Roleplay Logs!



  • Why's it never that easy when I try to convert people. :(
  • Easiest conversion ever.:) epic though. It took mhaldor years to convert

  • :O You totally ignored my teachings! ;D
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    lol @Caoimhaen, that was the culmination of a few years of work.
  • Longer than that.

    Do you have any idea how many times I've been unravelled? Shit eats at your mind man.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • @jovolo yes I did! And I'm proud of it! Evil rocks!

  • Okay...a little background story here. Caoimhaen failed miserably in the raids mhaldor had been through that day.  He also had fallen to weakness where his friend actually made him doubt his choice for Mhaldor.  He has confessed this to @orzaansyn.  And told her that confessing was not enough to pay for his sins. He decided death was too fast and it would not teach him anything.  He derived a form of punishment and orzaansyn agreed to help him to fulfill it. The following is a log of the events that took place.

  • Terra said:

    Atalkez said:

    Conversion log, its' a little long.

    Edited for fluency.

    Not gonna lie. I had no idea Jhui could RPz. <3

    That was pretty cool, though.

    (Even if Atalkez is a weak, traitorous coward who I hate IRL and will never talk to again because omg what an awful guy.  /FORUM RAGE)

    Still <3 you meanie =p

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Read my messages!
    "Faded away like the stars in the morning,
     Losing their light in the glorious sun,
     Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
     Only remembered for what we have done."

  • Looks like @Caoimhaen's due for an execution...
  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    edited December 2013
    @eld and right when @sherazad and I were going to maybe decent dancers! Yeah we so embarassing. I thought for sure they were gonna kill me. But sherazad was a great sport about me falling asleep while dancing with her.gosh, that was so fun. Sooo lucky I didn't get

  • Rangor asked me to post this log, since he was going to sleep at the end of it -- it's a little long, even without city/house/market chatter, but it was a fun couple of hours of chatting and poking at old, old friends (and their new ideas!)

    Bydar, a garish-looking trader says, "I'm not a man, I'm an experience."
  • edited January 2014
    Does  this count as an RP log?? 

    Wrote a letter at <17:32:02:589> .

    Four minutes later, I get my response:

    A guttural voice whispers in your ear, "I do not recognize you."
    5612h, 5106m CXEK||HeSF -<17:36:53:163>  

    <Scripted NPC shit with no thought placed into it whatsoever>

    5612h, 5037m CXEK||HeSF -<17:37:34:644>  
    The internal pressure within your burning body reaches its height just as your 
    innards explode violently outward.
    You have been slain by the power of Evil.
    Your starburst tattoo flares as the world is momentarily tinted red.
    5288h, 5106m XEDBK||HeSF -<17:37:35:353>  [-324h] [+69m] 

    You have been slain by the power of Evil.
    0h, 5106m XEDBK||HesF -<17:37:35:359>  [-5288h] 

    You sink to your knees in despair as you realise that you have been cast out of 
    the Divine Order of Sartan.
    0h, 4206m XEDBK| PSD|HesF -<17:39:26:174>  

    1/22/23:40 --- brands you a traitor to Mhaldor and casts you out.

    5 RL years building up a character, gaining some small level of respect, 5 years of being loyal to sartan/Mhaldor, training newbies and Maldaathi, and all of it gone in less than 5 minutes..

    1/22/23:44 An armoured stallion, your loyal companion, has been slain by Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord.

  • Goggo said:
    something is really, really wrong with the leadership there.
  • If that was the whole interaction, that was gayer than Silas. I might be biased because I like Rakon though.
  • edited January 2014
    They only thing I cut out from that is an NPC daemon spouting a scripted speech about how only the weak leave Mhaldor. Sorry to have left in that manner @Tirac, I really did try to work things out before this point. 
  • edited January 2014
    Jurixe said:
    I'm not interested in trying to defend myself or the leadership of Mhaldor, as stuff like that is entirely IC. That's a pretty large brush that's being used to tar everyone, and things always get blown up much more on the forums (good and bad alike). It's all perspective.

    I will say two things, however:

    1) That is pretty much the exact response I would have expected from Sartan, so it's really no surprise there. You wanted the Seven Truths, you got it.

