Sermon from back in January. Assassinating a Druid during a recent imprinting ceremony reminded me of this. Not anything super-exciting but I've been thinking about the different faces of Evil lately and how the one I've adopted/fallen into contrasts with some of the others (the demonology school, the torture school, etc.). Anyways, enjoy, and let me know any feedback:
Florentino raises his hands with an uncanny gesture, the illusory magicks of the Naga come to life in the middle of the stygian crossroads.
A forest scene begins to play out in miniature before you.
The forest boughs cast long shadows over the forests, where a young sentinel lad walks silently.
Wielding an axe in one hand and attended by a host of forest creatures, the lad scrutinizes the underbrush.
Three assassins leap out of the trees nearby, instantly plunging silver dirks into the boy's back.
As the wolf growls and the badger trembles, the assassins sink back into the shade of the trees.
Florentino waves a hand, dispelling the forest scene.
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "I have gathered you here today because I wish to speak to several characteristics I have observed about our forestal foes."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Just as the Sentinels stalk the forests, we Naga stalk the Sentinels, and so we are - unfortunately - subjugated to the grossest and most pathetic kinds of behavior as we watch our enemies and await their deaths."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Why do we fight Oakstone and their Eleusian allies?"
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "What is it that makes them particularly deserving of our scorn? For our mission to destroy them is more than simple, random Oppression. We could strengthen our bodies and sharpen our cruelty just as well with a dozen other villages, after all."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "And there is even an argument for letting them be. Some Mhaldorian scholars have noted the Oppression inherent in much of Nature and its ritualistic practices. The wolf stalks its weaker prey, no?"
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "To understand, we must turn our minds and hearts again to the Mhaldorian project. We must ask ourselves, what are we trying to accomplish? What is the great work with which the Lord has tasked us?"
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "We carry the banner of *civilization itself.*."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "The practices, the culture we model here are to be a guide for all other peoples in this world."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "And when they fail to follow us and our practices, we are to expunge them in any other manner necessary. Thus, by a combination of conversion to the way of Evil and destruction of those who refuse to participate, we accomplish the utopian ideal of the Lord."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Many oppose us in part because they are misguided. Many of their beliefs actually align with ours. The Targossians would protect civilization - what they call Creation - as we would. They simply do not understand that to love something is to make it Suffer, for in this way it grows strong, not rancid and weak. But Oakstone opposes the very concept of civilization."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "This is what makes them so dangerous."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Where we value scholarship, they disdain the maintenance of knowledge in books, for it hurts their precious trees. Where we would build forges, barracks to equip and train ourselves for strength, they cherish the natural state of the wilds, and prefer serene streams and gentle meadows."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "We are called to dominate not only people but the very lands themselves, not out of a passion for destruction once exhibited by the followers of Makali and now by the Nihilists, but to *build*. To create. To strengthen."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "We are the guardians and saviours of civilization. With bow and sword, with tongue and quill, with necromancy and sorcery alike, we must seek out those who would undermine our great project - and destroy them in any way possible or necessary."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Else, I should rather die - for to live in the wilds is no life at all."
Florentino inclines his head politely, indicating the end of the lecture.
Caoimhaen was tempted by @Aegoth and wanted to know the truth. He and everyone keeps telling him its his destiny to be Evil. Aegoth said he would help him understand. Promised it wouldn't hurt. lol This is what insued.
Only critique I have is to more aware of your voice settings (this is a pet peeve of mine that everyone does). You did all of that with a quiet, confident voice (except when you were apparently possessed), even when you were screaming? Maybe try to SET VOICE CLEAR and don't use a specially set voice if you can't remember to change it to suit the situation.
Other than that, pretty nice. I could feel the pathos as the malevolence started to take hold. Aegoth was such a drama queen, I loved it.
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
Caoimhaen was tempted by @Aegoth and wanted to know the truth. He and everyone keeps telling him its his destiny to be Evil. Aegoth said he would help him understand. Promised it wouldn't hurt. lol This is what insued.
so like. Before christmas I had the great idea that someone should write up something better and more rp based to replace/supplement oakstone's fines/crimes/sentences system.
Naturally that means I had to do it.... buuut, I did manage to find some helpers!
The bit I'm posting below (trial of earth) is something I put together with bits and pieces from lots of people and place, and that @melodie helped me make worth reading/doing.
The next bit (trial of blood) is something @Wysteria is working on, which looks soo badass but isn't quite finished yet.
Was supposed to be a third part (trial of the flame), but not 100% sure if we need that. @Penwize was working on it until he poofed! plz come back Penwize!
Oh, let me know if you see things that needs to be cleaned up. For now we're going to do it ourselves, in future it might be somewhat automated if @gaia is willing.
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "Benedomina sounds like half domina."
Tasuu frowns at Sherazad.
Sherazad gets some gold sovereigns from a canvas backpack.
Sherazad puts some gold sovereigns in a canvas backpack.
Tasuu claps her hands together merrily.
Domina Tasuu Chu Tasath says in Mhaldorian, "How about Super Domina."
Sherazad says to Tasuu in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "Okay, go kill Ernam now."
Domina Tasuu Chu Tasath asks in Mhaldorian, "Where is he?"
You get 50 gold sovereigns from a fur-lined backpack.
Sherazad says to Tasuu in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "It's not my problem."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
"Wow!" Tasuu exclaims.
Tasuu will now be known as Domina Tasuu Chu Tasath, Super Monk.
You hum innocently to yourself.
Sherazad ponders the situation.
Domina Tasuu Chu Tasath, Super Monk says in Mhaldorian, "Yess."
Sherazad says to Tasuu in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "You're so energetic."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "I feel energised just standing next to her."
Tasuu stands, leaving her place on a black oak chest.
Tasuu holds her head up proudly.
Sherazad says to you in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "I heard if she is consumed, the effects are magnified."
"Oooooooooh!" you say, eyes wide with wonder.
Tasuu gives a horrified gasp.
You peer at Tasuu unscrupulously.
Preparing for a deadly strike, you draw yourself up into a regal pose.
Tasuu leaves to the northwest. With a dismissive snort, you resume a casual posture.
You snicker softly to yourself.
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "Too quick."
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "Must be all that energy."
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "Go go go."
