
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • The upcoming event is just @Cooper's slaying of the remaining Tsol'teth and use of their life essence plus Mhaldor's secreted away splinters (the -real- reason the shrine didn't evolve after the Gattan'bahar splinter mass) to ascend to become @Sartan v2.

    Nothing terribly exciting. Don't worry.
  • Omor said:

    Right? ANYTHING at Serenade is shit for me.. I mean, good job devs ( @Nicola ) for doing all this fun stuff, but the timing always being Serenade sucks for some of us. That's 2am for me. I have a baby.. I can't stay up that late. :(

    Serenade is the best time for a much larger number of people. It sucks that it is a bad time for you, but if they did it at 7:00gmt instead it would be worse for even more.

    And sorry everyone, Farrah just spoiled the event. :(

  • It's unfortunate but around the Serenade is a peak time for us. We try and choose a weekend night so that most folks can stay up a bit later in the case of EU players, but we're also trying to make it somewhat accessible for the folks west of the Pacific Ocean. (And for Makarios and myself, who have to be around too.)
  • @Nicola @Cooper Nah I get it, just sucks for those of us who just can't do that time. Hope it's awesome either way, though.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • Lord Prospero's shrine completing and turning into an abomination due to the mix of essence from every god was hillarious.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    @Nicola 6th Nov Serenade (Saturday nights for you,  Sunday  8am+ for us asia/aussielanders)  would've been so much better :( a lot of people may work Friday nights or party, and some of us work Saturdays :(


  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    (Cyrene): Prospero says, "Dahlia is annoying. However, Cyrenians are not!"

  • Ashu has been slain by the might of the eternal sea.
    Ashu tells you, "Well, that was bound to happen sometime."

    That was his like.. 2nd-3rd time in there.

    That was great @Ashu

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    So I get into the theatre's backstage and...

    costume13262        a Silvestri costume
    costume30723        a Lianca costume
    costume62702        a Proteus costume
    costume70752        a Babel costume
    costume112367       an Energico costume
    rose156445          Rose, the costumes mistress
    costume167330       an Uskak costume
    costume187852       a Mike costume
    costume214515       an Ayar costume
    costume218545       a Hunter costume
    costume220283       a Narrator costume
    costume225617       a Scarlatti costume
    costume264527       a Caspian costume
    Number of objects: 13

    Mike is depicted in a highly stylised manner, traditional and somewhat abstract aspects of Mikes' personality suggested by artful arrangements of garment and mask.
    It weighs 0 ounce(s).
    It is on the light side, offering some protection from the cold.

  • Nicola said:


    GMT Time: 2016/11/05 00:00:01


    You'll want to be here!


    This will begin around the time of Friday's end Serenade.


    Sigh. RIGHT before I have to start my DnD session of the week. :(
  • ... Oh hey, Silas is back.

    I guess that lewd erotica in Antidas' house was true about the targossian orgies in Mhaldor.

    @Tiamat still gave me a fuckin huge giggle by telling me about that.
  • Frederich said:
    ... Oh hey, Silas is back.

    I guess that lewd erotica in Antidas' house was true about the targossian orgies in Mhaldor.

    @Tiamat still gave me a fuckin huge giggle by telling me about that.
    The fact that you found Tiamat's immature and yet standard actions amusing is pretty telling about you, just saying. Writing up a bunch of shit geared towards annoying someone in an invincible manuscript and flaming it in their (empty except for like 10k gold's worth of curatives) house isn't clever or funny. Its kinda just stupid. Unfortunately for him, his oh so clever manuscript is destroyed now, so.

  • Antidas said:
    Frederich said:
    ... Oh hey, Silas is back.

    I guess that lewd erotica in Antidas' house was true about the targossian orgies in Mhaldor.

    @Tiamat still gave me a fuckin huge giggle by telling me about that.
    The fact that you found Tiamat's immature and yet standard actions amusing is pretty telling about you, just saying. Writing up a bunch of shit geared towards annoying someone in an invincible manuscript and flaming it in their (empty except for like 10k gold's worth of curatives) house isn't clever or funny. Its kinda just stupid. Unfortunately for him, his oh so clever manuscript is destroyed now, so.
    but I mean, everything he said was true. Don't hide your feelings, @Antidas

  • I had a laugh because achaea has been ridiculously serious lately and have been in the hospital for the past few days doing tests to see if my cancer was coming back (it isnt.  They just got worried).

    Im allowed to laugh at something that i found funny because it was a change of pace from whats been going on in achaea for the past irl month.  
  • Yeah shut up @Antidas
  • Devran said:
    Yeah shut up @Antidas
    Who even are you?

  • (Market): You say, "Buying wood."
    [check cm, it's going for 52gp each]
    45) <Person> told You: Can sell you some for 100 each.
    47) <Person> told You: I mean 55.
    48) You told <Person>: I don't think you know how the commodities market works.
    49) <Person> told You: Sorry, not 100. 55. i looked at the wrong thing.
    50) You told <Person>: That's still more.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
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