Memorable quotes



  • I vote for the Scooby Doo ending.
  • edited October 2016
  • edited October 2016
    (Market): Lunra says, "Looking for a frisky goat kid."

  • Dunn said:
    There's really just two groups of people in this sort of debate: those willing to engage in pedantics and those that just don't give a shit but want to get drunk on bubble water or burny liquid. 
    @Dunn : alcohol to a lot of people is a category of knowledge or even straight-laced work, and I don't mean in a shady liquor store. If @Verrucht likes this type of knowledge, it's not really any less cool than you being able to kill 50 people in Achaea with your pinky. Just saying.
  • edited October 2016
    I'm not putting him or his interest in the knowledge down. I'm simply highlighting that the dichotomy exists as it does in almost every area of interest. Some people prefer granular knowledge while others don't. Just saying. 

  • Dunn said:
    granular knowledge
    I see what you did there.
  • Prospero said:

    Let's get back on track, people!
    Much wisdom, much quote. In @Prospero we trust.
  • Dunn said:
    I'm not putting him or his interest in the knowledge down. I'm simply highlighting that the dichotomy exists as it does in almost every area of interest. Some people prefer granular knowledge while others don't. Just saying. 
    Oh, I totally dig it. I think I even admitted to being pedantic earlier, if not I sure thought it. We all have our things.

  • Little trollops the lot of 'em.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • They're appreciating your fine service to the Bloodsworn, that's all. Definitely not checking out your ass.
  • Grimsley said:
    Emilea dies to being ganked, her response:
    The soul of Emilea says with a stiff, Kamleikan accent, "I'll gank your novices now."

    You tell Emilea, "Perhaps you shouldn't attack people on clouds with your little group before you
    whine about being killed."
    Emilea tells you, "I will kill you all, don't worry."
    Emilea impishly tells you, "Your whole little group acts brave together, isn't worth half a shit
    Emilea tells you, "Couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag alone, I imagine."
    You tell Emilea, "Gonna keep talking?"
    Emilea tells you, "Lylith and I will jump you all, one by one."
    Emilea tells you, "You started it, if you wish to duel come. But I doubt it."
    You tell Emilea, "HAHAHAHA talks about fighting alone."
    Emilea tells you, "The lot of you like to hide behind your father's much larger cock than your own."
    You tell Emilea, "Then says you're gonna jump us as a team."
    You tell Emilea, "HHAHAHA."
    Emilea tells you, "And bark up a tree."
    You tell Emilea, "This is gold, keep going, please."
    Emilea tells you, "Oh yes, you prove that you are unable to function as an adult or do anything
    alone. So I will take you down with someone to show you how it feels."
    You tell Emilea, "YAAAASSS so much anger."

    And people said I was "out of line" when I raged about @Emilea. She has a mouth on her and tries to act all innocent. 

    @Antidas Good fights.
  • The problem is that @Emilea bitches about people fighting alone, and then has @Lylith show up during 'duels' to instagib folks. It's almost hilarious at the hypocrisy there.
  • Leviticus said:
    Grimsley said:
    Emilea dies to being ganked, her response:
    The soul of Emilea says with a stiff, Kamleikan accent, "I'll gank your novices now."

    You tell Emilea, "Perhaps you shouldn't attack people on clouds with your little group before you
    whine about being killed."
    Emilea tells you, "I will kill you all, don't worry."
    Emilea impishly tells you, "Your whole little group acts brave together, isn't worth half a shit
    Emilea tells you, "Couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag alone, I imagine."
    You tell Emilea, "Gonna keep talking?"
    Emilea tells you, "Lylith and I will jump you all, one by one."
    Emilea tells you, "You started it, if you wish to duel come. But I doubt it."
    You tell Emilea, "HAHAHAHA talks about fighting alone."
    Emilea tells you, "The lot of you like to hide behind your father's much larger cock than your own."
    You tell Emilea, "Then says you're gonna jump us as a team."
    You tell Emilea, "HHAHAHA."
    Emilea tells you, "And bark up a tree."
    You tell Emilea, "This is gold, keep going, please."
    Emilea tells you, "Oh yes, you prove that you are unable to function as an adult or do anything
    alone. So I will take you down with someone to show you how it feels."
    You tell Emilea, "YAAAASSS so much anger."

    And people said I was "out of line" when I raged about @Emilea. She has a mouth on her and tries to act all innocent. 