A brightly coloured hermit crab comes falling down from above to land with a 'THUMP.'
Sherazad says in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "Oh."
"Oooooooooh!" you say, eyes wide with wonder.
You peer at a brightly coloured hermit crab unscrupulously.
You rip into a brightly coloured hermit crab with your massive, deadly claws. A brightly coloured hermit crab weakly clacks his claws toward Vrah before collapsing to the ground. You have slain a brightly coloured hermit crab, retrieving the corpse.
Sherazad says in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "A present."
Sherazad nods her head emphatically.
You lick your lips.
You grasp the corpse of a brightly coloured hermit crab in your claws as you tear the hapless body in two. Gore drips slowly from your maw as you consume the mutilated remains, savouring the still- warm organs.
@Rangor, and all of those who contributed in creating that Trial, that was amazing. I really, really liked it and it almost (but not quite, sry!) made me want to go Green.
I look forward to seeing further stuff like that emerge from Eleusis. Things like that are really what define a faction and give it flavour and life, rather than simply being paper-argued ideals.
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I was still surprised as hell when you decided to include me within the trial itself, but was very happy to help re-write it a good bit. I'm only sorry it took so long! I love Wysteria's trial draft when I saw it, can't wait to see it in complete form.
Love me all these badass rituals.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
That was lovely, @Rangor. I really enjoyed the alternative twist on the well-known tale, and the idea that these things are supposed to be visions passed down from person to person (in a collective but highly individualized way) makes me love it even more. lol @Melodie leaving her mark on yet another faction I see.
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
My Trial of Blood is still in the works to be player illusion-friendly. I need to test it out solo to see if it works, but the one I have right now is designed with global emotes and denizens in mind. One can keep dreaming. It's going to take a while to make it work and make sense. It might not be so badass in this initial stage
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
You got this, @Wysteria. We all have faith in your ability of amazingness!
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Oi, disagreeing with posts. Fine fine. I'll make it as violent as I want.
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
Little something that happened a month(ig) or so after the thing with @Aegoth due to previous problems Caoimhaen has had with possessions. It was an interesting thing with @Foehn and his new magics.
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Edit: Argh, it's not wanting to do this even though it worked fine at first. Pastebin it is.
So below is a pretty informal log I dug out of my "recent and uncleaned" pile, but it struck me with its charm and warmth, so I cleaned it up to show below. This was during the "cursed Petran items" event, which I had bought a music box and painting from. The interaction and follow-up was really well done as a complete side event to what was going on, and was just excellent in all ways. Depending on the interest, I may post more about what happened after this log.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "First, the consecration."
Aerek prays for the multitudes and causes a Rite of Convocation to be created.
Aerek enacts the Rite of Piety, declaring that all must be bound by their faith.
Aerek prays for a Rite of Cleansing, and is granted it.
You hear hideous, tormented screaming someplace not too far distant.
Aerek enacts the Rite of Banishment, calling upon his faith to make this holy ground anathema to the chaotic ones.
Aerek prays for assistance in his pilgrimage.
Aerek kneels and calls to the Gods for a Rite of Healing.
Lilian stares implacably at Aerek.
Aerek rubs his hands together in prayer, and you feel healing energy begin to emanate into your surroundings.
Aerek whispers quiet words of prayer, and you are surrounded by a feeling of well-being.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "Two hundred and fifty years, I have followed the Faith, and it has never stopped teaching me."
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "If you listen, the Faith whispers always to you."
Aerek begins to wield a silver tuning fork in his left hand.
Aerek strikes a silver tuning fork, filling the air with its piercing note.
As it fades, the whispers of Aerek's prayers echo softly around you.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "This morning, it is an unorthodox teaching that mine has brought me."
Aerek ceases to wield a silver tuning fork in his left hand.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "And it is that we are beguiled by dogma. Enticed into dichtomies of black or white, East or West, us or them, where we cling to faith in our own beliefs to know we are right, and they are wrong. But do we not possess reason? If so, for what must we rely on faith? For if our reason does its part, if we see the causes and effects that comprise our circumstances, what more should we require?"
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Convocation abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "There are myriad truths, myriad states of being in Creation, and yet we cling to our own and say, "This alone is true, all else is false." But for those who are ready, the door to liberation is open. You that have ears, give up the chains that bind you and enter in."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Piety abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "All that we are is made up of our thoughts. All we speak or act comes from our thoughts. If you speak or act while harbouring harmful thoughts, suffering will follow you as the cart follows the ox. For those who see only others' faults, and never contemplate their own, are never cleansed of their own poisons and strengthen their own chains."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Cleansing abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "There is no weight like doubt. No cage like fear. These things entrap us, even as freedom calls our name. A clear dawn breaks today, shedding yesterday's murky twilight. So shed your old doubts and fears."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Demons abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "There is no fire like lust. No noose like hate. These things consume and strangle us, even as peace calls our name. The jasmine has put forth fresh blooms today, dropping yesterday's withered flowers. So let drop your old lusts and hates."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Banishment abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "All that has a beginning must have an end. All that ends gives way to a new beginning. All that is will not always be, and thus the ends never justify the means, for it is better to travel well than to arrive."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Pilgrimage abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "All that we are is made up of our thoughts. All we speak or act comes from our thoughts. If you speak or act while harbouring harmonious thoughts, happiness will follow you as closely as your shadow. Of all remedies in Creation, there is none like the medicine of happiness. O seekers, drink deeply of this."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Healing abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "Be serene in body, speech, and mind. When all your emotions are set aside, you will know yourself as tranquil. When your will becomes firm as bedrock, and no longer shakes in a world that is always shaking, suffering will no longer come your way."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Revitalisation abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "Let go of that which vexes you. Set down that which you do not need. He who gives freely is loved by all, so lighten your loads, bail out your boats, and receive in like kind. Like planting a sapling, and in due course receiving flowers, shade, and fruit, through kindnesss and compassion you will never be found wanting."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Well-Being abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "And in all parts, we may transcend our own life's history. Like a frayed fabric, we may unravel all that makes the self. If you would know your past, look to yourself in the present, for that is the past's effect. If you would know the future, look to yourself in the present, for that is the future's cause. So rouse yourself to examine yourself. Be watchful and intent. Guard this self and live happily."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Allsight abruptly cease.
