Memorable quotes



  • AthelasAthelas Cape Town South Africa
    Damn right! He's going to walk around with a bony butt for the rest of his life.

    Chicks'll see it an go, "Na thanks, not touchin that shit."

    He'll have a life long dry spell, vengiance is mine! Muahahahahah!

  • Athelas said:
    I've been holding on to this one for some time now. Had the perfect oppertunity to use it last month and didn't miss a beat :)

    you say, "Now I'm really going to have to learn how to fight. His arse is grass and I'm going to MORPH SHEEP!"


    'nuff said
    You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

    Yea, that one!
  • AthelasAthelas Cape Town South Africa
    Awesome, so MORPH SHEEP should be an undefeatable defence?

    Also: In this case, the sheep will be doing the molesting :grin: 
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    yeaaaaaaah, I got that too.

  • Only slightly worse than initiating contact with someone off of rpwho.

  • JeslynJeslyn United States
    Cooper said:
    Only slightly worse than initiating contact with someone off of rpwho.
    Isn't that what rpwho is for? I don't think I hear bitching about people initiating contact with someone off of sparwho or market. While the example above isn't good, I think we can stop the snobbery about how people choose to find rp. It's gross.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Jeslyn said:
    Cooper said:
    Only slightly worse than initiating contact with someone off of rpwho.
    Isn't that what rpwho is for? I don't think I hear bitching about people initiating contact with someone off of sparwho or market. While the example above isn't good, I think we can stop the snobbery about how people choose to find rp. It's gross.
    I'm always on RPWHO. Being on RPWHO indicates I am open to RP. I don't, therefore, expect to be asked if I would like to "join in a rp"

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • JeslynJeslyn United States
    edited May 2015
    Klendathu said:
    Jeslyn said:
    Cooper said:
    Only slightly worse than initiating contact with someone off of rpwho.
    Isn't that what rpwho is for? I don't think I hear bitching about people initiating contact with someone off of sparwho or market. While the example above isn't good, I think we can stop the snobbery about how people choose to find rp. It's gross.
    I'm always on RPWHO. Being on RPWHO indicates I am open to RP. I don't, therefore, expect to be asked if I would like to "join in a rp"
    I have no problem with what you put as indicated by my "the example above isn't good", I have a problem with what Cooper put. RPWHO is a tool just like sparwho.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Jeslyn said:
    Klendathu said:
    Jeslyn said:
    Cooper said:
    More stuff
    Even more stuff
    I have no problem with what you put, I have a problem with what Cooper put as indicated by my "the example above isn't good". 
    I know, was trying to keep the thread together, I'll go back under my rock now

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • You people don't know how to laugh at jokes anymore. 

  • Cooper said:
    You people don't know how to laugh at jokes anymore. 

    Don't worry, friend. I'll laugh at you.

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Cooper said:
    You people don't know how to laugh at jokes anymore. 
    Jokes are meant to be funny:

    Why do you never find elephants hiding in trees?

    Because they're really good at it.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • edited May 2015
    Is this funny? I can't decide. I think it is. It might need better phrasing. Hmmm.

    When does a SJW stop hunting in Achaea?
    when they reach level 78

  • Jinsun said:
    (Newbie): Gormak says, "DX."

    (Newbie): A helpful Divine says, "Have you considered RPing out being a cereal 
    killer, Gormak?

    (Newbie): A helpful Divine says, "You know, stalking the land, ridding it of 
    crispy breakfast cereals, perhaps burning the occasional grain field?"

    (Newbie): Gormak says, "Am..i talking to a divine now?"

    (Newbie): Gormak says, "Ooh......dear."

    (Newbie): A helpful Divine says, "Not just any divine. A HELPFUL divine. Says so 
    right there."

    A laughed so hard.
    An update for those that were following Gormak's progress. He's just ended his Achaean life after spending 10 minutes with @Kross. You'll be missed young fella, I salute you o7.
  • u got rekt by an illusion son.  i'd wait for your 5th post before using emoticons
  • Skye said:
    yeaaaaaaah, I got that too.

    Klendathu said:
    (person) tells you, "Care to join me in a rp?"

    RP at its finest.

    Oh I was so freaked out. I thought for sure my time had come.
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    edited May 2015
    (clan): @Ginovianna says, "Oh nooo jhui, the scene darkens as a veiled enchantress captures @Jhui's gaze, he convulses and falls.Then a flash of lightning takes the gloomy dark skies as a gust of wind breathes life into Jhui, slowly he rises to complete the massacre."

    (clan): Ginovianna says, "Screams arise from the village as his large form rips through the pathways, trees splinter themselves under his wrath. Aktillum caught in Jhui's path stumbles and falls in fear, he attempts to crawl but no, he is no match for Jhui."