    @Antidas Good fights.
    Please do not bypass ignore :) Don't tag me or try to get my attention, I don't want anything to do with you. ;P

    Patroklos said:
    The problem is that @Emilea bitches about people fighting alone, and then has @Lylith show up during 'duels' to instagib folks. It's almost hilarious at the hypocrisy there.
    Never happened. I've dueled 11 people on my gank list solo now. You just said you wouldn't duel is all, so Lylith and I jump the cowards who hide behind others in the coalition. Us 2 can accomplish what 14 of you can, simply.
  • Emilea said:
    Patroklos said:
    The problem is that @Emilea bitches about people fighting alone, and then has @Lylith show up during 'duels' to instagib folks. It's almost hilarious at the hypocrisy there.
    Never happened. I've dueled 11 people on my gank list solo now. You just said you wouldn't duel is all, so Lylith and I jump the cowards who hide behind others in the coalition. Us 2 can accomplish what 14 of you can, simply.
    Can confirm, did not get ganked by Lylith when I dueled Emilea. Pretty sure she was online, although she may have been afk, I dunno.

  • I'm not sure I ever said I wouldn't duel. However history shows (particularly from observations) that even if someone agrees to a duel, it's never one on one from your end. The even sadder thing is your collection of insults, which usually require some sort of penis focus. Go get laid, have a cup of tea, and please expand your diminutive repertoire of sub par insults to something that might indicate there is some grey matter in that cavity betwixt your ears. You're making @Airius seem like an intellectual giant.
  • Antidas said:
    Emilea said:
    Patroklos said:
    The problem is that @Emilea bitches about people fighting alone, and then has @Lylith show up during 'duels' to instagib folks. It's almost hilarious at the hypocrisy there.
    Never happened. I've dueled 11 people on my gank list solo now. You just said you wouldn't duel is all, so Lylith and I jump the cowards who hide behind others in the coalition. Us 2 can accomplish what 14 of you can, simply.
    Can confirm, did not get ganked by Lylith when I dueled Emilea. Pretty sure she was online, although she may have been afk, I dunno.
    <3 Still waiting for that rematch so you can kick my teeth in after you get the hang of fighting blademasters again!

    I've dueled Bleak, Antidas, Senoske, Exxia, Epifinia (Spelling?), Shatiano, Atalkez, and even Proficy solo (after he destroyed me a few times in Annwyn).
    Regardless of win or lose, I don't ever ask for @Lylith if I'm dueling. Nor would she ask for me. I'd be amused if anyone could even list the last time we both went out ganking someone. We've both been grinding levels, haven't even touched PK unless the sexy crew is online looking for some spicy kills and Shard falls.
  • Patroklos said:
    I'm not sure I ever said I wouldn't duel. However history shows (particularly from observations) that even if someone agrees to a duel, it's never one on one from your end. The even sadder thing is your collection of insults, which usually require some sort of penis focus. Go get laid, have a cup of tea, and please expand your diminutive repertoire of sub par insults to something that might indicate there is some grey matter in that cavity betwixt your ears. You're making @Airius seem like an intellectual giant.
    That's a bit rich coming from you and what Ashtan told me of you when I said you wouldn't duel. No mind, though, but you definitely refused! As seen by the list here:

    Patrolkos, torinn, florentio, shirszase, atalkez, miriew, yae, achimirst, haewon, rafeekee, carmell, adeline, aesgar, halos, naoma, miralla, colgano, roagnak, bleak, datrius, sholen, taiven, Merewyn, Laniara, Eril, Kayeil, Kondar, Miriew, Taiven, Tereil, and Yzarin, Florentino, Leviticus

    Lost to: Exxia, Proficy
    Refused: Patroklos, Florentino

    I keep tabs on the people I need revenge on! Sweet vengeance, my blade desires blood!
  • Pffft. I contest your win on me.


    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • What Ashtan told you of me? Huh, that's interesting. I'm usually pretty amicable towards Ashtan. The only reason I've been re-enemied is because we tried to kill @Vender when he was an Avatar. (Thanks for fucking that up, @Szanthax :P)
  • Atalkez said:
    Pffft. I contest your win on me.

    Okay! I got Logosian and a buffer, come kick my teeth in. I'm a better blademaster now too! Or I think I've gotten better. ^ ^;;
  • M A N G L E L O C K.
  • Hello. :3
  • Emilea said:
    Atalkez said:
    Pffft. I contest your win on me.

    Okay! I got Logosian and a buffer, come kick my teeth in. I'm a better blademaster now too! Or I think I've gotten better. ^ ^;;
    If you can kill me as BM, you earn it for sure.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Nicola said:
    Upcoming events and happenings.


    #     Name                            ETA

    196 Exciting Developments! 2d 8h 41m


    Ohhh the plot thickens?
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Nicola said:
    Upcoming events and happenings.


    #     Name                            ETA

    196 Exciting Developments! 2d 8h 41m


    Exciting Developments!
    GMT Time:  2016/10/23 22:00:00
    Be here to find out more!

    Any chance we can get UPCOMING INFO details to include our configured timezones? :D

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