An eerie silence overtakes the room as Aerek unravels the final rite.
Aerek picks up an ornate porcelain bowl.
Aerek places an empty bowl on the ground and utters a plea to the gods for nourishment. A rain of nourishing manna falls from heaven, filling the bowl to the brim.
Aerek removes a navy blue paladin's cloak.
Without meeting anyone's gaze, Aerek strides purposefully south towards the door.
Aerek drops a navy blue paladin's cloak.
Aerek leaves to the south. A white-banded falcon glides out of sight.
As a legal-ish disclaimer, recent events prompted a class change that was a long time coming, so this was put together in a hurry. As a result, fair bit of this is paraphrased or drawn from texts that have inspired me, personally. I'll be impressed if anyone recognizes the influences.
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
Some love to @Vrah and @Saeva for the first, in-depth bit of RP I've gotten here so far. Was interesting trying to come up with a few of Dresian's quirks and background information in a more forced atmosphere, and now I'm only determined to finish what I had thought up before hand and really get to fleshing him out a bit more.
I may not have caught every single emote, but I did get a good 95% of what happened today with the Conclave at least. Below is a log of everything I personally saw myself, along with some commentary to clear up what was happening in-between. Did not include artefact information - you should go find that out IC yourself! Enjoy.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
On the previous page of this thread is the Trial of Earth, and now we have just finished our very first Trial of Blood, which is the last (presently) needed to become unenemied to Oakstone, conducted by @Rangor. We had a few kinks and some things to work on, but overall a very good first run. Please enjoy!
(Eleusis): Rangor says, "Nature's protectors, the Trial of Blood for the one named Seftin will begin shortly. All are to gather at the Defendable area of the Village of Eleusis. We will travel to the eastern ithmia for the cleansing. Under no circumstances are any to attack or insult the Sacrifice, lest you be exempt from participating."
(All gather to Eleusis' defendable, including Seftin, the sacrifice. Micaelis joins us and is given permission to witness. After making sure all are gathered, we move to the river.)
You follow Rangor east to Zaphar beneath Eleusis.
Zaphar beneath Eleusis. Snowflakes float down around you, colouring the world white. The gentle scent of evergreens drifts through the air, carried on the winds of the Eastern Ithmia. Pine needles of viridian and umber carpet the riverbank and provide gentle cushioning beneath each step. The city of Eleusis rests peacefully above with a treekin warrior watching warily from the edge of the village. A grate of roots and branches, magically shaped and marked by the Dryads, prohibits trespassing by travellers, swimmers, and fishermen alike. A kelp plant waves in the currents. You see a single exit leading west.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "Greetings. Today an enemy of the forests wishes to reconcile with Nature. We will cleanse him in water and then he will trek through the forest and its defences, whereby they will then give himself to the forest as Sacrifice, to pay for his crimes."
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature asks Seftin in a deep, rumbling voice, "Any words before we proceed?"
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "Some of you may know me, others may not."
Splashed with the reflected radiance of the stars, Achaea's outermost ring glitters ghostly pale against the night sky.
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "In my past I have slain Eleusian citizens, Eleusian denizens and burned the forests."
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "All in the name of the false power that manifests itself as Lord Sartan."
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "I have since, through speaking with your warriors, learned the error of my ways, and through the path of Light and Fire, have learned the truth behind creation, and the place that Nature holds in Sapience."
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "For this I am sorry, and am willing to pay whatever the cost."
Seftin says to Rangor in a deep, level voice, "Let us begin."
Rangor nods his head in agreement.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "Let us begin. To the Four, you will now cleanse the Sacrifice in the river. You will use fresh burdock from the forest for the ritual."
Rangor nods his head at Lala.
Rangor nods his head at you.
Rangor nods his head at Ravien.
Rangor nods his head at Alrena.
Seftin ceases to wield an ornate steel rapier in his left hand.
Seftin ceases to wield an elegant steel rapier with a lion shaped pommel in his right hand.
Seftin removes a shimmering suit of full plate armour.
You have emoted: Melodie moves to the nearby bank, gathering a small portion of burdock from the forest floor.
Seftin lowers himself into the water, waiting for the cleansing to commence.
You give a dark burdock root to Alrena.
You give a dark burdock root to Lala.
You give a dark burdock root to Ravien.
Lala accepts a dark burdock root from you and steps into the water, moving into position around Seftin.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
You have emoted: Melodie moves to stand besides Lala, facing Seftin with a grim expression.
Alrena accepts the burdock and steps forward towards Seftin, moving into position.
Ravien thanks you for the burdock root and stands to Lala's side, forming a circle around Seftin.
(Brief moment where Eloru is trying to snipe people. Chase off, back to business.)
Lala crouches and scoops the gently flowing water into her cupped hands, and raises them to anoint Seftin, allowing the cool water to sluice down his unarmored form.
With a focused look on Alrena's face, she cups her hands together to gather a small amount of water, pouring it gently over Seftin's head and shoulders.
You have emoted: Dipping her hands into the river's waters, Melodie cups her hands to gather a small pool. She pours it gently over Seftin's head, dampening him further.
With a serene look on her face Ravien bends with cupped hands to gather a small amount of water and then pours it slowly over Seftin's head and shoulders, completing the cleansing.
You pause for a moment, hearing a strange murmur arise from the eastern ithmia, sending a chill through your body.
The trees around you whistle and whisper, the wildlife stirring and agitated among its boughs as they sense the Cleansing about to begin.
Deepest Stygian night steals over the land as the symbolic hourglass empties and turns, ready to begin a new day. It is now the 1st of Phaestian, 658 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
Lowering himself into the river, Rangor stands still as he places the palm of his hand on its surface. Taking slow, deep breaths Rangor enters into a trance-like state as his concentration deepens. The water rippling around Rangor's hand intensify as he raises it slowly, lifting a globe of water that soon shifts and shapes itself into a small, angular bowl. Grasping it firmly, it freezes to take its final shape.
Rangor grinds the burdock into the bowl using its roughened surface. Adding in some water, they crush and mix it into a pale, tan-coloured paste.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "The burdock root was a gift from the Earthmother, Lady Gaia, to be harvested and offered to all of Sapience, regardless of their personal philosophies, as a cure to the disease infecting all Xorani during the War of the Worldreaver, Bal'met. It is a small symbol of unity and peace, one we hope you will see in Nature and its community. As our gesture of reconciliation, I anoint you with this now."