    (clan): Ginovianna says, "Shirszae yells out, 'Leave this village alone Jhui, you can stop this... It doesn't have to be this way she says as she lowers the curve of her blouse. Quickly, Jhui takes up one claw and plunges it into her chest, mauling her viciously. 'Oh it does have to be this way' he replies coldly to her lifeless form. He spits on her corpse before remarking 'Filthy savage', his left forelimb smacks her remains away which finds refuge on a splintered tree nearby."
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • Vakvyr said:
    Is this funny? I can't decide. I think it is. It might need better phrasing. Hmmm.

    When does a SJW stop hunting in Achaea?
    when they reach level 78

    I don't get it.
  •    75  Almighty
       76  Archmortal
       77  Paramortal
       78  Transmortal
       79  Metamortal
       80  Logosian
  • That's probably not the dumbest joke I've ever heard, but it's definitely on the list.
  • Still don't get it :(
  • Eh, I tried. Not very hard. At least now I know to not tell it at parties with all the...Achaean people...I person...  :(:(:(

    These emotes suck, by the way.
  • I miss :wub:
  • HalosHalos The Reaches
     2015/05/23 02:15:32 - Byakko has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:15:54 - Amarillys has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:16:01 - Maktube has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:16:38 - Gibbi has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:16:41 - Skye has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:16:46 - Halos has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:16:51 - Annwyl has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:16:55 - Evey has been slain by the might of a revenant dockworker.
    - 2015/05/23 02:17:11 - Annwyl has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:17:13 - Aurielle has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:17:17 - Zarla has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:17:36 - Akamai has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:17:39 - Melodie has been slain by the might of a bloated cabin boy.
    - 2015/05/23 02:17:59 - Tyamat has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:18:04 - Sunny has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:18:08 - Tyamat has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:18:12 - Krux has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:18:12 - Mazel has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:18:16 - Amarillys has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:18:16 - Kerria has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:18:30 - Alekxz has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:18:34 - Alekxz has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:19:01 - Elawien has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:19:58 - Medi has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:19:59 - Theris has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:20:09 - Kasa has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:20:17 - Brahmsul has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:20:57 - Loalaine has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:21:28 - Kerria has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:21:35 - Allene has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:21:52 - Ginovianna has been slain by the might of a ghoulish wench.
    - 2015/05/23 02:22:25 - Evey has bled to death.
    - 2015/05/23 02:22:49 - Amanu has stopped his own heart, killing himself instantly.
    - 2015/05/23 02:23:09 - Razzlo has stopped his own heart, killing himself instantly.
    - 2015/05/23 02:23:19 - Saibel has been slain by the might of a bloated cabin boy.
    - 2015/05/23 02:23:32 - Yae has stopped her own heart, killing herself instantly.
    - 2015/05/23 02:23:42 - Saibel has bled to death.
    - 2015/05/23 02:24:11 - Tyamat has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:24:42 - Aeryllin has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:25:04 - Boink has been slain by the might of an apathetic gnoll sentinel.
    - 2015/05/23 02:25:05 - Voc has been slain by the might of a decrepit deckhand.
    - 2015/05/23 02:25:41 - Tysora has been slain by the might of a spectral shipmate.
    - 2015/05/23 02:27:16 - Sturm has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:29:11 - Kei dies, her defences no match for the relentless might of Florentino of 
    the Bramble.
    - 2015/05/23 02:29:12 - Artanis has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:29:25 - Shirszae dies, her defences no match for the relentless might of Florentino of the Bramble.
    - 2015/05/23 02:29:25 - Artanis has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:29:28 - Kei has been slain by the might of a bloated cabin boy.
    - 2015/05/23 02:29:31 - Cobault has been eliminated.
    - 2015/05/23 02:29:32 - Kayeil dies, her defences no match for the relentless might of Florentino of the Bramble.
    - 2015/05/23 02:29:32 - Melodie dies, her defences no match for the relentless might of Florentino 
    of the Bramble.
    - 2015/05/23 02:29:45 - Melodie has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:30:01 - Nirrain has been slain by the might of a bloated cabin boy.
    - 2015/05/23 02:30:26 - Cobault has been eliminated.
    - 2015/05/23 02:31:12 - Gloern has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:31:16 - Boink has been slain by the might of a thin Mingruk woman.
    - 2015/05/23 02:31:44 - Evey has been slain by the might of a rank pirate.
    - 2015/05/23 02:31:47 - Akamai has been slain by the might of a spectral shipmate.
    - 2015/05/23 02:31:53 - Rinku has been slain by the might of a shambling slave.
    - 2015/05/23 02:33:47 - Lavakhi has been slain by the might of a wraith of the admiralty.
    Right. So about these bashing changes ...

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
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