    2) When there comes a point where what you enjoy doing in the game and the environment you're in has reached an impasse, one or the other has to give way. If it'll increase your enjoyment of the game to find a different place to play, by all means, that way it works out for everyone. So often people that depart organisations (across the board, not directed specifically at you) believe themselves martyrs because theirs is the Word, and everyone else is blind or has failed to follow. Of course those of us who do conversions capitalise on this ICly, but OOCly, it's really just a hotbed of bitterness.

    Things that such people need to consider: The game of now is not the game of then. The environment and players are different and cities have had to adapt to that. It is the burden of leadership to consider how to juggle progress in the 'modern day' while still keeping sight of tradition and history of the cities. Trying to uphold outdated behaviour will inevitably lead to unhappiness. Have you spoken to the leaders about your grievances? Have they tried to discuss it with you? Are your concerns/solutions legitimate? It's very difficult to be unbiased in this regard, but I encourage everyone to really step back and think about it as clearly as you can for a moment.

    Otherwise, it is entirely possible that the development of your character has moved away from what worked in this environment, and it is time to seek other places to play in. That is perfectly fine. But you need to consider that the problem might actually be with you, and not the majority of the org itself (though of course, these are always easier to blame). If the majority of other people are enjoying the place as it is, then it was probably for the best that everyone parted ways.

    Have you spoken to the leaders about your grievances? 

    Have they tried to discuss it with you? 
    Not really

    Are your concerns/solutions legitimate?
    According to you and many others, nope. I'm just whining. 

    That said I have nothing against the people who are actively trying to lead Mhaldor currently, and that includes you @Jurixe. I have an issue with what the current Mhaldor has become. The laxity, the kinder/gentler aspect to everything, the non-combative nature of those in charge of a combative city. Mhaldor has been headed down a new path for a while, and unfortunately, the path the leaders (or admin, or gods) have chosen for it, is not what Mhaldor should be. We don't need another Hashan with a rougher forward face. Mhaldor has lost its identity, even in gaining an active divine. Guess that's what happens when you bring in talent from another mud that has no clue what the city atmosphere should be like. Mhaldor's always been a bit clique, but the current level of cliq-ness surppasses that of a high school drama club. 

    Re: your edit  If the majority of other people are enjoying the place as it is, then it was probably for the best that everyone parted ways.

    Ask the newer players. Sure they like it. Ask the older players. Do they? I'm betting the answer would be no. However, I can't speak for everyone only myself of course. 

    (people have been asking about the letter from a previous post, pastebin deleted it. Can't edit that post, so the letter is here)
  • edited January 2014
    If you don't like a city for whatever reason and the game stops being fun, leave the city. Or take a break from Achaea. That's all, nothing else to it, no hard feelings involved! (Unless you do something extraordinarily offensive, but then I get more experience that way, muahaha)

    But really, I see a problem with the way a lot of people seem to approach Achaea, in terms of combat. 

    When in conflict -> You will die and lose xp. This is true. But if you play smartly, and are willing to learn and try not to get too upset, you'll avoid death next time!

    And (unless you're a jester or shaman, both classes of which are very useful, but sadly they die and get few kills) once you die less, you'll gain kills and experience over time.

    Trust me. This is coming from someone who gets targeted a shit load. If you have a calm attitude and are willing to learn, it all comes with time.

    And EVERYONE has had those days of frustration when you just want to give up. Sometimes everything that could have gone wrong in a combat goes HORRIBLY wrong (Trust me, I've raided with @Xer, whatagoddamnscrub). What's important is that you calm down and learn. 

    tl;dr: If not having fun bc of city -> leave city, end of story. If upset about combat, mindset is everything, experience comes back easy.

    Edit: Also, sorry if this is sort of not related to this thread at all, but meh. I blame @Jurixe.

  • tl;dr: If not having fun bc of city -> leave city, end of story. If upset about combat, mindset is everything, experience comes back easy.
    I'm currently not upset about combat, wasn't earlier, and haven't been even after getting killed 8 times in the raid yesterday. The above was posted in roleplay logs because, however short, it will factor into the future roleplaying path I decide to take Rakon on. That's it. It's not a rant, and wasn't meant to be.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Lesson learned: Sometimes letters to Gods go well. Sometimes, they do not.

    Not very well at all.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Melodie said:
    Lesson learned: Sometimes letters to Gods go well. Sometimes, they do not.

    Not very well at all.
    Agreed. But regardless, it shouldn't ever end up costing 2500cr or so. Live and learn, sure. But that's a pretty huge expense to chalk up to 'learning experience'. 
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