The sky above you opens up some, leaving only partial cloud cover.
Rangor applies the paste to Seftin's face, drawing a circle around his face, followed by a straight line down from forehead to chin. Rangor dots above and under Seftin's eyes like a mask, then finally adds three horizontal strokes on Seftin's cheekbones.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "The circle is the wheel of Nature and the turning of the seasons, the lines earth and water, and the dots as fire and air. These are the Elements of Nature."
A ritual bowl made of ice shatters in Rangor's hands, its dense shards splashing lightly into the water.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says to Seftin in a deep, rumbling voice, "You will now enter the forest that you chose to seek peace with. You will be attacked by its wildlife and its vines as vindication. To test your resolve, we will bind the forest so that none here may enter nor egress from its boughs. We will follow you to a grove belonging to one of the Four here, whereby you will be met with your final Sacrifice. Please, take one step into the forest."
(Group shifts to follow Seftin, move up the river towards the Eastern Ithmia.)
You follow Seftin northeast to Dense thicket in Eastern Ithmia.
With almost magical swiftness, a snarling wolf leaps out at Seftin, rakes its claws across his face, and disappears into the surrounding forest.
Seftin howls in pain as thorny vines lash out at him from all sides.
Rangor nods his head at Ravien.
Ravien hurls herself head first into the undergrowth and vanishes in a spark of magic. Ravien leaves to the ether, a wyvern reflected in her eyes.
With almost magical swiftness, a snarling wolf leaps out at Seftin, rakes its claws across his face, and disappears into the surrounding forest.
Seftin howls in pain as thorny vines lash out at him from all sides.
Ravien has brought the Ritual of Forestbinding into existence in the Eastern Ithmia.
Seftin winces as the vines and wolves flay his flesh.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "Let the Trial of Blood begin."
(Wolves/vines hitting)
You hear a rustling and turn to see Ravien emerging from the undergrowth.
A cacophony of wild animal howls echo from the Eastern Ithmia, as the shrieking of birds announce the beginning of a trial.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
You follow Seftin southeast to Amid the crowded oaks.
You follow Seftin south to Coppice of mature oaks.
The creatures sense an enemy's presence within their domain and howl out in hunger, their primal roars like a rhythmic chant as you approach your destination.
(Wolves/vines hitting)
You follow Seftin south to In a stand of young oaks.
You follow Seftin northwest to Surrounded by towering oaks.
Seftin reaches out and touches a nearby tree.
A sudden silence falls upon the forest.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says to Seftin in a deep, rumbling voice, "You have committed many a crime against our realm, the forestal sisters and to its defenders. With each curse you lay upon our lands, we feel each and every strike within our beings. Nature is unforgiving, and to be pardoned comes with a price. To return the balance once more, you must pay the price of your life, for your freedom. Do you accept these terms?"
Seftin says to Rangor in a deep, level voice, "I accept."
Rangor nods and with a determined gaze to Seftin, replies softly, yet sternly, "Very well. I, Rangor Corten, accept your Sacrifice. Please, kneel."
Seftin drops to one knee before Rangor.
Rangor bows his head, lacing his fingers together, calling for silence. The wind whips and whistles around you as his opens his eyes, revealing two bright, glowing orbs as his form flares and shifts from one plane to another.
As a dark, thunderous cloud gathers above you, a single lightning bolt strikes into Rangor. he rises and grows in power and strength as static bolts buzz and flit about he form. Staring down at Seftin, Rangor envelops him in a strangling embrace as vines and thorns trail up and over their forms. Cutting deep trenches into Seftin's body, the blood spills forth from the wounds and into the earth, saturating and turning the grass crimson. Leaves, sticks and dust rise from the earth and whirl around all in the grove - the pair its eye and source of energy. Silence falls upon your ears and all that is heard is a single whisper carried in the vortex, "Hail the Wildwood Queen. Hail Nature."
Rangor draws himself up to his full height, staring imperiously down at Seftin.
Rangor viciously seizes Seftin in his jaws, tossing him effortlessly into the air before catching him in a second bite. Seftin has been slain by Rangor.
A snap thrums through the air from the Eastern Ithmia, a feeling of vindication emanating from it.
Rangor lowers his gaze as he commands the forest to be still and calm once more. Releasing his energy to reveal his former, familiar self as a soft smile comes across his face.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says quietly in a deep, rumbling voice, "Seftin, the Sacrifice has been made. You have paid your price. Your corpse will be offered to the Wildwood Queen or The Catalcysm as further penance. I trust you will not repeat your actions again, and that soon we may meet in more congenial circumstances. For now, I bid you farewell, and you may now EMBRACE to walk Lord Thoth's halls."
Seeing his situation to be hopeless, Seftin embraces the cold clutches of death.
Rangor picks up the corpse of Seftin.
Sentinel Fox, Valaria Jaydde says in a soft voice, "And so... if he repeat, he cannot walk among with us again, correct?"
Rangor gives the corpse of Seftin to Ravien.
Ravien is surrounded by a shining corona of blinding light and the shimmering image of the Wolverine momentarily overlaps her.
Ravien sets about digging furiously with her claws. It's tiring work apparently, and though she is forced to stop and rest occasionally, she is soon finished. She then places the corpse of Seftin back inside the hole and fills it in.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "He has now undergone the Trials of Earth and Blood and Nature is satisfied with his sacrifice."
Ravien nods her head at Rangor.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "Thank you all for attending."
(Eleusis): Rangor says, "Having undergone the Trials of Earth and Blood, Seftin has resolved his crimes with Nature and is no longer an enemy of Her."
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Good to see it turned out ok @Rangor. Thanks for testing it out properly. If a hard-coded one can be made with the one I want, would be awesome. Just have to see I guess.
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
discord: aciidwire#5240
Please check out my new art page!
Sermon from back in January. Assassinating a Druid during a recent imprinting ceremony reminded me of this. Not anything super-exciting but I've been thinking about the different faces of Evil lately and how the one I've adopted/fallen into contrasts with some of the others (the demonology school, the torture school, etc.). Anyways, enjoy, and let me know any feedback:
Florentino raises his hands with an uncanny gesture, the illusory magicks of the Naga come to life in the middle of the stygian crossroads.
A forest scene begins to play out in miniature before you.
The forest boughs cast long shadows over the forests, where a young sentinel lad walks silently.
Wielding an axe in one hand and attended by a host of forest creatures, the lad scrutinizes the underbrush.
Three assassins leap out of the trees nearby, instantly plunging silver dirks into the boy's back.
As the wolf growls and the badger trembles, the assassins sink back into the shade of the trees.
Florentino waves a hand, dispelling the forest scene.
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "I have gathered you here today because I wish to speak to several characteristics I have observed about our forestal foes."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Just as the Sentinels stalk the forests, we Naga stalk the Sentinels, and so we are - unfortunately - subjugated to the grossest and most pathetic kinds of behavior as we watch our enemies and await their deaths."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Why do we fight Oakstone and their Eleusian allies?"
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "What is it that makes them particularly deserving of our scorn? For our mission to destroy them is more than simple, random Oppression. We could strengthen our bodies and sharpen our cruelty just as well with a dozen other villages, after all."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "And there is even an argument for letting them be. Some Mhaldorian scholars have noted the Oppression inherent in much of Nature and its ritualistic practices. The wolf stalks its weaker prey, no?"
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "To understand, we must turn our minds and hearts again to the Mhaldorian project. We must ask ourselves, what are we trying to accomplish? What is the great work with which the Lord has tasked us?"
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "We carry the banner of *civilization itself.*."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "The practices, the culture we model here are to be a guide for all other peoples in this world."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "And when they fail to follow us and our practices, we are to expunge them in any other manner necessary. Thus, by a combination of conversion to the way of Evil and destruction of those who refuse to participate, we accomplish the utopian ideal of the Lord."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Many oppose us in part because they are misguided. Many of their beliefs actually align with ours. The Targossians would protect civilization - what they call Creation - as we would. They simply do not understand that to love something is to make it Suffer, for in this way it grows strong, not rancid and weak. But Oakstone opposes the very concept of civilization."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "This is what makes them so dangerous."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Where we value scholarship, they disdain the maintenance of knowledge in books, for it hurts their precious trees. Where we would build forges, barracks to equip and train ourselves for strength, they cherish the natural state of the wilds, and prefer serene streams and gentle meadows."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "We are called to dominate not only people but the very lands themselves, not out of a passion for destruction once exhibited by the followers of Makali and now by the Nihilists, but to *build*. To create. To strengthen."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "We are the guardians and saviours of civilization. With bow and sword, with tongue and quill, with necromancy and sorcery alike, we must seek out those who would undermine our great project - and destroy them in any way possible or necessary."
Florentino Milani says in Mhaldorian, "Else, I should rather die - for to live in the wilds is no life at all."
Florentino inclines his head politely, indicating the end of the lecture.
Only critique I have is to more aware of your voice settings (this is a pet peeve of mine that everyone does). You did all of that with a quiet, confident voice (except when you were apparently possessed), even when you were screaming? Maybe try to SET VOICE CLEAR and don't use a specially set voice if you can't remember to change it to suit the situation.
Other than that, pretty nice. I could feel the pathos as the malevolence started to take hold. Aegoth was such a drama queen, I loved it.
Damn... More @Caoimhaen whinings.
so like. Before christmas I had the great idea that someone should write up something better and more rp based to replace/supplement oakstone's fines/crimes/sentences system.
Naturally that means I had to do it.... buuut, I did manage to find some helpers!
The bit I'm posting below (trial of earth) is something I put together with bits and pieces from lots of people and place, and that @melodie helped me make worth reading/doing.
The next bit (trial of blood) is something @Wysteria is working on, which looks soo badass but isn't quite finished yet.
Was supposed to be a third part (trial of the flame), but not 100% sure if we need that. @Penwize was working on it until he poofed! plz come back Penwize!
Oh, let me know if you see things that needs to be cleaned up. For now we're going to do it ourselves, in future it might be somewhat automated if @gaia is willing.
Just a bit of fun at Stygian.
Benedomina @Tasuu Chu Tasath frowns and says in Mhaldorian, "I do not really like Benedomina."
Benedomina Tasuu Chu Tasath says in Mhaldorian, "Domina sounds better."
You nod your head in agreement.
@Sherazad nods her head emphatically.
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "Benedomina sounds like half domina."
Tasuu frowns at Sherazad.
Sherazad gets some gold sovereigns from a canvas backpack.
Sherazad puts some gold sovereigns in a canvas backpack.
Tasuu claps her hands together merrily.
Domina Tasuu Chu Tasath says in Mhaldorian, "How about Super Domina."
Sherazad says to Tasuu in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "Okay, go kill Ernam now."
Domina Tasuu Chu Tasath asks in Mhaldorian, "Where is he?"
You get 50 gold sovereigns from a fur-lined backpack.
Sherazad says to Tasuu in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "It's not my problem."
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
"Wow!" Tasuu exclaims.
Tasuu will now be known as Domina Tasuu Chu Tasath, Super Monk.
You hum innocently to yourself.
Sherazad ponders the situation.
Domina Tasuu Chu Tasath, Super Monk says in Mhaldorian, "Yess."
Sherazad says to Tasuu in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "You're so energetic."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "I feel energised just standing next to her."
Tasuu stands, leaving her place on a black oak chest.
Tasuu holds her head up proudly.
Sherazad says to you in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "I heard if she is consumed, the
effects are magnified."
"Oooooooooh!" you say, eyes wide with wonder.
Tasuu gives a horrified gasp.
You peer at Tasuu unscrupulously.
Preparing for a deadly strike, you draw yourself up into a regal pose.
Tasuu leaves to the northwest.
With a dismissive snort, you resume a casual posture.
You snicker softly to yourself.
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "Too quick."
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "Must be all that energy."
Your breath crackles and sparks as you say, "Go go go."
A brightly coloured hermit crab comes falling down from above to land with a 'THUMP.'
Sherazad says in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "Oh."
"Oooooooooh!" you say, eyes wide with wonder.
You peer at a brightly coloured hermit crab unscrupulously.
You rip into a brightly coloured hermit crab with your massive, deadly claws.
A brightly coloured hermit crab weakly clacks his claws toward Vrah before collapsing to the ground.
You have slain a brightly coloured hermit crab, retrieving the corpse.
Sherazad says in Mhaldorian in a husky, drawling voice, "A present."
Sherazad nods her head emphatically.
You lick your lips.
You grasp the corpse of a brightly coloured hermit crab in your claws as you tear the hapless body
in two. Gore drips slowly from your maw as you consume the mutilated remains, savouring the still-
warm organs.
@Rangor, and all of those who contributed in creating that Trial, that was amazing. I really, really liked it and it almost (but not quite, sry!) made me want to go Green.
I look forward to seeing further stuff like that emerge from Eleusis. Things like that are really what define a faction and give it flavour and life, rather than simply being paper-argued ideals.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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I was still surprised as hell when you decided to include me within the trial itself, but was very happy to help re-write it a good bit. I'm only sorry it took so long! I love Wysteria's trial draft when I saw it, can't wait to see it in complete form.
Love me all these badass rituals.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
That was lovely, @Rangor. I really enjoyed the alternative twist on the well-known tale, and the idea that these things are supposed to be visions passed down from person to person (in a collective but highly individualized way) makes me love it even more. lol @Melodie leaving her mark on yet another faction I see.
My Trial of Blood is still in the works to be player illusion-friendly. I need to test it out solo to see if it works, but the one I have right now is designed with global emotes and denizens in mind. One can keep dreaming. It's going to take a while to make it work and make sense. It might not be so badass in this initial stage
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
You got this, @Wysteria. We all have faith in your ability of amazingness!
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Oi, disagreeing with posts. Fine fine. I'll make it as violent as I want.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
Little something that happened a month(ig) or so after the thing with @Aegoth due to previous problems Caoimhaen has had with possessions. It was an interesting thing with @Foehn and his new magics.
A little amusement with @Jurixe's fussy pet bird.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
Interested in joining a Discord about Achaean RP? Want to comment on RP topics or have RP questions? Check the Achaean RP Resource out here:
Edit: Argh, it's not wanting to do this even though it worked fine at first. Pastebin it is.
So below is a pretty informal log I dug out of my "recent and uncleaned" pile, but it struck me with its charm and warmth, so I cleaned it up to show below. This was during the "cursed Petran items" event, which I had bought a music box and painting from. The interaction and follow-up was really well done as a complete side event to what was going on, and was just excellent in all ways. Depending on the interest, I may post more about what happened after this log.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
For those who couldn't attend. @Saeva @Wessux
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "First, the consecration."Aerek prays for the multitudes and causes a Rite of Convocation to be created.
Aerek enacts the Rite of Piety, declaring that all must be bound by their faith.
Aerek prays for a Rite of Cleansing, and is granted it.
You hear hideous, tormented screaming someplace not too far distant.
Aerek enacts the Rite of Banishment, calling upon his faith to make this holy ground anathema to the chaotic ones.
Aerek prays for assistance in his pilgrimage.
Aerek kneels and calls to the Gods for a Rite of Healing.
Lilian stares implacably at Aerek.
Aerek rubs his hands together in prayer, and you feel healing energy begin to emanate into your surroundings.
Aerek whispers quiet words of prayer, and you are surrounded by a feeling of well-being.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "Two hundred and fifty years, I have followed the Faith, and it has never stopped teaching me."
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "If you listen, the Faith whispers always to you."
Aerek begins to wield a silver tuning fork in his left hand.
Aerek strikes a silver tuning fork, filling the air with its piercing note.
As it fades, the whispers of Aerek's prayers echo softly around you.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "This morning, it is an unorthodox teaching that mine has brought me."
Aerek ceases to wield a silver tuning fork in his left hand.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "And it is that we are beguiled by dogma. Enticed into dichtomies of black or white, East or West, us or them, where we cling to faith in our own beliefs to know we are right, and they are wrong. But do we not possess reason? If so, for what must we rely on faith? For if our reason does its part, if we see the causes and effects that comprise our circumstances, what more should we require?"
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Convocation abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "There are myriad truths, myriad states of being in Creation, and yet we cling to our own and say, "This alone is true, all else is false." But for those who are ready, the door to liberation is open. You that have ears, give up the chains that bind you and enter in."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Piety abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "All that we are is made up of our thoughts. All we speak or act comes from our thoughts. If you speak or act while harbouring harmful thoughts, suffering will follow you as the cart follows the ox. For those who see only others' faults, and never contemplate their own, are never cleansed of their own poisons and strengthen their own chains."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Cleansing abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "There is no weight like doubt. No cage like fear. These things entrap us, even as freedom calls our name. A clear dawn breaks today, shedding yesterday's murky twilight. So shed your old doubts and fears."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Demons abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "There is no fire like lust. No noose like hate. These things consume and strangle us, even as peace calls our name. The jasmine has put forth fresh blooms today, dropping yesterday's withered flowers. So let drop your old lusts and hates."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Banishment abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "All that has a beginning must have an end. All that ends gives way to a new beginning. All that is will not always be, and thus the ends never justify the means, for it is better to travel well than to arrive."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Pilgrimage abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "All that we are is made up of our thoughts. All we speak or act comes from our thoughts. If you speak or act while harbouring harmonious thoughts, happiness will follow you as closely as your shadow. Of all remedies in Creation, there is none like the medicine of happiness. O seekers, drink deeply of this."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Healing abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "Be serene in body, speech, and mind. When all your emotions are set aside, you will know yourself as tranquil. When your will becomes firm as bedrock, and no longer shakes in a world that is always shaking, suffering will no longer come your way."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Revitalisation abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "Let go of that which vexes you. Set down that which you do not need. He who gives freely is loved by all, so lighten your loads, bail out your boats, and receive in like kind. Like planting a sapling, and in due course receiving flowers, shade, and fruit, through kindnesss and compassion you will never be found wanting."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Well-Being abruptly cease.
Sir Aerek Ancyrion says, "And in all parts, we may transcend our own life's history. Like a frayed fabric, we may unravel all that makes the self. If you would know your past, look to yourself in the present, for that is the past's effect. If you would know the future, look to yourself in the present, for that is the future's cause. So rouse yourself to examine yourself. Be watchful and intent. Guard this self and live happily."
Aerek clasps his hands in brief supplication.
As Aerek pauses in brief, silent prayer, the whispers of the Rite of Allsight abruptly cease.
An eerie silence overtakes the room as Aerek unravels the final rite.
Aerek picks up an ornate porcelain bowl.
Aerek places an empty bowl on the ground and utters a plea to the gods for nourishment.
A rain of nourishing manna falls from heaven, filling the bowl to the brim.
Aerek removes a navy blue paladin's cloak.
Without meeting anyone's gaze, Aerek strides purposefully south towards the door.
Aerek drops a navy blue paladin's cloak.
Aerek leaves to the south.
A white-banded falcon glides out of sight.
As a legal-ish disclaimer, recent events prompted a class change that was a long time coming, so this was put together in a hurry. As a result, fair bit of this is paraphrased or drawn from texts that have inspired me, personally. I'll be impressed if anyone recognizes the influences.Great dhammatic acting!
Edit: Now come play fascists conmigo. Bring the wife and kids. It's a game for the whole family.
Some love to @Vrah and @Saeva for the first, in-depth bit of RP I've gotten here so far. Was interesting trying to come up with a few of Dresian's quirks and background information in a more forced atmosphere, and now I'm only determined to finish what I had thought up before hand and really get to fleshing him out a bit more.
Furst arpee *squee*
Quite fun! It's good to see newcomers with a bit of depth to their character.
Welcome to Mhaldor.
@Dresian we hope to have you about long enough for ideas to be fleshed out. Thanks for the interactions Will look forward to an answer!
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Rom gets promoted to Guardian
(Eleusis): Rangor says, "Nature's protectors, the Trial of Blood for the one named Seftin will begin shortly. All are to gather at the Defendable area of the Village of Eleusis. We will travel to the eastern ithmia for the cleansing. Under no circumstances are any to attack or insult the Sacrifice, lest you be exempt from participating."
(All gather to Eleusis' defendable, including Seftin, the sacrifice. Micaelis joins us and is given permission to witness. After making sure all are gathered, we move to the river.)
You follow Rangor east to Zaphar beneath Eleusis.
Zaphar beneath Eleusis.
Snowflakes float down around you, colouring the world white. The gentle scent of evergreens drifts through the air, carried on the winds of the Eastern Ithmia. Pine needles of viridian and umber carpet the riverbank and provide gentle cushioning beneath each step. The city of Eleusis rests peacefully above with a treekin warrior watching warily from the edge of the village. A grate of roots and branches, magically shaped and marked by the Dryads, prohibits trespassing by travellers, swimmers, and fishermen alike. A kelp plant waves in the currents.
You see a single exit leading west.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "Greetings. Today an enemy of the forests wishes to reconcile with Nature. We will cleanse him in water and then he will trek through the forest and its defences, whereby they will then give himself to the forest as Sacrifice, to pay for his crimes."
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature asks Seftin in a deep, rumbling voice, "Any words before we proceed?"
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "Some of you may know me, others may not."
Splashed with the reflected radiance of the stars, Achaea's outermost ring glitters ghostly pale against the night sky.
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "In my past I have slain Eleusian citizens, Eleusian denizens and burned the forests."
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "All in the name of the false power that manifests itself as Lord Sartan."
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "I have since, through speaking with your warriors, learned the error of my ways, and through the path of Light and Fire, have learned the truth behind creation, and the place that Nature holds in Sapience."
Seftin says in a deep, level voice, "For this I am sorry, and am willing to pay whatever the cost."
Seftin says to Rangor in a deep, level voice, "Let us begin."
Rangor nods his head in agreement.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "Let us begin. To the Four, you will now cleanse the Sacrifice in the river. You will use fresh burdock from the forest for the ritual."
Rangor nods his head at Lala.
Rangor nods his head at you.
Rangor nods his head at Ravien.
Rangor nods his head at Alrena.
Seftin ceases to wield an ornate steel rapier in his left hand.
Seftin ceases to wield an elegant steel rapier with a lion shaped pommel in his right hand.
Seftin removes a shimmering suit of full plate armour.
You have emoted: Melodie moves to the nearby bank, gathering a small portion of burdock from the forest floor.
Seftin lowers himself into the water, waiting for the cleansing to commence.
You give a dark burdock root to Alrena.
You give a dark burdock root to Lala.
You give a dark burdock root to Ravien.
Lala accepts a dark burdock root from you and steps into the water, moving into position around Seftin.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
You have emoted: Melodie moves to stand besides Lala, facing Seftin with a grim expression.
Alrena accepts the burdock and steps forward towards Seftin, moving into position.
Ravien thanks you for the burdock root and stands to Lala's side, forming a circle around Seftin.
(Brief moment where Eloru is trying to snipe people. Chase off, back to business.)
Lala crouches and scoops the gently flowing water into her cupped hands, and raises them to anoint Seftin, allowing the cool water to sluice down his unarmored form.
With a focused look on Alrena's face, she cups her hands together to gather a small amount of water, pouring it gently over Seftin's head and shoulders.
You have emoted: Dipping her hands into the river's waters, Melodie cups her hands to gather a small pool. She pours it gently over Seftin's head, dampening him further.
With a serene look on her face Ravien bends with cupped hands to gather a small amount of water and then pours it slowly over Seftin's head and shoulders, completing the cleansing.
You pause for a moment, hearing a strange murmur arise from the eastern ithmia, sending a chill through your body.
The trees around you whistle and whisper, the wildlife stirring and agitated among its boughs as they sense the Cleansing about to begin.
Deepest Stygian night steals over the land as the symbolic hourglass empties and turns, ready to begin a new day.
It is now the 1st of Phaestian, 658 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
Lowering himself into the river, Rangor stands still as he places the palm of his hand on its surface. Taking slow, deep breaths Rangor enters into a trance-like state as his concentration deepens. The water rippling around Rangor's hand intensify as he raises it slowly, lifting a globe of water that soon shifts and shapes itself into a small, angular bowl. Grasping it firmly, it freezes to take its final shape.
Rangor grinds the burdock into the bowl using its roughened surface. Adding in some water, they crush and mix it into a pale, tan-coloured paste.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "The burdock root was a gift from the Earthmother, Lady Gaia, to be harvested and offered to all of Sapience, regardless of their personal philosophies, as a cure to the disease infecting all Xorani during the War of the Worldreaver, Bal'met. It is a small symbol of unity and peace, one we hope you will see in Nature and its community. As our gesture of reconciliation, I anoint you with this now."
The sky above you opens up some, leaving only partial cloud cover.
Rangor applies the paste to Seftin's face, drawing a circle around his face, followed by a straight line down from forehead to chin. Rangor dots above and under Seftin's eyes like a mask, then finally adds three horizontal strokes on Seftin's cheekbones.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "The circle is the wheel of Nature and the turning of the seasons, the lines earth and water, and the dots as fire and air. These are the Elements of Nature."
A ritual bowl made of ice shatters in Rangor's hands, its dense shards splashing lightly into the water.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says to Seftin in a deep, rumbling voice, "You will now enter the forest that you chose to seek peace with. You will be attacked by its wildlife and its vines as vindication. To test your resolve, we will bind the forest so that none here may enter nor egress from its boughs. We will follow you to a grove belonging to one of the Four here, whereby you will be met with your final Sacrifice. Please, take one step into the forest."
(Group shifts to follow Seftin, move up the river towards the Eastern Ithmia.)
You follow Seftin northeast to Dense thicket in Eastern Ithmia.
With almost magical swiftness, a snarling wolf leaps out at Seftin, rakes its claws across his face, and disappears into the surrounding forest.
Seftin howls in pain as thorny vines lash out at him from all sides.
Rangor nods his head at Ravien.
Ravien hurls herself head first into the undergrowth and vanishes in a spark of magic.
Ravien leaves to the ether, a wyvern reflected in her eyes.
With almost magical swiftness, a snarling wolf leaps out at Seftin, rakes its claws across his face, and disappears into the surrounding forest.
Seftin howls in pain as thorny vines lash out at him from all sides.
Ravien has brought the Ritual of Forestbinding into existence in the Eastern Ithmia.
Seftin winces as the vines and wolves flay his flesh.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "Let the Trial of Blood begin."
(Wolves/vines hitting)
You hear a rustling and turn to see Ravien emerging from the undergrowth.
A cacophony of wild animal howls echo from the Eastern Ithmia, as the shrieking of birds announce the beginning of a trial.
The light snow continues, lightly coating you with snowflakes.
You follow Seftin southeast to Amid the crowded oaks.
You follow Seftin south to Coppice of mature oaks.
The creatures sense an enemy's presence within their domain and howl out in hunger, their primal roars like a rhythmic chant as you approach your destination.
(Wolves/vines hitting)
You follow Seftin south to In a stand of young oaks.
You follow Seftin northwest to Surrounded by towering oaks.
Seftin reaches out and touches a nearby tree.
A sudden silence falls upon the forest.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says to Seftin in a deep, rumbling voice, "You have committed many a crime against our realm, the forestal sisters and to its defenders. With each curse you lay upon our lands, we feel each and every strike within our beings. Nature is unforgiving, and to be pardoned comes with a price. To return the balance once more, you must pay the price of your life, for your freedom. Do you accept these terms?"
Seftin says to Rangor in a deep, level voice, "I accept."
Rangor nods and with a determined gaze to Seftin, replies softly, yet sternly, "Very well. I, Rangor Corten, accept your Sacrifice. Please, kneel."
Seftin drops to one knee before Rangor.
Rangor bows his head, lacing his fingers together, calling for silence. The wind whips and whistles around you as his opens his eyes, revealing two bright, glowing orbs as his form flares and shifts from one plane to another.
As a dark, thunderous cloud gathers above you, a single lightning bolt strikes into Rangor. he rises and grows in power and strength as static bolts buzz and flit about he form. Staring down at Seftin, Rangor envelops him in a strangling embrace as vines and thorns trail up and over their forms. Cutting deep trenches into Seftin's body, the blood spills forth from the wounds and into the earth, saturating and turning the grass crimson. Leaves, sticks and dust rise from the earth and whirl around all in the grove - the pair its eye and source of energy. Silence falls upon your ears and all that is heard is a single whisper carried in the vortex, "Hail the Wildwood Queen. Hail Nature."
Rangor draws himself up to his full height, staring imperiously down at Seftin.
Rangor viciously seizes Seftin in his jaws, tossing him effortlessly into the air before catching him in a second bite.
Seftin has been slain by Rangor.
A snap thrums through the air from the Eastern Ithmia, a feeling of vindication emanating from it.
Rangor lowers his gaze as he commands the forest to be still and calm once more. Releasing his energy to reveal his former, familiar self as a soft smile comes across his face.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says quietly in a deep, rumbling voice, "Seftin, the Sacrifice has been made. You have paid your price. Your corpse will be offered to the Wildwood Queen or The Catalcysm as further penance. I trust you will not repeat your actions again, and that soon we may meet in more congenial circumstances. For now, I bid you farewell, and you may now EMBRACE to walk Lord Thoth's halls."
Seeing his situation to be hopeless, Seftin embraces the cold clutches of death.
Rangor picks up the corpse of Seftin.
Sentinel Fox, Valaria Jaydde says in a soft voice, "And so... if he repeat, he cannot walk among with us again, correct?"
Rangor gives the corpse of Seftin to Ravien.
Ravien is surrounded by a shining corona of blinding light and the shimmering image of the Wolverine momentarily overlaps her.
Ravien sets about digging furiously with her claws. It's tiring work apparently, and though she is forced to stop and rest occasionally, she is soon finished. She then places the corpse of Seftin back inside the hole and fills it in.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "He has now undergone the Trials of Earth and Blood and Nature is satisfied with his sacrifice."
Ravien nods her head at Rangor.
Blackthorn General Rangor Corten, Guardian of Nature says in a deep, rumbling voice, "Thank you all for attending."
(Eleusis): Rangor says, "Having undergone the Trials of Earth and Blood, Seftin has resolved his crimes with Nature and is no longer an enemy of Her."
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Written by @wysteria by the way!
Good to see it turned out ok @Rangor. Thanks for testing it out properly. If a hard-coded one can be made with the one I want, would be awesome. Just have to see I guess.
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."